The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 04, 1922, Image 7

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Uncle 5am andthe
Wht)lCZl'&3 fa$ flxprsWt W
ilLI'Tlltrr JSi?aKidD (Dhsssft m.
O ANITARY walls are essential. Germ laden
aso. m Uteoas
k-J walls may be the cause of much illness.
Why take a risk when it is so easy to have
. Alabastined walls beautiful, artistic and ab
solutely sanitary.
f $ lira t
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1II3X the minimi npnroinlntlon hill
for the Unltetl StntuB Di'imrtment
of Agriculture comes up every year
in congress tliero Ih much delmto
over ItH many ltcum uuil over ItB
Iiuko total. I FirHt tho houao
threshes It out. Then tho senate
poes over whut tho Iioubo has done.
Tlien tiie two houses light it out
in conference. Sometimes it looks
as if there might be a deadlock.
The department Is a bly one, with
many activities affecting both pro-
ducer nnd consumer; so the total
Appropriation Is ncccbsarlly large. There Is al
ways a Hood of oration pro and con. llero arc
Home Items of general interest that were set forth
In tho debato over tho appropriation for the fiscal
year ending Juno 30, 101,'J (six months of 1022
calendar jenr and six months of 102H). First is
u statement regarding farms and funnera by Kep
rehontntlvo l'hlllp II. Stoll of South Carolina, in
effect as follows:
From tho census of 1020 wo find that there are
fl,418,313 farms In tho United States. Of these
farms a.025,000 are operated by owners, 2,454,804
by tenants, and 08,440 by munagers.
Tho total acreugo In farms in 1020 was 035,883,
715 acres, and of this 503,073,007 acres were classi
fied as Improved land. Tho avcrago acreage per
farm was 148.2 acres. The value per farm Is fixed
lit 512,084. It Is Interesting to noto that of the
total number of farms 700,535 havo an average
of less than 20 acres each, that there nro 1,503,732
farms with an acreago between 20 and 40 acres,
, and that of farms with ncrcago of 50 to 00 acres
thero aro 1,474,745. In other words, more thun
ono-thlrd of tho farmers of tho United States aro
Hnmll farmers, and tend less than 50 acres of land.
It Is nlso worthy of noto that thero aro 201,710
farms that aro operated by females, and that 70.3
Ier cent wero operated by natlvo whlto farmers,
0 per cent by foreign-bom whlto farmers, and 14.7
per cent by colored farmers,
Thoro nro nearly 0,500,000 Individual farmers In
tho United States nnd thero nro moro than 12,
000,000 men engaged In this work ; the permanent .
Investment of theso farmers In lnnd and equipment
umounts to approximately $80,000,000,000, and tho
output of theso farms is worth 25,000.000,000 an
nunlly. Hero aro Interesting points In tho statement of
Ilepresontatlvo Sidney Anderson of Minnesota of
tho appropriations cdmmltteo:
The total appropriations carried for tho regu
lar work. of tho Department of Agriculture during
tho present year amount to $38,088,050. Tho
amount recommended In tho bill now ponding Is
534,078,033. This sinn, compnrod with tho present
appropriations, Ib, $3,710,020 less than tho appro
priations for tho current year and $1,554,835 less
(than tho estimates submitted by tho Director of
'tho midget through tho President. It should bo
remombered, however, that tho curront law rur
fries un appropriation of $1,000,000 for tho pur
chaso of forest lands In tho Appalnchlun Mountain
'Itango and nlso carries an appropriation of $2,
000,000, to bo loaned to farmors In tho Oroat
'riuliiH area of tho country for tho purchnso of
'aoed, so that tho bill in fact, eliminating now Items
Vvhlch havo been added, Is approximately $700,000
css than tho regular ltoms carried In tho current
'appropriation bill. It should also bo considered
1 that tho pending bill carries throo or four now
litems, ono for tho operation of tho Center Market,
carrying about $105,000; an item for tho enforco
mont of tho packers and stockyards act carrying
$410,500; and nn item for tho enforcement of
tho futures trading act which carries, I think,
$103,000, making tho total curried In this bill,
' which Is not carried In thot prior bills, approx.
lmntoly $700,000.
Of tho total appropriations for tho Department
of Agriculture, speaking roughly and generally,
$18,000,000 1b spent for the conduct of regulatory
eorvlces, ninny of which are as directly of Inter
est and concern to the consumers of the country
as they are to tho farmers of the country. Ap
proximately $8,000,000 Is spent for research of va
rious kinds. Three million dollars Is spent for
service work, such as that Involved In the In
spection of fruit nnd vegetables, alid approximate
ly $4,000,000 Is expended for extension.
Prior to this year the appropriation for tho In
dividual forests controlled and operated by the
Forest Service have been carried In something like
130 separate forest Items. In accordance with the
suggestion mnde by tho Forest Service to the Di
rector of tho midget, tho items for tho 139 In
dividual forests have been consolidated Into eight
forest-district Items without any Increase In the
total appropriation for the forest with this ex
ception, that there Is allocated to the current ap
propriations In these districts nn additional ap
propriation of $80,000, which Is divided in this
way: $50,000 addltlonnl for firo guards. $20,000
for additional technical men in theso forests where
the sales of timber nro increasing or likely to in
crease; $10,000 for additional employment in con
nection with the grazing In tho national forests.
The committee was In part Influenced In grunting
this Increase by tho fact that the air patrol serv
ice, which has heretofore been conducted by tho
War Department In the national forests and In
conjunction with tho Forest Service, will bo dis
continued next ycur.
In 1021 the receipts from the snle of timber
amounted to $1,775,001, as compared with $2,007,
205 In tho preceding year, while tho receipts from
tho grazing privileges in 1020 were $2,480,040. It
has not all been paid In, but the grazing receipt!
for 1021 will amount to about $2,130,174. The
total appropriations carried In this hill for the
Forest Service is $0,532,302, as compared with an
expenditure last year, including deilclencles, o
There Is ono considerable reduction on the face
of this bill In the Items for the extension of activi
ties of the Department of Agriculture nlong the
lino of the work now being done under tho Smith
Lover Act. These Items nro now carried In four
separate Items. Tho Urst of these Items carried
$715,720 and was for farm demonstration worlt
In the North. Tho second carried $034.,S00 fot
tho same sort of work' In the South under a gen
eral title of boll-weevil eradication and control,
the third was a small Item of $10,300 cnrrled for
supervising expenses In connection with tho ex
tension services of the Government, and the fourth
was n general Item of $1,500,000, which was orig
inally made for the purposo of advancing the
maturity of the Smith-Lever Act by three years.
The llrst three Items have been consolidated In
one Item In this bill with n reduction of $53,280,
and the fourth Item, which Is now the second item,
has been reduced from $1,500,000 to $1,000,000,
Mr. Clarke of New York. Has tho appropria
tion for the distribution of seeds for buncombe
purposes been eliminated, from this bill?
Mr. Anderson. Tho committee did not report tho
provision for tho congressional seed distribution,
That is not Included in the bill.
Mr. Clarke. Thank God for that. (Just tho
snmc, It wus put Into tho bill Inter).
Pittsburgh Is to have an heroic bust of William
Pitt, first earl of Chatham (1708-78), which will
stand In tho rotunda of tho city hull. Pittsburgh
(Fort Duquesno) was named for tho famous Brit
ish statesman In 1758 by John Forbes, tho Brit
ish general who revenged Hraddock by driving out
tho French and building Fort Pitt, which still
stands. Tho natno was suggested by Georgo
Tho bust is tho gift of Sir Charles Wakefield,
a former mayor of London. Presentation will bo
mado May 0 by a distinguished party of Drltons,
headed by tho marquis of Cambridge. Major Wil
liam A. Mageo (portrait herewith) will receive,
tho bust on behalf of tho city. Pittsburgh Is plan
ning a three-day celebration.
Sir Charles Wakefield decided to present busts
of Pitt nnd Edmund Burko about tho time Vir
ginia presented to Great Britain, through tho Sul
grave Institution of Amerlcu, n replica of Hou
don's stntuo of Washington that stands In the
capital at Richmond.
Tho Burke bust will' go to Washington nnd will
bo received by President Harding.
Instead of Kalsomine or Wall Paper
Alabastirtc, cither in simple single colors or the many
hucd onyx effect so rich and so easily produced by the
new Alabastine Opaline process, will give you walls
which arc germ proof walls in harmony with your
rugs and draperies any tone or tint to please your
taste or fancy.
To obtain Alabnsline effects you must use genuine Alabaslinc
Be sure to look for ihc cross nnd circle prinlcd in red on every
package. And, be sure to ask your dealer
or decorator to show samples of the truly
beautiful Alabastinc-Opalinc Process.
The Alabastine Company
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Why Complain I
Those impatient people who com
plain about late trains on American
rallioads will probably settle Into an
amazed silence and speak no more
about such paltry matters when It Is
stated that, according to dispatches,
fho Tashkent express to Moscow gayly
putted Into Its homo station 21 days
Into recently. Russia has overturned
many Illusions, but this bents them all.
One hesitates to ask for statistics on
messenger boys. Christian Science
Now Form.
Percy How would you aw like to
own aw a little puppy, Miss Dovely7
Miss D. This is so sudden, Mr.
Chitplnghnm. Detroit News.
If men hnd the brains they think
they have their legs wouldn't be strong
enough to carry them.
What You Want
When You Want II
Electric Starter Specialists
Distributors of Prosto-Lito Batteries
Phono B4130
517-21 S. 1Kb SI. LINCOLN, NEI.
INCOLN'S Roonu for $1.50
-Lunch Room In CsniMctlo
Wfttioa B.Oplamtftn
raiflni i,wrer,Mnmiun
I). O. AdTlCfl and book Iraa
Bateireuonable. Ulabeit references. UetUerrloM
There's a man in this town who sells KEY OVERALLS.
Ask him to show you a suit. Extra quality. Better workmanship. Costa
less per day to wear them, uuy tnom. 11 they
don't givo lull saUslacUon, take them back and
your money back or a new pair Frcel
1 THE McKET MFO. CO.. Mtttri, Kiam City. Ro.
. Bobby's Idea of It
The clerical guest wus Invited to
ask the blessing, and tho little hoy of
the house listened nicely until "Amen"
was pronounced. Then he said to tho
"You Miy your prayers at dinner
time so you won't have to sny 'em
when you go to lied, don't you?"
Boston Transcript.
To Have a Clear Sweet Skin
Touch pimples, redness, roughness
or Itching, If nny, with Cutlcura Oint
ment, then batlio with Cutlcura Soap
nnd hot water. Rinse, dry gently and
dust on a little Cutlcura Talcum to
leavo n fascinating fragrance on skin.
Everywhere 25c each. Advertisement.
The race that Is responsible for the
turmoil nnd strife In the world Is the
human race. Dayton News.
Children cnll a spade n spnde until
they learn that grown folks won't al
low It.
Baby Carnages OFumitunt,
Ask Your Local Dealer
Write Now For
32 -Page Illustrated
The Lloyd Manulncturinc Company
lUvunoJ-WaktfitU Co.)
Dtpt. E
Menominee, Michigan (17)
AH Played Out at
Quitting Time?
You Need
The World' Greatest Tonic
New Shoes
Old Shoes
Tight Shoes
''& all feel the same
if you shake
2 some
Tbe AatUcptlc. Ileallaa Powder
lor tbe Feel M
Takes tho friction from tho shoe, fresh
ens tbe feot and elves new vlcor. At
night, when your feet are tired, sore
and swollen from waiKins ana anncniR,
Sprlnklo ALLKN'S KOOT-EA8B in the
foot-bath and eaoy the bll of feet
wltnoot an aclie.
Orer 1,600,000 pounds of Powder for the
reel were nsca 07 our Axmj iu tj '
idruio War.
In a Placm Dae Amors foot-kabb
Keep Nebraska Money in Nebraska
Patronize Home Industries
- OPTiOlAN '
1123 O Street u Lincoln, Neb
Wanted Wide Awake Agents
to handle our line at Imparled
1'ocket IUzor and Thermo Ilottlei
Write for full particular
817 IIIMom ItouU Jtochoiler, N. T.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 17-1922,