The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1922, Image 7

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I 4
Sam's Free t
Had Your Iron TodayT
- -is -"" -xm, , i v , vi, A- X'"& Pj&7krukA-. '''v
! .TT.
-w xm: -Mi. v i
.Sb L- j I jV r ."r &
jK-STfci Iff fes :.T .. ..,..,... .. :... MkTT ' -'-v U
jrrzD m 4u9jnm ' s---:jp vk ,
Let's Have
Raisin Bread Tonight
HOW long since you've had delicious raisin
bread since you've tasted that incoro
parable flavor?
Serve a loaf tonight. No need to bake it.
Just telephone your grocer or a bakery. Say
you want "full-fruited bread generously
filled with luscious, seeded, Sun-Maid Raisins."
The flavor of these raisins permeates the
loaf. A cake-like daintiness makes every slice
a treat.
Serve it plain at dinner or as a tasty, fruited
breakfast toast.
Make delicious bread pudding with left-
over slices.
Use it all. You need not waste a crumb.
Raisin bread is luscious, energizing, iron
food. So it's both good and good for you.
Serve it at least twice a week. Start this
good habit in your home today.
But don't take any but a real, full'fru'itcd
genuine raisin bread.
Your dealer will supply it if you insist.
SeeJec Raisins
Make delicious bread, pies, puddings,
cakes, etc. Ask your grocer for them. Send
for free book of tested recipes.
Sun-Maid Raisin Growers
Membership 13,000
DoDt. N 2S 3. lTrnsnn. nnllf.
ftBlue Package
Color vs. Contents.
A little girl of perhaps nlno years
was sent to a branch library to get
a book for her mother. Approaching
the librarian's desk, alio said:
"My mother wants a book."
"Did she say what kind sho want
ed?" nsked the librarian, hoping to get
something to guide her In her choice.
"After a moment's puzzled consider
ation, came the rejoinder:
"Sure, she said to get a red or a
green one."
Ono slzn smaller anil walk In comfort by
uslntt ALLBN'S FOOTKASE. tho antlBep
tlo powder for the foet. Hhnkeii Into the
ahoes mid sprinkled In tho foot-bath, Allen's
FootKnso makes tight or new shoes feol
easy: elves Instant relief to corns, bunions
and callouses, prevents Blisters, Callous and
Sore Spots. Advertisement.
Always an Opening.
Mr. North No. sir. I don't want any
Insurance. I hnvo no dependents and
I nm burning my bridges behind me I
Insurance Salesman Ah! How
about lire Insurance for the bridges?
The prices of cotton and linen have
been doubled by the war. Lengthen
their service by using Red Cross Ball
Blue In the laundry. All grocers Ad
vertisement. Music Hath Charms.
"How do you like your music?"
"Both rare and well done." Phlln
Oelnhln Evening Bulletin.
Find Old Graves In Ireland.
A fanner at Camaghly, near Pom
ersy, Ireland, while plowing n field
on his farm discovered two graves at
opposite comers of the Held. It took
six men to remove the covering stone
slnbs. As well as human remains, one
grave contained n very beautifully de
signed clay pot In a good state of pres
ervation. The graves were also lined
with one piece slabs. Hundreds of
sightseers have visited tho spot, and
the gcncrnl belief Is that tho graves
date back to the Sixteenth century.
XSIirs $110,000,000
Keep Nebraska Money In Nebraska
Patronize Home Industries
Kill All Flies!
if..-i .n.w.h... riAIRV KI.Y KILLER attracts and
kills all Bias. Ntt. cltn, onurnnlil, convsnUnt and
fion llsdsofmetsl,
r can't mill or tin orer:
'will not soil or Injurs
nrtblns, GniruiMsd.
dAiby n
Esteemed Lincoln Resident Declares
Tanlac Has Made a Clean Sweep
of Her Rheumatism and
and Other Troubles.
"I couldn't believe all they said
about Tanlac until I tried It myself,
and now I never doubt what I read
about It," said Mrs. Anna II. Crawford,
2300 N. 23rd St., Lincoln, Neb., wife of
a well-known retired business man.
"I got Into a badly run-down condi
tion," she continued, "and suffered
grcntly from Indigestion. I had head
ache for days at a time, slept poorly
nnd woke up mornings so wenk and
dizzy I could hardly get up. Then
rheumatism set in nnd mnde walking
difficult nnd I could scarcely use my
arms for the pain.
"But Tanlac has made a clean sweep
of ray troubles, brought back my ap
petite nnd ennbled mo to gain much
weight. It Is n pleasure to make a
statement In nralso of this creat modi-
Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists.
Fast Color.
Joseph Dug, the novelist, said at a
luncheon In Philadelphia:
"I'd like to go to Havana ngaln this
winter. Thero's very good bathing
there, all tho year 'round.
"I met the other day a young man
who had just got back from Havann.
" 'Did you sport with tho breakers?'
I said to him.
"I should think so,' said he. 'A
couplo of beautiful Spanish dnnclng
girls from Mnlaga. They broko mo In
about threo days.'"
t jrour dtslsr or
. nrcotld. I1.2S.
HABOLD B0UEU3. 1C0 Us Kslb A vs.. Brooklyn. N.T.
B br-EXPRESS, nrepsU
Our Iluslnesf Is We Tear
Km Up and Hell tho Fleer
Parts for All Make of Cora
Call, write or phone; you'll receive prompt
Hervlce. Highest prices paid for old car.
2021 O Street Lincoln, Nebraska
Do you believe In our creedT Do you want
to wear that mysterious emblemT Infor.
watlon free. HOX SS0. TULSA. OKLA.
M I til lv 5.0. Aarlce and book free.
Bates teisonab'.e. nianMtiswenoes. Pcstsgrrlocs.
Freshen a Heavy Skin
With tho antiseptic, fascinating Cutl
curn Talcum Powder, an exquisitely
scented, economical face, skin, baby
and dusting powder nnd perfume.
Benders other perfumes superfluous.
One of tho Cutlcura Toilet Trio (Soap,
Ointment, Talcum). Advertisement.
Draws No Interest.
"IJnvo you anything In tho savings
"Only confidence."
Costs Less Per Vay To Wear Them I
i;4:.: '!''M''M$?fc
JQ ,RjR-.y . mmrwBm;mmmk.
-i . ;:": y--Af- ::?A-.!. ' iTn&XV.V::-.. i??. I: :.;lfe'ISSyi" " V7TV .
v?-AS-Ammbttm &Ytrmm&sM-'2rcli-.. 'vrKm -w,
?? -$x -Mmim'm
- . rmmmmmm - mmmi
' MtXtii&Bz&mmzr :0&- i m.
sfflBsV L"mis received free nnckuges of voce- te''lvj6E$' JZ&M&&Ztt tiuf&$K 2tm
sBaW senators nnd representatives In con- dSszjkP ' ?LJ5ia
(I sress. Uncle Sam not the member jsiS. d(tf-(S
r. V&TX
lAJTj l,P tllu Packuges, put them In tho '3 v &!5t
pEXflH inII and carried them freo to every "- s$'
ftr2ts-l nook and corner of the laud. Of L & "
HIS spring nbout 13.000,000 Aniorl
cans received free pneknges of vege
table and garden seeds from their
senators and representatives In con
gress. Uncle Sum not the member
of congress bought the seeds, tied
up the pneknges, put them In tho
mall and carried them freo to every
nook and corner of the laud. Of
course, In the last analysis, tho
people themselves though they ap
parently got something for nothing, paid for theso
seeds, since the cost of the purchase and distribu
tion came out of tho public funds.
Doubtless this seed business all seems peaceable
enough to the voter who gets the seeds, but, good
ness, ho should bo In Washington when the nnnu
nl Hurry over these same seeds Is on I It's really
us exciting as u two-ring circus, for there are two
seed Hurries going on at one and tho same time.
One Hurry is going on nt Uncle Sum's seed ware
house, where a small army of girls Is doing up the
seeds nnd pasting on the franks of the members
of congress and hustling the packages off to the
The other Hurry Is In the capltol, where congress
is lighting tooth and toenail over the question of
whether it will distribute seeds again next spring.
You see, Uncle Sum's Hscal year begins July 1
each year and he has to make a seed appropria
tion a year In advance or no, seeds. So this
spring, while congress was lighting out the sumo
old light on seeds for 102:1, the 1022 distribution
of seeds was going merrily on under an appropria
tion mnde after a prolonged light lu the spring of
1021. ,
The fight over tho seed distribution usunlly runs
about like this: The appropriations committee
reports tho agricultural department appropriation
bill without the seed Item. Soiuo "seed man" of
fers a seed amendment. The antls object to the
amendment on a point of order. If the speaker
rules against the seeds the house overrules him.
Then the bill goes to the senate and the senate
throws out the seed amendment. The bill then
goes to conference nnd the senntu and house
wrangle over tho seed Item with other Items
until an agreement Is reached. It's like a game of
poker bluff and raise. And of course there's al
ways a show-down for the agricultural appropria
tion bill must be passed, seeds or no seeds.
This year the light was unusually prolonged,
but as usual the seed men In the house had their
way. The ngrlculturnl bill carrying $:HJ,000,000
contained an Item of $1100,000 for the free distribu
tion of seeds in 1023.
In the course of tho houso debate this spring
Beprcscntatlve BUI G. Lowrey of Mississippi, a
"seed man," read Into tho Congressional Record nn
Interesting article on Uncle Sam's seed distribu
tion from tho Washington Sunday Star. Here nro
some of tho points brought out In the artlclo:
At n cost of $3150,000 food products to tho value
of 130,000,000 will be grown from 100,000 packages
of vegetable seeds'and 10,000 pnekages of flower
seeds whlcji are being sent out from Washington
by each and every one of the 00 senntors and -133
members of tho house under 13,000,000 franks (freo
postage) to homo gardeners In every State In the
Union. '
Now, let us look over the historical background
for this annual "gruft." The purchase of seeds
nnd plants by tho government may be said to
dnto back to colonial days. As early as 1743 the
British parliament granted $000,000 to promote the
cultivation of Indigo and other crops In tho Ameri
can colonies, and tho assemblies of the various
colonies appropriated small sums from time to time
to encourage the cultivation of plants now to tho
country, such ns hops In Virginia, mulberry trees
for silk culture In Georgia, and vineyards for the
establishment of an American wine Industry.
In 1830, through the efforts of Henry h', Ells
worth. commlHonor of patents, an appropriation
of $1,000 was mado for tho purpose of collecting
and distributing seeds, prosecuting agricultural in
vestigations, and procuring agricultural statistics,
with which 30,000 packages of seeds wero pur
chased and distributed. This appropriation
marked the beginning of tho Department of Agri
culture. Demands upon members of congress for seeds
became so numerous nnd Insistent that It was Im
possible to All the orders with new varieties of
seeds. The practice of sending out larger and
larger quantities of vegetable seeds thus developed.
During tho years from 18S9 to 1803 prnctlcally
the cntlro seed appropriation was expended fop
standard varieties of vegctnblo and flower seeds. (
In 1801 u change was advocated and uctlon taken
to discontinue tho customury distribution. This
action was not approved by congress, which, In nn
uct -approved April 25, 1800, changed the wording
of the previous act. The attorney general, to -whom
the question wns submitted for decision,
held that the purchase and distribution of seeds,
Including vegetable and flower seeds, wero manda
tory and left tho secretary of agriculture without
discretion. Congress has speclllcally reserved for
Itself the distribution, with proportionate allot
ments to each member, of five-sixths of all the seeds
and plants purchased by the department. So that
Is where "congressional seed I distribution" origi
nated. '
Now, then, It costs Uncle Sam about 3V6 cents
for every package of seeds sent out by n congress
man. Hnch package contains five different kinds
of seed. The following kinds of vegetable seeds
aro purchased for free distribution: Pens, beets,
lettuce, onions, radish, beans, corn, carrots, cu
cumber, parsley, pafstilp, squash, tomato, turnip,
and watermelon. There aro 14 combinations, so
that a member of congress can select the live
different kinds of seeds be wants to t-end out In
one package. Similarly there are 22 different va
rieties of flowers, such as chrysanthemum, aster,
cosmos, lialsam, candytuft, dlanthus, nasturtium,
poppy, sweet peas, petunia, zinnias, mignonette.
That pnekage containing live small papers of
seeds, which costs the government 3, cents, If
bought In the open market would cost DO cents.
The olllce of seed distribution In the Department
of Agrlculturo keeps an exact account ljr each
member of congress, Just the same as a bank no-
count. The member Is credited with his quotu
and Is allowed to draw against that quota, Just
the sauiu as against a bank account.
From one sample package, containing five small
papers of seeds, any person enn raise at least $lf
worth of food, according to the agricultural au
thorities. Deducting $5 for waste, loss In transit,
or carelessness In planting or poor soli, It leaves
a $10 net production. Members of congress are
sending out this year 13,000,000 of these large
packages (live papers In each), which, it Is con
servatively estimated, will return $130,000,000 food
products for an outlay of $300,000, which certainly
should have some effect on the economic life of
this country.
When the atinunl light over the appropriation
Is being waged the claim Is, often made that the
free-seed distribution conies near wrecking the
Post Olllce department and Is responsible for nn
annual deficit. The records show that the run Is
usually from 1,500,000 pounds to 000,000 or 700,000
pounds, nnd thnt If the olllce of seed distribution
paid postago on each package, the same as any
prlvato Individual, the postage bill would never
have been more than $131,000, and that It would
average about $95,000.
Kvery seed sent out Is tested for vitality and
for trueness to name. These tcstH are made on
the experimental farm of the department, near
Arlington National cemetery, although the germi
nation tests are mostly made In the laboratory by
using blotter paper. All seed has to be of the
particular variety ordered. The department, while
opposing the congressional distribution, takes very
good care that the seeds nro all good before they
aro sent out. It sots n very high stnndnrd to which
the seeds must register, a much higher standard
thnn Is often required commercially. If tho seeds
do not reach that standard, they are shipped back
to tho contractor from whom they wero purchased
at the hitter's expense. Some years they roject
a very largo amount this year, for example, about
150,000 pounds, nfier It had reached Washington
hecauso tho germination was not high enough.
This Is sent back as not good enough for con.
gresslonul seed distribution, but Micro Is no as
surance anywhere that tho very same seed Is not
disposed of commercially.
Uncle Sam buys these seeds on straight com
petitive bids, and when nny contractor's deliver
ies show a consistent poor germination ho Is
blacklisted. Each bidder is Informed why ho did
not get the contract, told who did get It and why
nnd tho price pnld. This Is a strulght ofllclal let
ter. Congressmen urc coming mnro nnd moro to send
their quotas of seeds out, not to the voting lists
In their districts but to tho school children, to
civic organizations, chambers of commerce, banks,
nnd factories for workmen, nnd n great deal to
miners. ,
With tho department opposed to tho congression
al seed distribution, mid with congress habitually
for It, Oliver V. Jones, originally from Cincinnati,
who Is In nctlvo charge of this work, has had an
unenviable job as buffer between tho department
und congress for nbout twenty years. Ho prob
ably knows nil the members of congress moro In
timately than any other man lu Washington, be
cause he 1 calling upon them In their offices every
day In the year. At present he Is getting moro
than 200 telephone calls a day from them, dictates
about 100 letters u day to them, and hns 20 or 80
of them calling on him In his olllcu each day.
The seed distribution Is conducted under the
bureau of plant Industry, of which Dr. William A.
Taylor Is chief. It. A. Oakley and J. E. W. Tracy
purchase under contract all tho seed thnt enters
into the congressional distribution and supervise
the mechanical and physical work of tilling tho
packages and mailing them. Mr. Tracy Is lu
charge of the seed warehouse, located at 330 Penn
sylvania avenue, which Is not at all modern, well
ventilated or lighted. This building wn erected
lu 183-1 and was the scene of receptions, banquets
nnd Inaugural bulls for Andrew Jucksw, Martin
Van Huron and Abraham Lincoln. This Is not u
government-owned building, but has been rented
by the department and used ns a seed warehouse,
for about ten years. 1
The lining of the orders of congressmen is nn
Interesting part of the free-seed distribution. The
members supply their franks In sheets of ten.
They are cut up Into single slips and counted Into
bundles by expert counters from the bureau of
engraving ami printing. As n member sends in
an order a blue slip Is made out calling upon tho
seed warehouse to deliver that quantity, and this
Is accompanied by the corresponding number of
franks. The seed packages nre either sent to tho
ofllco of tho member of congress, If the franks nro
not addressed, or arc mailed out directly from
the seed wnrehouse If they aro addressed.
These franks aro now coming In at the rate of
200,000 or 300,000 n day. Each member Is entitled
to 20,000 packages of vcgetublo seeds and 2,000
packages of flower seeds. As each of theso pack
ages contains Ave smnll papers of seeds, It really
means that 110,000 papers of seeds aro sent out
by each member of tho senate nnd house.
The wny in whlch'theso seeds nro first put into
tho smull papers and scaled and then put one cuch
of five different kinds Into a larger package and
sealed, with tho member's frank pasted on each
package for direct mailing, Is an Interesting part
of tho congressional distribution system. This
Is done by contract, and this yenr a now contract
or Is on the Job, Frank Clnrko of Waco, Tex., who
has speeded up the work by devising a now gluing,
Tho seed envelopes nro filled by machinery,
which automatically weighs the contents of each
envelope. Two girls work at ono of theso ma
chines, one filling and tho other sealing tho llttlo
envelopes on a revolving belt. Filling nnd sealing,
30,000 of these llttlo envelopes Is considered a good
day's work. Tho girls get piecework over 20,000
a day.
Other girls sit at big tables pasting tho congres
sional franks onto tho, container on which aro
printed tho names of the flvo varieties of vegc-l
tables or flowers that nro to bo placed within. A
belt carrier runs bcsldo huge bins Into which thai
small packuges of seed havo been dumped. Asi
tho girls finish pasting tho franks on tho big en-i
vclopcs they aro carried, ono nt a time, along this
traveling belt roudwny and in front of a bjn at1
regular intervals nro girls, each of whom sflps In,
a small envelope, and tho container proceeds to
an Inspector nnd then past another girl, who seals'
up the puckage by machinery. '