The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 25, 1922, Image 3

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Child Training at Home
Axi "! Vi ' J,5i,'t',,'vv""'-. 17A III I r I 1 IW71?
(Historian. QuartermtBtor Corps. United Statnj Army.)
kO TIIK quartermaster corps of tho
United Status army lias fallen the
reverent taslc of bringing home the
soldier dead, returned for burial un
der the stars and stripes.
On March ao last, the army trans
port Cambral reached New York with
1,224 lias-draped colling. Willi her
arrival, the solemn duty of the quar
termaster corps of returning the bod
ies of those who fell In France, was
practically completed.
Thcte are left over sens now only
325 bodies to be brought bnclc to the
United States, the last of the 44,418 of those
Americans who will be burled In the homeland.
About au.OOO more will sleep forever overseas, ac
cording to the desires of their next of kin.
At this time It Is llttlng to tell our people just
how America hns been returning to the bosom of
their native land the mortal remains of thousands
of her sons who followed the flag
Into that renlm where battle flags are furled
And war drums throb no longer.
This sacred duly, .under the direction of Major
General II. L. Rogers, quartermnster general of
the nrmy, Is performed by the graves registration
service through the cemeterlnl division, and tho
eflllccnr, sympathetic and reverent manner in
which It Is done has been a source of satisfaction
to every one.
That one may visualize the work Involved
Its methods nnd operations In preparing our sol
dler dead for tho last Journey wo will endeavor
to draw n picture which will show, step by step,
how this has been accomplished.
Early morning sun ilnds the field operating units
ready for the day's work nnd with trucks con
taining nil materials necessary tools, implements,
enskets nnd shipping boxes they start on their
way to tho sacred regions where He our soldier
dead. Each unit has its corps of highly-specialized
and technical men In mortuary affairs (em
Imlmers, undertakers und technical assistants) to
perform this service. The working squads or la
borers nro composed chiefly of ex-service men.
Gunrds and watchmen nttached to each unit
are also discharged American soldiers, nnd during
tho time that the bodies are under the Jurisdiction
of operating units, this guard is constantly on
duty over them. A commissioned officer filling n
dunl capacity of commanding officer and Inspector
Is in command of each unit.
Once nt the graves, excavntlng Is commenced.
When tho bodies nro reached, only oue Is al
lowed to be lifted to the surface of tho ground nt
n time, In order thnt no possible chance will bo
tnken in confusing Identities. This Is a require
ment rigidly adhered to. The outer wrapping of
tho body Is removed and search Is mndo for Identl
flcntlon tags and marks; when found they are se
curely fastened to tho remains; the body Is then
wrnpped In n new, clean blni.ket.
Tho Identification disk and long narrow strip
of aluminum, showing name, rank nnd organiza
tion, tuken from tlio cross or star which marked
the grave, Is pinned to tho blanket over tho chest
of the dead. Tenderly lifting nnd placing the body
in n metallic container Is the next step, using
soft, lint cushions as padding to hold the body
stendy; after this a soft, clean sheet Is cnrcftilly
iuckcu in, iuruier insuring ngnmst the shifting
of the body during transportation.
After this the metallic container Is placed in
Us sllk-llncd casket of chestnut wood or oak, nnd
'it, too, is securely fastened; across tho head of
the lid is attnehed n nnrrow aluminum strip show
ing the name, serial number, rank nnd organiza
tion of the soldier, and the number of the grave
and cemetery from which the body was taken.
Tho casket Is then placed In tho shipping box,
which has been secured by tho blocks of whlto
wood or chestnut, covered with whlto plush to
prevent mnrrlng or scratching tho casket.
Name, rank and organization Is then stencllod
on each end of the shipping ense. A tag giving
the nnmo and address of tho consignee Is tacked
to tho 'side, and tho whole box Is enveloped with
our flag, which remains until the body Is placed
on tho transport for sailing.
Tho sun sinking low in tho West sees all bodies
which have been exhumed entirely prepared for
snipment, for this Is nnother requirement which
Is rigidly udhercd to. The bodies are then placed
In local storage under constant guard of American
watchmen. And thus the day's work Is done.
All evacuations being completed within thnt
section, the bodies are then removed from the
local storage, and accompanied by convoys nnd
guards, are taken by rail or river barges, as con
ditions allow, to the concentration point for that
particular section.
Port officers maintain nt nil times a close liaison
with the field operating unit In order to obviate
misunderstandings, to provent delays, and to per
mit satisfactory and definite plnns being made In
sufficient time for sailing. These concentration
points ure under the personnl nnd constnnt super
vision of commissioned oineers and watchmen who
are honorably discharged American soldiers.
Tho ports chosen ns shipping bases are : Brest,
St. Nazalre, Bordeaux, Toulon, Cherbourg, Calais,
France; and Antwerp, Belgium, through which,
during Inst year, 20,018 bodios were returned to
America. Cherbourg has hnd the greatest number
to handle, ns evacuation of bodies for return from
areas of Itomogne, Thlncourt and Bellcnu all
passed through this port, to tho number of 25,000.
Finally the news comes from one of tho six
porti that the trnnsport Is ready for Its precious
cargo. Officers, convoys and gunrds then plnce
tho dead on speclnl French trnlns or barges which
have been draped with Amerlcnn flags. Depart
ure Is taken nmld lnrge gatherings of tho popula
tion of the town and n guard of honor, comprising
two or more companies of French soldiers who
come to pay homngo to our dead.
Quickly tho news spreads that "les Amcrlcalns
arc taking their dead heroes home, and all along
tho line of tho Journey many nro wnltlng. Priests
ure there, and these men of God gently nnd loving
ly chunt the prayers for tho dead, while children
with arms full of flowers are wnltlng to place them
in the care of tho guards or drop them on tho
bnrges as they slowly pass by. Every honor is
shown both by civil nnd military France; nnd so
tho Journey becomes a triumphal procession of
America's heroic (lend.
Tho port Is reached, and there on Its great "Pier
of the Dead" the bodies are gently laid sldo by
side, under tho watchful care of the military
"Guard of Honor" comprising a company of men
detailed from the American forces In Germnny.
Beforo it goes on the trnnsport, each shipping
case containing a body Is carefully gone over to
ascertain If It Is In perfect condition for ocean
The tag showing tho nnmo and address of tho
consignee, which lias been tncked to the side of
tho box, is then removed, and nnmo nnd address
stencilled on the sldo Instead. The port officers,
who are commissioned officers of our nrmy, nro
present when this stencilling Is done, tho qunrter
master general holding them personally respon
sible for all discrepancies nnd Inaccuracies. Ev
erything finished to the satisfaction of these offi
cers, the bodies nro finally placed on tho trnnsport,
tho warning bell Is sounded and the transport
slowly moves nwny.
Tho military attachments stand nt "Attention"
while their bugles saluto tho dead. All flags and
ensigns of shipping, or thoso on vessels of the
various navies of tho world, which may bo repre
sented In tho hnrbor, nre lowered as our funeral
ship solemnly passes out, nnd then begins tho
long, last voyage of our soldier dead.
Simultaneously with the sailing of tho transport,
a cable message bearing the nnmes of the dead
returning speeds on Its way to Wnshlngton nnd is
received by the chief of tho cemeterlnl division,
who Immediately takes steps to provide thnt every
care and attention shall be attendnnt upon tho ar
rival of tho sacred cargo nt the homo port.
Let us leave for awhile our dend as they cross
tho great Atlantic and let us get a glimpse of
the fields of honor In whose beautiful, broad, whlto
acres will repose for nil time thoso whose nearest
of kin deslro that they shall stay sleeping in
France. Tho quartermaster corps has spnred no
effort In mnklng lovely and lnstlng monuments to
the boys who mndo tho supreme sacrifice. Grounds,
graceful and majestic, were chosen and arranged
with a simple dignity thnt seems to bo eminently
fitting for tho resting places of tho dead.
At tho present time, only five cemeteries In
Franco nnd Belgium have official approval nnd
Bnnctlon for their permanency, but the ndvlsnblllty
of Increasing tho number of nntlonnl cemeteries
nbrond Is receiving fnvorablo consideration; It Is
recently that Thlncourt has been added to the
number. In this cemetery lie so many of tho meu
of tho nlr service whose dnrlng and brilliancy
will ornament many pages of the World's war
history. Already extensive plans nro on foot to
make our cemeteries over there great national
memorials ; nnd to Insure the success of tho under
taking, plans for beautifying and ornamenting have
been placed in the hands of n special commission
appointed by the secretary of war.
It Is headed by tho chief of the ccmetcrlal
division ; other members nre : Charles Moore, sec
retary of tho National FIno Arts commission;
James L. Greenlenf, New York lnndscnpo artist;
nnd William Mitchell Kendall, the well-known nr
tlst of New York. Their Ideas when cnrrlcd out
will innko tho "American Fields of Honor" the
most Impressive war cemeteries In tho world. And
every one will be nn outpost of America In Franco
or Belgium, for wherever lies the grnvo of an
Amerlcnn soldier, lies, too, n spot that Is forever
Itomagne, which Is our Argonne cemetery, orlg
lnally held In Its bosom 23,000 of our men who
fell In the Mueso-Argonne offensive, America's
greatest bnttlc. There every State of the Union,
as well ns the territories of Hawaii, Porto Klco,
and the Philippine Islnnds, had representation.
No spot In France Is more historically famous
than this, the Argonne sector, where lies our larg
est field of honor.
Here France's greatest battles have !epn fought,
but none so great us that of 1018, when Amcrlcn
nnd France ngaln fought sldo by side, ns In tho
days of Wnshlngton nnd Lafayette, nnd again for
the principles of freedom nnd liberty. So, Ito-mngnc-Argonne,
our beautiful and largest ceme
tery, stnntls ns a monument to America's shnro
In tho world's greatest struggle.
Belleau, whoso name memory lovingly links with
the heroism nnd sacrifice of our men of tho Sec
ond division, lies In n green, fertile vnlley, dense
ly wooded, with loved nnd shattered Chatonu
Thierry near Its portals. This cemetery Is nnd
nlwnys will be of tho grentest natlonnl pride and
glory to the United Stntes, for It was at Chntenu
Thierry that the American soldiers cried, "They
shall not pass I" and, like n barrier across their
path, halted the Huns on their way to Paris.
Suresnes cemetery, liMhe winding vnlley of tho
Seine nnd surrounded by n scml-clrcle of hills, Is
like n white gem in nn exquisite setting of emerald.
Old Fort Vnlerlen, whoso massive grny walls
crown ono of tho hilltops, stnnds like n grim sen
tinel guarding our dead. Lying oft In tho dis
tance can be seen ono of tho world's grentest
cities Paris whoso beautiful Washington boule
vnrd, curving in graceful lines, connects It with
our cemetery.
Flanders Fields, familiarly known by Its old
nnmo of Bony, Is tho spot made historically famous
to Americii by tho Twenty-seventh nnd Thirtieth
divisions, whose united effort ns the. Second corps,
furnish ono of history's most brilliant pnges. Boys
of tho North and South, sons of tho men who
wore the Blue and the Gray who can say that,
In spirit, tho great commnndeis of thnt long past
war wero not near to guide their boys, as they
advanced to meet a common enemy, oii the battle
ground of Flanders Fields.
In smashing tho Hlndenhurg line, ninny of the
division's bravest sons were left to sleep In the
field they had so gallantly defended "In Flanders
Fields where popples blow" tho deep, rich crim
son of thoso popples; how thoy cover every hill
side und dell I Growing thickly nmong them nro
tho white lilies of tho valley nnd the beautiful
blue cornflowers. And "Old Glory," floating high
and wide, finds Its colors reflected In these flow
ers below.
So peaceful and restful I It seems such n llttlo
while ago that the boom of cannon nnd the sercnm
of shell had sent fleeing from their native haunts
the sky larks now returning whoso llttlo thronta
all through the day pour forth floods of melody
u requiem over tho dead, a psalm of thanksgiving
to the Great Creator for bringing aguln to their
home peace und quiet.
University of Montana.
MOTHKltS aro often heard to Bny,
"My children have such untidy
linblts, and I don't seem to be able
to break them. I talk all day long, but
It doesn't do any good."
No mother need to endure her chil
dren's untidy habits, or any other un
desirable habits, If she goes about
training In the right way, and Is will
ing to take a little trouble to carry It
oiir. Four simple rules based on psy
chology, may servo to give such
mothers an Insight Into the menus of
forming right habits. If carried out
faithfully, these rules cannot fall to
produce results.
First decide for yourself what habit
you wish to form. Then start enthusi
astically and determinedly to break
the old ami launch the new one. Say
to your children, "Beginning today, wo
are all going to hang up our wraps,
and put our books and rubbers In tho
proper places when wo coniu homo
lrom school. Let's see who remembers
every time, und doesn't have to have
mother tell her once V)out It." Arouse
as much enthusiasm as you can about
the matter. Be careful that you do
not start to break and form anew too
many habits at one time. Select one
or two habits to work out, and keep at
them until you are reasonably suro
that they aro well fixed. Then start
on another.
May Be Hard Task.
Second, permit no exceptions to oc
cur after you have onco started. No
matter how good the Intentions of tho
children are, they will lapse Into thu
old ways after a few days. That Is
when you will have to work. You will
find that eternal vigilance on your part
will be tho price of your children's
P. P. Clnxton, federal com
missioner of education, has
said that during tho year 1020,
the American people spent more
for luxuries than they have spent
on education In the entire his
tory of the country.
This nation, with Its vast re
sources can well afford to pro
vide all of Its children with ev
ery educational advantage, be
ginning with the klndcrgnrten,
and when wo come to recognlzo
In provident waves of crime,
nnnrchy and unrest, the tragic
results of neglecting tho Impres
sionable years of childhood, the
kindergarten will be considered
n necessity, not n luxury.
good habits. When Mary comes homo
in n hurry to go out to play, sho will
throw her books on tho nearest chair.
Don't say, "Oh, well, she Is little, nnd
it is hard to remember nil tho time.
I'll let It go this time." That Is whero
you will full. Even though Mary has
already gone nway to play, sho should
bo called back Immediately nnd told
In n kind manner, "You forgot your
books today. Put them nway, und
then you mny go to play." Oue or
two experiences of thnt kind will 'soon
make Mary more careful.
Third, repeat the desirable action ns
often us possible. We all know thnt
the habit Is most firmly fixed which
we have been practicing longest. Selzo
every occasion to perform tho net
which you wish to become a habit,
and its acquisition will como all the
Do Not Depend on Talking.
Last of all, act, don't talk. Profes
sor James says, in his Talks to Teach
ers: "Don't preach too much or
abound In good tulk in tho abstract."
When Mary throws her coat on tho
floor and her rubbers In tho middle of
tho hall, don't tell her that nice llttlo
girls don't do thoso thlugs, or that
sho is u careless girl and should know
better, nnd a great deal more to that
effect. Simply call her as soon as
you discover what she has done, nnd
tell her quietly and good-nnturcdly to
put her things away Immediately, nnd
then see that sho does it. Such treat:
ment as this Is far more effectlvo
than mere talking.
Every fnrmer knows that suc
cess in producing fine stock de
pends upon getting the young
nnlmnls started right.
'Hie number of drafted men
rejected for physical disability
during the war shows that we
need to pay more attention to
building up our children phys
ically. Tho kindergarten, with
its admirable system of physi
cal culture, nnd its sunny, airy
rooms, where the children spend
tlireo happy hours each school
day, furnishes the best posslblo
environment, nnd physical as
well as intellectual nnd social
It Is too hnd that kindergar
tens nro not available for a far
larger percentage of our chil
dren. Early training such ns Is
given in tho kindergarten should
make healthier children, and
better children In ovory wnj.
Henry O. Wallace, Secretary of
Agriculture, Wushlngton, D. 0.
Omahn Cltlzer. Says He Is Now Rid
of Troubles That Had Kept Him
Mlserablo for Years.
"I was almost out of commission
when I began taking Tanlne, but It
Inn made 1110 feel like a new man In
n short time," said W. S. Meadvllle,
7(501 North Twenty-ninth St., Omahn,
"My liver und kidneys wero out of
order and I had terrible pains In my
back and sides and wus so hnd olT I
often had to stay In bed for two weeks
at 11 time.
"The results I got from Tanlne wero
n very glad surprise to me. It bene,
llted mo In every way and I bcllevo
tho Improvement I received will provo
lasting and I feel stronger and better
than In nmny a day."
Tanlne Is sold by nil good druggists.
An old until with a good steady In
come expresses his opinions prettj
Discovery by Scientists Has
Replaced Them.
An Inestimable amount of Injury, nc
.'ordlng to an eminent medical author
ity, Is done by the use of pills nnd
salts, as most of these provide only
temporary relief nt the expense of per
manent Injury.
Science has found n newer, better
way; a means ns simple us Nature It
self. In perfect health, a natural lubricant
keeps the food wuste soft. Thus It Is
easily eliminated, hut when constlpn
tlon exists, this nnturnl lubricant lr
not sulficlent.
To find something to take tho plncj
of this lfnturul lubricant, medical au
thorities have conducted exhaustive n
search. They have- discovered that thd
gentle, lubricating nctlon of N11J0I most
closely resembles thnt of Nature's own
lubricant. As Nujol Is not 11 laxntlve, it
cannot gripe. It Is not n medicine la
nny sense of tho word, and, like puro
water, It Is harmless. Got a bottle from
your druggist. Advertisement.
Bad luck Is eluded so often that a
rabbit's foot seems to havo real
A Feeling of Security
You naturally feci secure when you
know that the medicino you are about to
take is absolutely puro and contains no
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicino is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
Tho same standard of purity, strength
and excellence is maintained in every
bottle of Swamp-Root.
It is scientifically compounded from
vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and is taken ia
tenppoonful doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
It is nature's great helper in relieving
nnd overcoming kidney, lircr and blad
der troubles.
A sworn statement of purity is with
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root. If you need a medicine, you should
have the best. On sale at all drug stores
in bottles of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to try this
preat preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer &. Co., Ringhamton, N. Y for a
sample bottle When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Advertisement.
Cheap cynicism Is ulwnyB cynl',
about the wrong people.
Baby's little dresses will Just slmpl
dazzle If Red Cross Ball Blue Is used
In the laundry. Try It and see for your
self. At all good grocers. Advertise
ment. No Innocent bystander ever had
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A Year's Wear-
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Nebraska Chiropractic College
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Chiropractic Specialists
In nervous, chronic and female diseases in
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I'Ht- ii Itaw lllilo Clii'i.1 on Hie ltumiltif; Hoard
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