The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 22, 1922, Image 5

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I Smith Bros. & Copley unloaded a
ca- of Fords Monday.
I). E. rhillips was u pascngc.
Omaha Tuesday morning.
' Lloyd Hnll
city Friday.
of Lincoln was in the
Mrs. J. D.
in Hastings.
Cnthcr spent Saturda.
The river bridge
and repaired.
being refloorcd
Two good places to cat,
nnd Powell's Cafe.
at homo
V. H. Smith spent the
with his parents at Denver.
Miss Ebba Grcgcrson pent Sunday
with her parents nt Mindcn. .
Miss Anna Ryan was a passenger
to Omaha Thursday morning.
Miss Dorothy Hartwell of Inavale
spent Sunday with friend!- here.
Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Camp spent
Sunday with friend at Superior.
W. M. Galbrath went to Kansas
, City in charge of the stock shipped
from here Tuesday.
Mrs. Lester Amack of Seldcn. Kan
sas, has been visiting relatives and
friends hero the past few days.
Mrs. Chris Zeiss returned home
Saturday morning from Denver Colo
rado, where she spent a few days.
Gene Bush, who is working at Or
leans spent Sunday hoio with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Bush.
State Deputy Sheriff 0. D. Hcdgo
arrived in the city Thursday evening
to spend a few days with his family.
Miss Minnie Christian went to Bluo
Hill Wednesday morning.
Chas. Cowley of Bladen was in the
city Saturday afternoon.
Mr?. I'atmo'-e was r passenger
Hastings Tuesday morning.
Edgar Wiggins war a passenger o
Crawford, Wednesday morning.
Hobcit Ulacklcdgo was n passen
ger to Superior Monday morning.
Mis Minnie Kcllott was a passen
ger to Omaha Thursday morning.
Herb Ludlow has put up a new
nwning in f:ont of his ranlaurant.
Jack Waller of Covle was in the
city doing a little campaigning Monday.
Supt. Beard and family have mdvad
into the Nelson property in the' First
Walter Tope went to Wellington,
Kansas, Sunday morning whore "ho
will undergo an operation for appendicitis,
D. C. Henderson departed Sunday
via auto for Yellowstone I'aik nnd
points in Montana where he will en
joy an outing
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hall, G.
Damon, Frank Peterson nnd 3.
Check attended the gun shoot
Grand Island Sunday.
Mrs. 0. J. I'altnor nnd baby of Auro
ra. 111., arrived hero tbo first of tho
week to visit her mother Mrs. Hasslng
or and brother Koy.
W. ) Dennis and hon of Lebanon
have opunud a tailor shop in the rooms,
over llomino's Cream Stnlion. Read
tbulr ad in tills paper
Mr. and Mr. Chns. Tumor re
turned home Friday via auto frftn
Woodruff, KunsH, whoic they hnA
been visiting friends.
M:-s. Alf Unladen was awarded the
Hooier kitchen cabinet given away
by the Johnson & G.-ulmm Furniture
Co., Saturday evening.
The local golf players havo been
indulging in a tournament the pal
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hamilton and
children spent Sunday 'with relatives
at Guide Rock.
Mr. and Mr?. .T. Dorr of Alva,
Oklahoma, arc visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Finchcr.
Stanser Amack went to Seldcn,
Kansas, Monday morning where ho
will spend a couple of weeks.
Dr. Warrick will meet patients and
those needing glasses at Dr. Damer
ell's, Friday. June 23. Hours 2 to 5.
Ed Rcihcr and C. M. Funk went to
Kansas City Sunday morning in
charge of the stock shipped
The County Board of Equilization
is 'in session again this week and we
will publish the proceedings nc::t
C. B. Steward returned home Sat
urday evening from Lincoln where he
had been attending to eome business
Mrs. Allan Blackledge arrived in
the city Saturday evening to visit her
parents, Mi, and Mrs. A. D. Banncy
and friends.
Mrs. George VanCamp and daugh
ter of Lincoln arrived in the eity
-Thursday evening to visit Dr. and
Mrs. Damcrell.
Mrs. Hnssingcr went to Hastings
Friday morning to spend a few days
with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Hill.
G. B. Beck and Marion Mercer at
tended the Lincoln vs Hastings ball
game at the latter city Tuesday after
Ilov Hnspinger Returned home Mon
day morning from Hastings whero lie
spent a couple of days with Iub sif
ter, Mrs. Hill and family.
Martin L. Hill of Sheridan, Nebras
ka, and Miss Mary Hazel Johnson of
Red Cloud wore granted a marriage
license by Judge Rnnney, Tuesday.
Mrs. A. Arnold of Inavale secured
a silver cup and first prize in clasn
2, brown eggs and also took second
prize in chus 1, brown eggs, ncci edit
ed flocks in a poultry contest held
by the state agricultural school at
The City Council at Lincoln has
passed an ordinance compelling the
citizens of that city to cut down the
cottonwood trees there ns they state
that the trees are a menace to the
citizens health. Wo believe it would
be a good thing for Red Cloud if the
Council would pan an ordinnnco likewise.
A "Dirt Farmer"!
Mrs. Chas. Brubakcr departed Mon
day evening for Phoenix, , Arizona,
where she will spend a few weeks
with her daughter, Mrs. W. F. Hudson.
Darrcl Burden nnd his mother auto
cd to Jewell City, Kansas, Tuesday
where she will spend a few days with
relatives. Darrcl returned home Tues
day evening.
The Misses Freda and Lydia Schultz
went to Beaver City Saturday morn
ing to spend a few days with rela
tives. Ui r ,
Mrs. John Marshall and daughters
returned to their homo at McCook
Tuesday morning after spending a
few days at the homo of her sister,
Mrs. N. B. Bush.
Republican Candldato for
Mr. Jeffcrls, becauso ho was born
and raised on a farm realizes and ap
preciates tho problems of the farmer.
"Stethttt qut eh, look
uhat nilly hai son
and tpllltda tvhola
big bo ot titltogt'a
Corn Flahct. I'll May
ht lilits ticm a latV'
oy an means try
Keilodds GbiiiFiakes
Tomorrow morning set KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes
before tho family! A fcaBt lot tho oyc and a feast for
keen appetites! For, Kcllogg's aro as extra-delicious as
they look all sunny 'brown and wonderfully crispy,
crunchy! My, but how they delight everybody!
Keilogg's Corn. Flakes are not only distinctly auporior
'to any imitation, but aro the most fascinating cereal you.
ever ate! Kcllogg's appeal to every age! Littlo folks and
old folks find iu them tho same joyous pleasure 1 For
Kellogg's have a wonderful flavor
nnd Kcllogg's aro never lough or loalh
cry or liar d to eat!
Insist upon KELLOGG'S tho orig
inal Corn Flakes in tho RED and
GREEN package! It bears tho signa
ture of V. K. Kellogg, originator ofl
Kcllogg's Corn Flakes. NONE ARE
- -'Jfilllf'.Wl'SS--
BrA. GliftJ
& Jf
K vjM f?r -,, C'aW WML
AIm malcr of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES and KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooked sad krumblcd
Mrs. E. .. Mitchell returned home
Tuesday morning from Akron, Colo
rado, where she spent a few days
with her husband.
Charles L. Grothaus of Smith Cen
ter, Kansas and Miss Mary I. Baetz,
of Eoamsvillc, Kansas, were married
by Judge Banney.
Mrs. John Marshall and daughte's
of McCook arrived in the city Satur
day morning to spend a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Bush.
Mx and Mrs. "Will Brunei and
baby of Lincoln arrived in the city
Saturday to spend a few weeks with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Brun-er.
Mrs. Alba Pope departed tho last
of he week for Delta, Colorado, after
spending a couple of months here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pulsipher.
Miss Gertrude Coon arrived in the
city. Sunday morning from St. Louis
to spend a few weeks with her pai'
cnts, Mr. and Mrs. John Coon and
W. M. Galbraith shipped one load of
cattle to the Kansas City market
Tuesday morning, A. B. Crabill two
loads of hogs to St. Joe and tho Am
boy Mills one carload of hogs from
Lester to Kansas City.
Foreman Morton Smith and Fred
Robertson of the Allied Construction
Oo., and Russcl Jones returned the
last of the week from the eastern part
of the state and are erecting bridges
for this company in this county.
Delnncy Bros., shipped one carload
of hogs to the Kansas City mirkf-t
Sunday morning, II. H. Crowell one
car of sheep to St. Joe, A. B. Cribill
two cars of hogs to Kansas City and
Ed Reiher one car of cattle to Kansm.-City.
Last Wednesday afternoon Judge
Rnnney united in marriage John L.
Tucker of Cowles and Miss Cecil Fox
who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.
P. Fox of this city.
Passenger trains No. 14 and rlG
passed through here about one o'clo.k
Wednesday afternoon, scvcial hours
late, caused by a bridge burning out
just cast of Colfor, Ncbr.
Freight trains No. G3 and 61 v&vo
nut back into service by the Burling
ton Friday. They will run on their
old schedule which puts No. G3 thru
here about 7 p. m. and No. Gl at
5:30 a. m.
At a preliminary hearing held last
week at Smith Center Murvel Fen
tress was bound over to tho next
term of district court and being un
able to put up bail for $2,000 he was
placed in the county jail.
Mrs. W. B. Householder, an old
settler of this county, passed away
at her home in Bladen Monday and
the funeral services were held Wednesday.
One hundred and seventy-seven
cars of stock passed through here
Sunday morning for the Kansas City
nnd 'St. Joseph markets. -They were
handled in four trains.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pulsiplic-r and
baby returned to their home at Hol
drege Sunday evening after spending
tho day hero with his parents, Mr."
and Mrs. E. J. Pulsipher.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Nellums hnd
baby, who had been visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Damer
ell, departed Sunday evening for Den
ver, Colorado, where they will Bpend
a few days.
Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Creighton left
Tuesday morning for California where
; i 4 they will spend a couple of weeks vis
' ' 'iting. Before returning homo V-n
will visit,different cities in the nouh
west, inclddlng several -Canadian
points, returning home vfa'Chilago.
A. E. Brown of Naponeo, who has
purchased, harness etc., of Lee Walk
er for many years, was in tho city
the last of tho week and purchased
several fly nets of him which speaks
highly of the class of goods that ho
The District Convention of the Re
belt ah lodge was held at Superior last
Thursday. Tbo following members at
tended from this city: Mrs. Mira Jon
es, Mrs. Emma Walker, Mrs. N. Hayes,
Mrs. E. Wclseh and Mrs. W. G.Warren.
Last Thursday, while helping put
down a well on tho Steve Kennedy
farm near Inavale, Ben Copley was
somewhat bruised up by the dog
slipping on tho chilling apparatus
which hit him on the left side of his
Red Cloud
Dates July 26th to
August 1st, Inclusive
Mrs. Kenneth Wilson and baby re
turned to their home in Denver, Colo
rado, Tuesday evening nfter spend
ing the past couple of weeks here vis
iting with her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs.
F. G. Turnuro and with other rela
tives. Her brother, Clifford Turnuro,
roturned home with her for a few
days visit.
Arsenate of
A New Shipment
Just Received
The Druggist
Sunday afternoon the Lawrence
team, of the Polly League, came
down to play the locnl team. The
game only went four innings, Red
Cloud secured three runs and tho vis
itors two when the game was called
on account of the rain. Those two
teams will play a double header the
next time Lawrence comes here. Red
Cloud goes to Lawrence next Sunday,
with Elmore back in the game and
Cooper on second base, who is a heavy
hitter. Tho boys will havo some
team, watch them climb.
We wish to announce to the people of Red Cloud and vicinity
that we have opened a4
Notice of Application for
Pool Hall License.
Notice is hereby given that on 'the
Cth day of Juno 1922, W. R. Burwell
filed his application and petition ask
ing for license to conduct a Billiard
and pool Hall on Lot Fifteen (15),
Blook 12, in the Village of Inavale,
Nebraska. That on the 3rd day of
Jaly 1022 at tho Court House in Red
Cloud, Nebraska at 2 o'clock V, M. the
hearing on said application will bo
had beforo tho County Commissioners
of Webster County, Nebraska, at which
time all objections nnd remonstrances
against tbo granting of said license
will bo heard,
(Seal). B. V. PERRY
County Clerk.
Suit Cl(nrkff AYifl PrACGAfI ITlAntc
i; Coat Cleaned and Pressed
Pants cleaned and pressed
Suit Pressed - - - -
Coat pressed
Pants pressed -
Suit cleaned and pressed (Ladies)
Skirt Cleaned and Pressed, plain
' 25c
We . will appreciate your Work and
guarantee satisfaction. Give us a trial.
rA'JW.V.V.V.V.WAVAWW wwuvwwwvwwwwwwf
t 7.