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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1922)
. .A- I-WJ KED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. OfTTF. ..-C.VijiI -'JIH1 HWMIIIIqMW - i i;t' i 5. ft Fierce Battle With Smugglers Customs Guard Has Desperate Fight With Rum Runners on Mexican Border. WIFE TELLS OF ENCOUNTER Knlveo and Plntols Were Uoed In Bat- tie In Brush on tho Banko of the Rio Grande Automobile Is Riddled. Hidalgo, Tux. Ono of the most des perate single-handed encounters which ever took plnco between a United States customs olllecr and a gang of Mexican smugglers on tho Itlo Urundu border fell to tho lot of Dick McCon nell, a government river guard here, a few nlghtH ago. McConnell, accom panied ly his wlfo and two little daughters, was riding In an automo bile along the Itlo Ornndc, near Jowi, Leaving the ear, McConnell Btarted toward the river hank. He had gone but a short distance when ho was llred upon from ambush. A bullet knocked off his hat. Ho rushed toward the spot from which tho bullets were coming, llo returned tho lire as he ran Into tho brush and there camo upon tho two Muxlcnns. On of them grabbed him by tho back of neck and a sculTIo ensued, during which ho received knife wounds and had his pistol holster cut to pieces. He drew a small gun, which ho carried In tho holster under his shirt, and tired at his assailant, whom ho killed, nnd the body fell Into tho rapidly ris ing Itlo Grande. Mrs. McConnell, who was In tho car at tho tinio of tho attack, gavo the following account : Wife's Account. "I und tho children were In the back seat of tho car when wo drove up near tho river bank, near tho small boat ferry landing. As my husband got out of tho car and started to go down tho bank thcro camo a Hash of a gun, almost In his face, and his hat Miner Has Three Wives; Says They All Proposed Freeland, Pa. Unable to fur nish $1,000 ball on a bigamy charge brought by three women who said Mlchne Mcrko, Sandy Run miner, had married them, Mcrko was taken to Jail. "When u girl asks a fellow to marry her, what can ho do?" ho asked. "No man v.itli red blood In his volnB .rill refuse to marry a girl when she asks him to do so." Field Artillery Back From Germany RMmMRMHRjam PaWRWwRl WLZm6WnhmEmXi l)V ,k, -,. , , y T'r - I -Clw3prC F 'i'1J3fl&wmKmS5t RMMRRtWA fVrftW HHRSSBB .7 dNBkWFRBtHHMvjKVE anMHaWfcavB HHIMp 'BMaMsjgiltfRRRmTHffB CKsHMB RRW&?URR8MRRmJRYSiJtfR HraWtflhH rtfrrw rMBHmh ncro arc some of tho troops of the first division of tho Sixth Held artil lery arriving ut Now York from Germany on tho transport Cambral. In serted la a portrait of Lieutenant Colonel Brovans, their commander. THIS CURFEW HITS PARENTS ALSO Held Guilty With Children in Violation of Ordinance. City "Dads" of South Dakota City Believe Parents Are Largely to Blame for Children Running About Streets at Night. Sioux Falls, S. D. Tho city of Lorn won, S. D., haB ono of tho most unique curfew ordinances in oxlstenco any whero In tho United States. Tho par ents arc held equally guilty with the children for violations of tho curfew. The ordinance provides that boys nnd girls under seventeen years of age must bo off tho streets and at homo after 0:30 o'clock each evening. If they are on the streets or other public placoB after that hour they must bo accompanied by their parentB or bojdo authorized guardian. The city "Dads" believe that par ents ore largely to blame for their - fell oft" and something struck tho car. Dick Jumped back, pulled his auto matic and begun to shoot. Again and again camo the Hash and something struck tho car again. 'The children and I could fcoo tho man wtio was shooting at my hushnnd backing down under the bank and my husband walking toward him, shooting. "They both disappeared under the hank when wo heard noise like men lighting or struggling. I was getting nervous and did not know what to do. Wo heard three more shots and I heard some one yell out In Mexican. Shortly after my husband camo to the to of the ban.: holding his hand? to his face and told mo to drive to Deputy Collector J. It. Clark's house and bring him and also a lantern. I drove ns fast as I could and returned with Clark and the lantern. "We found my husband's hat near tho car with a bullet hole In the top $63,000,000 a Month for Amusement in America Washington, D. C Approxi mately ?a'l,00O,000 Is spent In America each mouth for amuse nient, nccordlng to tho Treasury department. Movies, theaters, circuses and amusement parks nro receiving tho money. Last year It was $70,000,000 n month. Airplane Search for Grain Pests Remarkable Survey Being Con ducted in Texas by U. S. Ag ricultural Department. RUST SPORE REIN6 SOUGHT Annual Loss In Wheat Alone Due to Stem Rust Is Estimated at 64,000,- 000 Bushels Mexico Believed to Be Source of Spore. San Antonio, Tex. Ono of tho most rcmarkablo surveys ever made under tho direction of tho United States De partment of Agriculture Is now In progress In Texas. It Is that of search ing tho air for the sporo that causes rust on growing wheat nnd oats. It 1b estimated that tho annual loss children running nbout tho streets at unseemly hours of tho night, nnd therefore placed a provision In the ordinance making tho parents respon sible with tho children for violations of tho provisions of tho ordinance. Somo of tho pnrents who hnvo been In tho hnhlt of permitting their chil dren to remain nwny from homo until quite late at night have regarded the ordinance as of no Interest to them, nnd ns a result when their chlldron were found running nt large after 0:80 o'clock nt night tho parents themselves wero required to appear In court and explain why their chil dren wore not required by tho pur ents to bo homo by 9;550 o'clock. At ono tlmo sovernl parents wero In court rai tho charge of permitting their children to vlolnto tho curfew ordinance, and In each case a small fine was Imposed, with tho admoni tion that further violations by their children would subject thorn to heavier fines. of tho crown. On tho river bank wq picked up a long-bladed knife. Lying partly in tho water was n felt hut with three bullets lit It. Near tho boat was a pack containing seventeen quarts of tequila. "Upon returning to tho car wo found where three bullets had pierced the cowl, one of which passed through and hit tho steering wheel, breaking a part of it off. One of the bullets piercing the cowl, but spending Its force against tho Iron dash, was picked up by Deputy Collector Clark and was said to bo from a .-15. The other hit the side of the cowl and glanced off." WILL BUILD AERIAL HARBOR Corporation at Gothenburg, Sweden, Prepares Plans for Joint Mu nicipal Field. Gothenburg, Sweden. This city, with Its extensive- marine shipping fa cilities and Its new free port, Is now preparing to build an aerial harbor. It will have all tho facilities required by sky pilots, an up-to-date service de partment and the latest conveniences for landing and taking off. A corporation has been formed to build tho air station and operate It In conjunction with the city authorities of Gothenburg. It Is proposed that tho city shall have the privilege of buying tho company's shares In the en. terprlso after ten years and thus tako over full control of tho air port. Youth Made a Minister. Reading. Pa. Converted at eight years, preaching for tho last two years at his homo et I'ottstown and ordained a minister recently at tho ago of sixteen Is the remnrkable record of Ira Nechtcl, one of tho new ministers accepted today at tho an nual conference of the Holiness Chris tian church, meeting at Blrdsboro. In wheat alone duo to stem rust Is ap proximately 0-1,000,000 bushels. It Is tho theory of some agricultural scien tists that the source of tho spore which causes this enormous loss Is In Mexico or perhaps South America and. that It drifts through the nlr to tho wheat fields of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and other states. Airplane Search In Progress. During the Inst two weeks an air plane search for tho spores has boon made nt high altitudes above San An tonio. For this purpose an ntrplnnc from Kelly field Is used, with Lieut. T. R. Booker ns pilot and Wallace But ler as scientist. Armed with a "spore trnp" Mr. But ler bus made six exposures at varying altitudes on each aerial Journey. These plates have been sent to tho otllco of cereal Investigation for examina tion. Thus far no reports have been given out of the findings. Anyone who walks through nn ont field In this part of tho state now will como out with his shoes covered with n yellowish powder which has brushed off from tho Innumerable- little yellow leaves. This powder any farmer will tell ono Is rust, In this case the leaf rust of oats. Every little yellow spot on the leaf Is a pustule of leaf rust, each pustule being mnde up of from ono to several thousand tiny seed bodies or spores which are pushed up through tho epidermis pf tho leaf from a sort of root structure or mass of threads which nro growing within tho leaf. These threads are very minute and' can bo seen only by tho aid of the microscope. Tho spores which are borne In such multitudes on tho ends of little branches from these threads arc also microscopic In size. The pow der on tho shoes nfter a trip through tho oat Held consists of millions of these spores. Dew Helps. When one of these spores falls on a drop of dew or other moisture on a leaf of oats It soon sends out a little root-liko projection which, curling around this way and that, finds Its' way Into the breathing pore or open ing In the epidermis of tho leaf and so gets Into tho leaf tissues. In duo ttmo It becomes tho mass of threads which again send up tho mnss of spores, and bo the process Is repeated with favorable weather conditions about every two weeks. Tho city authorities now have given notice that tho curfew ordinance means Just what It says and that It will continue to be strictly enforced,, regardless of whose children may be' arfectcd and that neglectful pnrents will bo tnken Into court no matter how prominent they mny bo In tho community. ALBANIA HAS NO, PUBLIC DEBT Occupies Unique Position Among Eu ropean Nations Monetary Sys tem Based on Gold Deposits. Genoa. Happy Albania Is the term which has been applied to that coun try, for It Is stated that It occupies tho unique position among European nations of being tho only country which has no national debt and has a gold monetary system. Mehedl Frnshcrl, tho head of tho Albanian delegation to tho conference here, In nn Interview Indicated that all would bo well with his country, "If only we arc left In peace for a little while." NEBRASKA NEWS IN CONCISE FORM Stato Occurrences Of Importanco BoilcoTto a Few Lines for Quick Perusal. The city library at University Place contains over 10,000 volumes, Bloomtleld has voted to raise ?U7,000 to be expended In local Improvements. In a recent drive In Omaha, young women ralhod over 9:1,000 by tho sale of poppies. James Mcl'hllllps a fanner near Lindsay lias Just sold his place for ?275 an acre. Nearly n,tHK) members attended the statu Sunday school convention at Its session In Fremont. An attendance of 5,000 Is expected at the Natloinl Walther League which meets at Omaha in July. Nebraska Klks are In session at Columbus. Nineteen lodges nro re presented at tho meeting. A tornado struck the neighborhood of Henry In ScottsblufT county and de stroyed a number of farm homes. Thirty-eight Kpworth league chap ters wero represented at the district convention at David City last week. Forest Bartlette, III years old, was drowned while swimming with some companions In tho Blue river at Fair bury. Raymond Stntlh lost his life when he dived into tho Hlkhorn river at a shallow point near Valley, breaking his neck. A petition is being circulated at Lodgepolu for tho erection of a $!)(), . ' i 000 school building. A levy to ?1,000 was voted. raise 1 Lodgepolu Is becoming t,hc largest 1,ok Kr Joint In IbVe ion of ' the state. Thirty cars have gone out ; within a few weeks. I Jefferson county Is to hnvo Its first rural paved road. It Is belmr con structed on the federal rond between Falrbury and Hebron. First cultivation of corn has begnn In the vicinity of Norfolk, and farmers report that In six weeks they will have th new corn laid by. The fifteenth annual encampment of tho United Spanish War veterans Just ended at' Hastings elected Ilruce New Ion of Omnhn as commander. Seventy-threo men and women who have passed 70 made merry at the sec ond annual Sunset 'social tendered them by the Nelson Commercial club. Harry Jennings Lamb stepped Into a deep hole while bathing In the Klkhorn river near Arlington and was drowned before companions could reach him. Arrangements have been made to provide for outdoor meetings of all the Pawnee City churches combined on Sunday evenings during the sum mer. With a membership of 371, the Mc Cook lodge of the Degree of Honor claims to bo the banner organization of the state, In cities of similar popu lation. Tho proposed community hall for Nebraska City for which bonds In the sum of .$100,000 were voted In October, 10120, will not bo built, in the Immediate future. Richardson county and surrounding territory Is suffering tho greatest pig mortality In years, due to round worms, according to Joseph L. Worrell, county agent. Following a test run the new ninny power plant at Pawnee City has been nccepted by the city. The plant sup , ,. suv.-uu iuw..s in in.s secuon oi the state. Fire starting, It Is believed, from a i holt of lightning during a thunder! shower, destroyed the machine and cattlo shed on tho furn of (Jeorge Luther, near Hooper. The largest crop of alfalfa grown In the Franklin vicinity for years is now being stacked. Wheat, which for a tlmo looked like a half crop now is making excellent headway. a in n'.. im i-ii ,111 tin. rni-ui nf (un.iff4 Spadt, near Friend, occupied hv the 11. L. Wood family, was destroyed by fire, together with n fine span of mules, somo harness, hay and grain. Wlient In the I'latte valley was blown down badly In many places by 'the severe wind and ball storm of last week. Farmers were of the opinion that much of It would revive. The diamond Jubilee of the Hvnn gollcal Lutheran synod of Missouri and other states was celebrated In York with nearly -1,000 In attendance. Seventeen counties were represented. Cluuies W. Pool, secretary of state from 10i: to 1018, will file as a demo cratic ciuidldnto for the same otllco. Authorities at Broken How are mystified over the discovery In a high day bank on Woods Brothers ranch, five miles from that place, of a human skeleton. Tho bones Indicated that tho body had been burled In a sitting po sition. The Rev. John Albert Williams of St. Philip's church hns Just celebrated tho thirty-first anniversary of his ontranco upon the ministry In Omnlm all of the time having been spent In that place. Hull tore a patch several miles long and a mile wide near Star, doing ex tensive damage to growing crops and fruit trees. Corn and fruit como In for encourg Ing remnrks, while wheat, oats and al falfa are deemed disappointing In the weekly crop report for Nebraska, Is sued by G. A. Loveland, United Stutes meteorologist. A windstorm of tornado proportions visited a section of the country north east of O'Neill. Trees wero blown down and outbuildings wrecked. The wlid was preceded and followed by a heavy rain. Adams citizens have gone on record In favor of the Installation of a water works system to cost between $-'.",000 and ?.U),000. Tho town hoard will call a special bond election In the near future. William Kuhlman, a welt known cat tleman of Chester, topped the Kansas City market recently, and with a mixed load of Ilerefords, secured the top price of the jear, .l).0." per hundred weight. The State Department of Trade and Commerce announces the reopening of the F'irniers bank at Crawford under an entirely new management and with Its cash reserves fully es tablished. The Columbus light and power com pany Is receiving coal from New Mex ico at a price double that usuall paid, to augment the fast disappearing up ply laid In at the outet of the siriko at it cost of $ll.000. The .'-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. fiporgo Wenzel, residing near Xehraskn City, got his hand under a rocking chair with the result that the hand was so badly mangled that one linger had to he amputated. Miss Nancy I'ennoyer of Central City, a graduate of the college of busi ness administration, University of Ne braska, has been awarded a $Ji00 prlzo for post-graduate work because of her excellence In mathematics. Fremont's new Methodist church was used for the first time last Sunday. Regular Sunday school nnd church services are to be held In the new auditorium. The church is said to be one of tho finest In this part of Neb raska. A resolution has been adopted by the Columbus board of supervisors calling a special election to authorize the sale of the old court house and the grounds. The election is to be held with the lirlliini'Ics nn Tnnmlnv Inlv 1Q . t ... William Oro'ss of WIsner wes elected f .on'Ti?1 namMro J""' " 'm T ","" " N,01 fo,k' " wllkl' "Vl'r lltK breeders from western, eastern and ' i southern parts of the ",tuto weie pre sent. 10. L. Jenkins, treasurer of Jefferson county has remitted to D. 15. Cropsey state treasurer, the state portion of tax collected In May. The amount was i?oU,tf41.S0 an unusually large amount for Nebraska's share of one month's colectlons. Probably 'JO0.0OO bens will bo kept on Johnson county farms this summer, which, nt an average of thirty eggs for four months at U cents each, would return an Income that would equal .VIU0.000, according to J. F. l'uibaugh, county extension agent. Head Track Coach Henry F. Schultc has been appointed nsslstant director of athletics at the University of Ne braska. He has coached teams which, wearing the Scarlet and Cream, have won the Missouri Valley track champ ionship during 1021 and 11)22. Roy Cruzan, a farmer near North Loup, was painfully Injured, while re storing the boxing In a piece of farm machinery the melted babbit metal be ing used exploding In the mould, splash ing the hot metal over his nose, eyes and face, producing severe burns. (illbort Swanson living near Llndsey, owns whnt Is probably the heaviest bunch of steers over fattened In Ne braska. The steers will all weigh in J the neighborhood of 2,.ri00 pounds, and Mr. swnnson lias laid them on feed for IS months, buying them in Omaha. The Shelton Hardware Co. store and (lUiiiprecht and Merdlnger's grocery and meat market were broken Into and goods and money to the amount nf t lii-i.k nt fnlir 1ilnwllml ftfilliirc tntnr. A ,l,er of shotguns, shells mid H1(mll m..-, or jm,.,iWari' were taken. . , , . , , . .A wlml. rnln and hail storm that i """ ""nmiwieni uou ci.iimy wir. the worst of its kind ever seen In that neighborhood. The hall was a foot 1 deep on the level and drifts averaging t three ami one-half feet deep could Ins found. Nearly every farmer In tho vicinity suffered heavy loss. j Ord and Valley counties experienced one of the vfi)tt strins in twenty (years last week. A four nnd a half- i l'h rain fell in Ord In forty-five inln- utes, Hooding the streets and filling the basements of the business houses and residences. Old-timers could not recall on equal to the downpour. Two young ladles from across tho sea, Wletsko Wlerstra and Jantzo Zylstra, arrived In Omnhn a few days ago, and were married to John nnd Albert Illnw of that place. The two couples wero sweethearts In far off Holland, and will make their home In this new land. The Maywood district fair associa tion will hold the nunual summer race meet July 4-0. Tho greatest number of horses In history Is entered. Miss Kiln Herron last term taught the grandchildren of some of her first pupils In the Uurchnrd public schools. She completed thirty-live years', service in the primary department with the termination of the 1022 season. When tho shell stuck la a shotgun exploded while his brother was trying to dislodge It, Albert Klein, of Wol bacb, received the full charge In his body, as he wns plowing fifty feet away. He will recover. Dr. Robert F. Gilder, archeologlst, with the aid of a number of trained assistants, have unearthed for explo ration a semi-underground prehistoric dwelling on tho Schwnrtx forty-acro tract, near South Rend, whero many rare obJectB of stone, bono and pottery hnvo been recovered at a depth of eleven feet from the surface. After having clutched for several hours n plpo which ran above her,ln order to keep her head out of tho water, Mrs. George Kuhr, 72 years of ago, of Blair, was released from n cistern Into which she ha ' fallen. She ' 1 wan nlmoat exhausted when found. WORKING GIRLS LOOK HERE Read What Mrs. Lucas Writes Con cerning Her Troubles, Which May bs Just Like Yours St. Louis, Mo. "I had troubles thaC til women nro npt to have, with pains Li myback,weak,tired, nervous teellngs and a weak stomach. I had been thin way about ayear and was unablo to work or stand on my foot for any length of time. My husbnnd'3 aunt told mo how much pood Lydia E. Pinl: nam'a Vopctablo Compound nnd dono her and octrced me to try it, co I did. All my paina nnd weak ness are gone, my stomach is nil right nnd I do my work nt homo and also work for Swif t'a Pnckinc Company. I recom mend your Vegotablo Compound to my friends and you may publish my letter ns a testimonial." Mrs. Lulu Lucas, 710A Vandevcntcr St., St. Louis, Mo. Again and again ono woman tells an other of tho merit of Lydia E. Pink ham'a Vegotablo Compound. You who work must keep yourself Btronjf and well. You can't work if you nro suffering from such troubles. Mrs. Lucas couldn't She tried our Vegeta ble Compound and her letter tells you what it did for her. Givo Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegotablo Compound a fair trial now. Cuticura Soap Complexions Are Healthy Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c, Ttlenm 25c. LOOK OLD? Urn j, win, Mrdfplr hntr mnkcn pop)9 look rery old. It Jsn't iicry m. bottl of 0-l!ii Hlr nor itesiorcr win Drinif Uack original color qulcklj ktop4 dandruff. At all Rood araggiln, 75c, or direct from Uwii-EHo. alt,, MmU, Tu. One way to avoid even the appear nnce of evil Is .to daub the cat's face with Jam. Important to all Women Readers of this Paper Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never uspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or tho result of kidney or bladder diseane. if the kidneys arc not in a healthy con dition, they may cause the other organ to become diseased. You may sutler pain in the back, head ache and Iosb of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irrita blc and may be despondent; it makes any; one so. 13ut hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Many send for a sample bottle to see what Swamp-Root', the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer &. Co., Uinghamton, N. Y., you may receive sam ple size bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchase medium nnd large size bottles at all drug stores. Advertisement. ,It wns the dust and prime of cities that resulted la housccleaulng finding less house to clean. t Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOItIA, that famous old remedy for Infanta and children, and see that It Bears the (&Af&Ga&L Signature In Ueo for Over 81) 1'ears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Full of Bulletb. "Srrlbson didn't stay long In tho mountain country." "I thought ho went there to get somo ntinosphcro for n story." "He did, but a feud was going pn nnd the ntinosphcro was too metallic." The charm of n bathroom Is Its spot lessness. By tho uso of Red Cross Ball Blue, nil cloths and towels retain their whiteness until worn out. Advertise ment. , People are often willing to sharo bread. It Is tho butter und Jam that they are stingy about. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION X " VBEIWMSI Ai JNWGESTKWi 6 Bell-ans Hot wafer kfri Sure Relief ELL-ANS 25$ and 754 Packages, Everywhere tcTkTll rats iS3 and MICE Always use the genuine STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE It forces theto peU to ran from the bolldlnn tot w&ioraaa xreia ir. iwiuiiw.wjiww"i ,- bugs aud ani dettrojr tooA ana property and are carrier of dlieaas, .' READY rOR USK-RETTKR THAN TRAPS Direction In 11 laog uaset In arerj box. loiiUetta. Uoa. tlM tlM. MONEY RACK IF IT FAILS , 'It m V A. L