RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF r mr tl M lYamCPV ll -k. ara aa. &. -&tv " ' j nr . v.. pj?i iiMii:j5.0DiniafKin U JlflT O K WWH.'il fiWHI o S fy CaSJ j IMIIHIf-t V X .iiJ-TAi IIJB Mil IICA til . -E - IT tvmiw. tvi i nwj w imi i y --rrc Mljf-Qg-jWjCopvi P THE DEBATE. Bynopsla. "With his Krnndfather, small IUitmny Mllholland In watch ln the "Dccorntlon Day Parade" In tho homo town. Tho old Runtlo roan, a veteran of tho Civil wnr, endeavor, to ImprcHu tho youriK ntor with tho HlKiilIlcnnco of thn Kroat conflict, and many years nft crward the boy wan to remember his words with startling vividness. In tho schoolroom, a few yours afterward, Ilamsoy Is not dlstln KUlshcd for icmarliabln ability, thoUKh his pronounced dislikes aro arithmetic, "Uccltntionn" and dcr man. In sharp contrast to Ham scy'H bnckwardnoHn Is the precocity of little orn Yoctun, a young ludy whom In hi", bitterness ho denomi nates "Teacher's Pot." In high sohool, where ho and Dora are clasmnato.i, Ilamiioy continues to feel that tho lrl dellfjhls to mani fest her superiority, and tho vln dlctlvvnesR hi Kenerates becomes alarmlnK, culnilnatln In the reso lution that Homo day he will "show" her. At a class picnic Itam Bey Is enpturod Imi; and b.aKga&e by Mllla Hunt, tho class beauty, and endures tho agonies of Ills first love. IlaniHoy's parents object to Mllla and wish ho'il taken up with Dora Yncum. nnniHcy kisses MJlla. Thon Mllla suildenly leaves town. She- marries. Ramsey enters the statn university ntid thcro Is Dora Yocum again. J CHAPTER VII. Continued. 8 Concluding lila rending, which wns ornl, the volntllo Mltchull tnndo use of his voice In a nmnner of hcnthculsh bolHterousnoss, nnd presently reclined upon n loungo to Inugh the better. Ills stricken comrade, niennwhlle, recov ered ho fnr iih to pnee the floor. "I'm roIii' to pnclc tip nnd light out for bomol" he declnrod over nnd over. And even oftener lie rend nnd rcrend the enrd to ninkn mire of the nctunl Hy of tlint fHtnl coincidence, "D. Yo cum, '18." "If 1 could do It," lie vociferated, "If I could stand up there nnd debate one o' their darn ole debntcs In the first place If I bnd tho gall to even try It, why, my gosh I you don't sup pose I'm -join' to Ret up there nnd nrRtio with tlint Rlrl, do you? That's a hot wny to Ret an education: Btnnd up there and nrRtio with n Rlrl before n couple o' hundred people 1 My gosh 1" "You Rot to!" his prostrato compan ion cackled, weakly. "You can't Ret out of It. You're n Roner, ole Uuddy I" "I'll be sick, I'll bo sick as a doRl I'll bo sick as the sickest dog that over " "No use, olo man. Tho frat scnlors'U bo on tlie Job. They'll know whether you're sick or not, and they'll buvo you there, right on the spot to the minute I" The prediction wns accurate. The too fatherly "frat seniors" did nil thnt Fred said they would, and more. For tho honor of the "frat," they coached tho desperate Itaiusey In the technlc of Lumen debate, told him many mora things to say than could be said In six minutes, nnd produced htm, de spairing, Rhnstly and bedewed, In the largo hall of the Lumen society at eight o'clock on Friday evening. Four other "twelve-minute debates" preceded his and the sound of these, In Ramsey's ears, was tho sound of Gubrlel practising on bis horn In the curly morning of Judgment day. Tho members of the society sat, three rows deep, along the wnlls of the room, leaving a clear oblong of green car pet In the center, where were two smnll desks, twenty feet npnrt, the rostrums of the debnters. Upon a platform at the hend of the room oat dreadful seniors, the officers of tho society, nnd, upon benches near tho platform, tho debnters of the evening were aligned. One of tho fraternal seniors sat with sweltering Ramsey; and the latter, as bis time relentlessly came nearer, made a lust miserable squirm. "Look bore, Ilrothcr Colburn, I got to got out o' here." "No, you don't, young fellow." "Yes, I do I" Ramsey whispered, pns slonntely. "Honest, I do. nonest, Ilrothcr Colburn, I got to get a drink of water. I got to I" "No. You can't." "Honest, Colburn, I got " "Hush 1" Ilnmsoy cast his dilating eyes along tho rows of faces. Most of them were but as blurs, swimming, yet he was uwuro (be thought) of a formidable and borrlblo impassive scrutiny of tilmsclf, a glare seeming to pierce through him to the back of the belt round bis waist, so that be began to have fearful doubts about that belt, about every fastening nnd adjustment of bis garments, about the expression of bis countenance, and many other things Jumbling together In his con sciousness. Over and over he whis pered gaspingly to himself the open ing words of tho sentence with which senior had advised blm to begin his MKUment. And as the moment of iu- illvoUaiid - , -ft if . & oil Illustrations by " &: -v g"hwiN Ayei m o tz .ightjby Doubledny, Pago & Company. prcme agony drew close, this whisper ing became continuous: "In making my first npenrnnce before this honor' ble membership I feel constrained to say In tanking my llrst appearance be fore this honnr'blc membership I feel constrained to suy In making my llrst appearance before this honor'blo incm ... It hnd come. The chairman announced the subject of the fourth freshmnn twelve-minute debate; nnd Dorn Yocum, hitherto unpercelved by Ramsey, rose and went forwnrd to one of the small desks In tho open space, where she stood composedly, a nlim, pretty figure In white. Members In Ramsey's neighborhood were nwnru of n brief and hushed commotion, and n fierce whisper, "You can't I You get up there I" And tho blanched Ramsey came forth and placed himself nt the other desk. He stood before the silent popu I we of that morgue, nnd It seemed to hlm that his features bad forgotten that he was supposed to be their own er nnd In control of them ; he felt that I bey were slipping nil over his face, regardless of his wishes. Ills head, as a whole, was subject to tin agita tion not before known by hlm; It de sired to move rustlly In eccentric ways of Its own devising; his legs alternate ly Umbered nnd straightened under no direction but their own; and bis bands clutched each other fiercely behind his back ; he was not one cohesive person, evidently, but tin assembled collection of parts which had relapsed each Into Its own Individuality. In spite of them, bo somehow contrived the semblance of a bow toward tho chairman and the semblance of another toward Dorn, of whom be was but hazily conscious. Then he opened his mouth anil, not knowing bow he had started his voice going, heard It as If from a distance. "In making my first appearance be fore this honor'blo membership I feel restrained to sny " He stopped short, and thenceforward shook vlsl- He Came to the Longest of All His Pauses Here, and the Awful Gravity of the Audience Almost 8uffocated Him. bly. After a long pause, ho managed to repeat his opening, stopped nguln, swallowed many times, produced a handkerchief and wiped his face, an net of necessity then bad on Inspira tion. "The subject assigned to me," he snld, "Is resolved that Germany Is mor'ly and legally Justified In Bel gians Relglums I This subject wns assigned to me to bo the subject of this debute." Ho Interrupted himself to gasp plteously. found breathing dif ficult, but faltered on again: "This subject Is tho subject. It Is the sub ject that wns assigned to mo on a postnl card." Then, for n moment or so, he had a miraculous spurt of confi dence, and continued, rather rapidly: "I feel constrained to say that the country of Ilelginn Hclglum, I mean this country has been constrained by the Invnded I mean Invaded by the Imperial German lmplre nnd my sub ject In this debate Is whether It ought to or not, my being tho Infernntlve, afllrmatlve I menu thnt I got to prove thnt Germany Is mor'ly nnd legally Justified. I wish to stnto that " He paused again, lengthily, then struggled on. "I hnvo been requested to stnto thnt tho German Imp Umpire thnt It certainly Isn't right for thoso Dutch Germans, I mcuu they haven't got any more business In Rclglum than I have myself, but I I feel constrained to Bay that I had to accept whatever side of this debate I got on tho postal card, and so I am constrained to take the side of the Dutch. I mean the Germans. The Dutch aro sometimes called I mean tho Germnns are some times called the Dutch In this country, - -. V "- W - 1 u , W U - 1 JJfcaMMMfc5i " ""' - f-twtM j rlll W iliTTi JXm ffitaEt, iff I liSlWWiif mm w !mt they aren't Dntch, thonjrh 4om, times called Dutch In thlv country. Well, and soso, Well, the wur began Inst August or about then, unywuy, nnd tho German army Invaded the Del glan nrmy. After they got there, tho Invasion began. First, they camo around thcro and then they com menced Invading. Well, what I feel constrained " He came to the longest of nil bis pauses here, and the awful gravity of the audience utmost suffocated him. "Well," be concluded, "It don't look right to me." "Four minutest" the chntrmnn nn nounced, for Ramsey's pauses had worn uwny u grent deul more of this terrible Interval than hnd his elo quence. "Opening statement for the negative: Miss D. Yocum. Four min utes." As Dorn began to speak, Ramsey experienced a little relief, but only n little about the same amount of relief us that felt by a bridegroom when It Is the bride's turn to "respond," not really relief at nil, but merely tho slight reluxutlon of a continuing strain. The audience now looked nt Ramsey no more than people look nt n bridegroom, but be failed to percelvo nny substantial mitigation of his frightful consplcuousuess. He had not the remotest Idea of what he had said In setting forth his case for Germany, und ho knew that It was his duty to listen closely to Dorn, In order to bo nblo to refute her argument when his two-minute closing speech fell due; but be wns conscious of little more than Ids own condition. His legs had now gone wild beyond nil devilry, und lie had to keep shifting his weight from one to the other In order even to hope that their frenzy might escnpe gen oral attention. lie realized that Dorn was speaking rapidly and confidently, nnd that some where In his Ill-assembled parts lurked u famlHar bit of him thnt objected to her even more than usual ; but she had used half of her time, nt least, before he was nblo to gather nny coherent meaning from what she was saying, liven then he caught only a fragment, here nnd there, and for the rest so far ns Ilnmsoy wns concerned she might as well have been reciting tba Swedish alphabet. In spite or the rather startling fee bleness of her opponent's statement, Dora went at her task as earnestly ns If It were to confute somo monster of casuistry. "Thus, having demonstrat ed that all war Is wrong," she said, ap proaching her conclusion, "It Is scarce ly necessary to point out that what' ever the actual circumstances of the Invasion, und whatever the status of the case In International law, or by reason of treaty, or the German oath to respect the neutrality of Rclglum, which of course was grossly nnd dis honorably violated all this, I sny, la dies and gentlemen of the Lumen so ciety, all this is beside the point of morals. Since, ns I have shown, nil wur Is wrong, the case may be simpli fied as follows: All war Is morally wrong. Quod ernt demonstrandum. Germnny Invaded Belgium. Invasion Is wnr. Germnny, therefore, did moral wrong. Upon the legal side, ns I began by pointing out, Germany confessed lp the relchstng the violation of law. Therefore, Germnny was Justified In tho Invasion neither morally nor legal ly; but was both, morally and legally wrong and evil. Ladles and gentlemen of the Lumen society, I nwnlt tho refutation of my opponent!" Her opponent nppearcd to be having enough trouble with his legs, without taking nny ndded enres upon himself In the way of refutations. Rut tho mnrvelous Dora had calculated tho length of her statement with such nicety that the chairman nnnounced "Four minutes," nlmost upon the In stunt of her final syllnble; and nil faces turned once more to tho uphold er of the nfllnnntlvc. "Refutation and conclusion by the affirmative," said the chairman. "Mr. R. Mllholland. Two minutes." Therewith, Ramsey coughed as long as he could cough, and when he felt that no more should be done In this way, ho wiped bis face again an act of necessity nnd quaverlngly began: "Gentlemen and ladles, or ladles am) gentlemen, In making the refutation of my opponent, I feel thut I feel that hardly anything mora ought to bo said." He paused, looked helplessly at his uncontrollable legs, nnd resumed: "I am supposed to make the reputa the refutation of my opponent, and 1 feel that I ought to sny quite a denl more. In the first plnce, I feel that the Inva. slnn hns taken place. I am supposed anyhow I got a postal card that I am supposed to be here tonight. Well, In talking over this matter with a cou ple of seniors, they told mo I was sup posed to claim this Invasion wns mor'ly nnd legally all right. Well" Here, by somo chance, tho recollection of n word of Dora's flickered Into his chn otlc mind, nnd he hnd a brighter mo ment. "My opponent said she proved all war Is wrong or something like that, anyhow. She snld she proved It was wrrtng to fight, no matter what. Well, If she wasn't a girl, anybody that wanted to get her to fight could prob'ly do It." Ho did not ndd that ha wtfiild be tho person to make tho ex periment (If Dora weren't n girl), nor did thn thought enter his mind until an hour or so later. "Well," he added, "I suppose there Is little more to bo snld." It becomes understood that Ramsey it a woman-hater. (TO HG CONTINUED.) It keeps some men so busy being Im portant thnt they haven't uny time left to accomplish things. 5iiJ.WanJs j a ' ' II I Heaping Screened Guano for (Prepared by tho National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C.) Teru, already of considerable agri cultural Importance und destined to become much more so, Is fortunate In having one of the most valuable sources of natural fertilizer In tho world Its famous "bird Islands" on which thousands of tons of guano are deposited in a sort of annual crop. These deposits, rich In precious nitro gen, have been laid down on the Is lands for thousands of years, and un til recently there seemed a well-nigh Inexhaustible mine of the material. Rut the tremendous world demand which arose near the mlddlo of the past century brought In Its train wasteful methods and all the accumulated de posits have been snipped uwny. The annual accumulations arc still avail able, however, and are worth many hundreds of thousands of dollars. Teru's peculiar geographical condi tions mnkQ possible the preservation of her valuable Rimno "crop." A few showers might wash nwny the valua ble fertilizer, but thanks to Its moun tain masses, Its very cold off-shoro waters and Its prevailing winds, the region of the Rlrd Islands is rainless. Guano, It will be understood, Is pri marily the deposit of fish-eating birds, into which may be mixed and lucor poratedln greater or less proportion a variety of other substances, such as the eggs and bodies of birds und the deposits und the bodies of sea Mons. It tuny be found mixed with gravel and sand In very small pro portion or sometimes To an extent rendering It unprofitable to extract. Peruvian Guano Is Best. "Peruvlun guano" Is practically synonymous with nitrogenous guano and has lout; been recognized us the best nitrogenous fertilizer that Is, us a fertilizer of generally high nitrogen value in which the nitrogen com pounds aro found In u condition most readily nsslmlluble by our plants. Nitrogen Is n primary uecesslty to the farmer. Whatever be tho impor tunco of uddlng to the soil potush and other mineral components of our food and our clothing, there never exists n doubt ns to the fundamental impor tance of nitrogen. Consequently u pe cullar Interest attaches to birds of the Peruvian Islands, which have long served to nld the world's agrlculturo und which, given duo protection, may continue indefinitely to contribute ma terially to the support of humanity. Tho pecullur climatic conditions pre viously mentioned offer merely tho proper environmental conditions for tho preservation of the product. The pri mary requisite for abundant bird life Is the existence of a plentiful food supply, und this Is found In the schools of small fish, called anchobotas, that swarm In tho Peruvlun current. There shoals of fish, acres In extent, are often pursued in tho water by bonlto nnd other large fish, while beset from tho nlr by thousands of birds. Billions of pounds of fish must be consumed ench year by tho birds, be sides tho Incalculable quantity de voured by other fishes; but the fecundity of tho anchobotas Is such that their numbers are still maintain ed. At times great acres of tho sea aro made red by myriads of small, brightly colored sbrlmp-llko crustncea ; nnd these, too, play a part of Im portance as food for tho fishes and birds. Islands Crowded With Guanays. . Not all of the birds aro of equal Importance from the commercial point of view. Indeed, three species virtual ly support the guuno Industry nt tho present time tho white-breast cor morant (gunnay), tho big gray pelican and the white-head pmnet. Guanays occur on tho Peruvian coast from near the northern to the extreme southern boundary, but their pro eminent home Is tho double group of Islands opposlto Pisco, In tho South, the Chlnchns and the Ballestns. The largest guanny flocks uro found on the Chlnchn islands. Upon the south Island of tho Chlnchns, a small nnd generally triangular body of land between 20 nnd 150 acres In nrcn, there Is n rookery which for size and com pactness can senrcply bo rivaled In nnv part of the world. Tho nesting ground occupies nbout two-thirds of the surraco of tho Is land, embracing the crown nnd the gentle slopes of the hill that surmount Us low bluff wnlls. Tho nests aro X ffs VJL V4 Transfer to Mainland. very uniformly spaced, nveragln,- near ly three to the square yard, and not n yard of ground within the outside limits of the rookery Is unoccupied. In form nnd arrangement the nest3 ap pear ns heavy rolled-tim basins stuck rnto tho hillside. Tho guanay well deserves Its com mon name. Its gregarious habit, Its choice of tho level places or more gentle slopes for nesting grounds, nnd Its custom of remaining on the Is lands u great part of the time nil com bine to cause the l'onnntion of enor mous deposits of guano, from which there Is little waste. In the region where this bird Is most nbim dunt, about the (jli!nchns and Btil lestas Islands, the climate conditions nro most favorable to the preservation of tho nitrates. It Is doubtful If the guano of the Chlnchns and Ballestns Islands Is ever wet from atmospheric moisture. A pair of guanays, with their offspring, produce nearly $1.50 worth of guano per year. How tho Work Is Done. Tho guano workers are practically all Peruvians of the ancient stock, and many of them come down from the mountains to engage In this work. Often there nro few In the camp who can speak Spanish und the foreman can communlculo with tho employees only by signs or through an Interpre ter. The extraction of guano Is a very simple process. Where the material is comparatively recent, the only Im plements required are the pick nnd tho shovel, u screen nnd a few sacks. The surface cake Is first broken up und thrown Into smnll heaps. Where several contractors have a concession from the government covering the same Island, there is much rivalry In getting the best guano mounded, for this is the only recognized method of establishing n claim to u particular field. Tho gunno Is subsequently pitched through slanting wire screens to re movo the gravel, nnd then sneked for embarkation by lancbas, which nro strongly constructed lighters In the form of rowbouts, adapted for use In the heavy swell liable to prevail nbout the Islands. A very common method of convey ing the gunno to the lighter Is by means of tho andnrlvcl, an uerlal trolley con sisting of two stout wire cables sus pended between a frame at tho top of tho Island nnd some convenient rock somevvhnt removed from the shore. The boat Is rowed beneath tlie lower part of the cablo to receive the guano, lowered by pulleys and wlndlnss. Both ends of the line being attached to traveling pulleys, the sacks of guano, descending by gravity, draw the empty sacks back. No power Is applied to tho windlass except to prevent the too-rupld descent of tho guano. When tho lunchn Is loaded It Is rowed out to the vessel, whero the sacks are hoisted Into tho hold. A much moro extensive equipment Is found on tho larger Islands of the north. An American compnny, con tracting for tho Peruvinn exporters, hns laid lines of track for conveying tho guano by tram-cars, and tho screen ing is dono from trastles over a lower level track. By far tho greatest portion of tho guano that has been exported con sisted of the undent deposits, cnlled "mineral" gunno, which In places covered tho Islands to great depths. This hns been simply stripped nwoy until scarcely any of the old gunno re. mains except somo of tho lowest grades thnt scarcely Justify exporta. tlon. It Is within tho bounds of possibility that additional deposits, burled be neath tho surface, may yet bo located. Unless this bo tho case, tho Industry is permanently reduced to the annual deposits, which scarcely exceed tho demands of Peruvian agrlculturo In Its present condition, without proviu Ing for the grent future developments In bind cultivation in that country thnt must follow sooner or Inter with tho adoption of moro clnborate sys tems of irrigation. Though tho Importnnt birds hnvo been greatly reduced In numbers, It Is reasonable to expect n substantial Incrcnse under natural conditions, If Interference with tho brooding bo re duced to the minimum consistent with ttie utilization of the deposits. Mm tt1 .: MRS. HATFIE ABINA OHIO 3 Kn Pitiable Condition wheu she Began Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Snbinn, Ohio. "I took Lydia E. Pinlc lam'n Vegetable Compound for weak ness and irregulari ty. I was weak and nervous and could hardly stand on my feet long enough to cook a meal. I was this way for about a year and had tried covcl medicines and had a physician, but to no avail. My sister was taking your medicine ana nnallv induced mo ta try it. I now feel fine nnd can do mf housework without nny trouble nt all. You can use this letter for the sake of others if you wich." Mr3. WeldonG, Hatfield, R. R. 3, Snhina, Ohio. Housewives make a groat mistake i allowing themselves to becomeso weak and nervous that it is well-nigh Impos eiblo for them to attend to their necce eary household duties. Lydia E. Pinkhnm'a Vegetable Com pound should be taken when you first notice such Bymptoms as nervousness, backache, weakness and irregularity. It will help you and prevent more oerious trouble. Give it a fair trial. It Burely helped M. a. Hatfield, justaBithaa many, many other women. i THE BIG 4 ' Stomach-Kidney 3-Heart -Liver , Keep the vital organs healthy by , regularly taking the world's standi ! ard remedy for kidney, liver, I bladder and uric acid troubles Tho National Remody of Holland for centuries and endorsed by Queen Wilhel mina. At all druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Cold Medal on every box and accept no imitation Prove the Reverse, Please. Passport Oillcer Where uro yotn proofs that she's your wife? Ilcnpcck I haven't any, but If you can prove that she's not my wlft you're a made man. London Tlt-Blts. TAKE ASPIRIN ONLY AS TOLD BY "BAYER" "Bayer" Introduced Aoplrin to the Physicians Over 21 Years Ago. To get quick relief follow cnrefull) the safe and proper directions In each unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." This package Is plain!) stamped with the safety "Bayer Cross The "Bayer Cross" means the gen nine, world-famous Aspirin prescribe by physicians for over twenty-oif years. Advertisement. New Steel Wheels. Forged in one piece, a steel wheel has been Invented for automobiles, Including rims, spokes, hubs and brake drums. Growing Old Too Soon? Arc you one of .ose unfortunate folks who finds yourself feeling older than you should; Do you feci lame and stiff mornings; drag through the day with a constantly aching back? Evening find you utterly worn-out? Then look to your kidneys. Present day life puts a heavy burden on the kidneys. They slow up and poisons ac cumulate and upset blood and nerves. Help your weakened kidneys with Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's have helped thousands nnd should help you. Ask your neighbor! A Nebraska Case o. w. nice, izt V. Third St., Falrbury, Nebr., Rays: "I had the "llu" and It loft my back and kid nays In a bad condition. I cou 1 d n't turn over In bed with out help, as my bnck was so wealc nnd sore and Hlinrp pains cut through tho small of my back. The kidney necrotloiiH wero dark colored nnd burned when pasuln?. I started to uso Doan's Kidney Pills and ono box cured me." Get Don at Any Store, 60c a Bos DOAN'S 'SSXET FOSTER.M1LBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. COCKROACHES Watorbugo ANTS Easily killed by using the genuine Stearns' Electric Paste AUo HITUK DKATII to.ruia and nilco. Thou, post- nro tlm ereauwt carrier of dlscato. Too; 3etn uoili food uihI properly. READY FOR USE-BETTER THAN TRAPS Directions In 16 laugnaKoi in oyer- box. Soi. tlioSSo. tint. alio 81.60. MONEY DACK IF IT FAILS Cuticura Talcmm Faaclnatlnzlr Fragrant ' Always Healthful Soap 25c, Ointment 25 nd 50c, Talcum 23c. I WATCH SSL MEDAL u'!!l!lXr mmmk i N ' 4 lVtct J