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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1922)
jjg) CLOUD, nnixu. 'v: a a i' 4S CLOTHES By HAZEL R. LANQDALE , 10:2. by McCluro Kawinater Syndicate J'- Henry let the magazine ho hnd been leading Blip to U10 lloor ns bo reached .for bis. tobacco to lilt Ills pipe. Then J16 glanced ut tho clock and put his tJOtlcK ttfc'ck In bis pocket, unopened. Scotching his arms nbovo his head, ho yawned. "QqsIi, Jenny, Bcss I'll turn in. I've lmd sort of 11 hnrd day nt tho shop, und It's later than I thought. You mind?" His wife, oer her basket of mend Inc. shook nn Indifferent bend. "Night, Henry. Don't forget to wind the clock and sot the nlnrm. I'll Ilnlsh here njd then rend n spell to rest me." Silence settleil on tho Crampton 2i6uSehold n silence thnt lasted long after Jenny lmd plnccd n skillful patch en n worn tablecloth, had darned sev eral pairs of Henry's nodes, and had jend her spell in Henry's dlscnvded aongnzlnc. For ns she picked up tho book whero it lny open on the floor beside Jlcr husbnnd's chair, n glaring tltlo caught her eye: "Have you kept your Jiusbnnd's love?" Powerfully as u spoken nccusntlon, It rlvetted nnd chal lenged her attention, nnd she rend 'the Indictment which followed with a brenthlcss fascination. Then, when sho Jhnd finished tho nrtlclo sho laid It clown with n deeply Indrawn sigh. Why, that writer had drawn Henry and hcrl For wasn't Henry getting tin rbinantlcnlly on in years, nnd wasn't oho middle-nged and run-down-nt-hoel nnd unattractive? And hndn't Henry Jong ago gotten over showing any of those Intimate little signs of affection which women prize? Tho occasional tender word tho kiss nt tho door be fore going nwny In tho morning the eomrndely pnt on tho shoulder now and ngnln? And there was aa wnrnlng tncked on at the end of the article. "Do caro fal," It rend, "that your husband, In a sort of second youth, doesn't look for his happiness elsewhere. It he hows signs of sprucing up himself, nmlndful of your nppenrance, be .wareP Absent-mindedly sho followed In Henry's footsteps, making sure that doors were locked and bolted. Then she climbed tho stair and crept Into bed, eoly to Ho there for many wakeful, planning hours. The. next day sho experienced a ' aharp and sudden pang when Ilenry lift tho house without even saying .?& Le,te that afternoon, bundle-laden, weary, yet withal exhilarated, Jenny returned from the city. Her feet ragged a bit, but In her ayes was. the Ight of was It battle or merely fern lalne anticipation? Shut la her bed room, the unwrapped her. purchases and spread them upon the bed. Then be did rarlous things to her hair, daubed a bit of powder on. her nose, t a polish on Anger nails' that bad Seen recently manicured, and, finally, she- arrayed herself from head to foot far attire that was brand new, rather expensive, and extremely up-to-date. As sho waited for hor husband on tttr little porch tho minutes passed fewly. Ono suburban car after an clier stopped at tho corner and dis gorged Its passengers. Still no Henry. Arrived an In-between rush-hour car, which let out only two women and a man In gray. Jenny bit her Up aervously. This was even later thin aval. Why why that man In gray was stopping at the gate. He bad swung It open was coming up the Htb.1 Why, It was Henry! Yes, It was Henry in a new gray alt, new hat, new shoes. And even a Mew lift to his walk, a new set to bis skeulders. Jaunty, almost Yet his ex fresslon was that of a man who baa leea caught red-banded In crime. It set badly with bis air of rejuvena tion. Suddenly that expression changed. Amazement, bewilderment, Incredulity ehaaed one another across his count aaace. Jenny felt Impelled to explana tion. Then she would demand the same from bbj. ' i rtad an article," sho said, Just a bit defiantly, "about keeping your foeks to prolong your husband's love. Hut you, oh, Henry, what made yon?" Henry drew her gently Into the ball within, his arm exerting a tonder pres sure. "Why, Jenny dear," ho said. "I yead that samo article, nnd decided that 'what's sauco for tho goose,' you know, 'Is Bauco for tho gander T" "Henry l" Jenny's voice fairly sang the word. "Wasn't It odd that we soth " "It sure wns," Interrupted her bus land, hnBtlly. "It suro was." But considering thnt Henry had taken pnlns to drop his mngnzlnc open at thnt pnrtlculnr spot, perhaps It was n't so very odd, after nil! I Niagara Falls. John Thomas, n small lad of nod ford, Ind., en route, to Join the father at Rochester, N. Y., had been told they would seo Niagara falls before xencblug Rochester. They wore met at the Indianapolis station by friends with whom they wcro to spend the lay. Ah they drove around tho mon ument, tho youngster, his faco aglow with enthusiasm, said: "Oh, mother, S that Niagara falls?" 1 ,$t Footprints. "Women are taking a wonderful Beadersblp In affairs of state," "They are," replied Senator 8oc gnam. "Fame has recognized feral aloe genius. I shouldn't tre surprised LV..YT .H.Kr 'ra .KB h V""- I -1 High Trlnco c; Chr.ldea In teresting Lecturer 'or Chautauqua Sjnolk Raphael, sun of "I am mid, who was the high pri t onj ; from L.'..uUea, ISj anc nil hoi le rrom u..uuei, v.- nnc nn mint r, of Abraham, between thi CI n d IXTclM -vor. l-l a .'.,, t (lis $ tanco from Bagdad, tr-o Unions city of Mio Wnlilui Nl"htk. Although his nooplo Ivo toiliy t W1W101II innfieni rontmi ini - mnch-iis Abraham did l tb da-.1 of Old Testament history you i prlnto )u t.Ht)ie. oxl ishdy In Turkey, Persia, Russia, fi :mv , j. 9' n ., in-l,'"' Pnnne t'i X sift -.1 Htafr. Mre.'." ' mi My in ovcnil l.mi'unK" .Hid t ' J ' - ' --' n1 .i nti n whlrh 1 t ntatlou.. , i y i 'Hid nm plijtNl In 'i ' .itfu ,.1 . ......o..j ..-" '-1 ' ' us" ' tnmla which 1 In th ery ta rpqion wlinro the (lardi m rf Ktl n is siippu.k'il lo nae Io Ills lift story and the story cf i'i peoi lr 1. ,nl,. C "I'1)'I8, ,r M il hoi bliitr Interest as r v of th storlert of tho Ar.ibiiu 1 lhls. p P W'AMK ,VT -,-V 7 ?r ;k . 'm mn T '.,&& C. Ruckcr Adams and Wife to Demonstrate Health Activity Thoro will be ono feature, on tho Chautauqua program tlr.U ought to Intel eat uvury man, women und child In tho community and tlut Is tho Health Luot'triM nnd dum oii3tration8 lva by Mr. and Mrs. C. Huckcr Ad.niB, who are recog nized ud among tho toroniost health specialists In the country. They tell and show by demonstrations bow to atrengthnn any of the bodily nusdes or function which are' be low normal. There Is nothing of "fad" In th'Hr work, which, would cost many times tho prico of a sea son tlckot and no ono should fail to take advanta'go of the fine op portunity presentod. Mother Lake Strong; Chau tauqua Attraction Mrs. Leonora M. Lake, student and advocate of tho rights of chil dren, for many years co-laborer with Trances Wlllard, la one of the greatest women orators In the country and should command u large hearing hero. We understand her toplo will bo "DIvino Rights of tho Child." No bettor Investment can bo mado for your boy or girl than to buy a season ticket for tho Chautauqua nnd let them bonaflt by and onjoy tho good things ot both tho Junior and Senior Chautauqua programs. Ono tlckot admits to both. 4 Distinguished Reader Pre sents Strong Play, "The Man of the Hour" Prof. I. M. Cochran Is head ot tho Department ot Pub.ic Speaking of ono of tho co"csc3 in our north en BtatM which has taken nioro thnn its slinro ot the Intorcollcglnto dounies. When you lu-..- hoaid him read "Tho Man of thj Hcur," with Its strong and virile c'nrnctors, its ,p-ilo"? ij"T,'!-" of mp-al nuo l.uua and Its absorbing love story, you will undPHtnnil y his debat ing toann luvo utle such n tlno rooo-d Yon will be equally woll j.j J to l."ar him In a mlhcpiln--roi"- r-oijrnm. There Is no'hlng ,nr- ahout his style, but ho does Ret the spirit ot the thing In a mas terly way and ono that completely blots out tho reader. IKk mi f, . WMfffMtiBWV'.SMMU'ifi $mxm!mm asasasasaBjaBCsu ' sasasK BasasassasEjH MBBsasaa ISlBBBBBBBBKBfeiBMiiiSlBr ssasBasBasBasBassak Red Cloud CluuUuqua Attractions 3 wmmmwm r ne ctkw1w' f . iftfi' -.trt Jtj!V'r WfJ'. AWm M'$ &$m hW'l ? I T H ) kid! jfoitf ' nvli, ' T IVVlrfj, i WfH i: .tf mm Xc i, Former Envoy of ,Kor Emperor on Chautauqua Program Dr. Homer B. Hulbert Is nounced ub one of the .lecturers the Chautauqua program. His Tl experience In the principal caplt of Europe and his Intimate haml'.knou-leUKerof. OrleataJ Ml tlonaracflutred- an ;-8peelal teovo7!tf j the KoreaBmp3rcrp.apaldtmAiM bis appeaTBcehere a,rraej; vreafoj " H2JS-. "Give the Boy a Chance" Lecture Topic of Dr. H. Leo Taylor Dr. Taylor cornea from Chicago and feels that tho domestic tran quility, religious prosperity and na tional perpetuity of our coiwtry depends on tho kind of character built by tho boys of today and that tho boy la olthor a national asset or a liability. Ho sots forth tho os sentlal olomonts ot success and Bhould bo heard by every boy as well as by ovory paront, -A' 3k mi t 'AXfie! I , jmW'M T ' T v . , - W X)IT v.iliXfA.L-Xf khM X tWSi Vk 'ivlfrVMHwirtKiW MAiMnVMMl' lBEBSasaSS aHPjHSBaSJr'T FWaTTM I HHHBjnBiHIHHQRNBU . 'A t3 HBeeHnHeMB&C&JvVSeeR IfsssssssssssssmHWiilsssssH ZfSBBBBBBeeeeeBeeeai j & " V 4 BSBBBJ 'v &" ikiBBBBBBBBBBBR ' , VMSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF .? Z 8U j t miiBBBBBBB1 t lBiBBBBBBnfeBBVT iiHJBBBW-'tiBBBr ;mv(AiBTAiiSifMii(K m T iiiB v'.gJJfffBBMyjHSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBj gBBBSgBBBBBBBBBH Eialltat(i iMfi Hears CeinHalats (Continued from first page) Oak Creek UeaCi Ck Harmony Ca hcrton 51 13.5 ia.4 41.5 11.8 51 51 17 4G 39 40 30 32 32 32 30 28 44 44 4.3 42 3D 31) 37 35 33 33 30 30 Kim Creek Guide Rock U8.4 Hntin Cowics Wnlnut Ga; field Line Picas. Hill 37.5 III). I y5.2 ;ji.g UL'.G a7.o 82:8 Iiuivnlc 25 23 On motlcn !t was deckled to mnkc the above chunks by percentage v.hich Vpnld be n3 follows: Glonwood pieclncf, land reduced 2; Potsdam, 'r; Stillwntcr, 11; Red CIo-ul, 14 Oak C.cek, li; Ho:uer Cicek, 1.; Harmon, 8rc; Catlio ton, 9r,' ; C!m Crork, nn rlmnjre; Guide Rock ptp cinct, land toduccd, lit; llatin in- ' mt innd iuicd 3j Cowie.s O'J; Wr.lnut Ci-cok, IM; G.;. field. V.U Line, no ciumce; PIcnsnnt Hill p c cinct, ra'sctl 79f; Innvale, 12. This equalization mnde the lnnd of the county nvcrago exactly $40 per nc 0. 1921 nveraRe wns $11.74 per acre. The Board now proceeded to con sider the complnints on file. Each complaint wns gone over cnicfully and it was found thnt most of the complnints were from the precinct that were raised considerable over their 1921 nsscssment. Tho 1 eductions ns mnde bv the Bonn! ns rbovo indicated ntljimed most of thfac complaints. The fol lowing is the list where 1 eductions were made: Frank Faimon S6 of NE!i, Nla of SEU sec. 3 4-9, improvements re duced from ?800 to ?400. Louis Koit HVx sec. 8-1-10 land reduced Lorn $9,180 to $9,000. Carl Luo SW& 25-4-11 land reduc ed from S9.5C0 to 9,240. C. H. Miner W& SEJi sec C-l-11 land reduced $1,000. E. J. Peterson sec 17-3-12 land re duced from $22,350 to $21,070. D. B. Hulsibush SE& of NEi, KE Vj of SEU sec 3-1-10 land reduced from $4,720 to $4,000. Amelia Banks et ul NEi4 34-4-10 land reduced from $9,280 to $8,800. Andrew Stroh NWW 31-4-9 im provements reduced from $800 to $550. Fay L. Palmer NE 18-2-11 land reduced from $7,010 to $6,400. James H. Jennintrs N1 of NWW 16-1-9 land reduced from $6,280 to $5,500. Ralph Mcllhaney SW SWK of lot 8, Stt NE SWK sec 7-1-10 land reduced to $3,600. John D. Taylor NWVt sec 22-4-11 land reduced from $10,560 to $10,080. Violc Maurer et al WW of sec 23-2-11 land reduced $1,585. Ernest C. Jones NWU sec 8-2-10 improvements reduced from $500 to $250. John Giger NEK sec 121-10 im provements reduced $800: ' Cj L. Cotting block U Case & Mc Neaiy'a.addland reduced from $600 to $300. 'Petar Kockr- SW lice 6-3-12 land reduced from $10,690'to $9,815. . .Fanny M. Woman SW sec 18-2-12 Improvements reduced $150.00. Joseph Hell NEK 36-4-9 improve ments reduced from $1,000 to $800. Geo. J. Benker NW& sec 9-3-9 improvements reduced from $900 to $7UO. Dewey H. Hutchins W NWil 14- 2-10 improvements reduced from $700 to $500. E. R. Foe SWK 30-3-10 land re duced from $6,200 to $5,600. H. F Meyers SW& 28-4-12 Im provements reduced from $1,000 to $800. June 23, 1922. Will H. N rris Ntt of sec 13-2-10 land reduced from $14,720 to $13,320. John G. Frey SE4 24-2-10 im provements reduced from 81,100 to $1,000. Jacob & Rosina Frey in sec 1-1-10 iana reaucea from s.9.din. Adoiph Kronan NWK 10-4-11 land reduced from $8,625 to 8,000, im- provemcnis reduced rrom $1,200 to $1,000. W. E. Thorne sec 6-4-11 land duced from $42,240 to $40,740. re- liottHeb Helz NWK 30-2-9 im provements reduced from $1,500 to $1,000. Joseph Hubl SEK 4-4-9 Improve- mpnis reaucea trom $800 to $600. Albert J. Kindscher N SW 13-2-9 Improvements reduced from $1500 to $1,200. Wm. Holtz WAt NEK 17-1-9 land reduced to $5,000. Thos McMahon EW 25-4-11 land reduced from $14,720 to $14,400. m. it. L,ewis lot 2. In NW 11-4.11 land reduced from $5,265 to $4,750. Chas. Hendrickson SEK 2-4-11 i,n provements reduced from $925 to $750.00 John F. Fnssler NWK 14-4-11 land reduced from $10,860 to $9,600. Joseph Heil NEK 36-4-9 improve ments reduced from $1,000 to $800. John Mattlson Sh SEK 31-3-12 improvements 1 educed from $250 to $125. Edward Reiner W'j, NEK, NWK. SEK sec 15-2-11 lnnd reduced from $12,880 to $12,560. Joe Kohmetschcr SWK 21-4-9 im provements j educed from $1,500 to $1,300, S NEK, NW 26-4-9 improvd ments reduced from $1,300 to $1,100. Mnx F. Benker NWK 19-4-9 im provements reduced from $1,000 to $800. Alvin A. Frey SU'A o-u-li) im provements : educed from $1,100 to $'800. Wm. C Klehl lots 3 to 8 Vance's add to Guide Rock land reduced to $1,050. J. J, Boo"m SEK" NWK 19-1-9 strike off ns!pssmont on improve ments. Wm. Crnbill Wtt of NWK and N of SWK of sec 28-2-11 land roduced to $6,720. . Geo. Shepardson all sec 6-1-12 land reduced from $27,900 to $25,000. Ed. J. Gerlach SEK 13-3-10 land reduced from $7,600 to $7,200, im provements reduced from $2,000 to $1,500, NWK 24-3-10 land reduced from $7,500, to $7,000. , .;, Wm. SpilkerWHPEK, WVa SW t -St. 31 IE COAL We Hf5i liggerhead Maitland And Routt County Lump We sell for why we sell E3 FARMERS ELEVATOR 1 Hd Get Acquainted Order Blank FOR NEW SUBSCRIBERS Date. THE LINCOLN STAR, Lincoln, Nebr. Enclosed is 75 cents, for Jwhich send me by mail your daily edition, every day but Sunday for three months, with the understanding that the paper will stop when the time is up unless I order it continued. r'. n F. 0 Name D X Town State (Write plainly, in pencil. Ink blots.) P. S. Add S3 cents to above amount If Sunday is desired) 9BBB9aBB9B99B!SBBBSaEB9S95SSBSaB5B9 22-3-10 improvements reduced from $600 to $300. CKristina Waechter NEK 4-4-11 land reduced from $10,565 to $9730, NEK 26-4-11 land reduced to $10,760. L. P. Whitinsr NEK 11-1-9 land re duced to $10,120. Carl Schmidt SWK 18-3-11 tana reduced to $4,000, improvements re duced to $600. A. H. Alexander EK- SEK. 8-3-11 land reduced to $3,360. Alfred Phillips SWK 21-2-11 land reduced to $8,440. N. Blankenbaker NWK 29-2-12 im provements reduced to $200. O E. Kamey WEft or sw)4 zu-z-n land reduced to $1,800. Martin Kaufman in sec H-3-11 ianu reduced to $8,90 improvements re duced to $600. Wm. Morrow SWK 23-4-11 land re duced from $12,035 to $11,035. Isaac Davidson EVs of sec 13-4-11 land reduced tJ $16,920. John Hansen W SWK 7-3-11 land reduced from $3,155 to $2,400, NWK 18-3-11 land reduced from $5,320 to $4,840, improvements $800 to 5700. A. B. Crab 1 S of SW ZB-z-ii land deduced to $3,220. F. W. Kruger NWH 4-3-iu im provements reduced from $1,000 to nnn John Zimmerman SWK 1-2-9 strike nff inn fnr imnrnvements. Ludwij? Benker NEK 4-3-9 im nrovements reduced from $1,500 to $100. ,, , , J. M. MHIS JNJKitt, Wr4, V73 "x 19-3-10 land reduced from $4,320 to ?4Wm. Blabaum EK, SEK, EVi W. SEK 24-3-10 improvements reaucea from $1,000 to $800. An t - Joham Goos SEK 20-4-9 improve ments reduced from $800 to $600. John W. Mitchell lot 7 in sec z-x- land reduced to .. . Aug. Wonderfecht NWK 6-4-12 land reduced to $6,280. Z. R. Mavo Ett NWK 3-2-12 land reduced to $l,880t Trt0 Hnlmtka NWK 8-4-11 land re duced from $11,560 to $11,240. 3. A. McArthur NWK 24-2-11 land reduced to $7,200. Newton BraKR SEK sec 2-1-9 land reduced to $7,740 improvements re duced to $500. h, , i II. II. Crowell WYs or j-z-.ii i reduced to $14,720. Ynnce Sorgeson E'j NEK 28-2-11 land reduced to R2.600. Fred Hedeo SEK 23-2-11 land re duced to $7,300. 11M Nellie McCluro nvj w r a v v NWK NWK SWK in sec 20-2-11 land reduced to $5,540. Wm. A. Mav Pt NWK ll-i-U lnnd reduced fi-om $3,495 to $3,000. Marv David S of sec 3-4-12 land reduced to $17,400. . No further business nppeannjr the County Assessor was instructed to make the correction as mado by tho Board of Eaualization after which his books arc accepted nnd he wns in structed to proceed and make his ab stract to tho state. Board adjourned to tho call of the County Clerk. p pERRY Truths We Never Hear. j Tour daughter bas the worst Tele, I eTer.-neard. .She ojiM,to 0t tUdt u , Hil Sell D cash that's cheaper. B U Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST Het Cloud Nebraska. The Martin of Safety Is represented by tho amount of Insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. Because fire has never touched yon it doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow no today, if you bave time and you better find time come to the, office and we'll write a policy on your bouse, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY BE TOO LATE O. C. TEEL R.eilt.ble Insurance ! If-Mad Man! ALBERT Vy. JEFFERI8 Republican Candidate) for U.S. SENATE 'ii r. Jefferles Is a pegdetf of his own t Is a self-made man. ' 'i " ONE OF US." Delanoy Bros., shipped one car of hogs to Kansas City Sunday and' A'. B. Crabill shipped tthrce cars of hogs JO 'Sk '0 A ,n S& G- B- Owens Mcemie4;t4i shipment to 1 H bbbbbbbbbuSbbbbbbbbbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT .ibbbbbYJbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB cn 11 - t 4 ' ,'VJ $. ',& rW." .-j- i