The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1922, Image 5
MM) ctdif, wtnUxn,. csaf Tl k W i WP r' -i. I b. 1 tt g RII1III AS TOLD TO US . , r. KMKHBliaKMHMIiaBjlM Nate Piatt was in the city Wed-ncsday. Fred Fearn spent Wednesday In Guide Rock. Chas. Phares of Guide Rock was in the city Tuesday. J. D. Wisecnwcr has been very sick the past few days. Two good places to eat, at home and Powell's Cafe. II. G. Esmond was a passenger to Denver Tuesday evening. Rev. S. Hardman was a passenger to Superior Tuesday morning. Saturday is the last day which candidates may file for office. Earl Cai-penter of Guide Rock wns in the city Tuesday afternoon. Rev. D. Fitzgerald was a passenger to Hastings Wednesday morning. Miss Emma Bargman was a pas senger to Hastings Tuesday morning.' Frank Shubl and Jacob Pete of Lawience woe in the city Wednes day. II. S. Foe has filed for re-nomination as County Attorney on the Rcpub lican ticket. Mrs. Lloyd Peiry went to Superior Tuesday morning for a short visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Rube Schultz were in Hastings Tuesday. Mrs. Ernest Newhouse spent Wed nesday with Mi, and Mrs. Paul New house at Guide Rock. D. R. Hughes, who suffered a para lytic stroke last week is much Im proved at this writing. Mrs. Guy Zeigler of Lincoln arriv ed in the city Tuesday evening to vis it her father, W. L. Weesner. The Board of Equalization is in ses sion this week. Over one hundred complfcints were filed Tuesday. Rfrs.'J. W. ,Lihn npd'llaugKter went to York Tuesday morning to spend a few days with relatives and friends. Dr. Warrick will meet patients and 'those needing glasses at Dr. Damer cll's, Friday. June 23. Hours 2 to 5. W. H. Thomas and J. E. Yost went to Kansas City Tuesday morning in charge of the stock shipped from here. Isadorc Johnson is in Omaha this week buying the latest creations in furniture for the Johnson & Graham furniture store. William Alber of Cowles and Miss Marie Mients of Blue Hill were grant ed n marriage license by Judge Ran ney last Thursday. J. W. Hauck returned home Friday morning from McCook where ho at tended a meeting of Burlington of ficnls held Thursday. County Attorney H. S. Foe returned home Wednesday morning from Or leans where he had been attending to some legal business. Lee Tru&x, who has been working "'for the Lincoln Telephone & Tele graph company for several .months, u. returned to the city Monday. .A class of members from this city is being.w'rlttcn up for the Elk's lodge .at Hastings. This lodge expects to have n big class for initiation on July 14th. J. W. Hauck autoed to Hastings Sunday evening to meet his wife, who arrived there from Omaha where she had been visiting friends for a few days. ". t Mrs.. W. L. Hines and children re- , H turned home Wednesday morning ' . from Wilsonville where she had been . - -visitine her sister, Mrs." Lenn Rails- 'jJMiV B.ogartt wjnj has, been ,at the . i ' i. w t. r. norae ataxannauan, Jtwan-Bas- forv8evera1t Tndntfts,J arrived Jn the city'&e last' oY the week. to visit f riends. . - y l -V 1 Mr. and Mrs. tf.V Nelldtns'Sn'd' baby of Nashville, Tennesee, arrival .inr.the4'itV!.Fridav morning, to visit Dr. and Mrs. Ro'h't.' V ifes. J".'WrHauckfipct Friday Hastings. r- TD. O. Henderson Wasin 'Hastings Wednesday afternoon. Harvey Sutton went to Oxford Sun day to visit his sister. I. W. Edson was c passenger to Oxford Friday evening. W. D. Edson returned home Thurs day evening from Omahn. Omcr Crowe' 1 pf Guide Rock was in the city Saturday evening. Miss Minie Christian wns a pas senger to Guide Rock Monday . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hewitt and, Miss Helen Robinson spent Friday in Hast ings. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Marker arc tho pnrents of a baby boy born Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Sherman of Hastings spent Saturday hero with his parents. Miss Esther Baker spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Paul Newhouse, at Guide Rock. Bert Hatfield, Pete Hansen and Low Walters a'tended the ball game at Hastings Sunday. Floyd Prevost returned homo Sat urday evening from Hastings where ho spent a few days. Bert Lindlcy and daughter, Mrs. Christcnsen, were down from Rivor ton Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Schultz of Kcncsaw spent Sunday with relatives and friends in tho city. Lynn Bush went to Haigler Thurs day to take up his position as opera tor 'for the Burlington. Roy Herberger of Kcncsaw spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Herberger. Several members of the Rcbekab lodge are in Superior today attending the district meeting of this lodge. Mrs. J. H. Bailey went to Superior Thursday morning to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. Harry Waller and family. I. T. Amack returned home the last of the week from Omaha whci'e he at tended the1 state funeral director's convention. Mrs. Sid Peterson returned home Friday from Riverdale, where she spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aultz. Will Jernberg went to Akron. Colo rado, the last of the week to spend a few days with his brother, Carl Jern berg and wife. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hamilton and Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Ranney spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gil- ham at Holstein. Chas. Waltori returned home Mon day evening from Oberlin, Kansas, where he had been attending to some business matters. Tho Degree of Honor lodges of District No. 4 will hold their nineteen th annual convention in this city next Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Bush returned home Monday morning from Oberlin, Kansas, where they spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. D. G. Addleman. County Attorney H. S. Foe returned home the last of the week from Casp er, Wyoming where he had been at tending to some legal (business. ' Three trains of stock consisting of one hundred and sixty two cars pass ed thru here Sunday enroute to the market at St. Joe and Kansas City. Haaken Johnson and Mrs. Mattie M. Johnson both of Bladen, were mar? ried by Judge Ranney last Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. George HineB return ed to their home at Wymoro Sunday morning after spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ailes. Mrs. 'Roy Sanderson returned to her "home at Denver, Colorado, Monday (morning after spending two weeks here with her sister, ( Mrs.' Andrew Saladen. ' Miss Mattie Abel j was a passenger to LincolifWMpnday njorning ,after spending a few tiayV here with her TOother'arid sister, Mr3, A B. Crabill and-famlly.- . j t. , J as. JJobatkaTwas down WoftBWJen ' ., I ,. i , Mrs. 'Karl McFadden. of. Fairfield and Mrs. I. E. Davis of McCool Junc tion have been spending the past few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Hughes.' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor of River ton, who hnd been attending the state funeral directors meeting at Omahn spent a few hours in this city Friday evening wit her mother, Mrs. Geo. Smelser. Mrs. Walker and son, Oil's return ed home Thursday evening after spend ing a couple of weeks with her daugh ter, Mrs. Chas. Sherer at Lincoln. Her daughter, Miss Moy, returned home with her. E. A. Mitchell, who has been engin eer on the switch engine in the H. & M. yards hero for several months, went to Akron, Colorado, Thursday evening whetc he will take a mn out of that place. T. R. Manley went to Omaha Tues day morning to spend a few days with his sister, Miss Madilinc, who is employed at tho Wise Memorial hospital. From there he intends go ing to Casper, Wyoming to resume Jus work. v Omc;' Wolfe and Lewis Evans have erected n dancopavilion on the Erick son lots on East Fourth Avenue. They will conduct dances at this place on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. The Kromatir K'ds arc furnishing the music. A. B.CrnbUI shipped ono car of cattlo to-, the St. Joseph market Tuesday morning, Kellctt and Van llerrlck ono car of cattle to Kansas City, W. II. Thomas ono car of cattlo to Kansas City and Arch Kasser one car of hogs to St. Joo. John P. Bayha Sr., a former resi dent of this city passed away at hl3 home in Vallejo, California, June 1st. During his residence here he served as County Clerk and Clerk of tho District Court. He is survived by hie wife, three sons and three daughters. Program District Convention Degree of Honor June 19-20 The following is the program for the Degree of Honor District Con vention, which will be held at jhe Masonic hall next Monday and Tues day. Monday Evening, June 19th, 192 Call to Order President Opening by Prayer Rev. Hardman ..Si'-Jv. ... .. .1. - . , song, "Hani Ail Han, uegree.Ti'' Honor" By The Lodga A Talk Grand Chief of Honor Music Glee Club Reading Miss McNutr Duet Mrs. Garber and Mr. Cotting Violin Solo Rev. Hardman ...Mrs. Ethel Kai'ey G'pe Club Reading Music Reading Song Reading .Mrs. Elsie Pitr.ey ....Miss Ruby Koon Miss Glee King The Lodge Song - Tuesday Morning, June 20th, 1922 9:30 Call to Order -District President Address of Welcome Major Maiy Peterson Kwponse Grand of Honor Opening Exercises Introduction of Grand Officers Appointment of Comm.ttees Reading of Minutes Harmony in Lodge Room-Mrs. Welsch Song Adjournment until 1:301). m. Tuesday Afternoon, June 20th, 1922 Report of Lodges Address Mrs. Florance D. Owens Grand C. of H. Why should we trans to Class A and the present status of D. of H. How to Make our Meetings More In esting Rose Herrick, Grand Re corder. HumerouB Reading Guide,Rock How to Develop Local Leadership ... , Hastings' How to Increase Our Attendance Blue Hill Reading .HastingB Motion to Adjourn Tuesday Evening, June 20, 8:00 p. m. Song By The Lodge Initiation Address Florence OwenB, G. C. of H. Question Box Discussions Reading Clara Parker, Guide Rock Song Miss Ruby Koon How to Get New Members .Mrs! Throckmorton Place of Next Sont Convention By The Lodge A Walkovar. Among the many atnustng itortea, which Mr. Eugene Corri has at Wi command la one concerning a prUe fight which occurred In, America. One of the contestants had been Instructed by bis father to. ,cul)Ie (tbe result ai soon as the fight wlis'oveH' The son duly sent,, off the. following tnesjager "won eauiy. ueveniynve rounus. A-TaUerOontlorf.) ! ,' J i W&toNTttrSCHOOL NOTES (By County Superintendent) - The Department of Jublic Welfare complains that districts, '5, 11,' 12, 13, 14, 17, 20. 25, 27. 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 35, 37 38, 39, 40, 41, M2, 43, 46, 48, 50, 83, 54, 5S, 59, CO, 01, G2, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 69, 70, 72, 78, SO, SI, 83, 8 J, 85, 87, 90 did not return to them the questionnire and birth blank made out, that had been sent to them some time ngo. The teacher have had a great deal of this kind of woik to do, almost more thnn they can attend to; sMH it is for a good purpose and we should do all we can to help along a good cause. If the teachers still have them on hand perhaps they could get some of tho older children to help them in making them out. If they have been lost they could bo supplied again by sending to Mrs. Emily P. Homborgcr, Department of Public Welfare, Lin coln, Nebraska. Transfers of land for school pur poses should be in before the annual meeting. Applications for Free High School privileges should be in befoie the an nual meeting. In tho last teachers examination n good many complained of not get ting their grades. If you want your grades you must bo sure to write on your own number. Unless you do thi- someone may got a grade unde served and no ono be nblc to find tho mistake unless tho party getting the extra grade makes cotmvnint. Lnst time two people loportcd grades not taken. Ono has been given to tho owner nut n reading grade on num 30SS is still unclaimed. Two more teachers' examinations aie to be-given this year, each a two day examination. Every ono who is at all short in their grades should take thih and not wait for the last one. The examinations nro June 30, July 1 and August 4 and 5. THE AMERICAN LEGION NATIONAL ESSAY CONTEST Subject: "How The American Le gion Can Best Serve The Nation." First prize $750.00 Second prize $500.00 Third prize $250.00 First prize in each state will be n silver medal; second prize a bronze medal.' Tho cash prizes will be used only towards scholarships in colleges desig nated by the winners. RULES All girls and boys between the ages of 12 to 18 inclusive. Only one essay to a person. Essay not over 500 words long. Essay will be written in an affirma tive and constructive way. ,v Only one side of the paper should be used and a margin of one inch must be allowed on either side of the paper. Paper should be neatly folded, not rolled. Spelling, penmanship and neatness will be considered in judging the win ner. Age will be also considered. DATE All essays will be received not lat er than August 1, 1922 at the court house. PLEDGE At the end of each essay, the fol lowing pledge must bo signed: "I hereby pledge my word of honor that have written this essay myself. I am years old. . (signed) name of contestant Town Date Twould Scorn So. New York man wooed and won his bride by mall, which Ib the most ex pensive cerresponrlencr school course known. Albert W. Merit iMahtiMB fit BiiJftftft le NwvWIVfJPJn WWwYWMP Iwl United States Semtir Farm- boy, country sckodl r, collate .man, amateur player, Uwywr, armaet flSSSIISj pssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssL pBSSSSSSSSSHSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSj BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJ UaclM ar ta Mvalopmtnt of NaHutoraobllo Enlnc V0, 1010375 t0 the now in Gaograat. Always a Rapublloan ts Primary Jaly ltth. Kelloggs Corn Rakes touch-the any hour of day or night You can'i resist tho appeal of Kcllogg's Corn Flakcsl Pour out a bowl brim full of Kcllogg's big, joyously brown, crisp and crunchy! Was thcro over such an, hppctito treat! And, such a flavor! A breakfast or lunch) or supper thrill for big folks as well as little ones Get KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes for sure because, Kcllogg's arc the original Corn Flakes and so doliciously; good and so superior in every way that your delight will bo boundless. Please understand that Kcllogg's are never tough or leathery or hard to cat h 5SE22235Si i m TOASTED CORN Mi fe. ? & s? sssssSk mnu '""- Alto aukeri of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES i Polly League BASE BALL LAWRENCE RED CLOUD SUNDAY, JUNE 18 Starke Ball Park, at 3 p. m. Dr.W.H.McBride OKNTIBT OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska The Martin of Safety Is represented by the amount of Insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself into' a fancied security. Becanse fire has never touched you it doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow no today, if you. have time and you better find time come to the'.offioe and we'll -Write a policy on your bouse, furnfture, store or merchandise. , !$$ -LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.eileJble Insurance Notice of Skcriffi Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by A. D. Ranney, County Judge of Webster County, Nebraska, wherein the state of Nebraska was plaintiff, and one Ford Automobile Engine No. 1010375, was condemmed by the court and ordered sold, by order of the court to aae direct ed? I wljl at two o'clock, P. S4 on the 17th day. of June, 1022, at the south door of the court house, in seld county, offer for salo at pubtyn. vendue one Ford highest bidder. ' Dated this 24th day May, 1022., FRANK BUFFER ' SberJhV - spot tk i r.h. "Bobbie das, Runt it makta you hungry, too, to ft m cat a grtat big bowl of Ktllogt ' for brtahfatt tvtry morning! Itut I can't ipart any thcy'ro always crispy I Kcllogg's arc sold only in tho RED' and GREEN packago bearing the sig nature of W. K. Kellogg, originator o Toasted Corn Flakes! NONE ARE GENUINE WITHOUT IT! Have Kcllogg's for breakfast tomorrow! A A s CORN FLAKES and KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooked nd kromblei Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper Paints, And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. Dr.R. V. Nlcholsoi DENTIST r Red Cloud Nebraska. NOTICE G H Bring Your Kodak and Camera Films to us to Develop and Prinf; Prompt service and wo guar. ' antee superior work. CHAS. COTTING :rr ThelDniggist i X .TM -nw rrfr 1 1. '-'r: Vi "Ml ' t r 1 4 4