'i ? BED CLOUD, IftifefcJJS&Aj CHIEF r TfSH H' &s Jw IM 4 I .1 d GENERAL CONTRACTOR Wo do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our custom crs. "VV do VR A E BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good(and inferior stucco. We build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY uuimtjfnmni. iftCmmcMmiffliM Greater Than Riches SmMMNSVWSMWNMPmMi A good healthy body is more to be desitad than all the wealth of the world. Good health assures a clear mind, inspires energy, ambiton and working efficiency. The Food We Eat Is Important The careful housewife will secure only the highest grade groceries and foodstuffs to safeguard the health of the family. Our Goods Are The Highest Quality Selected to give our patrons the best goods obtainable at prices as low as it is possible to make them. This Store Will Help You In the practice of consistent economy and give you full value for ever dollar you spend here. x P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware If it's worth printing at all it's worth printing well! Nothing gives a business concern a "Cheap John" appearance as quickly as the use of poorly done printing. A concern is judged by the appearance of their place of .business and by the class of correspondence and tho kind of advertising matter used. Since the success of any business institution depends upon the impression made upon the public the necessity of using only the very best printing is obvious. It costs as much to do a job poorly as to do it right We are prepared to handle high grade commercial printing of all kinds and enjoy doing work for those who are particular about their printing and want it right. The Red Cloud Chief RA f'&i p jissiBasBsssssss J1 VjBllBI iviB. ' --isbibibibibibibibibj hMbII HBBWIBI VVb ,,T1 bbbbbbBbbS IPbbbbbbbbbt HHKyTrf9E2&2i'i -VBBBa " waBBBBBBBBBBa HBI tSbVIi vHpijbvHHHH bbjk - wt- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj H8b&mI mmIHi BBBBBBPVaBBBBm P x IbabbbbbbbbbbV hbbbsb bbbbuJIi b5bb 1(bbV AninianiiSiHwr ' L'frSH f VuRIWl BBbTIT I BBBflWr Mr bbI Vva&fl BBlb.tSBBlBfB iHaA.BBaMlL .1 vl 'I BjBSBJBBSBJBBBBJBHBflBflBBBHBaBBBBBSBll i-i AWT " irnW Tt i ai. rHE red; cloud chief Red Cloud, Nebraska. published every Thursday Kntored In ttio I'oMolllre nt Kctl ( loud, Nob as Second Class Matter A. D. McAKTlUR,.EiUtor and Owner Advertsing Rates Foreign, per column inch 15c Local, 10 12 Political Announcement For Sheriff I hereby announce myself iisn candi ilutu, for the iiotnlnntlon for Sheriff of Webster County, at tliu Trlmiuy, July IS, ll)2'J, mibjeot to tlm will of tlio lie publlciin voters of Wobstcr county. JACK WAM.Ell. JJhereby nnnounou myself usuciwiilb (lute for the nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to tlio will of the voters of the Democratic party at the Primary election, July 18, 11)22. LAWHENG13 DOYLE I hereby announce tny&elf as u candi date for tlio nomination for Sheriff of Webster County, at the Primary, July t3, 1U2J, subject to tlio will of the Ko publican voters of Webster county. X. P. PHILLIPS. 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the oilico of County Sheriff of Webster county, sub jeet to tile will of tlio Democratic vot ers, at the primary oleetion, July 1H, lt)2'J. Fit AN K HUFFISH I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tho nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to tho will of tho Republican votois at the Primary, July 18, 192:2. FHED HEDGE. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tho nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to tho will of tlio Democratic voters of Webster coun ty at the Primary, July 18th. 13. A (UERT) KING I hereby announce myself as a cntull date for the nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to the will of tlio Republican voters of Wcbstercoun ty at the Primary, July 18. OMER CROWELL, Guide Rock. cl hereby announce myself as a candi date for tlio nomination for Sheriff of Wobstcr County subject to the will of the Republican voters of Webster county at the Primary, July 18th. ROY RUST. FARM BUREAU NOTES (By Henry It. Fausch, County Agent) CORN VARIETY TEST On the God. Ohmstcdc farm south west of Guide Rock 12 varlct'cs wore p'an'ed as follows: St. Charles White (Rough Capped Kernels); Geo. Ohmstcdc, Iowa White (Red Cob); Chris Ohmstedo, Iowu Silvcmiinc White (White Cob); Geo. Ohmstcdc, St. Charles While (Smooth C&ppcl Kernels); Geo. Ohms'cilo, Iowa Sil vcrmine White, Henry Fausch, Boone County White, Win. Kirhpntrick, Wh'tc Elephant, Henry W. Lambrccht, Nebraska While Prize University of Nebraska, Hogucs Ye'low Dent, Uni versity of Ncbraf-ka, Ungues and Reid Yellow Dent, II. W. Lambrccht, Kear ney County Yellow, Louie Krai, Yel low Andrew Schulz and Red C. W. Johnston. On the Louie Krai farm southwest of Balden 8 varieties were planted as follows: Iowa Silvcrmino White, Henry Fnusch; Nebraska White prize, University of Nebraska; White Ele phant, Henry W. Lambrccht; Boone County White, J. P. Berns; Hogucs and Reids Yellow Dent, II. W. Lam brccht; Hogucs Yellow Dent, Univer sity of Nebraska; Kearney Gounty Yellow (Smooth Capped Kernels,) Louie Krai, Kearney County Yellow (Rough Capped Kernels) Louie K-.nl. LOVING CUPS ON EXHIBITION The six handsome loving cups to be awarded at the County Fair and Farmers' Institute arrived. Tho Farmers' Institute cups arc on exhi bition at the State Bank of Red Cloud and tho County Fair's cups will bo on exhibition at the Sen-ice State Bank of Bladen. These arc to be awarded to members of tho Pig and Calf Club for the best Duroc Gilt, Poland Gilt and Shorthorn heifer. BIG FRUIT CROP EXPECTED For County Clerk I hereby announce myself as a candi date, for tho nomination for County Clerk of Webster County, at tlio pri mary, July 18, 1922, subject to the will of.tho voters of tho Democrat party. 11. F. PERRY. I hereby announce mysolf as a cundi date, for tho nomination for County Clerk of Webster County, at the pri mary, July 18, 1022, subject to the will of the voters of the Republican party. ELMER K. SIMONS. Comfort, v 17 .) jisuiivuiy and Hciency : t.rt-riVrT7riRT. fnr 'ffrriMe nnn l,U1 Vy Economy for it -wastes no fuel. You burn kerosene oil only wheffyou need it. Efficiency for a Florence Oil Stove is easy' and quick of "operation and every bit of heat is concentrated close under the cooking. - Come in and let our salesmen show its many good points.?', G. W, TrineV Hardware For County Treasurer I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tho nomination for County Treasurer of Webster Couuty subject to the will of the voters of tho Repub lican party at tho Primary election, July 18, 1922. MRS. HAZEL POWELL. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination of County Treasurer of Webster Couuty subject to tlio voters of tho Democratic ticket at tho Primary election, July 18th. BERT DUCKER. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for County Treasurer of Webster County subject to the will of the voters of the Repub lican tioket at tho Primary election July 18th. MRS. CLARA E. WALKER. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for County Troasuror of Webster County subject to the will of the voters of tho Repub lican party at tho Primary, July 18. COAS. 0. BENNETT, Cowles, Nobr. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the ofllce of County Treasurer of Webster County, subject to tho will of the Republican voters at the pri mary election, July 18, 1922. P. E. BRITTQN, Blue Hill, Nobr. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for County Treasurer subject to the will of the voters of the Democrat tickot at tho Primary July 18, 1922. MABEL DAY ALBRIGHT For County Superintendent I hereby announce myself as a candi date for rcnomlnatlon for County Sup erintendent of Schools on tho Non Political tickot at tho Primary election July 18th. ESTELLE E, DUCKER. Ilieroby announce myself nsacandi date for tho oilico of Couuty Superin tendent of Schools, of Webbtor county, on tho Non-Polltlual ticket, subject to tho will ol tho voters at tho Primary July IS, 1022. MINNIE CHRISTIAN. One of tho largest and heaviest fruit crops in Nebraska for a number of years is in prospect this year chiefly due to favorable climatic con ditions, tlio high vitality of trees, the almost complete failure of last year's crop and the light crop of 1920, accord ing to information received by the fed eral bureau of markets and crop esti mates. Together with these conclusions, reached in reports from state and government agents, the prospect is more favorably enhanced by the fact that the crop is virtually assured, there being little possibility that a cold snap, or a late frost will visit the state between now and harvest time according to the bureau. "We arc unabe at this time to ap proximate the commercial or farm production, but the present condition of all fruits indicates that the pro duction of 1919, tho lnrgcst in recent year's should be equaled ai.d possibly excelled," says the chief of the bu reau. The commercial apple crop is the largest fruit industry in Nebraska, although small fruits contribute n tidy sum to the state, while located chiefly in the eastern and southeast ern parts of the state, also extends to sections around North Platte, McCook and Kenesaw. Lust year's farm J.nd commercm apple crop totalled 125,000 bushels, compared with 797,000 bushels in 1920, and 1,125,000 bushels in 1919, ac cording to tho records of the bureau. The commercial crop hist year was placed at 17,000 barrels, compared with 110,000 barrels in 1920 and 215, 000 barrels in 1919. Should prescne indications support a greater yield this year, a crop of more than a mil lion bushels is 'n prospect. Small fruits, which include straw berries, blackberries, .raspberies, cur ants and other berries, netted 647, 321 quart9 m 1920, produced from 1,147 acres, the records show. Cherriea are second in importance in tho Nebraska fruit industry, the bureau states and this year show indi cations of setting a new record in pro duction. Pears, plums, peaches, apri cots ard grapes are of minor impor tance so far as a commercial crop is concerned. To illustrate the large decrease in the number of, fruit bearing trees in Nebraska in the period between 1909 and 1920, tho bureau quotes figures to show that compared with 2,937,000 trees bearing fruit in 1909, there were 961,000 in 1920 or a loss of more than half in number. "With the campaigns being waged by various agricultural societies and institutions, looking toward the better care and development of fruit trees and vines however, much of the loss sustained should be returned within tho next few years," the bureau de clares. "Rank diseases and lack of proper cultivation wore tho prim,o onuses in the groat loss of Nebraska fruit trees, and there also was some indiscriminate destruction of bearing trees and plants." State Journal. ttu can't fool the yauna$leri; yey can always iell the dif ,, France between KELLOGG'S and imitathm. IIotI si, a Lin niBB'i "' 3b ..&& r-tt tur w S33e-f J9U- V- y jZZMZ fMsT wi Kdloggs Corn Make snap upmssyap something wonderful J $ petites 4 SSff IT J t.r. I 1 fe 5 t Ho coaxing needed to tempt family folks and visitor folks to eat a-plenty not when there's a big pitcher of milk or cream and lots of Kcllogg's Corn Flakes and, maybe some fruit ready to tickle fickle palates I Kcllogg's arc unlike any corn flakes you ever a'fc! They're the original kind they ought to be best! No other corn flakes are so deliciously flavored; no other corn flakes retain such wonder-crispness till eaten 1 And Kcllogg's arc never leathery or tough or hard to eat! Kcllogg's are always a delight to serve and a treat to eat at any meal ! In fact, you'll never know how good corn flakes can be until you know KELLOGG'S! Do more than ask for corn flakes say KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES! The kind in the RED and GREEN package! feo wm&P TOASTED HAS? f.44&C&99' -ssssa eAnicu"i WW MlkM CORN HLAKES Alio maker of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES and KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooked and krumlled We Do Only The Highest Grade COMMERCIAL PRINTING Add Tone to your business by getting the best Nenllnent of Their Duties. It Is said that only about !!0 per cent of tho people of London fulilll their voting privileges. pWMIIllMnilMllinilllllllUIIM Fourl I Buy Them With Egg, and. Chicken MoneyJ Set" aside 'youregg and chicken; money and k almost before youirealize it, you will f have' enough (to buy an equipment, of beautiful " Wear-isiJer'aluminum cooking utensils.. Bright, light, silver-like " Wear-Ever,-'uten) sils will make you as proud of your kitchen, as you are of theother rooms in your home. WtAffCVE MAIKVU ajSmiKus Vwwk mm mm ma nw 1 I IiniiniiKi Wear-Ever" Aluminum Cooking. Utensils cost slightly more than ordinary utensils because they are worth more. 1 1 pays to buy "WearEverJl just as it 'pays to buy good farming implements "Wear-Ever" utensils are made in one piece from hard, thick sheet aluminum without joints or seams Cannot crack, flake or peel are puie and safejT' . Replace utensils that -wear out I With utensils that " Wear-Ever TRINE'S HARDWARE MUlMInIiIIIllUllll:iulllMNUl1:uiH:ll!U4IHNwHHJmJmHrulIlJNIlJJUillIj c jl Base Ball HOLSTEIN VS. RED CLOUD SUNDAY, JUNE 4th Starke Field at 3:00 p. m. V i J&q 4 v ! v "T! t f f 4