.H imp T3r )W IT !3 4 hf 1 -, v. H -jrr r b i Wuit UUtoiloal Society lituquln 'ajsv rtiw - , Wk Llunoln ,, X 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Eacli Year For $1.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. MAY 25. 1922 NUMBER 21. pijtii 'sm&lfHiftjSwXV wb Ufyawsigty J. 0. Butler Sells Out Charity Lodge Elects Officers tfr )it& . SPECIALS FOR IATURDAY. MAY BUY SOME OF THESE FOR HARVEST Large can Pork and Beans, 1-lb. 4-oz., per Extra quality medium Red Salmon, per can 18c Imported KiDDcrd Herring. Der can. - 22c Pure Pork Sausage, per can - 13c J Gallon Peaches, per can, - ? 63c 1 iP . ,v Our tvery Day rnces Are Kiglit And We Meet All Competition On Produce. - IF71 ARMERS' UNION Wednesday .1 O. Butler, who Una conducted u hiuncss shop in tliis city h different times for the past thirty yeais, disponed of his business to Lee II Walker, of Rloomiuglun, who litis taken possession of the same Mr Walker Ivnrned tho trade uiv'or Mr Butler in this city somu twenty live j ears ago. and having been continuous ly engaged in this lino of work ever since will prove fully capable of hand ling tho local enterprise to tho entire satisfaction of all customers. Mr. Dul ler is u ood workman and lias always piven his patrons splendid service, thu-5 building up a pood business which the new ptopiictor will no doubt con tinue to tliu entire satisfaction of all. SHE f"hia'W' V-Ofc. A 1 AZ' " Ik I W IMlaaBisH, l" mm W n firMr. J ? f rH tly (J "l i :lftm'r' YOU KNOW THAT FOR SUMMER DRESSES GINGHAM Is the One Cloth That You Get the Most Good From For Ladies' or Childrens CLOTHES HAVE A NICE LINE IN ALL GRADES AND PRICES. COLORS ARE FAST, WILL STAND ALL KINDS OP WASHING AND WILL LOOK NEW AND ORISP AFTER EACH TUBING. m COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU THE LINE BEFORE IP vMt tiTTV -nT OTMirtTTTiTJTl mulTi nArwrPDMO APP CO TIDPTTV W. iK R Installs Radiophone Tho Piatt .fc Frees Lumber Co., have this week installed a Westinghouso radiophone receiving set of tho very latest and mos't improved type, tho first to bu successfully operated in tills city. This sot was secured through Kd Qarber who has the agency, and is of the most highly developed type now manufactured. It consists of an and ion bulb dotector, two stage amplifier, tuning coils capable of receiving any wave length now used by any of the high powered sending stations, and be sides licnd phones it includes a large Mugnovex loud speaking horn capable of reproducing the messages loud enough to be heard distinctly any where in the room. Afew minor parts have uot boen received yet, but it is sutllciontly complete to onablo one to distinctly hoar the weather and market reports ard concerts sent out by the Muling stations in the nearest largo cities. Mr. I'latt Is always on tho alert to keep abreast with tho times and is to be congratulated on being tho first to successfully receive radio messages in tho city. At ho regular mooting of C'haiity lodgo . V & A. M., held Friday even ing the following weie elected olllcers for the ensuing year: Worshipful Master W. D. lMson. Senior Warden V. A Turnuro. Junior Ward on 11. V Oat mini Treasurer 12. L Oi lines Secietary It. F. Perry. Ex-Soldiers Attention Ne.st iuesday, May HOth, Is Decor ation ll.iy and tho American Legion Post requests that all the ox-soldiers and sailors of the community to join them at l Mo p. in., and take part in the exercises in memory of those who have answered the ilual muster. I'lease wear your mil form if possible but come anyway. Dr. It. S. Martin, Commauder. A. 11. MoArtliur, Adjt TAKE PLEASURE IN SHOWING THEM. ALSO A LARGE LINE OF ORGANDIES, AND DIMITIES. BATISTE, VOILE Barbara Phares AGENTS "Ladiss' Home Journal Patterns" "Warner Bros. Corsets." 1 tilfeS::MrVl 1 ii lU&' ft &t9 sV . m M U&mlL t'u -Jra'rjjp'tftn" V'ffi M vi 's&g&sms&imz WWrVWWWWWftWWWWWWWW s Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Bell 174. Residence, Bell 241 Mrs. Ed Amack UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES LTfAMACK- t f. RED CLOUD, NEB PHONE IND. 32M W Kansas Boys Get in Trouble Verne Ilroakey, a boy about 19 years of age living near Lebanon, Kansasi was brought into County Court Mon day where he entered u plea of guilty to a charge of unlawfully having liquor in his possession, and a fine of 6100 Wis imposed and his car confisicated. Thomas Jeiferles, about 20 'years of a?e, from Downs, Kansas, was bound over to District Court after having plead guilty to a chargo of attempted automobile theft. Ilcing unable to furnish bonds he is a guest of Sheriff HutTer. Tiie two Amos uoys wno live near Lebanon, Kansas, who wcro in com pany with Breakey and Jefferies were arrested and held tor investigation but have been released, no charge boing preferred. -Marshal Doylo discovered a Ford automobile parked on Webster street bearing no licenso tag Saturday night, upon further investigation he discover ed a quart bottlo containing a few drinks of moonshine whiskey. lie learned that it had boon driven into' the city by five young men, ono of whom approached tho car while tho marshal was on the lookout. Hedenled any knowledge of the car or its con. tonts. However, he made his get away quickly as possible and warned his companions that the oOlccrs were on their trail. Later Max Mizer dis covered young Jefferies in the act of driving off his Buick which had been parked on Fourth Avenue near tho Qrlce & Grimes drug store. Their Ford having been previously locked up the boys were intent on gotting home without having to walk. Sheriff HufF er was notified, and In company with Marshal Doyle, discovered and arrested tho four boys south ot the city across tho river, they wero walking toward the Kansas Hue. Tho fifth member of tho party made a get away and his identity is unknown' . Dan Qarber has thrown bis bat in the political ring and has 'filed as a candi date for representative' on the Republi can ticket. r ' tn . Celebrate 52nd Anniversary By Meeting on "Guide Rock" Kverybody in Webster and adjoining counties is invited to attend a meeting on Sunday afternoon, May 28, at three o'clock on tho top of tho "Guitlerock", of all those interested in tho early his tory of this county At this meeting Mr. .1. S. Gilliam of Red Cloud will speak, also Mr. 12. Peters. Mr. Gilliam was the first attorney and first state fj"iitttor from Wobstcr county. We all know our own Mr. Voters, tlio mst Sherlir of Webster county, and our old est settler. lie will point out the first house, tho stockado, and other points of interest from tho top of the rock and explain their very interesting his tory. Plans will bo discussed to per manently mark the rock. Mrs. Orpha Pace, one of the first children born in Webster county, will read an interest ing paper. Guide Rock Signal. Defeated Blue Hill 8 to 3 Sunday afternoon the Red Cloud ball team increased their batting aver- ago and also their standing in the Polly league by defeating Illue Hill on the homo diamond by a scoro of 8 to 3 The local team run in two scores in tho second and fourth inning while in the last half of tho fifth they hit "Mickey" Matthews for six runs, every one batting around beforo the smoke cleared away. Hill Dahms, tho left fielder, went on the mound In the sixth intilng and ended Rod Cloud's batting rally. The wind storm came up in the eighth and in the ninth with two men on bases Jenkins came up and hit for three bases making two of the scores for the visitors. Slaby pitched a very good game and he struck out twelve, hitting two, Hero's hoping our team keeps up tho record they mado in this game. Tho team goes to Blue Hill next Sunday. Decoration Day Program The following is tho program for Decoration Day, Tuesday, May 30th: ' 1:30 p.m. Parade will form on corner of Web ster street and Fourth Avenuo. All soldiers of Civil, Spanish American, World War, American Legion and Boy Scouts headed by the Red Cloud band will march in a body to the cometery where they will decorato the graves. 2:50 P. M. Besso Auditorium Music Red Cloud Band Song Community Chorus Invocation Rev, Hardman Song Community Chorus Reading Commander Martin List of Deceased Soldiers Reading- "Flander's Field" Glee King Reading Rev. Nowland Lincoln's Gettysburg Hpoeoh Address Hon. J. 8. Gilham Song Star Spangled Bannor Tho churches will hold a Union Me morial service at the Auditorium San- day morning at 11 o'oloclt, Rev. Franz will deliver the address.- - ' V'V ft. h The Gillette Safety Razor Only $1.00 Each VK IIAVK A NUMUICR OF THE GENUINE GILLETTE imOtt'KlK SHAVING SETS, CONSISTING OF ONE GENU INE GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR AND 3 EXTRA BLADES, IN IMITATION LEATHER CASES, AT ONLY $1.00 EACH. FORMER LOWEST PRICE ON GILLETTE WAS $5.00. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM AND YOU WILL BUY ONE KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEDR. BE PRACTICAL The young man in love often goes into raptures about "the blue oC the sea in her eyes and the golden haze of autumn in her hair," but remember this, young man SHE'LL EAT just the same as any other healthy girl. Therefore, get down to practical affairs. Save your money, deposit it in a good reliable bank like ours and get ready to own a homo for you and the girl and to provide the three square meals a day that you will both need as long as you live. You know when poverty comes in at the door, love sometimes flics out at the window. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, Prciidcnt Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florence, Cashier Capital and Surplus $jj,ooo.oo Dtpotttt Guaranteed hy the Dtpotltort Ouaiunty 'ami of the State of Xtbratla wwwwwwv UVWUVWI Are You Buying Dependable COAL? That is The Kind We Sell i Malone - Gellatly Co. .w.v.vv.w.vv.v.vr.-'Arjuwvwi The Gift Shop It's time to be looking for that gift you may wish to purchase. Graduating season is here and we are prepared to help you. Or you may be going to attend a wedding. We have a nice line of gifts for such occasions. J. C. MITCHELL JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST We Do Only The Highest Grade CONNERCIAL PRINTING Add Tone to your business by getting tho best v f i ? hf;( fc" . '- .-"' V r Hn y ' 5vXyw v.. yvMyvv r.vty