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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1922)
RED CLOUD, NEBRAJ5KA, CHIEF H i . c v. I 1 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Wo do building from tho excavating to the painting compjete. Wo will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. W do FRAE BRICK and STUCCO work. Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. ' Wc build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY uju..MiMHnujimiuii mi.mLuunauLuim.MMi tjmAjmumiuiauweJUHJUw.v niffliaii!raOT Greatei Than Riehes A good healthy body is mprc to be desired than all the wealth of the world. Good health assures a clear mind, inspires energy, ambilon and working efficiency. The Food We. Eat Is Important The .careful housewife will secure only tho highest grade groceries and foodstuffs to safeguard the health of the family. Our Goods Are The Highest Quality Selected to give our patrorifc the best goods obtainable at prices as low as it is possible to make them. This Store Will Help You In the practice of consistent economy and give you-full value for ever dollar you spend here. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware MiinpiiMimiii p Comfort, Economy ' and Efficiency COMFORT for it means a cool kitchen. . j. i V Ecdnomyrrfor it wastes no fuel. You burn iX kerosene oif only when you need it. Efficiency fort a "Florence .Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation andLeyery bit of heat is concentrated close under'the cooking,, -")& Come in and let our salesmen show its many good points. , I rHE red; cloud chief , Rod Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ICntcrcd In tho l'ostonico nt lied (loud. Nob an Second Class Matter' A. D.McAUTHUK,' Editor and Owner Advertising Rates Foreign, per column inch 15c Local, " " " 10 & 1214 Political Announcements For Sheriff I hereby announce myself nan candl ditto, for the nomination for Sheriff of Webster County, nt the Primary, July is, 1022, subject to tho will of tho Re publican voters of Wobstcr ooiltity. JACK WALLER. J;horcby announco mysolf asacandl" duto for tho noiiiinatlou for Sheriff of Webster County subject to tho will of the votors of the Democratic parly tit tho Primary election, July 18, 1022. LAWRENCE DOYLE I hereby announce myself as acnndl ditto for tho nomlnntlon for Sheriff of Webster County, tit tho Primary, July 18, 1022, subject to the will of the Re publican voters of Webster county. N. P. PHILLIPS. I hereby itunounec mysolf as a candi date for re-election to the ofllco of County Sheriff of Webster county, sub ject to the will of tho Democratic vot ers, at tho primnry oleetion, July IS, 1022. FRANK H UPPER. If it's worth printing at all it's worth printing well! Nothing gives a business coricern a "Cheap John" appearance as quickly as the use of poorly done printing. A concern is judged by the appearance of their place of business and by the class of correspondence and the kind of advertising rnattcr used. Since the succqss of any business institution depends upon the impression made upon the public ,thc necessity of using only the very best printing is obvious. It costs as much to do a job poorly as to do it right Wc aro prepared to handle high grade commercial printing of all kinds and enjoy doing "work for those who are particular about their printing and want it right. The Red Cloud Chief I hereby announce mysolf us a candi date for tho nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to the will of tho Republican voters at tho Primary, July 38, 1022. FRED 1IEDOE. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tho nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to tho will of tho Democratic voters of Webster coun ty at the Primnry, July 18th. E. A (BERT) KING I hereby announco myself as a candi date for tho nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to the will of the Republican voters of Wcbstorcoun ty at the Primary, July 18. OMER CROWELL, Guide Rock. I hereby announce myself as a, candi date for the nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to the will of the Republican voters of Webster county nt the Primary, July 18th. ROY RUST. For County Clerk I hereby announce mysolf as u candi date, for the nomination for County Clerk of Webster County, at tho pri. mnry, July IS, 1022, subject to tho will of tho voters ofthe Democrat party. 15. P. PERRY. Milo S. Martin Laid at Res1 i Mllo S. Martin was born In Whitley county, Indiana, on the 17th day of May 181S There ho grew to manhood, and in tho year ISC'J was united in marriage with Miss Emmalinc Young, a union that was continued for a pet iod o"f 13 years, ending in the month of August, 1912. To tills union there was given five children, all of whom aro still living, and all permitted to be present nt this service. Tho names of tho children aro Mrs Evn Hughes, Luwton, Iowa; Mrs. Minnio Essig, of Heartstong, Colorado; Mrs. Maud Hedge, of Red CJotid; Archie R Martin, of Hastings, and John L, Martin, of Ro 1 Cloud. About seven years after tho decease of his wife Mr. Martin was united in murritigu with Mrs. Annio Romford, whoso loving and elllcient ministry during his long period Of suffering proved a bleuing beyond measure. In the year IS!) 2 Mr. Martin came to Nebraska, residing for about your at Guide Rock, then coining to the viclni. ty of Red Cloud, where the homo re mained until thruo year ago wucu the family removed to Colorado, there, un til recently living upon a ranch A few mouths ago they took up their residonco in tho town of Vernon, on' account of Mr. Martin's declining health. Ineatly ilfo Mr. Martin beeatno a member of tho Baptist chutch, trans Coring Jiis connection to' tho llaptist church of Red Cloud, where his mem bership has since remained. Ho was never demonstrative in religious mat. ters, but was uniformly true to tho word of God its he understood it, hav ing little patience with thoso who den ied or sought to explain away the torco of tho truth ho had so fully be lieved. He was very conversaut with the policy and practices of his church, and deplored titty departure from es tablished forms and customs. The years of trial through which he passed, uud tho extreme suffering of the last year exerted a redoing iuilucnco upon his christian life and ho gave tibund aut testimony that he was ready to dc part to bo with Christ. The end came on the afternoon of tho lGth day of June, 1022, his age being 71 years and IK) duys. In addition to the surviving widow and the children as stated, there nre present two brothers of the deceased, Wttrren W. Martin and Stephen A. Martin of Columbia City, Indiana. They have come a long way given ex pression to their filial love and regard, and wc, who so well kuew the depart ed husband, father, and brother, join with them lu the expression of our sympathy. , N The funeral service was held at the Btptist chinch Monday afternoon con ducted by Rev. I. W. Edsou assisted by Rev. F.J. Newland. THE C0WDEN-KALEY CLOTHING COMPANY Always Reliable Which means what you buy of us you get the best goods the market can produce at prices that are reasonable and fair. We are gaining in the" good graces of the clothing buying public every day and people are coming from a greater distance than ever, to trade with us. For years wc have main tained only one set policy n A Square Deal to All" This month is STRAW HAT, LIGHTER UNDERWEAR COOLER CLOTHES month. As usual we are strongly equipped with this line of merchandise. i Come and See Us First I hereby announce mysolf as a enndi date, for the nomination for County Clerk of Webster County, at the pri mary, July IS, 1022, subject! to tho will of the voters of the Republican pnrty. ELMER K. SIMONS For County Treasurer I hereby announce myself asacandi. date for tho nomination for County Treasurer of Webster County subject to the will of the voters of the Repub lican party at tho Primary election, July '18, 1022. MRS. HAZEL POWELL. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination of County Treasurer of Webster County subject to the voters of the Democratic ticket at tho Primary election, July iSth. BERT DUCKER. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tho nomination for County Treasurer of Webster County subject to the will of the voters of the Repub lican ticket tit the Primnry election July 18th. MRS. CLARA E. WALKER. I heieby announce myself ns a candi date for the nomination for County Treasurer of Webster County subject to the will of the voters of the Repub lican party tit tho Primary, Julv 18. CUAS C. DENNETT, Cowles, Nobr ii n I hereby announco mysolf asacandi date for tho olllce of County Treasurer of Webster County, subject to tho will of the Republican voters at tho prl mary election, July 18, 1022. P. E. MUTTON, Blue Hill, Nabr. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for County Treasurer subject to the will of the voters of tho Democrat tickot at the Primary July 18, 1022. MABEL DAY ALBRIGHT. I hereby announce myself as a candi date, for the nomination for County Treasurer of Webster County, at the primary, July 18th, subject to the will of the voters of the Democrat party. O. R. RAKESTRAW, Bladen, Neb. In the District Court of the United States For The District of Nebraska In the Mutter of ") InBnlniptcy.CiNo. MG Euri M. Eco t Order and Notice on Bankrupt. . ) Petition lor Duchargo. Ou this Hth day of June, A. D 1022, on filing and reading the petition of the above named bankrupt for bis dis charge herein, it is ORDERED, That the 24th day of July, A. D. 1022, be and thfe same is hereby fixed as the date on or before which all creditors of and all other persons interested in said estate and in the matter of the discharge in bank ruptcy of tho said bankrupt shall, if they desire to oppose tho same, file in my said office at Iloldrege, Nebraska, In said district, their appearance, in writing, lu opposition to the granting of said discharge, and also, within ten days thereafter, file in my said oilice specifications of the grounds of said opposition. WITNESS my hand hereto, at my oftlce in Holdrege, Nebraska, tho day and date herein first above writteu, G. NORBERG, Raforeo in Bankruptcy. 20 DISCOUNT LADIES' and MISSES' COATS And s SUITS ' 20 DISCOUNT The P. Weesnef Gompany RED CLOUD, NEBR. G. W. Trine s Hardware For County Superintendent I hereby announce myself as a candi date for renominatlon'for County Sup erintendent of Schools on tho Non Political tickot at the Primary oleetion July 18th. ESTELLE E. DUCKER. I hereby announce mysolf as a candi date for tho ofllco of County Superin tendent of Sohools, of Webster county, on tho Non.Polltloal ticket, subject to the will of tho voters nt tho Primary July 18, 1022, MINNIE CHRISTIAN. A Sunday School Aid Tho international Sunday School lessons which aro appearing regularly In The Chief are prepared by Rev. P. B. Fltzwater, D. D , teaoher of English Bible in the Moody Biblo Institute, Chicago, and are read, studied and ap preciated by thousands of Bible stud ents in all parts of the country, the lessons being syndicated to hundreds of papers. These lessons nre prepared from a non-sectarian point of view, and may be used by attendants of all Sunday school 8 which use the uniform inter national texts. The lessons are published in advance of the date of use, therefore should be preserved when the paper comes. These lessons have been a big help to superintendents when the regular supply of leaflets has failed to arrive on time, and are especially appreciated by those who for any reason aro unable to attend regularly. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY GALLON FRUIT -, Bring, Us Your Produce We Meet All Competition FARMERS' UNION Don't Fill It. A hot-water bottle should never be really rilled. If It Is to be put In a bed to warm It huvo It only about three-qumiera ull. Ruthvr "' wwwwwwwwwvuvwwwv For Those New Floors Bruce Brand OAK a- :j THE M ALONE CELL ATLY CO. f .. . . ASK US W.VAVVAV.V.V.VV.V.VANVV.VVVJWWrtMAWWVl I V e9 at-mttOUttlfttftir M-Vc -J V-