The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 20, 1922, Image 2

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    MiL- .
She Is Oldest
British Colony
Newfoundland's Pride in Senior
ity Permanent Bar to Union
With Canada.
Was a Full-Fledged Drltlsh Colony
With a Governor When Canada
Was New France Position Is
Important Geographically.
Washington. Renewed discussion
by tliu neighbors of the United States
to tilt; north of the desirability of New
foundland's becoming u part of the
Dominion of Canada raises a point
upon which probably many Americans
uro hazy that there are two distinct
British realms, not one, In the portion
of North America above the Canadian
bolder. Newfoundland and Its rela
tions to Canada are brought out In
the following bulletin from the Wash
ington headquarters of the National
Ccographlc society.
"Sentiment plays Its part In history
and historic geography," says the bulle
tin, "and the fact that Newfoundland
lias Insisted on standing alone while
till the other British possessions of
North America have united to form the
Dominion of Canada Is probably partly
duo to the pride that Newfoundlanders
have always had In beng able to boast
that theirs Is 'the senior British col
ony' the llrst of the children of the
motherland to make Its home beyond
'4 ho seas.
Dateo Back to 17th Century.
I "Newfoundland had Its settlements
us early as the Seventeenth century
Vatl was a full-fledged British colony
with a governor wlien Canada was
X'ew France, South Afrlcu was In the
finnds of the Dutch, and not a single
whlto settler had landed In Australia.
"Newfoundland has a geographical
position of great Importance, for It
largely blocks the broad gulf Into
which the St. Lawrence river widens,
nnd which forms Canada's front door,
from Europe. Moreover, Newfound
land Is the closest part of North
America to the British Isles, being
only 1,010 miles from Ireland. It is
natural that thu llrst trans-Atlantic
cable should have been laid to the
nhores of Newfoundland in 1858 and
that out of tho 17 cables now crossing
tffe North Atlantic 11 llrst touch Amer
ican soil either on Newfoundland or Its
neighboring islets. And when in 1010
airplanes llnally conquered thu Atlan
tic it was from Newfoundland that
bo'th the American and the British ma
chines took off.
"Newfoundland has an area of more
than -12,000 square miles and Is there
fore practically half the size of Great
Britain. Excepting only Cuba, which
barely exceeds It In size, it Is the
largest island of the western hemi
sphere outside polar waters. With its
clltTs of brown stone rising 200 to 300
feet, broken here and there by deep
fjords and bays, Newfoundland lias a
bleak and barren appearance which
belles conditions In many parts of the
Caterpillar Auto
X-iw kX J'i,'j toaooR ooaaaVaaau x- WV &A3m tS PfiVHM yTJir V jiWBtg
Recently constructed "caterpillar auto" with huge storage tanks for gaso
line, designed In Franco for uso on an African exploration.
Princesses Must Obey Labor
Law in Bulgaria.
iKIng'o Sisters Are Not Immune, Sayo
the Peasant Premier Stamboullsky
All Women Up to 30 Must
Work Ten Days a Year.
Sofia. -Even King Boris' two sisters,
tho I'rlncesses Eudoxlc and Nadejda,.
will bo obliged to contribute their
ehare of work to tho Bulgarian state
tinder the new compulsory labor law,
which requires all women up to thirty'
.years o" ago to glvo at least ten dayo
of their tlmo every year in useful work
to tho community.
Tills ruling lias been made by tho
Btcm peasant premier, Alexander
Stamboullsky, tho most powerful man
in Bulgaria and maker and breaker of
Bulgarian women, sold tho premier,
will be compelled to mako earments
rolling, timbered Interior. Along a
number of the streams aro fertile val
leys In which agriculture and stock
raising nourish.
400 Years of Fishing.
In late years mining, stock raising,
thu manufacture of wood-pulp and
newsprint paper, and a number of
other industries have been developed
In Newfoundland, but throughout Its
more than 400 years of history tho
central story of the Island might be
told in one word fish. Boston and
Massachusetts have felt deeply In
debted to their 'tiiicrcd cod,' but after
all, that Important creature came
from the Newfoundland banks; and
however valuable It has been to New
England, It has meant much more to
Newfoundland and through New
foundland to Great Britain.
"A good case even could be made
for the cod as a claimant, for a place
on the British cnat-of-nrms, for that
lowly llsh In a way laid tho founda
tion of the world-wide British em
pire. Before the discovery of New
foundland Britishers were of little
Importance as seafarers,
The great
Is Broke at 65;
Now Rich Again
"Borax" Smith's Courage Helps
Him in Winning a Second
Now, at Age of Seventy-Three, He Is
Manter of Another Fortune of Sev
eral Millions Fighting Phil
osophy Adopted in Youth.
San Francisco. Ills llfo filognn had
been: "Don't weaken I What Is age?
Courage Is the thing 1 Itefuso to be
beaten 1"
So when, at the age of slxty-flve,
Francis M. ("Borax") Smith . found
that his $20,000,000 fortune was gone
and that ho was not only "broke" but
In debt to tho tune of severnl millions,
he didn't contemplate suicide. Nor did
ho quit.
Today, at tho age; of seventy-three,
ho is master of another fortune of sev
eral millions and fighting with both
fists to regain his lost title of "Borax
King." And If he runs true to form
he's likely to get It.
An accident, occurring when he was
twenty-eight, cuused "Borax" Smith to
adopt his lighting philosophy, lie bad
purchased a small timber claim In Ne
vada and taken contract tc supply
with fuel a Nevada mine. One day
he returned to 11ml four Mexicans nnd
an Indian, all armed, cutting down his
wood. Smith had but four cartridges
nnd n rllle. But, thought be, the In
for Explorers
and lied linen for hospitals, contribute
useful labor to orphanages and asy
lums, hell) to cure for the poor and so
on. Cllrls under twenty years old will
be obliged for a period of threo months
In each year to study domestic science
and the useful nrts so that they moy
become more productive to society and
contribute to the common good.
Premier Stamboullsky says that ono
of the cnusscs of Bulgaria's rapid re
covery from tho war is the work done
for tlu state by what is called hero
tho volunteer labor army. IJo esti
mates th? volfio or u'.. ti-orlc at .80,
000,000 lovas (nominally worth nbout
10 cents each.)
"Tho volunteer nnny has been an en
tire, success," said M. Stamboullsky.
"It fins built roads, streets, waterways,
bridges, canals, Warehouses, school
houses and sanitary systems. It bns
drained swamps, tilled the land and
planted trees."
. Tho premier pointed out thnt Bul
garia now has a law prohibiting .tho
New Houses Wired
for Radio Service
The nonuhirltv of the radio ::
4 .-... ......... ., ;
V leiepuone was reneuieu in mi no- .
',; verusemeni nppeaniig in mini- ;,
:; dclnhln newsnnners In which a ::
; builder announced that .$1,000,- :J:
;: 000 worth of houses he is build
: : Ing "will be wired for radio tele
'': phone service."
::! "This wl
111 add greatly to tho
enjoyment of these new homes,"
the announcement concluded.
wenlth of codfish which John Cabot's
finding of thu Island disclosed Imme
diately drew thu men of the British
Isles out of their Insularity.
"The next ) after tho discovery
1408 a fleet of Devon fishermen
crossed the Atlantic and returned
laden with fish, and from that time on
for centuries the annual crossing and
rccrosslng of the Atlantic took place.
The British king looked upon the;
voyages of thousands of men to and
from Newfoundland as the best kind
of training for seamen, and deliber
ately discouraged the settlement of thu
Island In order to perpetuate the fish
ing from n British base. Great Brit
ain quickly became a scnfarlng na
tion; the navy grew, and with ta
growth the British empire spread.
truders did not know that. Did he
dare tackle five of them?
"Don't weaken!" said his courage.
IIo llrod two hhots. The trespassers
It was from his timber claim that
he llrst saw upon the adjacent desert
thu broad white streaks that later
were to ninUo his first fortune. Ills
borax discovery meant little if "you
weakened.' There wns but little de
mand for It nnd thu price was high.
About COO tons u year was used, ho
Newo of his discovery caused a tor
rlllc slump In value. Ills associates
"Don't weaken!" said his courage.
Smith fctuck. He accumulated a for
tunu of some !?2r,000,000, but only af
ter he laid loue-handedly packed borax
out of the desert and created a big
market for It.
Then, with a large Income to Invest,
Smith became Interested in a fast fer
ry system between San Francisco anil
Oakland which, It Is held, practically
made thu city of Oakland. Huge ex
penditures were Involved nnd tho rail,
road competition came. At the ago
of sixty-live lie bad developed cities,
but lost ids fortune and plunged into
"Don't weaken 1" said his courage.
He saw his borax holdings sold to pny
loans. But nlso he recalled that many
years back ho had been one of tho
company Interested In a silver claim
that, to all appearances, would not ,
t.uiwliini. Ulili Itml 4liniittli iltiVuHrtiif-. '
produce. Smith had thought different
ly and put in $100,000, taking stock in
pnyment. This he bad turned over to
Ids wife Just before the crns-h ("nine.
And now in ids extremity, the inlna
wns coming to his rescue.
4,kc3 AI'"V'n8 ,
He at once went af or borax de-
Stakes All Wins.
.,i(u i -i, j,.iu ii, ...., 0 i
posits In the bearles lake region, se-
cured leases after a hard light
Washington, and made the mine pay
for his Initial equipment. If it failed
tho initio was lost and there was
some reason to believe that It might.
Just then enmo word that three pros
pectors had found a borax mine In
Nevada, near the Grand Canyon. IIo
rodo SO miles on horseback Into tho
desert to get there. He didn't havo
time to npprnlse the property, for com
petitors wcro in the Held. He bad to
act at onco and only upon his Judg
ment. "Don't weaken 1" said his courage.
Ho closed the deal for n quarter of u
million. Anil he wns seventy-three.
If ho Judged wrong his last card was
gone. Ho took tho mine while aston
ished rivals looked on.
Today the firm announces tlmt there
is $21,000,000 worth of bornx In sight
So ho has no cause to regret his
slogan: "Courage Is the thing! What
Is ago? Don't weaken."
sale of liquor at bars, unless the voters
decide they want It. "You see," ho
said, "wo are following somewhat in
the path of you Americans In regard
to prohibition. Some day Bulgaria
may be completely dry.
Indians Taught by Movies.
Mexico City. Tho Mexican govern
ment Is using motion pictures to teach
various Indian peoples tho art of pot
tery and basket-making. Most of tlieso
tribes havo known tho art, In an ex
tremely crude manner, and tho gov
ernment wishes to tench them modern
methods. In view of the grent num
ber of Illiterates, the pictures are sup
plemented with lectures.
Man Kills Wife In Mlotakc for Burglar
Pittsburgh, Pa. Alleging thnt bo
shot and killed his wife when ho mis
took her for a burglar lu their home,
J. J. Flnnnery surrendered to tho po
lice. Flnnncry cnlled to his wlfo when
he entered tho houso, be snld, but sho
did not answer. Ho fired his gun nt
a shadowy form In n doorway and
found that l:o had killed his wife.
Recent Happenings in Nebraska
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Readers.
The amount of war finance loans to
(igticultural nnd llvo stock Interests
In Nebraska has exceeded the $14,000,
100 mark, according to the report of .
F. W. Thomas, regional chairman of ,o be known as the "Scotlsblurr erail
I he War Finance committee In Ne-ilcutlon district" created for the exterm-
Mrs. Elton Palmer and Mrs. Joseph
McGulre bad u narrow escape from
death when their car, which Mrs. Mc
(lulre was driving, backed down a steep
grade and turned turtle over a twelve
foot embankment near Broken Bow.
At the school election nt Benkclman,
a proposal to Increase the school tax
levy 8 mills passed by a large major
ity. A proposal to permit Sunday
baseball won by four hnltntK 1.12 be
ing cast against It nnd lf0 for It.
The Valparaiso home talent play, i bonds in thu sum of S200.000 for sati
"The Old New Hampshire Home" was ' itnry sewerage extension and $100,000
presented to two well filled houses ami for storm sewerage,
more than one hundred dollars cleared . Crows have become a pest In Holt
to add to the Methodist Episcopal aid , county. The county farm bureau Is
society fund.
The acute shortage of houses In York l
lms prompted thirty-five business men At a recent election the citizens of
to organize a home builders assocta- Nellgh and Tecuinseh voted hi favor
lion. Approximate $200,000 will bo 'of Sunday baseball. At Cambridge the
available for the construction of new i proposition was voted down,
homes. I An Important Bible conference will
Miss Edith Lillian Dnlln. of Wayne. )( held In Omaha Sunday. April 2.',
linn been chosen by the Women's under auspices of the Christian and
American Baptist Mission Society for Missionary alliance.
mlslonary work In South China, and A hall storm passed through Vlr
cxpects to sail soon to take up heiglnla, in Pawnee county. Every pane
work. ' i of glass was broken out of the win-
Corn and alfalfa, two of Nebraska's dows on the west side of the large
principal crops, proved to be the most consolidated high school building,
economical ration for cattle feeding on t Cheyenne county will hold a harvest
n 100-pound basis of gain, It was do-, festival in Sidney during October. Tho
termlued at the close of the University , plans are to hold It for three days,
of Nebraska agricultural college. ' with baseball In the mnriilir: nnd af-
Asslstant County Attorney Charles ' ternoon of each day.
Ktibat of Douglas county gesticulated Over TiOO patrons attended the ex
po vigorously lu bis prosecution In ills-' hlblt of school work arranged under dl
trict court of Sebastian Cnrclco for a j rectlon of Superintendent Copeland
liquor law violation that his right arm nt Chappell. The school baud and or-
was dislocated.
Tom W. Lanlgan, Oreoloy, has filed
as democratic nominee for congress.
In the Sixth dlst 1'. Klnrald
Is tlie republican nominee In that dis
trict and Charles W. Beals third party
Two young men, apparently not over
21, were captured at Wauneta by Dep
uty Sheriff M. M. DraiiMlnlo and John
Oliver and were held In connection
with the robbery of a bank at Wheeler,
More than .'100 school teachers are road fund of nearly a thousand dollars
expected at Pawnee City during the to be u-ed on the roads this summer,
spring trl-county teachers' Institute j The Pawnee City high school gym
which Includes the schools of John- nnsluni bns been converted Into a skat-
son. Nemaha and Pawnee counties. j
A fourth of July celebration will be
held at Bloomlleld under the auspices
of Hay Lamb post of the American
Legion, the llrst celebration or this ,
kind In that place In eight years.
Heavy taxes have led taxpayers of j
Knox county to discuss the organlza-,
Hon of a league to tight for a reduction i
on tin levy, a meeting will be called
M,oii to discuss the mnttei
- .. .-
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Curtis of Shu-;.
ller! celebrated their golden wedding signed to accept a pastorate at Fair
last week-. A family dinner was serv- mont.
ed, at which all the children of the j 'Hie date for the state convention of
family were pro-en t. I the American Legion has been sot for
The 7-. ear-old son of R. E. Brltt of
BIgsprlng. was seriously hurt when he
,.,.., , ..linok ,,.. piUwIIB ,
i i" f .......
,, ..-,...,, i,lUl,.MI1i inin,... ,i i.u
recovery Is doubtful.
High expenses have necessitated the
consolidation of several departments
In the Bayard high school and" the
abolition of others. The teaching rorc
has been cut down.
The smiill son of Theodore DeOroat
( f Central City suffered serious Injuries
when he was struck by a car while
retrieving a baseball which had gone
Into the street.
A petition signed by about fifty and city schools took the eighth grade
Beatrice business men asking the city examinations at York,
commissioners to reappoint Chief of j Several ranch men lu the Arnold
Police E. M. Dillon Has been filed with vicinity nre placing ring-necked ptieas
the city clerk. nnts on their places.
Mrs. D. B. Fletcher, teacher In the Farmers living Houthwest of Ply-L-idgepole
schools, bus tiled for county mouth, bnve organized a ctock shipping
superintendent to oppose Miss Anna association.
McFadden. Incumbent for the past Ellsworth Is already making pre
elght years. , paratlons for a gorgeous celebration of
Carl Rruutlmim, Nebraska City dairy- the Fourth,
man, has returned from Wisconsin Aurora has voted against holding
with l.ri head of Ilolsteln cows, said to any more street carnivals In that place.
bo the finest ever brought Into thnt
T. B. Milton., city editor of the,
Beatrice Dally Express and a news-,
paper correspondent of thnt city, has
filed as a republican candidate for
state senator from the Sixteenth son-
nioriiii iiihirici, comprising mo counues
of Gage and Pawnee.
The Chamber of Commerce nt. Om
aha has decided to add a largo number
of the li'uslness and professional wo
men's league to its membership.
Chnrles Trimble, secretary, an
nounced that nt least 100 horses will be
entered in tho Ak-Sar-Ben races to be
run In Oniuhn .Tun :i-17.
A report bv Secretary Phil F. Bross
.if the department of finance shows tin
amount of each levy in each county lu
Nebraska for 1021 . Otoe county Is
lowest with a total levy of 'J.tlO mills
on the dollar valuation. Arthur coun
ty, In the grazing region, Is highest,
with a total levy of 7.0." mills.
An ordinance prohibiting the display
of firearms that may be concealed
about tho person nnd providing that
retail dealers who illspose of thorn
must register each sale has been drnwn
by City Attorney Van Dusen for Police
Coinnibaioncr Dunn of Omabn.
Tho Farwell I.lve Stock Shipping as
sociation had a load of hogs averaging
222 pounds which sold for $10.1"..", the
highest price paid for hogs at tho
South Omaha market this season with
the exception of early In March when
choice light hogs made a top of ?10.00.
Hundred. of acres of farm lamU
that weio made valueless by the rav
ages of the Missouri river .wars ago
In the lowlands of Douglas, Washing
ton and Burt counties are being saved
from destruction by reclamation.
Another post eradication district hai
been established In Scottsbluff county
by the state department of agriculture
luatlon of pocket gophers.
Receiver A. J. .Torgenson of tho Gur
ley State Bank of (Jurley, which failed
last summer, has checks made out for
nil depositors la the bank. The set
tlement will nmount to ?00,000.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Crulkshank of
Blair, have Just celebrated their (Vith
wedding anniversary. Mr. Crulk
shank Is !)!. and Mrs. Crulkshank ST.
Both were born In Scotland.
Though a 00 per cent vote was nec
essary, Grand Island clll'ens voted
planning upon uniting In a poisoning
campaign to rid them of the nuisance.
chest ra featured.
The board of education elected W.
(5. Books of Nebraska City as superin
tendent of the York schools for a term
of three years, at a salary of $.',.'00 the
llrst year.
All Falrbury teachers have been re
elected. Eight, however, will not re
turn. Five men on the stall' have been
there more thnn three years and will
The finance committee of the Wood
Lake Community club has raised a
lug rink since the closing of the basket
)w seiriou.
MNs Lucille fieorge, or Broken Bow,
won first place In the dramatic class In
the district declamatory contest at
The Prague school district has voted
POO.OOO bonds for a new modern school
building to replace the one that burned
iiit winter.
The Rev. D. S. ITonaker of the Pro-
byterinn church at' Fullerton has ro
September IS, 10 ami 20. to be held at
,,,,, (1
i in- iiiiiiiiii'i uii nuu'i uiiM mill
... i.. ,,.. ..,... ... ,,- , , ,. ,...
,1 - iwiin - iiiii miiiii iii mm I..UIVU' iui:
been let. Work will start nt oner
' Two to six Inches of now covered
western Nebraska following one of tho
, worst spring storms In years,
j The proposition of im' $8,000 athletic
.park at York wns turned down by Its
j citizens by a large majority.
( More than 1,000 bushels of corn wero
contributed by the North Loup vicinity
to the Nenr East relief.
, Kivo hundred students of the rural
A local chapter of the Order of Do
Moley has been Instituted In Sidney.
XoVen silver loving cups nre among
,,, fortv..v,. goir prlr.Pi to be given by
,,t,ntl.1(.c. msm,Ss houses this season,
T, .,.,.,. designated as the president's
, ,.,,, pioneer, tenderfoot.
lation, ladles' championship and .lad
les' consolation.
When a person contracts a debt,
even If It Involves Illicit booze, tho
debtor must pay, according to tho dis
trict court at Norfolk.
Adam Marshall, widely known ex
hibition wild west rider, was killed
at Valentine, when ho fell under a
Northwestern train.
Farm work Is reported three weeks
ahead of the usual season in Cheyenne
ani Duel counties, The soil Is In good
condition lu splto of tho fact thnt tho
winter bns been extremely dry.
In a recent storm nt Lincoln hail
stones of moro than o-dinary size
broke l.fiOO pnnes of glass In n green
house nt Capitol Beach, a pleasure re
sort west of Lincoln.
Meeting to protest ugalnst school
taxes, mothers of Gngo county school
bonrds, voted in favor of a motion sug
gesting n cut of 20 per cent In the sal
aries of school teachers.
a t tcaUM-l juumm i
.tnf-f XsvA-Kwf'H
Mrs. W. H. Avis
Council Bluffs, Iowa "A few yenra
ngo after motherhood 1 could not gain
back my strength,. I developed quite n
severe case of woman's trouble, suf
fered with benrlng pains which would
be so severe I would huve to He down.
1 become so weak thut all I wanted to
do was Ho nnd rest. It seemed that
every spark of vitality had left me. I
consulted n doctor and lie said nothing
but an operntlon would help me, but I
would not consent. 1 had seen Dr.
Pierce's medicines advertised, so nt
once began taking the 'Favorite Pre
scrlptlon' and the 'Golden Medical Dis
covery' and It wns not long until 1 no
ticed my appetite was returning, I
could eat, so I knew '.he medicine wns
doing me good. I took about twelve
bottles and it was well worth it for
it completely restored me to health,
without the operation." Mrs. W. II.
Avis. 314 S. 10th St.
All druggists sell Dr. Pierce's Family,
medicines tablets or liquid.
Dizzy Spells
Am Usually Due
to Constipation
When you are constipat
ed, there is not enough
lubrkant produced by
your system to keep the
food ivastc soft. Doctors
proscribe Nujol because
its action is so close to
sliis natural lubricant.
.ftujol is a lubricant not
a medicine or laxative
so cannot Gripe. Try it
Before or Aftor?
The nurses and students nt a cer
tain London hospital wero rehearsing
ii Greek play in English. They wero
to perforin it at a concert In aid of
their exchequer.
There was an elderly womnn nt the
rehearsal. She seemed a little mysti
fied. Eventually she turned to the girl
beside her nnd said In a puzzled voice:
"Let mo see, dear Euripides wus ha
before Venizelos?"
Folks and Flowers.
Mrs. Kawler Those new neighbors
of ours must be rich, Judging from
the clothes they wear.
Mrs. Wyse. That's a poor way to
Judge, my denr. Some of the most
gorgeous liowers haven't a scent.
Boston Transcript.
The things that come to the man
who waits arc seldom the things that
he lias been wnltlng for.
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
25t and 75 Packages. Everywhere
A man is as old as his organs; he
can be as vigorous nnd healthy at
70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in
performing their functions. Keep
your vital organs healthy with
Tho world's standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles since
1696; corrects disorders; stimulates vital
organs. All druggists, tbreo sizes.
Look for the name Gold Medal on orerr box
and accept no imitation
Active and Healthy
With Cuticura Soap
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 nnd 50c, Talcum 25c.
Baantr to Grar nnd Faded Halt
lienor iaior And
eye. ami ivri ITUITguIil.
niwnr Chtin. WH.I'tf linaii.,W.Y
HINDERCORNS tlemoTM Onnu. Cat.
lounn. eie., top all iwln, eniurrs comfuritn tba
frrt, in&iira walklnr rur. lla. by null or at rur
Sliti. UUcox Chemical Woiii, fatcuoguel , M. X,j
va? ,iifiu'" v v j i:-j- .
iv32EEIBEa C