EBD OLOUD, VMWBIMKJ OCMP .laszrefn Dy JACK LAVTON K K2525EsasasasasiSESHsasasEsasasasB Copyright, lSZJ, Weniarn Newinpr union. It wns not tin1 let tor's fault tlint liu became nn oiicn''i upper. The two who provoked his disapproval lintl taken the uunted MWts opposite his at the ruMtiiurunt tulile. The woman, decidedly pretty, ho remembered having been nt service the past Sunday. Ho recalled hav ing wondered, even under tlio thrall of his studied nddrejre, whom .sho might lie and whcio slo hail come from. She was not, he was certain, u resident of Poinbro! e. The man who so courtemiwly re moved the charming woman's fur clonk nnd placed It ucro.su the hack of 2ier chair, was familiar hut unknown. Itcv. Peter Brooks passed him fre quently In the streets. He recalled, now, the fact that Mrs. Meatier, the. inian's wife, was said to he out of town. Peter Brooks was Just tlocltl big that Mr. Mender's companion wns fn nil probability n visiting relative when that little lady Hhattered his Illusion. "Tills Is better than working In that jtuft'y office, Isn't It?" sho said. Jack Meatier nodded with a smile. "Yet If I bail not conxed you out," io told her, "you would still be at your desk. Now, won't joii let me or der for you something very good and extravagant?" The woman held out her bands with pretty gesture of surrender, "You are so kind," sho agreed. "Typing," Jack smiled, "or working avertlmo tloes not seem to trouble your happy patience. What n Joyous eld place this world would be, Eleanor .Call, If all women were like you." "What an Impossible place, rather," Alio laughingly replied, "I will tell you a secret, livery one conspires to spoil me to make things easy for me. yourself, for Instance; consider the amount of work from which you re Hove me." "Tills afternoon," Jack Meatier said, "you are to be forced Into n holi day. I was fortunate In obtaining tickets to the Shakespearean matinee." Eleanor flail regarded him over her frozen fruit. "Tickets?" sho asked. Meatlers nodded. "I think I deserve a holiday, too," bo replied. Uncomfortably Peter Brooks moved la bis chair. So It was another case of going out to lunch with the stenog rapher. All right, perhaps, to one who lintl not heard, to what lengths frail little Mrs. Mender was obliged to economize. An extravagant lunch eon Jack Mender bail suggested to Ills companion, anil undoubtedly lit; bad ordered such, while, tickets for the Shakespearean matinee could not he procured cheaply. Reverend Peter Icnrcd his throat. "Mr. Mender, I believe?" be said, pre.-tsantly. "I wanted to Inquire for your wil'e, Sho Is away? I under stood that sho was In poor health." Jack Meatier stared ; the stare sccinod almost hostile. "She Is In poor health," he an swered. Iter. Peter Brooks walked thought fully bomewanl. Here was a case to be dealt with. There was In the present day altogether too little re gard for appearance's sake. Me In tended to make this one laxity the subject fur a sermon. So Intent was be on his theme that he had almost passed his bishop without recogni tion. That Important and smiling personage greeted him cordially. "Hello, Peter; where are you hurry ing? Time so valuable that you can't spare mo a moment? I'd like your advice In n matter.'.' Peter wheeled about, following bis jupeilor across the street and Into an linpresslve old house. -You were saying?" he absently asked the prelate. "About that history of mine. Why the1 church should desire it I cannot understand; the fact remains. And they have engaged a clever historian, the thing Is rentlable even to me." The big man leaned hack smiling. .I'&tSr inurmured congratulations. He wns eager to bo at his purposeful sermon. If occurred to him to dis cuss ft with the wise' man at his side; rtiey were both in accord with the thenuti Peter, bis handsome head jesting ngulhst the back of the bish op's favorite chair, hoped sternly tfmt the charming and unconcerned ulnner would be tbero to hear bis ser aion eloquently delivered. Then sud denly the resting head was lifted, for tfio object of bis thought and worthy effort stood smiling in the doorway of the bishop's study, while tho bish op himself arose to welcome her. aPennlt me, Miss Gall," ho said, to present Rev. Mr. Brooks. Miss Call," the big man explained, "Is very busy writing tho history of n tire some old man." Eleanor Gall briskly removed coat trod Jaunty turban. "Mr. Meudor," she explained to the bishop, "was de termined that an afternoon of enter tmlnraent would rest our minds and refresh us for further work, but I overruled. 1 am anxious to finish my ttommlsslon." "Miss Gall," the bishop said, "has ntpscd Mr. Meader as her stenog xspber. Little Mrs. Mender and she, It seems, were school friends." Iteverend Peter arose stlflly as though In acknowledgment of an In troduction. Ills band went out to Eleanor Gulf, but n.ldn eyes, Instead, were apology and humbleness; and 3ehnp!Dr come , dcepprj Interest .which tcaj a oman-hiayreosnft.'' m '''I'hopooeeyou-'UgulB'ri-auld PUr. . 1 nope you will milled Eltanor. I HIS MISTAKE 'r3 I I ."BROCADES 1 3 So ft .0' AGNES G. DROGAN Cujiyilu! . l.'Jl, Wentein NWKiittjir Union. "A d. iijjlilcr of mine mnrry a Tub hot," twfti Wnllle's mother Irately, '"never. w.Jt,l my con- ent ; why, from the time iff your great-grandmother down to ntjw, wo Kirkwoods have worn brocades,. ldlo Talbots grabbed along In calico. , And If you have no family pride, Sally KIrkwood " "Mother," cried the girl, distressed, "John Talbot will bear." "I hope Mint he may," returned the angry woman. "I will not mnrry, mother," sho nn uwereil, and passed Into the other room. Her last sentence went before her and when Snlllo entered the room. It was empty. Disconsolate, she sank for n moment' upon her knees before the divan. John Talbot had heard, of course, those more than foolish words of her fretful mother, and hud gone nwtiy. And John Talbot did not come back; wherein lay Sable's tragedy, for she loved him. Put the months and years following gave her n time for grieving. First came the crippled In validism or her mother, exacting her constant service. Then came the great war, and Its devastating changes, and tho money which Mrs. KIrkwood bail considered securely Invested was lost In the change. Stock once valuable became worthless. Sallle, eager to become u wage earner, was again obliged to put ambition aside, In the proont need. Tied, tis It seemed, to the great house on the square, sho endeavored to make It pay for Itself, und rented tho upper front rooms to nn old family friend; Miss Loren was glad of the privilege. Miss Loren was, too, a comfort In her close bondage, to Sallle. Sometimes she would speak of John Talbot and his sister. John, It seemed, had gone steadily' on to well-earned success in tho me chanical profession, which bad In Its beginning, appeared so humble; while.' Ilessle Talbot bad married u very rich man. It was her mother's regretful rem iniscence which caused Sallle to re member, one day, the old brocade. Tho quaint southern town had long ago formed the custom of giving each year a costume hall. Mrs. KIrkwood, In her sad recluse, had been recalling those happier days when the daughters of her proud family bad appeared at this yearly ball In an ancestral satin gown. "And you, Sallle," sho walled, "might have gone In grandmother's silver bro cade." Sallle laughed. "1 will go up to the attic nntl put It on," she said, "and we will have a dress parade of our own." Bui ti-.i she bent over the big trunk In the nttlc her heart was heavy. Betz, the grocer, had said only that morning that be must have ills bill paid at once. So when she donned the lovely old fashioned dress she made a decision. She would ask Miss Loren, In us careless a manner as possible, If she might havo next month's rent In ad vance; later she would try to think what would be best to do. John Tal bot was In his otllce a short time after, when his married sister paid him u call. "and Jane Loren says" John's sister finished her after noon's gossip, "that she believes Sallle KIrkwood Is In actual want. Sallle was still wearing the brocade when the doorbell rang. When Sallle saw who stootl before her, It seemed that for one dizzy, unbelievable mo ment her heart must stop beating. "I come," John Talbot said, reas suringly, "to ask a favor, Sallle." "Come in, John," Sallle said. He glanced admiringly at the sil very dress, tenderly Into the face nbove It. "It's a great favor I want to buy tho old brocade for my sister Bessie. Sho would like to wear It to the cos tume ball." "Why, I will be glad to give It to you," Sallle eagerly offered. "I could not take tho dress as a gift," John Tulbot answered, decidedly, as he laid a roll of folded bills on the table. "It Is most generous to let me hnve It at all." Silently Sallle left the room; when she roturned she was wearing her own pink print frock. She held out a tis sue parcel and smiled; her voice wns not quite steady. "We Kirkwoods must wenr calico," she said. Into the mnn's eyes came n kindly, whimsical smile. "While n Tulbot wears brocades, Sal lle," suddenly bis tone was pleading, compelling, "through what a poor piti ful mlstuko have we suffered, you and I. Yes, you and I. Your eyes tell me that. Dear, I will keep this llttlo difss for you to wear to tho costumo ball. We shall be married that day." Confusedly Sallle pushed the roll of bills toward him. "May a man not buy u frock for bis wbfe?" John asked, as his arms closed about her. "Yes," agreed Sallle, "he may." In Erudite Circles. "What Is meant by 'telling tho world about, It'?" asked the spectacled per son. "Wby, I don't really know," sola ProMDIggs, with a thoughtful air. "Tbeipbruse has recently come Into jsurreft use. I suppose it means em pYdy'liTg ail the facilities .dftho tele phone, the telegraph, the cable and the wImUm to abora dlssemlriate am lav portant piece of information." t3 p4fc. RJ ROMAN WOMAN, FIRST NURSE On Record in History as Establishing Convalescent Home for the Poor A. D. 300. The word "nurse" is derived from the Lai in, and mentis "to nourish." Then H no reference t u sick nurse In the .''.;ile, although nu'tiurous chil dren's nurws are mentioned. Fabiola, the first nurse recorded In history, was a Itotnnn woman who established n hospital and convales cent home for tho poor after her eon version to Christianity, about A. D. .ISO. Sho Inaugurated a society of rich women, and had them trained as sick nurses. Nurses, who are addressed as "sister" on account of the old religious traditions associated with their work, lost their professional dignity in loll, when twelve women were engaged at St. Bartholomew's hospital, London, to nurso the sick and perform menial work. Prom that time nurses were un trained, until the doctors ut the New York hospital began to lecture them on "scientific cleanness" In IT'.K). Plletlner, at Kalserwerth, Germany, opened tlio first sclentlllc training school for nurses In ISIlt!. Florence Nightingale was trained at bis estab lishment, and Introduced his methods Into England. COULD NOT FORGET COURTESY Japanese, Though Inebriated, Obeyed at Once the Inborn Politeness of His Race. It was on the road to Kntnnkurn on o very pleasant morning, that we were favored with an unusual Illustration of native politeness. Courtesy Is nn In teger tif Japanese character, nntl though It often confuses the outlantl er beyond understanding, particularly In business transactions, It Is never theless a perpetual Joy to him. The coolie, the room boy, has quite Chester flehllan manners In reserve for any occasion. Such a coolie It was who sprawled In n sake stupor fnlr In the middle of tlio narrow roadway, with the car rushing down upon him. At night be would have been maimed or killed before the brakes could be applied. As It was, the nonchalant chauffeur halted with the tires almost nt the heels of the slumberer. Stepping from the car, he thrust bis foot In the ribs of the coolie, without heat or haste, ami rolled him from tlio way. At this the drunken one propped him self on u wavering elbow, took In tho situation and essayed n most unitiz ing recovery. lie rose nntl stood be side the car to doff his hat almost to the ground, and very clearly, though In Japanese, tendered n gentlemnn's apology for the Inconvenience he lintl caused the travelers. Pen Hur Lamp man In the Portland Oregonlan. Warlike African Tribe. The Masai are the most arrogant nntl warlike tribe of all the native tribes of Africa and, man for mnn, they are possibly the wealthiest peo pie In the world. Their wealth has been acquired by waging ruthless war on nil the other tribes in tho vicinity and appropriating their worldly goods, which are clilelly in the form of huge herds, lint, with nil their warlike tendencies, they have never risen against the white man. Scarcely fiO.OOO In number, they held sway for genera tions over millions of their more peaceful neighbors. The Masai are the exact reverse of vegetarians, for they live on nothing but meat, considering everything grown In the earth as despicable food, lit for monkeys, but not for men. Their favorite drink Is M'cuiod by tapping the large vein In the neck of an ox nntl drawing on" a quantity of ids blood, which Is sometimes drunk mixed witli milk and sometimes ".straight." The ox Is also their chief food. Savage Tribes Revered the Cross, From the early days of the church the cross was a usual emblem or Christian faith and hope. The first Christians showed great respect for Its significance, with St. Paul "glorying In the cross of our Iord Jesus Christ." They used tho gestural sign of the cross extensively. Tortulllnn wrote In tho Second century: "At every step and movement, when wo go In or out, when we dress or put on our shoes, nt tho bath, at the table, when the lights arc brought, when wo go to beTl, when we sit down, whatever It Is that occupies us, we mnrk the forehend with the sign of the cross." Kven before the Christian era tho cross was an object of religious venera tion among savnge tribes. The death of Christ gave It a new meaning. Fishermen Use Colored Nets. In Dalmntlu It has been noticed that the fishermen dye their nets in wonderful shndes of brown and bright green. They have found by experience that while the fish are canny enough to fear tho white nets and dee from them as from a danger signal, they swim calmly Into the meshes of tho green nnd brown ones. It seems possible that this Is be cause tho green nnd brown strands of the nets arc not unlike tho floating strands of seaweed. Another expla nation Is that tho eye of the fish la unable to distinguish these two colors from that of the sea water. These dyes are extracted from tho bruised barks of plants. After the nets hnyeJeen well soaked In these natural dyes nntl then thoroughly dried, the colors are found to be fast both as regards water mid sunlight'. I THE GUSDE 1 ( Dy MILDRED WHITE fn K5Z5anSZSinSESE52!i25ZS2fi2SZ!il5'l! Copyright, 122, Wtcnl Ktwipuprr I nlon. When Stephen Kendall's pbjs dun ordered bltn rtntiy for a rem ttie o:!ice staff hoped to Join in the urv. lor If the dominating Stephen hail been under u strain so hod his long-suffer-iiit; associate, Stephen was naturally a mutter. In bis mother's home his word was law, and one maiden who bad secretly adored him dried her tears at bis de parture In unconscious relief. Yet the big successful man had tunny cumpei.MUltiK attractions; his in. inner ofttlines as tenderly winning n u child's. The pbu-e designated by his physi cian as pnbseselug healing ami dis tracting power wns an isolated coun try of dangerous paths and unex pected beauty. This doctor gave to Stephen a letter of Introduction to old Gone Do Dray, the mountain guide, who, he was sure, would alMi take his patient to board. Hut when the long Journey ended und Stephen Kendall sought the substan tial cottage In the wood It was, to his displeased surprise, a young woman who opened the dour a comely .voting woman, undoubtedly, but ho bad wished above all things to uvoltl the sex exacting conventional nltlrc and manners. Therefore Stephen frowned and asked In his usual tone of disapproval: "Does Gene Do P.ray live here, and may I engage his services as guide? I would also like to secure board with him if possible." The young woman calmly read Stephen's letter of Introduction and glanced tip from its perusal with a considering smile. "We may be able to take you for Doctor Gray's sake," she conde-' sccndlngly agreed. "My father being unable to do so at present, I shall have to act as your guide." "I am quite competent'," she an swered his dissenting stare. "I have roamed these hills since childhood. I was born an' riz here." Stephen regarded the bright face amazcdly, the girl's tone, as her op peuruneo, was so out of keeping with her primitive surroundings. She it wns, he found utMin the fob lowing morning, who had cooked their delicious breakfast; she who, clad in corduroy trousers, later awaited to escort him over the hills. Gene, a pleasing, shrewd old moun taineer, waved to them us they started with luncheon up the trail. Forbiddingly, ns usuul, he accepted tho girl's merry sallies, In silence re ceived her descriptive information of tlio picturesque country. Smilingly Indifferent she dropped Into song. When she had disregarded for some time his repeated "Miss De Uray," Stephen abruptly asked If that was not her name. "I am called so frequently Just Marette," the gjrl laughingly ex plained, "that 1 'almost forget the other." "This spot will do then, Marette," be ordered peremptorily. It was a delightful spot and Stephen was quite out of breath, following his swift nntl tireless guide. From the page of his book he long and surrep titiously regarded her. She was as in teresting as charming, this calmly su perior woodland person. Stephen lintl caught it resentful toss of her head nt his ordering. Her pretty head now against the tree, she amused herself Imitating and answering the calls of birds. Then suddenly she turned on him a volley of questions. "Where did he come from, and how long did be In tend to stay uniongMliem?" "I like this spot," ho said at length, decidedly. "Entertain yourself ns you choose, Marette. I shall remain until evening." "I," Marette quietly returned, "must return home directly nfter luncheon." "We will stny, us It pleases me," the master-man firmly replied. "You have been engaged as my guide." Mnrettc laid out bis luncheon, across the white cloth her dark eyes mocked him. "Directly I have eaten," she repeat ed, "I must go." She was as good us her word. Ste phen, looking absently up from nn un accustomed day dream, saw the flash of her crimson lint like a flitting bird far down tho trail. The wilderness threatened at night fall. Knowledge came to Stephen. There was service which even money might not buy; there were orders which might rot always be obeyed an hour of helpmssness to tho most resourceful man the stars were out; how still, how terribly still, It was. "Well," asked a sweet vibrant voice, "are you ready to go back with me now, Stephen Kendall?" Stephen Jumped to his feet to greet the girl. "Quite ready," be said, und laughed. "I am sufllclently punished for my pre sumption. "Who are you, Marette?" ho softly questioned. As gently she answered hh.i : 'You have henrd of Marette, the singer? I como back hero often, to visit my father In hl beloved hills." "And this time you will stay tib long ns I? For I think that I may havo grown hard and crabbed waiting for that one woman whom only now I have, love, and the one woman, llttlo Marette. It Is wondrous strange that L should know you so soon to be that; woman, but true " "Perhaps," said Marette, his guide. BOARD OF EDUCATION ADOPTS NEW COURSE -Ked Cloud, Nebraska May 22, 1922 The Board of Education met in special session nt ;ho Commercial Club rooms at 8 o'clock p. m. with n'l menbers present except C. J. Pope. 'the minutes of .ast meeting of May Is- vcre read and upp ovod. The Teachers committee reported that nl' tho vacancies had been fil'.crl in tho' teaching staff for the coming year. Tho principal object of this meet ing was to consider the advisability of adopting the Smith Hughes course of Homo Economics in the ftetl Cloud Schools. Supt. Gelwiclt informed the Board that ho had been advised that tho State Department cou1d plarc thif enrse in one more school in Nebraska if application wns promptly mado and tho said school would properly qualify for same. After considerable discus sion of this matter by the Board, a motion was mado by Ovcring, second ed by Perry that Supt. Gohvick bo instructed to make application for this course to bo installed in the Bed Cloud schools. Motion carried. In tho year 1918 the Junior Class purchased a ?50 Government Bond which at the close of tho war was to bo sold and the proceeds used to pur chase a Bronze Bust of General Persh ing which wns to be presented to the Rod Cloud High School. E. J. Ovor inp was appointed a committee of one to investigate tho cost of such a bust. Supt. Gclwick mado a report to tho Boa'-d regarding tho tuition collected iy the Rod Cloud School. District for tho past school year: Amount colVct csl for 1st semester, .$",502 00; Amount collected for 2nd semester, $3,180.00; Total tuition for tho year, $0,712.00. His report also showed tho following ba'anccs on hand: Athletic Fund, SLUG; Domestic Sc'cncc Fund, $G.f5G; Manual Training Fund, $5.80. His report of Class Play and Commence ment showed, Receipts of, $309.50; Expenditures of, $255.35; Profit to School District, $51.15. On motion Joe Barta was elected janitor of Washington School nt a salary of $100 per month and Elias Goble janitor of Lincoln School at a salary of $80 per month. Sa'd sal aries to bo for tho school year of 9 months any additional time put in by tho janitors during vacation to be under the instructions and direction of tho Building and Grounds commit tee. The following bills were audited and allowed and Secretary instructed to draw warrants for same: G. A. Fcarn $ 2.00 , 50.00 72.82 3.82 Rev. S. Hardman Woodruff Printing Co Sutton & Shipman No further business appearing the Board adjourned fn meet Juno 5, 3922. B. F. PERRY, Secretary. GflEAT IS POWER OF WEALTH Nothing Impossible When John D. Rockefeller Gives Orders and Waves His Magic Wand. No man Is more conversant with the advantages of wealth than John D. illockefeller, and no man Is more famil iar with Its drawbacks, observes a j writer In the Kansas City Star. John D.'s estate in Pocantlco Hills Is like fairyland. Uo spends money 'ol It In the most lavish manner and Improvements aro being carried out nil tho time. He keeps 500 men em ployed about tho place, paying them $10,000 a week in wages. With this ;nrmy of workmen be satisfies bla .fancies. ' "I want nn avenue of trees," perhaps bo will explain. "Hut I haven't time to watch them grow up I" "What nre we to do?" tho foremun will nsk. i John D. will wuvo his stick toward ;tho skyline. "Shift those trees from over there." ' It Is one of the most awkward Jobs In the world to shift big trees without killing them, but ut tho millionaire's, bidding tho miracle Is performed, and by the end of the seuson there Is a pic turesque avenue of old-estubllshed trees where there was only green sward before. On one occnslon John D. wanted to add an extrn pleco of ground to his estate, but tho neighbor occupying tho bouse wouldn't sell. Tho millionaire bought all tho land around tho bouse and erected a great barricade of tall 'trees that mado tho bouso like a prison. Tho neighbor wns eventually glad to leuvo und tho millionaire bad bis way. l( Another day bo came out of the nouso into the grounds, ins minu cast 'Inc nround for improvements. His eye lighted on a distant bill about a mllo away on bis estate and he sud denly thought how much better It would bo If there was a bill close to tho house. Ho called tho foreman of bis army. JJ want that hill Bhlftcd," said John D. '''We'll have It moved down here close to the house." He wuved his stick around. The foreman Immediately got busy, and In a short time tho bill was torn down, carried nearer to the house, and tbon rebuilt. Then It was sodded and 'great, full-grown trees transplanted to Its BlCJCi. M . FARM BUREAU NOTES (By Henry R. Fausch, County Agent)' i CLOTHING SPECIALIST GIVCS DEMONSTRATION ( ' ' Miss Rachel Harris, clothing spe- , ' c'clist from College of Agriculture,' was in !o county Tuesday, Wednfs (hy, Thursday and Friday meeting with the Women's Clubs and gaW them demodulations on homo maflc tires., forma and sho.-t cut in sowi.v and sowing machine attachment? Th's wor.k is made available from thc Extension Service thru tho' County Farm Bureau. Tuesday afternoon a ineeting was he'd at tho homo of Henry Stumpon horsi of Blue Hill where twenty ' women of Prairie Gem community met. Mr?. J. T. McMahon was cho.cn ' Project Leader and 3 dress forms were made. Wednesday morning meeting at tho home of Dr. E. C. Moranvillo of Guide Rock ten women of that city met. Mrs. J. L. Whaley choccn Project Leader. Sewing machine attachment demonstrations were given on Mrs. Moranvillo':? machine and or. Mrs. Pace's electric sowing machine. Wednesday afternoon meeting at tho S. S. Lunstedt home in Beaver Crock precinct. This being tho regu lar meeting of Helpful Community Club and delegates from tho Willing Comitfunity Club mrit with tho form er club. Sowing machine attach- . c ments demonstration wns given on Mvs. Lundstcdt's and Mrs. Wood- v wa.d's machines. Project Leaders were chosen as follows from tho two clubs respectfully, Mrs. John Zimmer man, Dress Forms, Mrs. Irwino Wood ward, Sowing Machine Attachments, Mrs. James Atkinson, Dross Forms, Mrs. Harry Davis, Sewing Machine Attachments. Attendance fifteen. Thursday at Inavalo meeting hold in basement of tho Methodist church twenty women leprcsenting three clubs tributary to Inavalo mot for dress form demonstrations. Project Leaders chosen were Mrs. Dan Hart wcll, Mrs. Ella Carpenter and Mrs. G. W. Ohmstcde. Three forms Were made. Friday mooting held in County Superintendent's off.'cc Red Cloud. Twenty-five women and throo dress forms weio made. Mrs. Wm. H. Thomas, chosen Project Leader for v country women and Mrs. D. M. Gav bcr Project Leader for town women. As soon as these clubs havo com pleted the required amount of work they arc entitled to tho next number on tho program. Any clubs wishing to take up this work or communities whore no club exists antl want to or ganize should get in touch with the Farm Bureau office. Sunny Side Sunday School Location: Ono mile east and two miles north of Red Cloud in District 75 school bouse. Organized Sunday, May 21, by C. P. Turner Sunday School Missionary for the American Suiidny School Union of America. Our Sunday School meets nt 10 a. in. next Sunday. Come and spend an hour with us. Supt. A. U. Pelrce, Asst. Supt. T. J. Sherer, Secy Mrs. Guy Henderson. Notice to Creditors In tho County Court of Webster County, Nebraska Iu the Matter of tho Estate of Noah E. Cling Deceased. Creditors of Said Estate Will Take Notice, that the time limited for pre ssntation and filing of claims ngaius1 said estate is September 2nd, 1922, and for the payment of debts is November J5, 1922, thnt I will sit at tho county court room in snid county on tho 2d tiny of Juno 1922, to examine, hear and allow all claims duly filed which arc a first or second Hen upon said estate and on tho -1th day of September 1922 to examine, bear, allow and adjust all claims and objections of general cred itors duly filed. v Dated this Gtb day of May 1022. (Seal) A. D. RANNEY County Judgo Don't Fool With Dynamite. Never tell a woman that sho carries her age well and, as you value youn life, never tell her that sho doesn'tH Boston Transcript The Margin of Safety Is represented by tho amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. Because fire has never touched you it doesn't follow that you'ro Immune Tomorrow no todoy, if you have timeand you better find time como to thojofllco and we'll write a policy on your bouso, furniture, store or merchandise. -LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEt Reilok-ble Insurance ,'J 3M V r y,. I ,i .