The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1922, Image 8

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Copyright, 1421, Weatorn Nowaimper Union.
It wns n bnby, nestling under lnco
tovcra, Unit gnvo Barbara tlio Idea
though It wns moru thnn an hloa to tlio
lonely young woinun, for it became
her constant longing. Barbara Walncot
lad fio long l:novn only the euro of
others thnt sacrifice wns n part of her
life, so when the last Invalid, nn nunt,
passed on to her rest leaving Unrhnrn
qulto nlonc with n simple legacy to
barely cover her needs well, tho kind
2y young wotnnn begun to look nbout
ior another needy charge. The buby
la Its Incy nest typified n hcrctoforo
unknown need of her own.
"Why not," she nsked herself, her
oft cheeks flowing, "why not adopt a
fcnby nnd hnvo something to love and
something to love me?" Tho thought
srew to 1111 Barbara's drenms. With
the assistance of a friend Barbnra
was able to find tho little ono of her
desire. The baby's mother hnd died
at Its birth the father Just before.
Barbara made arrangements for adop
tion, which hnd been tho sad mother's
'wish. Sho named It Sylvia.
"Sylvia sounds so prettily romantic,"
she told the friend.
"I hope that my llttlo girl will know
ixx life nil those beautiful tilings which
3 havo been obliged to forego."
But all too promptly hnd Barbara
Iut girlish dreams nsldc. Just as Syl
via was learning to lisp tho nnmo
Bnb,' which was tho nearest baby lips
could get to Barbara, along camo Bar
bara's dclnycd lover. Paul Strong pos
sessed qualities which inado him
'worthy to bo Bnrbnra's mnte, but in
the friendship which followed his fall
ing beenmo unpleasantly evident Paul
wns unreasonably, persistently Jealous
and as tho only occasion for Jealousy
must come through baby Sylvia, Paul
wns Jenlous of Sylvia.
An Imperious small ruler was Paul
Strong's rival. And Barbara's tender
heart was torn, her will hovering, for
she hnd learned to lovo Paul, nnd ho
would accept only undivided homage.
"Surely," she begged her lover, "you
would not ask mo to give Sylvln up?
Why, dear, she loves me ns sho would
fcavo loved a mother of her own."
"You nro not thnt mother," Pnul an
swered sharply, "and In a very short
tlmo another could tnko your placo In
the child's affections."
A pnng crossed Barbara's heart. Yet
khc knew that this llttlo clinging thing
needed her guiding care, no other must
substitute. This, her charge, so griev
ing deeply, sho sent Paul away.
The years went on. In her carefree
girlhood Sylvln Haunted moro nnd
more her happy rule.
"Bnbs will do anything In tho world
&r me," sho lovingly bonsted. Sylvia
2ind grown ".cry lovely Barbara had
grown paler, thinner. Then Pnul
Strong camo bnclc. Sylvia was tho
flrst to see him ns ho came down the
village street.
"Sweetie," shov addressed her foster
mother"isiwa most distinguished
man turning In to tho old Strong place
todctf:'"l" There ho comes now."
l. Barbnrnlooked to see her old lover.
Then, trembling a little, Barbara went
to open tho door to him. She fancied
a flash of disappointment In his eyes
as he looked at her. Her own heart
was singing, "llo has coino back
some bock."
During tlio following weeks Paul
was a constant visitor at Bnrbnrn's lit
tle house.
"Yon still love Sylvia better thnn
Mfe?" Paul asked Barbara, but now
Ids tono wns merely humorous.
"Eighteen years has not mado mo
Jove her less," Burbnra answered quiet
ly. Pnul and Sylvia, walking ono eve
ning In the moonlight, stopped to rest
an tho porch steps. Barbara, scnted
Just Inside the open window, knew
what was cqnilng, nnd she told herself
thnt she could not blnme Paul. Sylvln
had grown Into such n lovely creature,
3ylvia, sweet nnd desirable, who
counted admirers by the score.
"How could ono holp but lovo you,
Tnul denr?" said Sylvln, on tho moon
lit porch. Tho man's response came
sadly :
"I am old, child, old In yenrs, with
un unruly heart still young to love."
- Stowly Barbara went up to her
guild's room. Sho would wait to give
Sjhin her good-nlghl kiss and Sylvia
.must never know.
Coming gnyly, Sylvia switched Bar
unrn around to fnco tho light.
"L thought so," she triumphed, "you
itb enro for the delightful Pnul after
xM. And I had to deliberately mnko
you Jealous In order to bo sure. Go
down nnd tell him so, sncrlUcing per-'
aoo, nnd make him hnppy nfter till
tticso years. Oh, Paul has told mo
of his undying lovo for you I refuse
to- be a cruel barrier any longer. And
any way," added Sylvia, smilingly, "1
may bo married myself ono of these
Intelligent Mistletoe.
2me of tho most curious Illustra
tions of tho working of intelligence
la plants Is offered by the mistletoe,
vtlosa sticky berry, finding lodgment
on a trco branch, throws out a tiny
rootlet, which tries to plerco tho brirk
aai thus obtnln a foothold. If tlio
"flark Is too tough, tho rootlet swings
the berry over to a fresh spot, and
aaikes another trial. In this way such
U-rry has bcei) known to raako flvo
jjjaps In two nights nnd three days.
Oa ono occasion a number of them
ven discovered by n botanist In tho
act of vainly Journeying along a tido
sraph wire, trying to find place' to
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CProparcd by the National OooKraphlc
Society, WuahlnRton, D. C.) '
There Is something to be learned
from the recent "swing around tho
circle" by the President of Franco
through Morocco. It Includes visits to
Mohammedan holy places near which,'
a few years ago, "Christian Infidels"
were not permitted. Smiles of wel
come met this French party whero
formerly nil Kuropunns received scowls
or worse. It seems that tho history
of Algeria Is being repeated and that
French economic penetration Is prov
ing a success In tills anomalous coun
try, whose Arabic namo means "tho
extreme West," but which has har
bored more tenaciously than Kgypt or
Mesopotamia the llavor of the Kust. j
Until a decade ago Morocco scorned'
western civilization and had succeeded"
In keeping Itself at least a millennium
and a half behind the times. Moslem
fanaticism ran riot. Jews and Chris
tians were treated with a mixture of
contempt, suspicion and hostility. Be
cause, as a result of pressure by the
Kuropean powers, Christians were per
mitted to own land In Tangier, Moroc
cans referred to It as a "dog town,"
and one Moslem map-maker Insisted
on lcnvlng It off the map of Morocco,
llelatlvely few Ihiropeans lived In the.
country outside of Tangier and a few
other coast cities; and In some of
the towns considered holy, It was as
much as n non-Moslem foreigner's llt'o
was worth to appear.
The Morocco of today Is something
of u mixture govcriikicntnlly. The
oretically It Is all under the control of
the sultan of Morocco. As a mutter
of fact, however, thu country Is di
vided Into three parts still nominally
under tho sultan. Along the Mediter
ranean and extending Inland for fiO to
100 miles Is the narrow zone recog
nized to be tinder Spanish Influence. A
caliph appointed by the sultan Is sup
posed to be In control of this zone, as
sisted by Spanish olllclnls. The city of
Tangier, on the northwestern point of
Africa, and a small surrounding
district, constitute a special zone
In which an international commission
assists Moroccan olllclnls. The main
portion of Morocco something like
nlneteen-twentleths Is tinder a French
protectorate which has existed since
Has Many Capitals.
Morocco is a land of many capitals.
Tho sultan has palaces in Fez, Tntllolt.
Marrakesh (Morocco City) and ltabat,
nnd resides In each from time to time.
For some years Tangier was the diplo
matic capital where all foreign en
voys were resident and whore a rep
resentative of the sultan also resided.
Life and property were too insecure in
tho Interior for foreign envoys to feel
safe In the city In which tho sultan
happened to bo. living. This situation
has changed since tho French protec
torate was established and the resi
dent general now resides In the city
of tho sultnn, having residences as
well In the other capitals.
From the sea, Tangier Is the Arnb
city of North Africa par excellence, for
the ugly dashes of yellow, green and
red, with which scattered modern con
structions have marred tho otherwise
glistening whiteness of tho native city,
are no( distinguishable until the steam
er lies close In. Being a city of "In
fidels," It has boon visited only on tho
rarest occasions by tho sultnn.
The traveler from Europe will bo
struck nt once by tho total lack of
the woll-lmown rumble of city streets,
for though the uneven thoroughfares
aro In most parts paved with cobble
stones, wheeled vehicles are practi
cally unknown, not only In Tangier,
but throughout the empire. Tho Btreets
ara nevertheless crowded with other
means of transport. So narrow nri
some of them that at the oft-repeated
"Balak 1" "Look out 1" oae must again
and again spring Into some doorway
Moorish Town
In order to let donkeys, mules nnd
horses, with their spreading burdens,
pass by.
Camels have to be unloaded on the
"soko," or market-place, outside the
walls. Things too heavy to bo car
ried by a single animal must be trans
ported by men, and It is no unusual
sight to see great stones five and sis
feet long slung on poles and borno by
a dozen or more half-naked Arabs.
In these narrow streets the little box
like shops, waist high, give the proper
oriental setting to the whole. In them
we see the owner reclining and sedate
ly reading, seemingly oblivious to tho
stirring scenes around htm, until he Is
"disturbed" by a purchaser for , his
goods, all of which aro within arm's
Fez Once a Paradise.
Inland Fez Is, of course, different
from Tangier. The golden days of
Fez began in the Ninth century and
continued till about the Thirteenth, if
was then celebrated as a paradise.
Around the city were splendid gardens
ot rarest fruits. The soil, wati'redvby
a thousand streams, was of extraor
dinary fertility, its nhtnerous schools
and libraries and Its famous 'univer
sity attracted students even from Ku
rope. The climate, Its fruits and dow
ers, Its fountains and wells, Its ver
dure and beauty, caused the city to
enjoy a reputation unique In Islam. Its
glories have departed, but It still
boasts of one of the most sacred
mosques of the Mohammedan world,
thnt of Mulal Idress, "the Younger,"
the founder of tho kingdom.
The sights of Fez are Its teeming
streets, bazars nnd markets. Weeks
can be spent In this Interesting city,
and yet new and strange scenes" bo
met with at almost any moment.
Snake-charmers, modkine-nicn, story
tellers, with their gaping crowds, ar
tisans and tradesmen of every descrip
tion, costumes front tho four quarters
of Morocco and beyond Interest tho
traveler at every turn. But all Is not
poetry In Fez. Hosoltlng are tho hor
rible dNeases to be seen on every
The residence portion of tho city is
strikingly unattractive. One can scarce
ly believe that he Is being taken to call
on one of the Wealthiest Moors of tho
city, when he stops In a narrow street,
barely five feet wide, Inclosed by high,
prlson-llko wlndowless walls. Theso
walls are the houses themselves. A mas
sive, Iron-studded door will be opened,
and In semi-darkness ono will be con
ducted along a tortuous, dingy pas
sage, through several doors, to suddenly
emerge Into one of those Inner courts
which aro the masterpieces of orlentnl
architecture, with its mosaics, tiles,
fountains, colonnades or light Sara
cenic arches supporting a second gal
lery above, nil covered with a profu
sion of colored and glided arabesques
nnd pendentlves.
Almost rivaling these Inner courts
In popularity, especially with the wom
en, the fiat roofs of tho houses must
bo mentioned. Hero during certain
hours the men nre never expected to
nppenr, for they aro then sacred to
tho women of tho families, who resort
to them unveiled to enjoy the cooling
breezes from tho Atlas mountains.
Tho city of Meklnez might be called
tho monument of Mouley Ismnel, tho
great contemporary of Louis XIV, who
even dared sue for the hand of a
daughter of the great French klpg.
Ills mania for building Is cvoryvyhero
In evidence. For miles along tho road
lending to the quarries to the north
great blocks of stone can still be seen
lying, Just as they fell from the hands
of tho slnves when they henrd that
their tyrant sovereign wns dend. But
a melancholy Interest Is nttncheu to
theso grortc buildings, for It must be
remembered .that hundreds of Chris
tian slnves tolled nnd died on; these
gloomy walls.
Copyright, 1922, Western Newspaper Union.
I could see that DHly Newman was
taken with Uorn, ns nil Prescott boys
were. Shu hud come among us, with
Miss Theodora Dnnvers, properly en
graved on her visiting cards, and
stopped with Mrs. Uvuns which alone,
wns n recommendation. Yet, no wom
an In our crowd seemed to talto to
Dora Danvcrs. Some went so far as
to warn their sons against her, as a
blighter. But our Prescott mothers
tiro not to bo relied on where their
wonderful sons arc concerned. Which
sounds bitter, coming from n young
womnn and is.
Ted Lorlmer and I would have been
married long ago, if his mother did
not regularly take an attack of de
pendent Invalidism, tho moment tho
suggestion Is made, of leaving her
despotic rule. But this Is not my
story; the Illustration prepares you
for tho rest.
Billy Newman's mother has deter
mined that If the worst must come
In tho possibility of his marriage, It
shall be to Eva Vaughn, whoso father
mndo a fortuno In oil.
So when Billy longs for feminine
society, Mrs. Ncwtnun gives him Evn.
Tho two did nppenr to be getting along
chummlly together, when Dorn flashed
on tho scene.
When Billy began to neglect Eva and
spend his evenings where Dora was,
his mother reminded lihn of Dick and
his disappointment
"A girl like that Is neither depend
nblo or honest," she snld, "when sho
deceives In one wny, she will In nn
other. A man wants a trustworthy
wife, If ho Is to have pence or com
fort In ranrrled life."
I repeated tlio sentiment to Dora,
not bctrnylng Mrs. Newman, of course,
but putting It as my own. Dora turned
to mo with a pretty puzzled air.
"But, Sallle door," she sold, "how Is
ono to know a man loves until he
tells one so? Shntl I, for instance go
around fearfully expecting every pleas
ant male to be overcome with my
charms? Now, wouldn't," laughed
Dora, "that bo silly."
Eva Is awfully sweet and clever,
ller cleverness takes Mrs. Newman,
combined with her manner of defer
ential humility.
Of late, Eva bus constantly been ex
hibiting new skill. Billy, through his
mother, appeared to value theso ac
complishments. And, really, I began
to grow anxious fearing thnt for tho
first time In her life, my favorite Dora
was seriously and hopelessly Interest
ed In n man.
Evn exhibited a new hat which add
ed greatly to her attraction. It was
Just tho sort of hat sho should always
hnvo worn, but did not. Mrs. New
man explained thnt Eva had mndo the
hat herself, out of a mere scrap of
straw and silk, Just to show Individu
ality. Dorn, standing near at the time,
looked coldly at the; hat. 1 thought,
and spoke no, word of praise. It was
the first tlifn'jlbout'Dorn that I did
not like. Petty Jealousy In womnn Is
my abhorrence. i
When I nm Jenlous Its the downright
kind with reason. And so I thought
which made me hate myself that
perhaps Blllle's mother was a better
Judge of character than I perhaps
Dorn Danvcrs was all for conquest
brooking no praise of another.
About this time our reading club of
fered a prlzo for the cleverest review
of the year's work. We had most of
us been college students together,
which made It Interesting, and brought
bnck the old exciting debates. Dora
had not been with us a year, so of
courso sho could not enter tho con
test. Hero I expected Eva's cleverness to
bo dimmed at school she had been
anything but n bright and shining
light I wns wrong. Again, Eva shone
triumphantly. Beside her witty bril
liance my labored effort was llko a
child's crude essay.
Tho audience Invited to Mrs. Evans'
homo for the rending, npplnuded. And
Mrs. Newmnn basked In Eva's triumph
as though the engagement she desired
were already a settled thing. When
wo crowded up to congratulate Eva,
Dora camo with "strange reluctance.
In her eyes I fancied a disdainful ex
pression I regarded her In pained dis
approval. "Why can't you be big?" my disap
pointed self was saying. "Oh, Dorn,
why enn't you bo fnlr?" But of
course, I didn't spenlc. Blllle's eyes on
her woudctingly, seemed to sny tho
snmo thing.
"Wasn't that a clever review?" Mrs.
Newman nsked.
Dora turned asldo. "You think so?"
sho nuswered doubtfully.
Mrs. Evans, Juliet, who was placing
n luncheon cloth on n table near us,
looked up with a grin, ns Dora moved
"Mlssio Dora enn't praise 'bout
what sho dono herself," said Juliet.
"And Mlssio Dorn writ thnt there
pleco for dat Eva. I s tlxln' Mlssio
Dora's room, when Miss Eva sho
called, nn' ask her to do It. "An' don't
you say nothln' 'bout you doln' It,"
loughs Evn. "Courso I won't," snys
Ml&blo Dora ciuoleod Hku when sho
glv' Miss Evn tho hut she wns trlmmln'
to wenr herself. "Ef you llko It so
much," says Mlssio Dora, "tako tho
tint. I kin1 make another." I watched
tho colored maid out of Bight.
"Juliet always speaks tho truth," I
told BUHe. He smiled. "So does my
bpnrL" ho said. . .
, 1D22, by JloCIure Newspaper Syndicate
"Tickets, please."
Dorothy Martin roused herself from
her book sufficiently to put her hnnd
Into her coat pocket. But her purse
wasn't there I She reached Into the
pocket on the other side. Then she
looked up at the conductor In dismay,
n grim, sour-looking old man who
looked as If he would mnko allowances
for no one?
"But I'm sure my purse was In my
pocket when I boarded the train. It
must be here."
While ho waited she searched fran
tically on tho seat, under the sent, In
her traveling bag, In her hat box.
Then, Hushed and breathless, she
looked up. "I'm sorry I can give you
u check. And hero's my personal
"Sorry. Wo don't take no checks,
"Whnt can I do?"
"You'll hnvo to get off nt the next
stop St. Michael a hundred tulles
further on. And I'll have to nsk you
to go Into tho conch."
It wns a lluBhcd and Indignant
young womnn who gnthered up her
bnggnge nnd followed the conductor
Into the hot, stuffy conch.
About mlddny she found herself on
tho stntlon plntform, her pntcnt lenth
or luggngo beside her.
"Porter, miss?"
But she had no money with which
to pay for such a luxury, so, much to
his disgust, sho struggled Into tho
ticket oillce, up to the window, nnd
nsked for a telegraph blank.
"Lost purse. Telegraph one hun
dred io me at St. Michael. Dorothy."
"Yes, It enn go collect. Wnlt a min
ute." To tho nstoulsliment of the waiting
clerk, she tore the telegram Into small
pieces.' "I've changed my mind." And
she strode ncross the room to tho
lunch counter.
"Is that Job filled?" pointing cngcr
ly to a sign, "Waitress Wanted," be
fore the cashier's window.
The womnn looked up, took in at n
single glance every detail In the ap
pearance of the slim, nrlstocratlc-look-Ing
girl standing before her. "No'm;
It ain't."
"I want It."
"Joe, Joe," cnlled tho woman In a
high, nasal voice. "This gnl wnnts
yer Job. Sho. don't look like much, but
mebbo she'll be better'u nothing."
Before Dorothy wns nwnre of whnt
had happened, she wns behind the
counter, serving the hungry hordes
who hnd ridden with her to St. MI
chnel nnd who were clamoring denfen
Ingly for eggs, snndwiches. custard pie
and coffee as If they hadn't consumed
Imsketfuls of food in the preceding
three hours.
St. Michael was an ugly, sprawling
settlement of nbout twenty frame
houses dirty, weather-beaten, deso
late. Ono week rolled by, two. In two
more weeks Dorothy would have saved
enough to get home.
She had Just lifted a huge, steaming
kettle of soup to the table In her cor
ner of tho counter when the Burling
ton train roared In. Hardly had Its
brakes brought it to a standstill when
a throng of men burst through the
doors. Tho women nnd children al
ways straggled in and tried to push
through the men three-deep nt the
counter. As she renched for n cup, a
familiar voice rang out, "Dorothy." A
tall young man was pushing toward
the counter.
"I think you are mistaken, sir."
"Dorothy 1"
"Move on there, young fellow. You
can't bo annoying my girls. Movo on."
"But "
"Movo on. didn't 1 tell you?" It wns
Joe, and he was advancing threaten
ingly upon the young man.
"Oh, Dick" then her voice broke.
"No, no. Joe; ho knows me; It's all
right. I'm to blnme."
Before she knew how It nil Imp.
pencil Dorothy wns In Dick's nrms,
sobbing fitfully.
"But why did you do It,
llnven't you seen the pnpers?
been nentiy frnntlc."
"I almost teleKranhed dad.
I was
prepared for even his 'I told you so.'
Anil tuen i saw the sign, 'Waitress
Wanted,' nnd I thought It would bo n
lark to earn my own way home. It's
been hnrd, Dickie, but"
Tho limited carried an extra passen
ger when It left St. Mlchnel. Tho Pull
ninn folk were rather curious and
amused at the sollcitudo with which
an aristocratic-looking young man
peeled eggs and unwrapped sand
wiches for an equally aristocratic
looking but ravenously hungry young
woman. .
Purely Educational.
"Do you find much relaxation In
"Not a bit," snld Mr. Dubwnlto.
"Then why do you play?"
"I've got to acquire a golf vocabu
lary to bo able to hold up my end of
a conversation." Birmingham Age
Herald. Economics Rule.
The Pessimist It's a cruel world.
Tho moro houses built, the greater Is
the demand for building material uud
tho higher price, which In turn makes
for higher rents.
His Friend Yes, but
"On the other hand, tlio fewer houses
built, tho greater is the demand for
houses and the lfigber the rents." Answers.
winter Wheat up to
. three year average
Winter wheat compares lavorably
with the past three years average.
Spring wheat and baricy acreages are
incieased heavily anil the condition is
very good. The acreage of oats is
decreased slightly t.nd the condi'bn
below tho ne age. The conditio) of
hay is below tho nvcrage. All' fruit
crops aro ve y promis'ng. This is the
summary of the monthly crop report
released today by A. E. Anderson,
federal statistician and Leo Stuhr,
sccre;nry, Nebraska Department of
The condition of winter wheat is
70fe ns compared to 82 last month
and 75 a year ago this date. The
present condition forcasts a crop of
54,98 1,000 bu. ns compared to the
final estimate of 57,559,000 bu. last
year. The average of the past throe
years Js 50,802,000 bu. The present
crop- grew under adverse moisture
conditions until the latter part of
May. This resulted not only in a
large abandonment, but also thin
stands in considerable of the crop that
was left for harvest. The heads are
of average size and the straw has at
tained, good length since the rains in
May. Many fields appear better thnn
they really are when one examines the
stnntls carefully.
Spring- wheat acreage shows an in
crease of 10 due largely to seced
ing the crop in abandoned winter
wheat fields in west central Nebraska
and some in central and southwest
sections. Tho preliminary estimate
is 287,000 acres compared to 205,0,0
acres last year. The high condition
of 81 indicates a crop of 3,375,000
bu. The forecast of all wheat is
58,359,000 bu. as compared to 59,
875,000 bu. last year.
The preliminary estimate of acreage
of oats is 2,507,000 acres as cjmparen
to 2,5885,000 acres last yotr. The
present condition of 84 forecasts a
crop of 70,547,000 bu. compar.'J to
u,uoi.uuu uu. last yea". ji? crop
was planted later than usual and
slightly injured by dry weather and
the chances for a good crop are re
duced accordingly.
The acreage of" barley rai in
creased 35 due to extensive plant
ing upon abandoned winto wheat
fields in central nnd western Nebras
ka. The preliminary estimate is
209,000 acres compared :o 199,000
acres last -year. The present high
conoition of 90 indicates a crop of
0,410.000 bu. compared to 4,!)i.r.,000
bu. last year.
Rye has improved some since the
rains of May but can not recover
fully from the previous damage. The
condition of 33 forecasts 1,038,000
bu. Last year's crop was 1,714,000
All hay condition is 88 compared
to 89 last year. The lack of moist
ure checked the growth of wild hay
and also tame hay, particularly in
north central and northeastern coun
ties. Alfalfa yields vary but a"o
about the average. ,
All fruit crops are very promising.
The condition of apples is 90
pears, 89, blackberries and rasp
berries 91 and peaches 98. The
set of fruit part of the trees is ex
tra heayv.
The number of bearing fruit trees
has been reduced very heavily dur
ing the past decade. In 1920 there
were 1,409,998 bearing fruit trees as
compared to 5,0G1,9S4 trees in 1910.
Fungous diseases, insects, drouth,
severe winters and lack of caie are
responsible for heavy losses. A com
parison of tho present number of
fruit trees with the number 10 years
ago is as follows: apples, 32;
peaches, 80; pears, Gl; plums, 21
; cherries, 58; grape vines, 35;
acreage of all small fruits 81.
The condition of sugar beets is 88
High winds did some damage to tho
crop. Ihe acreage is less than it was
last year. The condition of minor
crops are as follows: cabbages, 90;
onions, 91; benns, 95 p watermelon j,
90; muskmelons and cantaloupes, 88
Estimates of important crops for tho
United States are as follows: Winter
wheat, C07.333.000 bu. and 587,032,
000 bu. last year. Sring wheat, 18,-
039,000 acres and 247,175,000 bu. as
compared to 19,700,000 acres and 207-
801,000 bu. last year. Oats, 41,822,
000 acres and 1,304,66 1,000 bu. ns
compared to 44,826,000 acres and 1,
060,737,000 bu. last year. Barley,
7,550,000 acres and 191,246,000 bu. as
compared to 7,240,000 acres and 151,
181,000 bu. last year. Rye, 80,815,
000 bu. and 57,918,000 bu. a year ago.
AH hay, 106,099,00 tons and 96,802,
000 tons last year. Apples, 179,810,
000 bu. and 98,097,000 bu. a yenr ago. Thlnn Must Be Paid For.
A precious thing Is all the moro
precious If It has been won by toll
nnd ("""nnniv. Ttnskln
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