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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1922)
RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. CHIEF nnnMMHaBHMnHnniHwiiiinMHMnaHHHBnnmn ESBKZZ VMJUfMfli&JJWAJO Children Cry For Wot Contents lriPluitlDraohna MftfflM n:r:fa5Hfra ssrgstgrar ft'j.wsrstsy&gaiiifegs 3X$&st3i&s ' y VWMtfWWfi. WWW n-jt wwvw nJWW8ifa j v . w "v. ? -vi JLLl'S Home of Revolutionary Patriot ".! Hi iWHMi II' --VH4?Sr)K. VJWWVWNwr-w-iwwirotflNBfaBlanjm., r ii r ". ww- KV " kA.. a r J " i r v --v.- . a-5 fir it nminr.-n PUIl CENT. $ 4 vai ..;& I The historic Page home In Danvera, Mass., from which Page, the first Revolutionary colonel of an E6scx regiment, and a captain of the American army, started forth with the Minute Men of Danvers for the Battle of Lexington. It was In this houce, also, that Page organized the Minute Men of the town. The house is also known as the "Tea Party House."Forbldden by her husband to serve the tabooed English tea In tho house, Mrc. Page served It to a party of friends on the roof, thus keeping the letter If not the spirit of her husband's orders. Glorious Stars and Stripes The ling Is the emblem of our unity, our power, our purpose na a nation. It speaks to us of the past. It has wit nessed n great history. Since Its ofll clal adoption on June 14, 3777, It has been associated with whatever pntrl otic Idea we worship and Is the sym bol of the great faith to which we are born. "As long as men nre men that flag chosen on June 14, 1777, Is well chosen. It has a meaning, n message, a com mand," says Hev. William Norman Guthrie, who has written n book, "The Itellglon of Old Glory," to explain the meaning and message of America's flag to the nations of the world. Tho flag of the United States came Into being more deliberately and con sciously than other flags, such as that of England, or France, or Spain. It was chosen after inuny popular ex periments had been made, ofllcially and unofllclally, on sea and land. Inception of the Flag. The htory of the nctual making of the first American flag as wo know It Is not touched on by Mr. Guthrie. Omitting all minor particulars, the main points are these: Washington, accompanied by two gentlemen, called one day In 1770 at tho little upholstery shop In Arch street, Philadelphia, where Mrs. Uetsy ltoss was carrying on business, and asked her If she could make a flag. She said that she had never made one, but that she could try. They there upon produced a design rather roughly drawn. She examined' the design and, noticing that tho stars were six-pointed, suggested that they lie made with Ave points, showing them how a live pointed star could bo made with a single clip of the scissors. Design Approved by Congress. General Washington then and there .changed tho sketch, and soon after a ' colored design by a painter named Wil liam Barrett was sent to Mrs. Ross as Betsy Ross' Grave Needs Care Few Americans would .think that this was the grave of one of the nation's most famous women-r-a great historic character. It is the resting place of Betsy Ross, who made the first "Star-Spangled Banner," used In the Continental army. No appropriation ever has been made for the cars of the grave. The patriotic order, Sons of America, hat taken the matter up. a sample, whereupon she set to work and completed a ling which was ap proved. This was the flag that was flnnlly adopted by congress, and on June 14, 1777, congress entered on Its Journal an oMefal Indorsement of the Stars and Stripes In a resolution word ed as follows: "Resolved, That the flag of the United States be 1!1 stripes, alternate red and white, and that the union be 1H stars white In, a blue fluid, repre senting a new constellation." The resolution says nothing about tho arrangement of the stars In the Held. The ensign of tM United States re mained the same hV fixed by the reso lution of June 14, 1777, until 171)5, when Vermont and Kentucky had been admitted to the Union, and on January 13, 1704, congress passed the following act: "That from and after the first day of May, 171)5, the flag of the United States be 15 stripes alternate red and white; that the union be 15 stnrs white in a blue Held." In 1818, ut the suggestion of Sam uel O. Held, the original 13 stripes were restored and congress voted to add n now star on the Fourth of July succeeding tho admission of each new state. Significance of Symbols. "When a white ling staff or pole Is set up on n village green," says Mr. Guthrie, "It will doubtless show at tho top on a golden ball the American eagle, also golden, flapping his wide wing?, ns If Just alighting or about to exult In heavenward flight. This eagle is the very prime symbol of our de fensive and aspiring Union. It Is the bird or angel of our peace, our winged Victory, our Phoenix, the point of con tact and the vehicle of grace In our Intercourse with heaven. Embroidered on a blue field, star strewn, It is the emblem of tho executive head of the nation." In his right talon our eagle clutches the olive branch, with 13 green leaves and 13 berries, the leaves thnt are the show of llfo and tho berries that are tho fralt that symbol Itself carrying us back to the olive twig borne by the dove of Noah. This olive branch pro claims our constant purpose a posi tive creative peace. Now, In the left talon of our her aldic englo are clutched the 13 arrows which signify the threatening thunder bolts. As. Mr. Guthrie explains It, WWMttMiM'wW "" MCWVMMMW-WWW,. ''""'mlH'VWsXW-t,LStL,i.J,. Mvi wn'fvmMUii tLaa. w' J'," i aMaa. .. , ai" t'1 ' 1 1 &, &1' cw I the 13 lightning holts are ready to be shot out of the heaven and to estab lish with whatever violence may be needed against the tiger and ape, stam peding herds or howling wolf packs, the peace of perfect athletic humanity. "Flag and eagle they are ours; they aro historically one," says Mr. Guthrie. "Our flag flies to the winds, as we lift our eyes to It reverently we can and do swear fealty to It with what ever abides vitally Innocent In us, white hot for the strife unto a better world." fRAJDES- Lord God of land and sea, An ancient faith renew, That still our stand may bo The trust our fathers knew; We of the Legion pray, Lord God, To follow in the way they trod. What Freedom gave they shared Tho shores that made them free With true men brave who dared The seas for Liberty; We of the Legion, Lord, would share Our heritage with them who dare. In duty done, they wrought That peace might still abide; In fear of 'none, they fought With right upon their side; We of the Legion plead for light, So we be upright in Thy sight. Not theirs with gyve and chain To bind the vanquished foe; Not theirs to 6trlve for gain From out a people's woe: Wo of the Legion under Thee Would champion Democracy. One Flag alone they flew, Nor vain to them Its call, Thnt we might own It true, The bravest flag of all; We of the Legion swear to hold The Flag unsullied, fold and fold. Thomas G. Devlne, In Kansas City Star. AiAofntitoPrcflafationfofAs', , '.... ... tZiA htfPula I llnthcStomadisnndHaNwbrf n..1rTWfflCuWDMc5t!or. OioorffilnctAndRcStCott"9! neither OpIttm,Morpmnei . Iucral. NotNXhcotic StatOUDeSiKmrmMS. jmtin jkcJUaAK ft .1.,rHlTfrmedvfof ConsilpoWnraiDtartim' -Jessss4 fcsifllinjthcrcfriillny- m JtoSlnulcSijnstortw EH3 TTEWSm 10 Cents Baked Monkey a Delicacy. A hunter's purndlso Is Mexico, and almost within sight of tho cnpltnl aro forcstB thnt abound with wild Knmc, offered at nil seasons In Uio Mexico City mnrkets. Venison Is n staplo nnd wild ducks nnd geeso nmy bo purchased for a few centavos. Llvo qunll ns well ns varie ties of pheasants nnd pigeons uro sold on the streets by peddlers. Indians from tho hills frequently trudgo to tho city with a wild boar, nnd turkeys rany bo had for tho prlco of a paltry tip to a nntlvo hunter. If ono Is so Inclined, a tender monkey mny bo procured for Sunday baking,. a dish that Mcxtcnn epicures, especially of tho tropical regions, rel ish nbovo nil others. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never . Suspect It i Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. Tho mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life insurance Companies, in an interview on the subject, made the as tonishing statement that ono reason why so many applicants for insurnncc are re jected is becauso kidney ttoublo is so common to the American people, and the largo majority of those whoso applica tions aro declined do not even suspect that they have the ('"sease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root is on nale tit all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium nnd large. However, if you wish Grot to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer &, Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. Something to Look At. "Anything to see In this town?" In quired a recently arrived guest. "Well," replied tho landlord of the tuvern at Oblong Center, "a lady bar ber has just opened up a shop In tho next block. You might klnda ramblo around and " "I have, seen lady barbers before." "I suppose so. But prob'ly you never saw how tho mulo population ,of a village act when they sco a lady barber." Kansas City Star. Every department of housekeeping needs Red Dross Ball Blue. Equally good for kitchen towels, table linen, sheets and pillowcases, etc. Adver tisement. Electricity to Force Plants. Largo electric lamps, 1,000-wntt ca pacity, are being used In an lntenslvo study of tho rnto of respiration and tho process of photosynthesis ln plnnts at tho University of Wisconsin. The plants are allowed to .grow under these powerful lamps in a room cooled to ubout 05 degrees Fahrenheit. Soap Ought to Help. Tho discovery of a luke, rich In car honnto of soda, In tho neighborhood of Kulumda, Siberia, has been announced, Tho lako Is located ln a very fertile re gion, nnd nctlvo steps uro being taken to exploit the discovery, says tho Sci entific American, and erect a soap fac tory In tho immediate vicinity of tho luko. Contentment may mnko people grow fat, but fat pooplo are not necessarily contented. Exact Copy of Wrapper. TOt cintauw company, nrw vork city. Special Care of Baby. That Baby should have n bed of Its own nil aro agreed. Yet It Is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups then to uso a man's mcdlciuo in an attempt to regulate tho delicate organism of that somo infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. Your Physician will tell you that Baby's mcdlclno must bo prepared with even greater care than Baby's food. A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived. Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that you should remember that to function well, tho digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that tho desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily, prepared for grown-ups. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE 000KIET THAT 13 AROUND EVERY BOTUC OF FIETCIIER'8 CA8TQBIA GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears tho j m Gives Charming New Shade to Old Lingerie PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish SAVED SHOPPERS FROM BEES Potent Magic Exercised by California Constable Earned Him vote of Thanks From Women. Wo havo all heard of tho snnko charmer, but a bco charmer Is tho latest. To Constable Al I.a Cunlm of ITay ward, Cnl., goes tho medal. Alone and unnldcd, Ln Cunha rounded up a swarm of angry beeB nnd conquered them without a slnglo sting. Tho bees In question, hnvlng out grown their dwelling of ten years over tho Bhop of Edward S. Wnrren, swnrnicd towaal tho courtroom of Judgo Jncob Harder, Jr., through Btrcets filled with women Bhoppcrs. La Cunha witnessed the flight of tho bees and then his magic became apparent. Ho beat a tattoo with a stick upon a tin can and tho bees becamo "charmed." They ceased their flight and settled on a nearby tree. Tho shoppers hearing of his dnrlng, gnvo tho constablo a vote of thanks. No Whiskers. Teddy, ago four, was not particular ly fond of her sister's frequent cnller, In splto of tho many efforts on his part to make friends with her. "Muvver," she said wearily ono Sun day evening, "plcaso make thnt kid do home." "Why, dear!" exclaimed mother, "he Isn't a kid; bo's a mnn." "Well," Teddy snld, surprised, "ho hasn't dot nny flskers I" The Gauge. North "Dobbs thinks tho world Is contlnunlly getting hotter." West "Well, I'm making pretty good money myself." Your Skin is so Fragrant and Smooth Rain water nnd pure soap Is a sensible combination for a lovely complexion. Because of Us rare purity and fragrance, beautiful women for three genera tions have selected COLGATE'S ' Cashmer Bouquet Soap Large size Medium size 35c Shave, Bathe and Shampoo with one Soap Cuticura Cutlcar8opUthfTorltforMft7rMrihtn. jjIP'll ' -A msw ir-iri i yfinc iiH ir'W- VAf Luxurious RfvSCS Lasting W vZj 1 Refined Signature of A Risky Bet "Tho Sinn Fein extremists nnd the Ulster extremists as well risk too much," said l'adrulc O'ShaughneBsy, tho Irish ship-builder at a dinner ln Boston. "They remind mo of O'Plnnnlgnn. "O'Klnnnlgnn, with a big bandugo round his head, was hobbling down Uio street on n pair of crutches. "'Faith, O'Flnnnlgan. what's hap pened to yez?' said O'Reilly. "'I bet O'Donnhuo n dollar,' said O'Flannlgan, 'thnt ho couldn't carry ma up u four-story ladder, und I won. " i Boy's Cause for Regret. Her Young Man Edward, will yon bo sorry when I marry your sister? Edwnrd (aged llvo) Yes, I'll b sorry for you. London Answers. 1 Majority rules, hut In most cases nn extremely small minority rules tha majority. Tho sun can be seen by nothing but Its own llcht. 9 Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Jg Hot water dBH Sure Relief ELL-ANS 5$ and 75$ Packages. Everywhere' v- , OMTCMTS Wntfipn K. Colitnin, 1 M" w D.O. Adflcnund book fre. Utteroiooab!o. Uiabestteterencoi. llostoorrlco. n A 10 V CI V 1 II I EDUCED ANYymEnn ATTItAOTS AND KILLS) AU. FXILS. Neat. elcui.ornanifntu.cao- veniimt, ciuap. uiu all action. uau. of mata, can t aplu or Unorrt t wriil net anil or injurs arrthlnj. Oaarantead ftcelWa. Bolil . by lalr. of 6 br ExwiiaS, DreDald. 11.23. it rxAUOLU uimi:hh, uo u, Uolb Ave., UrooUjm, H. T" New Hair to replace old, abouli ba grow lug all tbe time. It will It Ton Tonic Don't frtt bald, get Q-Bau today It' much more pleaaant. At nil Rood dmrrtaU, Tie, or direct from HEUICELLU, CUaUi. ahatlU, Taaal' uan j-iiku a.amir 3 Nebraska Directory Our lluslnraa la We Tear ..JKm UP nn,x 8e ' ricJ 1 STANDAItn AUTO I'AHTS t'OMTANT Part for All Makr of Cur Call, write or phone: you'll receive prompt Sfly1??'- I'lBhMt prlcti paid for old car. 2011 O Streot Lincoln, Nebruk Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplla: Ere Cases and Chicken Coops; BOILERS KENNEDY & PARSONS CO. 1309JooeaSt. 11 W. Third St. OMAHA SIOUX CITY S. S. SHEAM OPTICIAN ' 1123 O Streat u Lincoln, Nab WIN! C INCOLN'S Room or $1.50 ' EADING HOTEL THE LINCOLN ' Lunch Ream In Cannttlow Wabash Pad Curs Collar Sora worKtnenorse. ask your dealer, or send us $1 .28 lor sample, postpaid. IMRPHAM'BROS. CO. i fJiV!a4&- iiHIIUBHI7 dsSkzSp oil---'ftf i aVwUpfr r ir Eflfr-W.1 W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 25-1022. IAUm Lincoln. Nbr.