The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 04, 1922, Image 3

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y J
. .4
ATrying Period Through Which Every
Woman Must Pass
Practical Suggestions Given by the Women Whose
Letters Follow
Phlln., Pa. "When I was coing
through tho Change of Life 1 was
weak, nervous, dizzy and had head
aches. I was troubled in this way for
two years and was hardly able to do
my work. My friends advised mo to
take Lydia E. Pinkham'o Vegetable
Compound, and I am very sorry that
I did not take it sooner. But I havo
got good results from it and am now
iblo to do my housework most of tho
time. I recommend your medicino
to those who havo similar troubles.
I do not like publicity, but if it will
holp other women 1 will bo glad for
you to use my letter. "Mrs. Fan
nib Uosenstein, 882 N. Holly St.,
Phila., Pa. ' '
Detroit, Michigan-"During tho
Ghango of Lif o I had a lot of stomach
trouble and was bothered a great deal
with hofc flashes. Somotimes I was
notable to do any work at all. I read
about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound in your little boons and
took it with very good results. I keep
house and am able now to do all my
own work. I recommend your medi
cine and am willing for you to pub
lish my testimonial." Mrs. J. S.
Livcrnois, 2051 Junction Avenue.
Detroit, Mich.
Lydia E. Pinlcliam's Private Text-Book upon "Ailments
Peculiar to Women" will bo sent you free upon request. Write
to tho Lydia E. Piukhum Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts.
This book contains valuable information.
A gentleman of foreign birth, re
reiitly in Indianapolis, was telling n
jmrty of friends some of the dlflicul
tics encountered In mastering our lan
guage. "Now, for Instance," said he, "you
Viy b-o-u-g-h spells bough. Then
c-o-u-g-h spells cough. According to
tlio pronunciation given bough, If I
should linve u severe cold, would I
say I had n cough In my chest?"
A good many bachelors are wearing
socks with peekaboo toes and heels.
Xkt lirvS JrfUt.
WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy 'Aspirin'.
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians
over 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Headache Colds Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggist.
Aspirin la the tiado mark of Barer Manufacture of Monoacctlcacldester of SallcjUcadA
Ever Thus.
Husband and wife were nt It, hnm
mer and tongs. "The trouble Is," said
he In exasperation, "that you will
jpend all my money on unnecessary
t'lothcs simply to look fashionable."
"You men are so Inconsistent," she
answered. "You ought to know that
unnecessary clothes aro most unfash
ionable at the moment."
Live well today, prepare for tomor-
row, save for next year.
She Discovered It, Too
'"After 10 years of hit or miss baking with
various other brands of powder I at last
discovered that the bitter taste some
times found in hot breads was caused from
lum in cheaper grades of powder. So I
now an ardent
Baking Powder."
Absolutely Pure
Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste
Send for New Royal
Royal Baking Powder Co.,
Tho critical timo of a woman's life
usually comes between tho years of
45 and 50, and is often beset with an
noying Bymptoms such as nervous
ness, Irritability, melancholia. Heat
flashes or waves of heat appear to
Eass over tho body, cause tho face to
o very red and often bring on head
ache, dizziness and a senso of suffo
cation. Another annoying symptom which
comes at this time Is an Inability to
recall names, dates or other small
facts. Thisis liable to make a woman
lose contidence in herself. She be
comes nervous, avoids meeting
otrangers and dreads to go out alone.
Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable
Compound is especially adapted to
help women at this time. It exer
cises a restorative influence, tones
and strengthens tho system, and as
sists naturo in the long weeks and
months covering this period. Let it
help carry you through this timo of
life. It is a splendid medicine for tho
middle-aged woman. It is prepared
from medicinal roots and herbs and
contains no harmful drugs or narcotics.
Spohn's Distemper Compound
will knock It In very ahort time. At tbo first sIrti of a couch
or cold In your horse, Klvo n. few dose of "SPOHN'S." It will
act on the nlondn, rllmlnnto tho disease germ and prevent furth
er destruction of body by disease. "SrOHN'S" nan been the
tandard remedy for DISTEMl'EIl, INFLUENZA. PINK ETB,
CATAIUUIAt, FEVKIt, COUQIIS and COI.DS for a quartor of a
century. On sale at nil drug jtorci In two sizes.
Matter of Luck.
"Itastus," said the Judge, "I want
you to come clean, Were you In that
chicken coop?"
"Ah was, boss; 'deed Ah wns. But
All did nothing wrong."
"Didn't you steal a chicken?"
"Yes, Ah did. Ah counted thirteen
birds, and Ah 'elded that was nn un
lucky number fo' the man to have."
There are other things more Inter
esting than dollars In this world If we
but look around for them.
"Mr. Gloom," sternly asked Tenny
son J. Daft, tho versatile verslflca
tlonlst, "did' you tell Mrs. Clntter nt
the reception that you considered ray
poems supremely silly?"
KcrJorters are always influenced by
their knowledge that hardly ever Is
anything exactly as It's told.
Tho mnn Is very poor who hns noth-
log that ho ennnot lose.
booster for Royal
Mrs. L. A. J.
Cook Book It1 FREE
130 William St., Now York
TT WAS the one unmarried member
of our little group who quite Inno
cently started tho discussion. Some
thing had been said about Ilortense
and her children and Grace remarked,
"Isn't little Jack Uortense's favorite
The' Sentimental Mother was
shocked. "My dear," she exclaimed re
proachfully, "no mother worthy of the
unnio loves one child more than an
other! It's Impossible for a mother
to have a favorite among her chil
dren." Hut the Practical Mother, ns usunl,
brushed nslde mere superficialities.
"Nonsense I" she retorted. "It is Impos
sible that any woman who hns more
than one or two children should not
have a favorite, even If she never ad
mits the fact to herself. Within one
family the children will often differ
very widely in natural disposition,
temperament In every possible trait.
If a mother has several children It Is
almost certain that there will he one
among them who Is naturally more
congenial to her than the others."
She paused, nnd then added with her
surprising frankness, for she is one
who openly admits whnt other people
are apt to conceal and deny even to
themselves, "Now my little girl is too
much like me for uij to get nlong
harmoniously. She Is quick nnd high
strung too, and, frankly, she often
gets on my nerves. Hut little Frank
is exactly like his father very calm
and placid and easygoing, and I'm
really much more fond of him."
"Middle" Children Neglected.
There Is something undeninbly true
In the point of view of tho Practical
Mother. It is possible that In one of
her children a mother may find a more
congenial nnd responsive nature than
In any of the others. Hut the ques
tion is not whether it is natural for
her to feel such a preference, but
whether she is Justified In letting It
At the recent meeting of tho
department of superintendence
of the National Education as
soclntlon, Superintendent II. S.
Weet of Rochester, New York,
said :
"Education for citizenship In
this country makes a peculiar
demand for the development of
character qualities. If an ap
proach to the American ideal
means anything It iiienns a
, growth In our appreciation of
tho fact that liberty is the right
to do us we ought nnd not ns
wo may wish. Wo believe in
the kindergarten primarily' be
causc of Its possibilities for be
ginning nnd effectively continu
ing just this appreciation. Child
instincts are domlnnnt nt the
age of four. To the kindergarten
Is entrusted the great responsi
bility nnd the most delicate task
of so balancing self-expression
nnd self-repression as to develop
n human personality that Is at
the same time self-sulllclent and
yet helpful and co-operative."
affect her attitude toward her children
so that the fact becomes noticeable to
other people and even to the children
In large families, wo frequently seo
parents who give a certain prestlgo
nnd power to the eldest, permitting
him to dlctntc to the whole family.
Evan more frequently we see parents,
but especially mothers, who favor the
youngest child, granting him greater
consideration though expecting less
from him thnn from the others; in
short, petting him all through her life
time. "Middle children" aro seldom
tho recipients of extra favors unless
In tho case of an only girl or an only
boy In a family of tho opposite sex.
I recall ono little incident of a step
father of ono girl and five boys which
I thought quite touching. He had a
beautiful book which they all wanted
very much but which they refused to
own together. Naturally, he was un
certain to whom he should give the
book, but finally, handing It to the
third hoy, he said, "I'm sorry I haven't
a book for each one of you, but I think
I'll give this to you, Harry. You aren't
the oldest and you aren't tho youngest
nnd you aren't the only girl, so you
don't get many extras." Then, patting
him on the shoulder, he added with a
smile, "Besides, I was a middle child,
Partiality Should Be Avoided.
Parents should watch very carefully
to avoid partiality, for if they do not,
tho moment Is sure to como when the
children will discover it. As soon as
any bucIi partiality becomes evident,
the favored child Is apt to become
"spoiled," und tho seeds of thnt ugly
quality of Jealousy arc sown In his
sisters and brothers. '
A child's nature should be allowed
to unfold in the sunny atmosphere of
love and trust. Iiy studying his needs,
parents can holp to bring out the best
in him, thus forestalling that coldness
and lack of sympathy which we regret
to seo between parents and those
adult children whoso attitude toward
life is embittered because, when they
were young and affectionate, they
were subjected to the chilling effect
of tho consciousness that n little sister
or brother always Uood first In their
pprcnt'C " -
Taste is a matter of
tobacco quality
We state It as our honest
belief that the tobaccos used
In Chesterfield "are of finer
quality (and hence of better
taste) than In any other
cigarette at the price.
Uzgitl V blytrt Ttbaca Ct.
20 for 18c
10 for 9c
Vacuum tins
of 50 - 45c
According to English Author, Fickle
ness Is Simply Natural Desire
to Be Liked by All.
"I like being adored," she said, "even
though I dislike the person who adores
"You can express thnt more simply
by saying, 'I'm a lllrt,'" snld Philip.
"But It's such an ugly word. Be
sides, everyone likes being ndorcd;
everyone is a lllrt in thnt sense. It's
only the people who never aro adored
who call It lllrtlng. They would like
to be adored, but as they can't, they
call the rest of us rude nnmes. But
It's no use going about trying to bo
ndored becauso nobody has tho least
Idea as to how to set about It. It's
not the least use being kind nnd hon
est and amlnble, for that only makes
you mildly popular, while the most
disagreeable people get worshiped.
And it isn't any good being beautiful.
I dare say beauty hurries people up,
because there is obviously something
rather attractive about it, but it's not
a bit of good by itself. Perhaps bruins
have got something to do with it, or
Is there n sixth sense which directs
it all?" From "Lovers nnd Friends,"
by B. F. Benson.
Hail Men With "Pep."
"Men with 'pep' rush in where an
gels fenr to tread." Even "In tho pip
ing times of peace" they cast "modest
stillness and humility" to the fourth
remove nnd "let their action Imitate
the tigers." They advance upon our
civilization liko nn nrmy with ban
ners. "Brashness" we used to call It,
with affectionate contempt and tender
pity; "pep" wo hall It now, nnd laud
it with loud'hosannas. Flenry Ford's
Dearborn Independent.
Remember Thou Our Good Deeds.
Remember me, D my God, concern
ing this, and wipe not out my good
deeds that I have done for the house
of my God. Nell. 13:14.
Lots more people would want to live
in the suburbs wcro It improper to
do It.
"Drive thy business; let not thy
business drive thee." Franklin.
Mr. Jenkins Took a Cracked
Club To Tame Lions
Some foods are too heavy, some
are too starchy, many lack neces
sary elements and so starve the
body and many load the system
down with fermentation and auto
intoxication. Grape-Nuts helps build health
and strength. It contains the full
richness of wheat and malted bar
ley, including the vital mineral
elements, without which the body
cannot be fully sustained. Grape-
of Turkish and Domestic tobaccosblended
Leo XIII and Pius XI Said to Have
Been Familiar With the British
The now pope, Plus XI, visited Lon
don as well as Oxford In early life,
In the latter place especially the great
Bodleian library naturally attracting
such a great scholar, lie was himself
librarian of tho great Vatican library,
and known everywhere as a booklover.
It was said that the Into Pope Leo
XIII knew his way about London bet
ter than u great many nntlves, as he
had spent much time there before Ifo
lng raised to the papacy, exploring
the slums nnd other problems in the
Pope Leo XIII was the only ono of
that exalted rank who ever sat in the
British houso of commons and In the
distinguished strangers' gallery, at
that. lie also Is said to have onjoyed
the hospitality of Lord Palmcrston
under that distinguished statesman's
own roof. Tbnt was, of course, before
bis exaltation to the papacy.
Day-Long Dissimilarity.
A negro couple stood once again bo
fore tho probation olllcer.
"Now, this," tho officer said to both,
"seems to mo to bo n case where thcro
Is nothing very much tho matter ex
cept that your tastes are different.
You, Sum, are much older than your
wife. It la n case of May married to
A slight pause, and then Evn, the
wife, wiib heard to remark in n tired
voice :
"I I really doan' know whnt you
means by ycr snyln' Mny is married
to December. If ycr goln' to talk that
way, It seems to mo to be n case of
Labor Day married to do Day of
Best." From Everybody's.
The Hardest Ever.
The Professor "The diamond Is tho
hardest known substance, inasmuch as
it will cut glass." The Cynic "Glass 1
My dear sir, a diamond will even mako
an impression on a woman's henrt."
Town Topics.
lie who works when ho docs not
hnvo to work, will not have to work
when ho does not want to work.
The exhibition ended rather badly. It
very nearly was a big day for the lions
and a sad day for Mr. Jenkins all for
want of proper care in getting ready.
Many a man who has business to do and
a living to make and a job to fill is as care
less how he feeds his body as Mr. Jenkins
was in picking out a club.
Nuts digests quickly and whole
somely. Served with cream or
good milk, it is a complete food
crisp and delicious.
Grape-Nuts is just the food for
those who care to meet life's situa
tions well prepared in health.
Order Grape-Nuts from your
grocer today. Try it with cream
or milk for breakfast or lunch, or
made into a delightful pudding
for dinner.
Grape-Nuts the Body Builder
"There's a Reason"
by Postura Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich.
Caller's Comment on Matter of Tlma
Somewhat Embarrassing to All
Parties Concerned.
We had been upending the evening
with acquaintances with whom wu
had but llttlo In common. In conse
quence, tho time seemed to drag In
terminably, and when my wife asked
mo tho timo I glanced thankfully at
my watch.
The hands indicated J):U0. I looked
again, shook It and held It up to my
"Funny," I muttered, "tho darn
thlng.sccms to have stopped. Accord
ing to this it's only 0 :30."
Tho hostess laughed a little as sho
referred to her watch. "That's ex
netly tho timo I have, too, and that's
tho time tho clock over there on tho
plnno snys. I guess, maybe" sho
didn't finish, but merely laughed.
Slnco then when sho usks the time,
I tell It without any comment. It's
less embarrassing. Baltlmoro Ameri
Seo Wealth In Vanilla. "
According to government authority,
tho production of vanilla beans In
Mexico mny boenmo a source of enor
mous revenue. It is asserted that no
other country affords tho opportunities
for successful vanilla growing as Mex
ico. It already ranks abend of all
other countries In annual output of
the beans, it is declared, although as
yet very llttlo attention lias been paid
to the Industry. In tho region around
Tuxrmm on the gulf coast the vanilla
plnnt Is found all through tho trop
ical forests. It is a climbing orchid
and docs not rcqulro any attention '
beyond tho gathering of the fragrant
and vulunblo beans.
Assets Named.
Lawyer (to colored prisoner) Well,
Hns, so you want me to defend you,
IJavo you any money? ,
ltastus No, but I'so got a mule and
a few chickens nnd n hog or two.
Lawyer Thoso will do very nicely.
Now, let mo see, what do they accuso.
you of stealing?
ltastus Oh, a mulo and n few chick
ens and n hog or two. London Tit
HI liJI -- 'i'l"f