The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1922, Image 1
I ! $' r.t A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For St.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JUNE 15. 1922 NUMBER 2d. Why Wear Underwear That is Uncomfortable in Cut or Size? Wwyl n n Have a Large Line of Underwear in LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Ladies Knit Unionsuits in sizes 36 to 50. Infants in cotton or wool bands Children's in all sizes from 2 to 14 years in nainsook with the waist and place for hose supporters. Styles .Wrur . i joTrnB r BARBARA PHARES Red Cloud, Nebraska AGENTS "Ladies Home Journal Patterns" "Warner Brothers Corsets" . Holstein Defeated Red Cloud Sunday afternoon the local ball team went to Holstein whore they ex pectcd to win another victory from the team at that place but the tables were turned und Holstein won by a scoro of 10 to 8. In the second inning tho Hol stein team secured six runs off our boys on account of several errors nud lilts which gave them a lead that was hard to overcome. Red Cloud secured thrco runs In tho second inning, one in the third, one In the fourth and In tho ninth they started a rally which gavo them three more. Paul Volnloky and Ernest Barrett each secured three base hits. Our team made fourteen hits to Holsteln's seven. Next Sunday the Lawrences team will be here. Band Gives First Concert The baud gavo their first open air concert of tho season last evening, an event which wbs greatly appreciated by our citizens and tne vibltors who were fortunate in being In the city. Selections rendered were of a vnrlety carefully selected to please any car. or music taste, whether It be for the old favorlto pieces that bring back the memories of days gone by, tho modern difficult high class music or the synco pated "jazz" so popular with dnnccrs in recent ycBrs. All wero equally well executed and greatly delighted the largo crowd as was evidenced by tho loud applause. . j. . Red Cloud has a greater number of capable and experienced musicians than most places with a similar popu latlon, which enables us to have a band, organize of local talent, seldom excelled In tho larger cities. This is a fact of which wc are justly proud. ALL RED CLOUD TAXPAYERS MUST PAY FOR PAVING g sg tagggs s gsssBSM ui-tJM . . ..a, agsnTTJw" A GOOD PLACE TO BUY GALLON FRUIT I Bring Us Your Produce We Meet All Competition FARMERS' UNION Murvel Fentress In Jail Murvel Fentress, who claims Red Cloud, Nobrnska as his home, Is now making his home In the county jail on the charge of stealing a Ford sedan early last Sunday morning frotn the garage of Will Amis south of Lebanon. It seems that Fentress was going to Downs in a car, which broke down a few miles north of the Amis place and he started to walk to Downs, but in stead when he got to Amis' place he took tho sedan from the garage and drove It to Downs, it was tracked Sun day morning, and a trace found of the young fellow answering tho descript ion of Fentress and on returning to the car he had loft found him there. They held him until Sheriff Agnew could get there. He donied taking the car, but tho sheriff started for this city with him on suspicion, and before reaching hero confessed driving tho car to Downs and where ho left It, and where Mr. Amis found his car after being notified by Agnew Fentress preliminary will bo held In Judge Simpson's court next Monday Smith Center Journal. Holders of paving bonds issued by the city of Red Cloud won a decision in supreme court Monday, says tho State Journal. Tho city had created several paving districts and followed tho usual course of assessing the property benefited. The owners of this property defaulted in the pay ment of the bonds and tho holders sought to hold the city. Tho Tower court said this was not tho law. The supreme court overturns this decision. The city sought to refund them ns general obligations, but taxpayers en joined this action. . The supreme court says that where a ciy of the second class issues its bonds designated ns district paving bonds under the law that authorizes such improvements and assesses the cost against property benefited, whore the statute contains no provision that such bonds shnll be payable only out of the funds realized from such assess ment and where neither tho bonds nor the ordinance authorizing them con tain such declaration and where the bonds purport on their face to bo tho general obligation of the city, tho city is bound for their payment. In such cases tho debt will bo re gained as a general obligation of the city and may bo refunded as the law provides. Where a statute authorizes a cjjy to pave streets and such statute contains no restriction to the con trary, there arises an implication that such city is authorized to enter into contracts for the performance of tho work and to pay for tho same by r. general tax levy. The case is regarded ns of great im portance, ns many other second class cities in the state have been doing r. lot of paving, without undortnnding that the city is liable for tho payment thereof if the district docs not meet the obligation. A FEW SPECIALS FOR YOUR PHONOGRAPH Tungsten Needles, 12 for - 25c NEEDLll PLAYS 20 TO fill RECORDS. ASK FOR FREE SAMPLE Steel Needles, package of 100, - 5c Sapphire Points, each - 25c TO PLAY F.DISON RECORDS ON YOUR INSTRUMENT. ATTACHMENTS TO USE EDISON RECORPS ON VICTOR OR COLUMBIA COc EACH ALSO HAVE THREE CAHINET TYPE PHONOGRAPHS AT SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICES KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEDR. UflflyflWIIl NmniiiiiMiwwm'jaiirffl!ri THRIFT "Savo young man and become respect able and respected. It's the surest way."-BENJAMIN FRANKLIN THIS MAXIM from the mind of one of America's greatest thinkers should strike home with the young men of Red Cloud and vicinity. Our most successful business men have heeded it in their youth and are happy for having done so. They practiced thrift without personal inconvenience and the dollars they thus saved proved the foundation for their succsss. If not already a depositor open an account today. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flotance, Pretident Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Fiorance, Cashier Capital ami Surplus $35,000.00 Dtpoilt Quarantfttt by the Htpoiltort Qiiuranti J-'unJ of the State of Xtbratla mimlll)tiiir,iiiiriiiii!mtiiMflHi?n!Tr8rt)ppi RED . CLOUD ROYS WIN FROM ALMA I. O. O. F. NOTICE tHNWMnrmJVWMnWWJWJWWMMrWWMrNl s ni 11 ff T 11 1 1 A n 1 T 11 n J 1 sC ! rhone moo on vu, ceil ih. S Residence, Bell 241 5 Mrs. Ed Amack i i i UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB L T. AMACK-PHONE IND; 32M tfWWVrVWVWWWVWWWAW All members of Ron Adhem lodgo No. 180 are lcquestcd to meet at the hall Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock to join tho Rebekah lodgo in holding memorial services which will bo held at the Methodist church at 2:30 p. m. I. T. AMACK, Noble Grand We thank the merchants of Red Cloud for their liberal donations in prizes and the enjoyment it furnished for the boys and nlso the financial strength it was to the Gun Club. H. E. Hall and Frank 'Peterson tied on the good score of 40 out of 50. Peterson won the 100 lbs of White Dove Flour for the high gun on the GO birds, winning the shoot off from H. E. Hall: The Red Cloud boys won the team race from the Alma Gun Club, by thirty VWWWWWWWWWWWWWUWWW Con Harr of MoUook is visiting friends in tho city, If your printed matter comes from the Thief you know it is 'right' Monday evening the M. W. A. lodge held a special meeting in the Masonic hall at which time a class of twenty five candidates wero taken into tho lodge State Deputy Kccster of Lin coln was present and had charge of the work. The Bluo Hill Foresters team also assisted with the initiation. At tho close of lodgo tho members wero served ice cream and cake nt Powell's Cafe. targets: Alma Paulson C. Harker Tinaman Harstine G. Gipe L. A. Ault Geo. Done W. White 400 . - Red Cloud, 44 Peterson 43 Hall 40 Damon 39 C. Broughton 30 Walters 38 J. Broughton 3C Knilcy 2D Sutton For Those New Floors w Bruce Brand - OAK - lt Robt. Hoxsey, who has been em ployed in Turnuro's grocery storo for tho past few years, has accepted a position with the Brown Fruit Co., of Grand Island. Mr. Hoxsey will take Homer Haney's position ns the latter expects to move to Omaha. 4C 4C 41 43 41 , 41 39 H 3G frjj 33G 4G I 4G I 45 I 44 B1BBH 44 43 . 43 41 I""" ' 41 41 IHJ 41 a 40 fjl 40 30 39 39 38 i ' tfU , 30 3G 32 : si 31 29 UU ! 24 I1 nlS THE MALONE-GELLATLY CO. ASK US WWWWWVWWWWWtfWWWWWW un Ull 300 400 INDIVIDUAL SCORES ON 50 H. E. Hall r Peterson GcisQ , Damon Pnulson C. Broughton C. linker Walters J. C.' Broughton F. Lambrecht Skyelver F. Linnman Hagenson Kailcy G. GIpc Harstino Fabriquo Sutton L. A. Ault Geo. Done Robins T. Lambrecht White Cheek COAL We Sell Niggerhead Maitland And Routt County Lump We sell for cash that's why we sell cheaper. jj FARMERS ELEVATOR ? Ud 3G r D f jh i.