R I i K , ty RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. OHIEP tnrai Jot WRKJLEYS aaLaaaaaaKafC l JtaWScf m BEJSf SnfftmX DOUBLE treat 5vW rnillEsStt Peppermint nSl 'IgilflflRSaaaaatV Jacket over Pep . imlhTl fj JBfpJL permintgum a-apgyycfeyi7?' 7 ffj Jfm SBKSirSmamlffVJuJlfy 3$WMZ0&gm sgKm&zmm?& 10 for 5c Sugar jacket just "melts in your mouth," then you get the delec table gum center. And with Wripleys three old etandbys also affording friendly id to teeth, throat, breath, ap petite and digestion. Soothing, thirst-quenching. Making the next cigar taste better A C30 h Ons Way of Knowing. Two friends put up tit a hotel, nnd one of tliein could not bleep or for Mmo other reason got up early the following morning mid went for a wulk before breakfast. lie returned In time to join his friend at the meal, nnd was greeted by tho Jocular: "Up and early this morning, Bill. What's the trouble?" "How do you know I was up early, JlmV" Bill fenced. "I heard you go out an hour before I nunc- down," explnlned Bill. "How did you know It wus me, Uiougli?" queried Bill. "Oh, I can always tell your foot steps by your cough 1" Answers. There Is nothing more satisfactory after a day of hard work than a lino full of snowy white clothes. For such results use Ked Cross Ball Blue. Advertisement. If a had nnlilt hasn't killed a man tiy the time he Is seventy-live, ho Is pretty sura It won't. Barrage From Washington. "Did you ever ask a favor of your congressman?" "Once" said Mr. Grumpson. "Ho fathered some legislation that was dis pleasing to me and I asked him to do me the favor of resigning." "Ho didn't oblige you, of course?" "No, but he's been franking hla speeches to me ever since, and I'm sorry now that I made him nware of my existence." Cutlcura for Sore Hands. Soak hands on retiring in the hot suds of Cutlcura Soap, dry and rub in Cu tlcura Ointment. Remove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This Is only one of the things Cutlcura will do If Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used for all toilet purposes. Advertisement., Nothing In the world Is either nobler or rarer than a truly devoted friendship. No one now otters any moralizing on the hjesslngs of poverty. It la called "tho simple life." II (mm More Quality for Less Money There never was a time when Goodyear Tires were so good as now. They are bigger, heavier and stronger today than any earlier Goodyears ever were. Yet Goodyear prices are lower now than ever. Not even in those remembered days before the war did Goodyear Tires sell at such low prices as today. Look at the figures listed below. They represent an average decrease of more than 60 from Goodyear prices of 1910. When you can get these better Goodyears at such prices, there is no question of the tire value at your command. Your Goodyear Service Station Dealer will tell you that never in his experience as a tire dealer has he known the equal of this value. See him today. 30 x 3M Cross-Rib 32 x ayi Alt-Weather au x syt urow-uiD Alnoe az x aj Aii-weatner ,,- -n Fabric $10.95 Tread Cord $25.50 30 x Zy All-Weather - . Tread Fabric $ 14.75 30 x 3 All-Weather A-,Qrtr 33x4 All-Weather a Jf TraidCord $18.00 Tread Cord $33.40 32x4 All-Weather -- Ar. Tread Cord $32.40 Uanufactuttr'i tax txlr srGt?rl ). GOODYEAR ftlfiE. Amemcan LEGION (Copy fur This Dftmrlinrni Supplied by the Atnrrlrnn lKlmi News Hrrvlrr.) WAR ROBS THREE OF MEMORY Trio Among Most Unusual Caeca or Record at Veteran's Bureau in Wachlngton. Three men who have lost thorn bclven and whose memory does not extend buck to the war where they received Injury, are among the most uniiMiul eases on teeord at the Vet erans' hui eau In Washington, D. C, among the long list of war victims. The American Legion Is endeavoring to assist the unfortunate es-bervlco men In (hiding their relatives. Iluywuru Thompsontit least that Is what he Is now called Is one of the most peculiar cases. He has for gotten who he Is. In his head Is an ugly shrapnel wound. Ills memory goes hack to .lauuary '22, 10'J'J, when he arrived at a hotel In Denver, with a hill In his pocket from one of the most expensive hotels In Colorado yprlngs. His memory, he now helleves, lapsed somewhere, either far hack In Franco or on the trip hetween Colo rado Springs and Denver. Thompson remembers having had .$l,-tH) In his pocket and access to many thousands more. In searching Washington records for some trace of the loit man, It was found that a certain Hay ward Thomp son enlisted In the Marine corps June C, IMS, and was discharged .lanuary 0, 1010. lie had a wife and three children at Flemlngton, Mo., and a mother, Mrs. Louise Thompson, at Chicago. The man with u shrapnel wound In his head and no memory of any relatives at all, telegraphed In great eagerness to Kleniington, Mo., and to Chicago. He received no answer. Not so long ago a clean-cut young man appeared at a Los Angeles hospi tal, lie wore an American Legion hutton. When questioned as to who he was he stated he did not know. "I think I am thirty-two years old," he said. "I am live feet, nine Inches and weigh IHO pounds. My eyes nre gray and I have blond hair. I be lieve I was a soldier. If any one can tell mo who I am, or anything about my past, please let me know." The Los Angeles post of the Legion is mak ing every effort to help the man find himself. A third "unidentified living" lives at 7113 North Thlrty-llrst street, Louis ville. He Is known as Ieonard Wells, to the neighborhood. Ills memory Is hazy. He believes that he enlisted In the old First Kentucky Infantry, und with the command was transferred to a replacement detachment and sent to France. Ills photograph was for warded to his company commander', who recognized the face hut did not recall it name. A machine gun uiillet had pierced his abdomen and Injured his spine. Another had Injured the left shoulder cap. No compensation or Insurance can ho awarded to this man, the Veterans' bureau regrets, un til his Identity can he established. France, It Is said, has six of these "unidentified" living ex-service men. Great Ilrltnln has a few. These lost souls who cannot find their memories, and who know they cannot, present a spectacle unique and pathetic. They are lost and know It. ON "GREATEST HEROES" LIST awlIlXmVtn Serrjt. Samuel Glucksman of the American "Devil Dogs," Rival for York-Woodflll Honoro. Another rival for the crown worn alternately by SergeantH York and Woodflll as the grentest hero of the World war has been uncov ered by the United States veterans' bureau In the person of Sergt. Samuel Glucksman, mem ber of the Ameri can "Devil Dogs" during the war and decorated by both the Ameri can and allied governments. Although born In Austria, Sergeant Glucksman enlisted with the marines at the outbreak of the war and al though too modest to tell the story of his achievements while lighting against the Germans, tho American Legion nt Washington discovered that Glucksman fought In seven mnjor en gagements, Verdun, Uelleuu Woods, Chuteau Thierry, Marbach, St. Mlhlel, Solssons and Mont Blanc. On the morning of October 3, 1018, Sergeant Glucksman Btnrted out to get water for his comrades. lie returned without the water but with 20 Ger mans and a painful wound. Tho "Devil Dog" sergeant captured a lone Gerninn and Insteud of bayoneting his captive forced him to lead him to tho rest of the advance party. Coming onto the whole batch of 20, Sergeant Glucksman waved n hand grenade and ordered them all out of the shell hole they were occupying nnd Into tho arms of his Amerlcnn comrades. By executive appointment Glucksman la now employed at the navy yard at Portsmouth, N. U. -mr LEGION MAN, AID TO CUPID Henry Sullivan, Phoenix (Ariz.) Or ganization Enthusiast, as J. Pn Ties Many Knots. Hnvlng secured plenty of experience In braving the perils of the deep while a member of tho navy during tho war, Henry .7. Sullivan of Phoe nix, Ariz., Is now helping to launch the several ships of m a t r I in o n y that set sali from A MfeV ti I h h o m e city. swi-mBsti W'on "'' service jSiVHpB; men of l'hocnlx HJQrW'BVaH s,nlt tll(lr ESA aIk ding bnrks they seek out Justlco of the Peace Sullivan to unsllp tho lines of their single blessedness. Mr. Sullivan Is also the man who started the "Under one bend, the American Legion" slogan which has been adopted by all the war organi zations of his homo county to ad vance the Interests of the service men, carry on hospitalization work, elimi nate drives and working generally for the benefit of the men who served their country. As Mr. Sulllvnn himself expresses It : "All war organizations In the county have united under one head for the purpose of centralizing our work. We expect to lend our efforts largely to hospitalization work and In other ways serving the disabled serv ice men by placing tho responsibilities on the various departments of govern ment where they belong rather than by advancing their rights In n slip shod fashion." FORCE PERSHING TO SPEAK Legionnaires. of Dement, Illinois, Hold Up Old Commander's Car and Demand an Address. General Pershing was captured while attempting to pass through friendly territory by a group of Amer ican Legion men at Ilcmcnt, 111. Tho old leader of the A. K. F. started through the town on an Intel-urban trolley car, but Legionnaires, aided by xi' rjryajjtjra'tpaaBSaaaptsjBSSaaj Pershing Addressing Legionnaires. a powerful ally In the person of the motorman, gathered In front of tho trolley and demanded a speech. The rear platform of the car was turned Into a speaker's stage and "Black Jack" addressed the servlco men nnd their friends for ten minutes. The Legionnaires were marshaled to gether by Sidney Morgan, their post commander, who stood on tho plat form with his old general, and It was not until ho had given the word that the former members of Pershing's command would give the trolley tho right of way. Adjusted Compensation Wins. Adjusted compensation won a d elded victory In tho nation-wide ref erendum by the United States Cham ber of Commerce 1,110 chambers voted favorably, 2,057 against the measure. The United Stntes chamber has opposed the hill from the start. The commerce body In Toledo, O., pro tested the questionnaire which was sent out ns being unfair In the wny It presented the subject. - "!$ I Carrying On With the I American Legion A community playground will bo made by the Legion nt Nashville, Tenn., tho ex-soldlers bearing tho ex pense of apparatus and upkeep. In Korea, American ex-soldlers, most of them missionaries under the leader ship of a Southern Presbyterian mis sion, have formed n post of the Le gion. During the war It cost Uncle Sam $300 to clothe each of his soldiers. The present doughboy Is garbed In cloth, lng costing but $180, tho War depart ment stntes. The only woman field clerk In the army Is Miss Jean Hodson of San Francisco, Cal., secretary to Major General Morton. She holds the rank of sergeant major. The Legion In both North nnd South will henceforth obscrvo the birthdays of Generals Leo and Grant, rlvnl lead ers of the Civil war. Tho birthday of General Grant wns observed on April 27 this year nnd that of Lee will be ob served January 10, 1023. BuyltElthtrWay Tabltts or Liquid PE-RU-NA For Coughs, Colds and Catarrh Mr. R. W. Minhill. rirtmpton. Michigan, suffering- from Sritemtc Cattrrb lovolrlof Head. Note, Throat and Stomach, claims a complete cure. Ill letter ! convincing! "For tho put two yetrt 1 nave been trouble d with ijittmlo catarrh I Bird tereral boxei of rera.ni Ublcu tnil flier bare kOeeted totnplclo cot. I do not beiiute to recommend 1'e-ra-nk forillciurrbil condition!." Mr. Mirthilt Ii luitoneofminrltiouuniliwriohive beta benrlltctl by Dr. lUrtminUmou medicine In tberxillltty yrtr. It Ubyillmuhllnt thealccillon, enriching Ihcblood nd toning up Ihe nerve tlitirc-ru naltatilctoexcrl tuch a toothing, betting Inlluence upon (he mucoui tnembrtnet which lint the body, lilts wonderfully effective remedy to rritorc tlrtngtb altera protracted tlcknctt, the grip or Spanlih Influenta. Klip In tita Hauit liM Evsrywhtra ijt,inci f.. rarw rot ui riicfettMr ,;,.!.... DUWriMIWttAzfiisrt ilMAuiAiit, lifess iwinHiMriTOiwraiww(i.in rrmouiu, (wwfr.Mjo No Press Facilities. "According to this authority, Me thuselah lived only u trllle more than eighty years." "If that's the case, how did ho get the reputation of being so old?" "I'm blest If 1 know. There were no newspaper reporters In those days to Interview him every time ho celebrat ed a birthday and add ten or twenty years to his age so the 'story' would bo worth a front-page position." Ulr mlngham Age-Herald. s&Wffiir Important to Mothers Kxnnilue carefully every bottle of CASTOH1A, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, mid see that It Dears tho Signature of In Uso for Over !10 Years. Children Cry for Flctchcr'a Custoria Her Principle. Saphead Will you trust mo with your life? Miss Sweet No, Indeed. Cash down Is my motto. Wayside Tales. It Is better to be lonely than bored. Can Buy Joy Rides. Money can't do everything, hut there's a tendency In human nature to bo pretty well satlslled with tho things It can do. Our real life Is not behind, but bo fore UB. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION aJRM indices"! rri L -sin 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 25$ ond 75 Packages. Everywhere W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 20.-1022. How They Came. Mrs. Hcnbain "Hoth hens hnve laid again." Ilenham "Yes, wo aro gct ting our eggs In relays." fe0Im7 M spirm WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 22 years and proved safe by millions for Headache Colds Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia' Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Bayer" boxea of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. atptrln U Ue trade mark of Barer Minuftcruxa o( UoootcttlcaeldnUr of Sallerllcacld Mm BHHM iHllM III one-clevencigarettes TURKISH VIRGINIA BURLEY Three Friendly Gentlemen 10 (S Ql Guaranteed by Thus JrwsiectstA wu?v U1 FIFTH AVENEWYORK CITY esternCanadaOffers MSW afyX2H&4feMaBsBS&BGajKA WfflMMatitWm' wpJSzjysjPSSSaTjM WkSCS' Health and Wealth and has brought contentment and happiness to thou sands of home aeekrra and their families who hove settled on her FREE homesteads or touch t land at attractive pricet. They have established their own homes ana secured prosperity and Independence. In the great Kraln-Rrowlnit sections of the prairie provinces there is still to be hd on easy terms Fcrtilt Land at $15 to $30 an Acra land similar to that which through many years haa yielded from 20 to 45 bushels of wheat to the acre oats, barley and flax also in sreat abundance, while raisins horses, cattle, ohecp and hops U equally profitable. Hundreds of farm ers in Western Canada have raised crops in n single season worth more than the whole cost of their land. Healthful climate, good neighbors, churches, schools, rural telephone, excellent markets ana shipplnR facilities. The climate nnd soil offer inducements for almost every branch of agriculture, lhe advantages lor Dairying, Mixed Farming and Stock Raising make a tremendous appeal to industrious set tlers wiahlns to improve their circumstances. Forllluitrtted lltcrttar, tntpi. description of firm opportunities In lUoltobt, bttkitcbt win. Alberta W., Wit to W. V. BENNETT Boom 4, Bee Bldg., Omabs, Neb. AutketlMJ Aftnt, Dtpt, ef Immltrttlan nd Clonlattlon, Dominion of Canada tvtaa iff! Mo-Easy lo Use Colors Silk, Wool and Cotton UI st th Saint Tims Putnam Fadeless Dyes lOc " o ,? for A Package oyof