The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 06, 1922, Image 3

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Commencement at West Point and the Honor Man
Western Canada
Offers Health and Wealth
and hai brought contentment anil happiness
to thousands of home seekers nnd their (ami.
lies who hnvc started on her FllKIUtnmesteads
or bouRht land nt attractive prices. They have
catabllshed their own homes and secured pros
perity and independence. In tlio great (train
f trowing sect loin of the prairie provinces there
a still to he had on cnuy term
Fertllo Land at SI5 to $30 an Aero
land similar to thnt which through many
year hns yielded from 20 to IR fjushcla
of wheat to tho aero oata, barley and fl.ix
also In nbundnncc, while raitlitu
homes, cattle, sheen nnd Iioh is -finally
Erolitnblc. Hundreds of (nrmcrn In Wcitem
anad.i have raised crops In n single Reason
worth more than the whole cost ol their land.
Ucattmul climate. koocI neighbors, churches,
achools. rural telephone, excellent markets
and ahlppinK facilities. The climate nnd soil
offer Inducements (or almost every branch oi
agrlcultute. The advantages for
"Made Mo Well and Strong11
and nnd u Ktc beneflt. 1 linl julniln
tor itumach and tKiiteli, but by iht oisof
l'o-ru-na and Min-vlln, I m well nnd
ilronii iTin. 1jwt keep few botUM
la U.0 buUtS." 1 8. OiOi o HAT.
," DMo.l. lloxW.
WlcboU, low
, Mr.Gry'rjtirlen(oIslmttnorfl evidence thtt Po-ra-D
U Quito at good a remedy lor catarrh ot tho stomach, bowels or
f ', . HI'JH JWajini . ' iaaV
rT. ff iikTflWv!HW7K
JlMlr -' " - - . liMP
ri.n,NvV ri 1 1 Triir iliii La
r K
General view of tliu commencement exercises nt the V nltcd States Military uciidctny at West Point, showing
Secretary of War Weeks addressing the cadets. The illustration also shows Cliarles J. Uurrctt, who won highest
lionors In the graduating class, was first captain of codetB and Is now a second lieutenant. Ho served overseas with
the Twenty-Ninth division and was one of ISO soldiers selected to enter the ncodemy. Ills homo Is In Newark, N. J.
Horse Guards Parade Before King George
y iauimwi",'ig,i ..
"tfv .'Wrf.WBMW,JJWWCTW.JgXlvvA-i-vrt tWX v" . "-.T.w.vw..v--vltf-
,, iwwairr
F? IjS?;1 rtfl ilia ar,"1-! f ji fc'tvL.'.iSi---v-r'J -
I -c'rwl- 1. . . . vjrf-fi"'"' '::' "i'-Xt 'SS' "' 'i'JL'T
-j-- -- i.w i-- . ;;.; v - - ' - --
? TIT . . -w ....
ffrerr i ram
tUtt 5i 5. lwll"
f f fff vf iriTrra-B
'-"""nk jet j t i UgflPl!
-rTTTj-"""-MMtMCMycAl'l"rf I" fTT? yy rSTjL ftl y 1r9mmSJXlJPJrlCM?FtiirVrF9 mQ I rjflt rtKfir' m ! ft VbV Vt
f 1 wM l.rtWWivJ,vi. vXvWvW.iivf'
Here Is one of the picturesque ceremonies that took place in London on the king's birthday the parade of the
Horse Gunrds before King George.
Berliner Helicopter Really Rises
i-X'M-i Js'iS Hv IVWS
With the successful development of this helicopter which now will rise
ten feet off the ground, Henry A. licrliner and his father, Emllo Berliner,
believe that In a few years llyers will be able to hop off from the roofs of
buildings. The helicopter has the fuselage mid rear controls of an ordinary
piano with two 14 foot horizontal propellers replacing the wings, and Im
mediately beneath the propellers four narrow vanes acting as controls with a
Miinll horlzontnl propeller near the tall of the plane. Ttio two large propellers
literally pull the plane into the air, the small propeller giving It the horizontal
motion. '
bWlwuMm,ii,.. '.(CTm"lMm,wiM,j-)wr H BtBBKJ ' W
Smashers of Aviation Records
r .-
I J t M-m
. IwJr S.V
Nai,WWrM,MW .L, Wain I'. r
Hue uro the aviators who utiMcCook field broko two world's records.
They attained nn nltitudo of li-1,200 feet, and oito of the'm dropped 2-1,200 feet
In a yam chute. They arc left to right: Lieut. Leigh Wade, pilot of the
ehlp Capt. A. W. Stevens, chief of the photograph section, who mad'o tho
parecliute drop, and Itoy Langliam, observer.
Tars and tar products aro fast re
placing mineral oil for surfacing roads.
Venice is built on eighty Islands
and has 400 brldgei.
Tho great seal herd of the North
Pacific, under adequate protection, has
Increased to 000,000.
Mlchnel II. Walsh, tho horticulturist
who first produced tho rambler rose,
recently died In Maiden, Mass.
Mrs. Louise C. Ellis, who recently,
won her court fight when Justice Burr
of the Supremo court declared her tho,
solo heir of Goorga M. Chapmnn,
wealthy real cstnte owner, who died
In 1887. Tho estate Is said to bo near
ly $1,000,000. Mrs. Ellis says thnt sho
will glvo practically nil of tho Inherit-,
nnce to charity If sho lives to got It,
British statesmen frequently are ar
dent sportsmen In their lelsuro hours.
Hero Is Mr. Bonar Law playing In a
tennis tournament.
v uinar urgana ub i 19 lor cougiia, ojiu.ibu iimi iiiilu , .
p re-ru-nalanwondTlullyflrnmiiJldnotohavi la Ui Iioum lablcu 0T JLUHlllI
1 (or ovarvdav (11a.
, Stud to ihePtmna Company, Cohmbttt, Ohio tor tr c 1 . p ...-
hooktttaBitmtiiiaa adviu. bold ivrcrywhero
That Swatl
Yesterday's newspaper still has
great potential value. Itollcd Into tho
ehapo of a bludgeon, It can do power
ful execution and wonderful work In
tho decimation of tho common, low
lived house fly. A dead fly Is tho only
good fly nnd Its good Is Infinitesimal
even In that condition. So swnt tho
flics right uow. Bnrro (Vt.) Times.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottlo of
OASTOHIA, that fnmoua old remedy
for Infants and children, and sco that It
Bears tho
Slgnnturo of
Iu Uso for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Flotchcr's Castoria
1 Electricity's March.
In less than 20 years the electricity
produced In Amcrlcn bits Increased
more than in times, until It Is now
Ave times greater than tho energy that
every man In tho nutlon could put forth
In a year, working eight hours a day.
Obeisance to the real "bear for work 1"
IIXSN'3 FOOToDASEI, tho anttieptto
fOTTiler to bo ahaken Into the ahoea, atops
ha pain ot corns and bunlona, nnd ttlvea
quick relief to awentlnr, callous, tlrad, aching-,
tender feet, bltatera and eore apota. It
reata the feet, keeps them cool and comfort
able. Bhoea and atocktnxa wear twice aa lonr
Whan 70U walk In comfort. Advertlaoment.
Kind of Office "Help" With Which
Most of Us Are More or Less
, Tho Colorado building boasts tho
"dumbest" girl In all Washington, as
serts tho Post of that city. She's a
nectarine, n pippin' nnd n peach. Re
cently her boss, who Is a very busy,
bellowing sort of mun, told her to get
Agriculture on tho telephone. Sho
Jumped for a phono directory.
Time woro on. Lato afternoon
came. Tho boss had been engrossed
In matters of grave Importance, nnd
It wan nenrly 4:30 beforo ho suddenly
recalled that Annlo hadn't reported
on his morning phono call.
"Annie," ho thundered, "whero's my
Agrlculturo call?"
"Why, I'm sorry, sir, but ho hasn't
got n phono."
"Who hnsn't got n phono?"
"Why, Mr. Culture, sir. I looked
through nil the C's and nil tho K's,
sir, and I couldn't find Mr. Agra Cul
ture's nnmo In either list, sir."
"Line's Busy."
"Tho new guest must bo n lover of
"Ho spends most of his tlmo In a
telephono booth."
"A man Isn't solitary If ho's talking
to somebody over tho wire."
"Umphl Many n man goes Into a
telephone booth who doesn't succeed
In starting a conversation." Bir
mingham Age-Herald.
(n 1050.
"I saw a pedestrian on the rond
"What! A live one?' Life.
Locomotive's Good Record.
In a Wyoming coal mine thero is
nn electrical mlnu locomotlvo that Is
still going strong after 27 years. It
has hauled 3,712,000 tons of coal an
nverngo of 1.5 miles. Many a mule
hns gono to a quiet gruvo In that
period: for mules mny como nnd mules
may go, but an electric locomotlvo
goes nil the time.
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
25$ and 754 Packages, Everywhere
Always Under Suspicion.
"I often wonder why Jnuka Is not
tmore popular, for ho's tho politest
man I know."
"That's 'Just tho trouble. Ho's so con
foundedly pollto ho gives tho linpres
slon thnt ho wants to borrow money."
If yon ubo Red Cross Ball Blue In
your laundry, you will not bo troubled
by those tiny rust spots, often caused
by Inferior bluing. Try It and sec.
Dairying:, IVttxed Farming
and Stock Raising
mnkeatremendous appeal to Industrious
settlers wlahliiR to Improve their clrcum
atances. I'or certificate cntltllntt you
to reduced rnllway rates. Illustrated
literature, maps, description of farm
opportunities in Manitona, sjj.
Katcnewan. niuerta nno un
tlih Columbia, etc., vvrlto
800 Petar'a Trust Uulldlna
Omaha, Nab.
totaarttW , Swl lan-ittntlM
a4 Cltftatt. otliil f Can
Fan Can 8ervo Two Purposes.
Tho biff, wheel-shaped fan placed ot
the top of tho air shrift of n coal mlno
for ventilating tho mine Is sometime:)
designed for blowing nlr Into tho mine,
nnd Bometlmcs for drawing It out.
Quickly Qono.
"In this Ufo nothing la permanent
I but change," remnrlcB n philosopher.
HANDY .JACK Ono tnnn chanuea hanvloat
hny rncka, wnxon boxon, otr., (runt Krourn
onto wriKon nnd off. Wrlto for freo deacrlp
tlvo ctroulnra. (load aliln linn for titanic
anilth. I'. I.OV15IIINU. Krctnont, Nnhrnaka.
ItAlllO You run enally inuhn your own
liomn-aat. Drnwlnirn will) Inxtructtona 25o.
IlADIO-t'ItAKT COMPANY, Cleveland. Ohio.
Girls! Girls!!
Clear Your Skin
With Cuticura
Soap 25c, Oiatment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c.
Little Ethel's Brave Attempt to Con
ceal What She Felt Must Be
Matter of Poverty.
.Little 'Ethel was nn only child and
ono day, when the minister called sho
was told to entertain lilm In tho par
lor until her mother 'could sco him.
A few minutes later tho mother,
on her way downstairs, heard tho vis
itor ask Ethel how many brothers nnd
sisters sho had, and, to her surprlso
and constcrnntlon, tho llttlo miss an
swered, "Seven."
Although somewhat perturbed, tho
mother mado no comment upon tho
remark of her llttlo daughter, but scut
her out to piny.
After tho minister had left, tho
child was taken to task and asked why
sho had said there wero seven children.
Ethel replied:
"Because I didn't want that Btrango
gentleman to know thnt you wero so
poor that you didn't havo but ono
child." Everybody's Magazine.
Turning It Loose.
"ITcnvens, woman 1 You've turned
yourself Into a vcrltublo tnlklng ma
chine. Why, all through our long en
gagement 'you had hardly n word to
"I know It, but all tho tlmo I was
thinking of things to say after wo
were marrlod." Judge.
Tou mny know what n man thinks of
bis father by what his children think
of him.
Hair Thin? I
Ton nerd QDaft
Ir Toulo to
rcntrthen Is
it to uroir nam
2lAlll vl,All.
the roota and atnpa batr falllnr out Olla ImI1
apota raiddly. Trr Itl At all good dnirirUti, 75c.
Vt direct from MUSIC H1U. OmbU. MmaU,. Ttaa!
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO.' 26.-1022.
Mrs. Mcintosh Had Other Reason
Than Affection for Making Second t
Matrimonial Venture, ,'
v I
Sho was n comely widow, nrtd, more
over, sho WB8 Scotch. Sho mourned
Macintosh, her lato husband, for eight
ccn months, and then from a flock of
suitors cIioho honest, homely Macln
tyro for her second.
1 "I'm no guld enough for ye, denr!"
ho whjsporcd. "What for did ya
chooso 1110 oot o' sue mouy?"
"Ah, .well, ye see, your nnmo's Mac
Intyre." "Yes, but" begun tho bewildered
suitor. t
"An' yo ken," finished tho widow,
"all my linen Ib murked 'Mel,' that's
why, Donald,"
Sometimes There. ,
"They kissed when tho Judge grnnt'
cd their divorce decree?"
"There's nothing like pnrtlng
"Hut Is It proper for n mnn nnd
woman to kiss in such a public way;
when they aro no longer married?"
"I bco no objection to It, provided
their future mates aro not In court"
First Street Railway on Bowery.
' The first street railway In tho world,
was tho New York and Harlem rond,
built on tho Bowery In Now York city;
and opened for trnvel In 1832.
The Old
Carriage Maker
Had an
Important Truth
JL O make each port as strong as the rest," was his way of "buildinit
a wonderful, oneihorse chaise that wouldn't wear out till judgment day.
This illustrates a fact that is keeping many doctors busy these days
human bodies, like chaises, break down because some part isn't as
strong as the others. ,
Very often it's because of ill-balanced food, lacking in some impor
tant element of nutrition. This is especially true of ills developed in
childhood, and carried on through life.
Grape-Nuts, that world-famous, rcady-to-eat cereal, brings the plan
of building each part as strong as the rest to serve human need. Grape
Nuts contains all the nutriment of those best of the field grains, wheat
and barley, including the vital mineral elements,' and it is a wonderful
food for- building and sustaining health and strength.
The delicious flavor and crispness of Grape-Nuts make it a wel
come dish whenever you're hungry
GrapeNuts the bodybuilder
'There's a Reason"
Made by Poitum Cereal Cs., Iao., Battle Creek, Mick.)
,i i
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