The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 06, 1922, Image 4

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Wo do building from the excavating to the painting
complete. We will figure your jobs to furnisb all mater
ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME
BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you tho differ
ence between good and inferior stucco.
Wc build screen doors and window screens and do
carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for
screen doors and window screens now.
Rod Cloud, Nebraska
entered In tho I'optorlice nt Kcd ( loud,N'cb
an Second Claw Mr.v'cr
A. B. MoAKTUUK, Editor and. Owner
Advertsing Rates
Foreign, per column inch 15c
Local, ' " 10 & 1
I Greater Than Richei
A good healthy body, is mote to bo desired
a ihnn ?11 ihi wr.ilih of the world. Good health
assures a clear mind, inspires energy, ambiton
an'd working? efficiency. '
The Food We Eat Is Important
The careful housewife will secure only the
highest grade groceries and foodstuffs to safeguard
the health of the family.
Our Goods Are The Highest Quality
Selected to give our patrons the best goods
obtainable at prices as low as it is possible to
make them.
This Store Will Help You
' In the practice of consistent economy and give
you full value for ever dollar you spend here.
P. A. Wullbrandt
Groceries and Queensware
If it's worth printing at all
it's worth printing well!
Nothing gives a business concern a "Cheap
John" appearanco as quickly as the use of
poorly done printing. A concern is judged
by the appearance of their place of business
and by the class of correspondence and the
kind of advertising matter used. Since the
success df any business institution depends
upon the impression made upon the public
the necessity of using only the very best
printing is obvious.
It costs as much to do a job poorly as to do it right
We are prepared to handle high grade x s
commercial printing of all kinds and enjoy
. doing work for those who are particular about
their printing and want it right.
The Red Cloud Chief
Political Announcements
For Sheriff
I lieruby nntioutice myself nsa enndi
ditto, fur the nomination fur Sheriff of
Webstur County, nt the Primary, July
19, 1022, subject to tho will of tho He
publlcHii voters of Webster county.
1 hereby announce myself Mneandi'
date for the nomination for Sheriff of
WobnttJr Comity lubjoct to tfit will c.f
the votera of the Democratic prfy nt
the Primnry r taction, July 19. 1922.
I hereby announce mystlfa a candi
date for the nomhmUon for Sheriff uf
Wobbler County, nt tho Primary, July
IS, 11)22, unbjeot to the will of the Ku
publican votori of Wobiter county.
I hereby imnounuu myself as ii candi
date fur reelection to the oillce of
County Sheriff of Webster county, sub
ject to the will of tho Democratic vot
ers, at the primary election, July IS,
I hereby announce myself ns n candi
date for the nomination for Shorlff of
Webster County subject to tho will of
tho Republican voters at tho Primary,
July 18, 1022. FRED HEDGE.
I hcroby announce myself as a cnndl.
date for tho nomination for Sheriff of
Webster County subject to tho will of
tho Democratic voters of Webster coun
ty at tho Primary, July 18th.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for tho nomination for Sheriff of
Webster County subject to the will of
tho Republican voters of Webstercoun
ty at the Primary, July 18.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the nomination for Sheriff of
Webster County subject to the will of
tho Republican voters of Webster
county at the Primary, July 18th!
For County Clerk
I hereby announce mysolf as a candi
date, for the nomination fur County
Clerk of WebStcr County, at tho prl.
mary. July IS, 1022, Mibjuct to tho will
ol thq voters of tho Democrat party.
" 15. V. PERRY.
I hereby announeu mytelf at a candi
date, for tho nomination for County
Clerk of Webber County, nt the prl-
maty. July 18, 1022, snl'ct to the will
of the voters of tlu Republican party.
Two representatives of the Depn't
mentof AgiicultuiM have been in
Webster county incc July 1, 'making
n fnrm-to-fuim survey for tho com
mon barberry. The common bi bony
i. tjie alternate, host of tho black stem
rust of cereals. The rupt ove. winters
on grasses, stubble, and In st aw piles.
In tho spring time of the year, Ihe
black rust sporcs (seeds) gcrminntc
nnil n:c carried by tho wind for great
distances. Tho spoivs falling on the
barroy leaves, germinate and produce
an infection. About two weeks aftor
tho spores (seeds) fall on the bar-,
berry leaf, an infection I observed on
tho barberies. This lust from the
barberries is carried then bv the
wind t3 grain fields. Tho rust on the
tfrain in the red spore stage of the
rust, wnen conditions become un
favorable! for the growth of this red
ust, it is changed into the black rust.
The bf&ok rust ssporea Creeds) hue
thick wails and aw capab'c of wilh
vlandftjr the winter itaather cfcnil
tion;. In Artm, Hall and nor1 hern Or go
cruntiO".. Vust haa sp'' J mm r
p'nple lft;berry bush in each "su,o
about 3r.O feet on graspci and cci'-Js.
By cvad; eating the .hab-vries, cnc
source of ru..t infection vil bu cli Hn
Any Information in regard to the
location of barberries will bo grratly
appreciated if the same is communi
catcd to A. F. Thiol, plr.nt Phathology,
College of Agriculture, Lincoln, Nebraska.
H IwnB ''jlHl'in rn-rn&-ywffMw'lT?l i iliriViti nmnnTmm
Ism II JrirlW'ii-nflttfcwlii
Bar m!el
For County Treasurer
I heivby announce myself nu candi
date for the nomliiHiiuti for County
TroiiHUret of Webster County subject
to tho will of the voters of the- Repub
lican party at tho Primary election,
July 18, 1922.
1 hereby announce mysolf asa candi
date for tho nomination of County
Treasurer of Webster County subject
to tho voters of the Democratic ticket
at tho Primary election, July 18th.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for tho'nomlnatlon for County
Treasurer of Webster County subject
to the will of the voters of tho Repub
lican ticket at the Primary election
July 18th.
Indians on the West Coast of Wash
ington Take Desperate Risks
' Robbing Murrea' Nests.
Tho sea fowl known as tho murre
arrives off tho west coast of Washing
ton early In tho spring, finds a silt In
the rockcllffs or a convenient ledge
where, with no nesting material, the
eggs are laid. Egg gatherers, mostly
Indians, climb tho cliffs dally, taking
out one fresh egg from each nest. The
climbers maintain their positions on
the almost perpendicular rocks by chip
ping out hand and foot holds from the
cliffs. These are used year after
year. A bag hung from the neck and
extending down the back contains thq
egg harvest.
The egg of tills sea fowl, the Detroit,
Ncw9,Btntes, has excellent nourishing
quallj for Invnllds, and contains an.
abnormal amount of white albumen.
Though the murre subsists on fish, the
flavor of the egg Is not dissimilar to
that of tho domestic hen. A curious
feature In cooking Is that tho nlbumoi)
does not become solidified and of an
opaque whiteness, as does thnt of tho
chicken egg, but retains Its jellyllka
character and In !lp:ht blue In color.
In size tho ocrs are approximately
thnt of the goose.
pUMFORT-for it means a cool kitchen.
V- Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn
- kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency
for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of
operation and every bit of heat is concentrated
close under the cooking. ? v
Come in and let our salesmen show its many '
good points.
G.W. Trine'si Hardware
I hoteby announce mysolf asa candi
date for tho nomination for County
Troasurer of Webstor County subject
to tlie will or the voters of ihe Repub
lican party nt this Primary, July 18.
UHAS C. UKNNKTT, Cowles, Nebr
1 hereby announce mysolf nsacandl-
dato for tho olllcu of County Treasurer
of Wobster County, subject tn tho will
of tho Republican voters at tho pri
mary election, .inly IB, l'JS'J.
P. E. MUTTON, Blue Hill, Ncbr.
I hereby announce myself nsa candi
date for County Treasurer faubject to
the will of tho voters of tho Democrat
tlckot at tho Primary July 18, 1022.
What Are Known as Creepers Have
the Faculty of Strangling Life
Out of Trees.
The ecnimoji Ivy Is a real crlmlnnl
of tho planUworld. Wli'-n It Irii no
wall to clhpb. It will live on other
plants, sapping their vitality as It
creeps higher and higher, until Its
victims are suffocated.
A similar fate overtakes trees In
Central American forests which re
ceive the attention of n creeper called
tho nmtapolo, or tree-killer. Tho lat
ter grows very quickly, tho tendrUs
overhanging tho tree's branches and
reaching down to the ground, whero
they tnko frosh root. Soon the victim
Is surrounded by a regular thicket of
creepers, which deprive It of both air
and Tight.
A variety of wild fig Is Just as cruel.
A bird, perhaps, drops a Seed In tho
fork of a tree. The seed soon germi
nates, (Ui Its roots cling to the trunk
of the vttlm as they make their way
to the ground. Onco the ground s
reached, the strangling process begins,
for the fig grows rapidly, crushing
out Its victim's life so completely that
If disappears entirely.
I hcroby announco myself as a candi
date, for tho nomination for Couuty
Treasurer of Wobster County, at tho
primary, July 18th, subject to tho will
of tho voters of tho Democrat party,
C. R. RAKESTRAW, Bladen, Neb.
For County Superintendent
I hereby announco myself as a candi
date for retiomlnationlfor County Sup
erintendent of Schools on tho Non
Political ticket at the Primary election
July 18th. ESTlJLLE E. DUCKER.
1 hcroby announco myself as a candi
date for tho olllco of County Snporln.
tondent of Sohools, of Webstor oouuty
on tho Non-Polltlonl ticket, subject to
the will of tho voters nt tho Primary
Good Word for Hobbles.
One dtrlko made by tho modern maid,
both In philosophy and ethics, Ids that
of doing Justlco to tho hobby. Hobbles
not Infrequently assumo a scientific
or at least a qiuisl-sclontlfic form.
Hnppy Is tho mnu who Is nn amateur
botanist, and amateur zoologist, an
amateur anything, which brings lilm
Into kindly contact with nnturo. Take
It by and large, the world is much bet
ter off for hobbles than It would bo
without them. Even In tin tolerant
and lmlf-pltylng smllo bestowed on tho
hobby there Is recognition that his
hobby Is harmless, but In 000 cases
out of 1,000 tho hobby Is n positive
benefit. Almost always It Is a health
preserver, and moro times than It gets
credit for U has proven a Ufe-SYfc
Surgeon to Birds.
Miss Vlrglnlii Pope, n surgeon to
birds, Intended to bo nn artist when
sho started out In llfo. She became
Interested In birds while selling pre
pared bird food In order to maintain
herself while Art was still a beckoning
Muse, with nothing substantial, from
a financial standpoint, In her luting
palm. Tho birds were so fascinating
thnt Miss Popo decided to devoto her
self to feathered friends and let Art
drift on over tho mountains. Ex
change. '
Doii't Let The Senate
Boost Your Clothing Bill
Within a few days the Senate will have taken
action upon the Tariff Bill which has already
passed the House. It provides a tariff of 33c
per pound on the scoured content of wool.
To Every Man it Means an Increase of at
Least $4.00 on Every Suit of Clothes
or overcoat he buys hereafter. And every
woman who buys a wool suit or coat will have
to pay a proportionate increase. Every boy's
suit will cost' more.
Write or Wire Your Senator at Once
arid tell him to insist on "revising the wool
tariff ia line with puMic interest. '
i - s
We waul low clothing pricts . So y
do you. Were doing our best to
keep prices down. Help us . by
writing to your Senator to slice
the duty on toool.
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
Weesner's Harvest Specials
Gallon Peaches, full pack, standard quality '65c
" Brook-Dale, very fine 75c
" Punch Brand, the best packed 1.00
Apricots, Oak Glen, standard quality 75c
" Punch Brand, nice large halves,
very solid, not mushy, fine for pie or sauce 1.00
Pears, Nancy Hanks, whole spiced
Cherries, Royal Annes, very fine
Blackberries, Puyallup brand, solid pack,
very little water, the best you can buy
Pineapple, F. F. 0. G. Sliced, extra fine 1.25
" Balcers grated, nice for pies 1.00
Apples, Puyallup brand, Western pack 80c
Buy Gallon Goods at these Prices its Economy
P. WeesDej Company
Fo?" Those New Floors
Bruce Brand
. OAK ,-
Fly Nets
Now is the time to buy fly n ets and covers of all inds at
pre-war prices. Come in and see my line before buying.
Successor to J. O. Butlor
Democratic Candidate for State
Representative - 7 1 ST Distridh
1 am for:- Economy in Stale and Local Government. To this end I
should be hd to vole to - Repeal the Code Law; Eliminate useless,
and unnecessary Stale Boards and cut down expenses of those retained;
Restrict junketing of State Officers and Legitative Members to point of
efficiency; Make economical and efficient service the rule everywhere.
If you believe in my platform, I will appreciate
your support at the Primary.