RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ) ., i i 'u y v'V "Jyrw UJ'. rast Church Treasures fe SiarvinA Russians ? Und&Wooal ii r .."' r ,v- v jj DtAd ?S. nr r ii Jr Nr OOOO r . wm$2i- .,.,...,' . ,.;.i:zxl:j:??s. sXv y 9Wk. rs-wy,T"11' .4M.K.VMJW,LiiliJiij 1111:11' f ' . .ri - vli'i i lift .X si JRf ! nS By JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN 111 centrnl executive committee of the Soviet Russian government lui.i empowered tlio minister of Justice to svly.o tlio wealth of nil religious bodies ami sects for famine relief. The decree extends even to Moslem mosques and Jewish synagogues. Archbishop Yevdoklm of Novgorod had Just Issued an appeal to all true believers to "lend to the Lord" their possessions to aid those dying of starvation, adding that even church wealth should be sacrificed in thlfl time of terrible need. Until the famine gave the Soviet government this opportunity It had made no open attempt at expropriation, though It had done nil in Its power to discredit the church, whose Influence notwithstanding, on the Russians the most religious people In the world has steadily grown. Mystery surrounds the action of the archbishop in yielding up the church's treasures to Its bitterest foe. Hut the Soviet government has ways of Its own for getting results. Now, all the world knows there Is famine In n part of ilussln. And all the world knows that there nro-or Imve been vast treasures In the hands of the lluaslnti church. Hut one Is not so sure thnt these treasures are still In the hands of the church. Nor Is one entirely confident that the starving will get the benefit of these treasures, even If they prove Intact and the Soviet government gets pos session of them. It Is hard to believe anything to the credit of the Russian Soviet government these dnys. America knows full well that there Is famine in Iluss'ln. We are trying to save us mnny as pos sible of the starving Russians. Up to the middle of March the A. R. A. nctlv'ltles, It is known, had resulted In the lauding of IV2 ships at Black sen and Ilaltlc ports. These ships carried 212,413 tons, of which 107,510 tons were corn, wheat, and sun dries. Of this amount 129,723 tons of corn and wheat were discharged and 71,800 shipped Into the Interior. Of sundries 0,3-12 tons were shipped, leaving u7,S03 tons of corn and O.fiOO tons of sun dries in stock waiting for transport to the Volga. Goods were shipped on 12-1 trains as follows: From Reval, 23; from Llbau, 14; from Novoros hlssk, 21); from Theodosla, 10; from Odessn, 15; from Wlndnu, 21; from Danzig, 12. The wheat and corn trains were reported on .March 15 to have arrived at Ufa, Orenburg, Tzarltzan, Samar, and Saratov. Fifteen trains were nearlng Kazan nnd Simbirsk on the same dntc. Distribution of the corn to adults began In the first week In Mnrclu In addition to these arrivals 107,000 tons were moving on ports and another 200,000 tons were being loaded In United Stntes porls. These stocks lire enough to feed 8,000,000 people. The main problem is transportation, for, In nddltlon to the disorganization of Russian railroads, In some districts there are no rallronds at nil. Nobody here seems to know Just how nwful the famine f-ltuntlou is. Exact figures are lacking. In March Dr. Frldtjof Nansen, who headed an Inter national commission of Investigation said: "The famine of 1021-1022 wns caused by lack of grain, caused In turn by lack of seeds nnd fnrm labor. Not u thing has been done to prevent a similar shortage for next yenr nnd If the world, with the exception of America, which lins been marvelous In Its succor, still remains aloof, the HUft'eilng of next winter will surpnss anything ever before known in the history of the world. "Not one-tenth of the acreage available for harvest purposes bns been sown this yenr In prep aratlon for the fall. The peasants have neither the seeds, the animals for tho plowing, nor tho, energy which Is generated by food. "Their wives and children nro starving nnd despite tho admirable relief already brought to -(Ahem by the American Relief commission and the International commission lor tne Jicnci or Russia, millions nro doomed to-death, falling n concerted m'tlon of the powers before June. "For 400,000 squnro miles there Is nothing but starvation In Russia. No crops. No food. No Binlllng children. Nothing but desolntlon nnd denth. It Is n crime ngnlnst the. world." In March It was stated that tho Russian Soviet authorities had failed to provldo even lmlf the number of cars promised for tho transportation of American relief administration food supplies from tho Black sea ports of Novorosslssk und from Wlndnu on the Baltic sea to the fanilno afflicted centers of tho interior, nccordlng to reports by Walter Lyman Brown, European director of tlio American or8wlzntIon. "Tlio SovM officials promised us sufflclent cars for the trunsportatlon of 150,000 tons of foodstuffs monthly," he said. "From Novorosslssk 125 cars dally were pledged, but latest advices show that the dally average of cars actuully supplied there was 50. Similarly, from Wlndnu we were to have 50 cats dally,, but the average has been only 22." As to the probability that the church treasures are still practically Intact there Is much skepticism ninong Jewelers and diamond dealers. The Rus sian crown Jewels have almost certainly been loot ed and are now scattered over the earth. There was no word of any looting when the Kremlin In Moscow, whore the glittering Jewels of royalty re posed, fell Into the hands of the revolutionists. The Kremlin lias been guarded by the Soviet gov ernment. The condition of the great collection of Jewels In ihe royal treasury galleries Is veiled In olllclal mystery. Nevertheless, everybody knows thnt n penrl neck lace belonging to the collection was discovered In the United States not long ago, having been purchased for SS25.000 by n Detroit automobile manufacturer. South African papers In close touch with the diamond trade state that $10,000,000 worth of stolen Russian dlunionds were thrown on the Jewel market In ten months In 1921 and the crown Jewel collection of Russia was particularly rich In dia monds. The diamond production Industry has been seriously disturbed by the large number of these gems coming out of Russia. Some South African mines stopped producing to await a de mand for their stones. That some of the Jewels which have so affected the International trade nro from the royal collection there Is no doubt. The Russian crown Jewel collection was consid ered the most tasteful collection of royal jewels In the world, and probably the finest, except in pearls. The Oriental strain which the Russians inherit from the Turtnr invaders accounts for the Russian love for jewels. , The Russlnn church under the empire was what Is commonly culled the Orthodox Greek or East ern church; following the revolution of 1017 the church was disestablished and complete religious liberty was declared. Russia In Europe Is divided into 50 bishoprics. In 1000 nbout 70 per cent of thu populutlon (87,000,000) belonged to the estab lished church. Tho "Greek" merely recalls the early history of the church. The proper name Is Holy Occidental Orthodox Catholic Apostolic church. This Is the name of a group of churches which do not acknowledge the papal supremacy. Tho Russian church wus established nbout 1580. As to the real value In money of the treasures of the church In Russia there Is 119 approximation. It Is the sheerest guess work. That the treasures nro ninny nnd valuable seems certain. But tho value of these treasures has lost nothing In the telling. There nro many legends concerning these treasures and nccordlng to them no other country on earth has such vast treasures concealed In Its churchoii ns has Russia. In discussing the subject big words and many adjectives are nec essary; superluilves are In demand. Description necessarily vague, should go about like this: Wo have learural to compute treasure In such terms ns King Solomon's mines, tho mines of the Golconda, or In the lavish magnificence of the court of tho queen of Shclm nnd yet it is doubtful if tho trctiburcs of Solomon, the output of Golcondn for a whole century, or the gems thnt bedecked the throats of Shehn's attendants, nil put together, would equal in actual value the hidden wealth of tho great temples and churches of Russia. Russian czars always have been honrders of Jewels. Tho very bnrbnrlc splendor of their courts, the atmosphere of extrnvugunt luxury in which these autocrats liavo lived throughout tho im perial dynasties, nil linve contributed to tho tang ible wealth of tlio nation's great stores of rich trcusuro, jtyMmrj&&?aFoztR JAvrcR,JKaJCojr Kuhla Khan, Ghcngls Khan, later Persian Shnhs all have given their share, In the shape of loot, to the crusading soldiers of the little fathers. And czars und czarinas ever have been liberal to the priests. Some of the cathedrals possess treasures which ore almost Inconceivable. An altar In one of the big monasteries is of solid gold, captured from Genghis Khan and erected by Peter the Great. It weighs 25 tons and Is studded with emeralds, rubles, pearls nnd sapphires of the Orient. The four largest rubles In the world, worn by Emperor Constantino, adorn the top of It. The great Ikonostaz, n special stand for Ikons. In the Uspensky cathedral, Is one of the marvels of the world. It is of gold and platinum and Is studded with precious stones, among them the lost LiiIh stone, said to radiate light at night and also to huvo the power to henl tho worshipers. These stones come from the treasuries of Pharaoh. On the Ikonostaz la the famous miter of Nikon, which, In addition to Innumerable other priceless Jewels, contains the pearl of Julius Caesar and tho "Perez" pearl. These two pearls are the most famous Jewels In history. A king of Persia who ruled In the Fourth century, was the original pos sessor of the "Perez." The Caesar pearl, for cen turies the subject of royal Intrigue, Is said to be the mate of the one made famous by Cleopatra, which she "drank dissolved In vinegar" to Im press Marc Antony. The melting of all the gold and platinum, the latter used almost universally In the making of tho church bells because of Its supposed wonderful sounding quality, will bring millions In gold rubles. The poorest of provincial churches are the wealthiest factors In the country. From ancient times these churches have been the recipients of untold offerings. Every religious holiday adds to the wealth of the shrine. The shadowy archives of the Russian church nre Intu woven with threads of Oriental splendor. The magnificence of Its priceless collection of treas ures, some of them secreted In repositories un known to the authorities, Is unparalleled In the world. No other country ever has owned even in Its most prosperous days anything like the marvels belonging to the Russlnn church. Some of the most famous Jewels are kept In frames of gold and adorn tho Ikon-stands and walls of monasteries. Tho candlesticks, the al tars, tho Ikons, even the gates are masses of In valuable Jewels and precious metal. The opulent gorgeousness of the cathedrals almost Is beyond tho wildest Imagination. Perhaps the least known of tho hidden treasures of the churches Is nothing else than a hod. This bod Is of solid gold, Its pillars Incrusted with pearls nnd diamonds, lt head and foot adorned with tho Romanoff crest set with almost priceless omornlds. It Is tho bed of 11 slave girl a beautiful Circassian, who was captured In a Tartar raid and who be camo first the favorite of a czar and then his czar ina. This was Annstnslo, whom Ivan the Terrlblo loved and then beheaded with his own sword. Ono night the pnlnca wns stormed by the mob, which cnrrled off the gold bed, nnd, hnvlng no other plnco to put It where It would bo snfe, cnr rled It to tho "Holy of Holies" of tho most mug nlflcent cathedral. TI1U1 was the Vladimir cuthe drul, which still stands. Slnco then It has rested behind tho altar. Every year the priests havo showered upon it Jewels given them by thoso who have kept nllve tho memory of tho Circassian. IN BUYING ASPIRIN ALWAYS SAY "BAYER" Look for the Name "Bayer" on Tab. lets, Then You Need Never Worry. "Bnyer Tablets of Aspirin" can be taken safely for Colds, Headache, Toothnche, Earache, Neuralgia, Lum bago, Rheumatism, Joint Pains, Neuri tis, and Pain generally. To get quick relief follow carefully the safe and proper directions In each unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." This package Is plainly mumped with the safety "Bayer Cross." The "Bayer Cross" means the gen uine, world-famous Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over twenty-one fears. 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"I've never been nblo to llnd out," said Mr. Gndspur, "whether that Is due to the exertion of huvlnc risen to n Krent eminence or the fact thnt after n mnn gets up In tho world everybody ho meets mnkes him tired." Ulrmtng hum Agc-IIcrnld. Persons of leisure nre deprived of n great deal of good compuny In busl ness hours. Men's rights nre conserved falrlj well; It Is their privileges that ar tnltPii nwny from them. L She Knows "I am a Domestic Science Graduate and a chemical student from the Normal School. After making the experiment testing various baking powders I never use any except the Royal." Mrs. J. P. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Send for New Royal Cook Book It's FREE Royal Baiting Powder Co., 130 William St, Nw York