The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 13, 1922, Image 6

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    1 i"99fW -
j. (- (Vft1
Radio Phone Is
No Longer Fad
.From a Toy Wireless Telephone
Has Now Become House
hold Convenience.
Out of the Air Come Dally Newt Bulle-
tins, Lectures, Sermons, Vocal and
Instrumental Concerto and
Other Features.
New York. Ilavo you ot your "car
to tlio ulr"7
Thousands have. Knthuslnsm over
lite wireless telephone Is uprundlut; tre
mendously. From a fad and a toy tlie
radio rceelvlni; Hot has become u house
hold convenience.
Out of (he air come dally news bulle
tint), lectures, sermons, vocal and hi
slrutacntal concerts, operas, market
reports, government time bIkiiiiIs, ship
ping nevvH, weather forecasts, fashion
tips, agricultural reports, church serv
ices and children's hcd-tlmo stories.
llndlo broadcasting service Is avail
nhlo In all parts of the United States.
I'rohahly not less than 230,000 receiv
ing sets arc In operation, the dally
audience that listens In numbering
more than 1,000,000 people.
There are 1-1,000 amateur transmit
ting stations operated by enthusiastic
experimenters and capable of short
distance broadcasting. Numerous gov
ernment stations broadcast official
business, but also can be used In dis
tributing speeches or messages to the
country at large.
35 Stations Active.
Broadcasting stations giving public
crvlco now are operated In U5 cities.
Here Is the list:
Newark, N. J. Westlnghouse Elec
tric and Manufacturing company sta
tion; hout'ly service from 11 a. in. to
30 p. in.
New York Western Klcctrlc com
pany station (experimental) ; occa
sional service.
lloscllo I'nrk, N. J. Radio Corpora
tion station; dally service.
Deal Beach, N. J. Western Electric
company station (experimental) ; occa
sional service.
Springfield, Mass. Westlnghouse
station; hourly service.
Hartford, Conn. C. D. Tuskn com
pany station ; concerts Tuesday, Thurs
day nnd Saturday evenings.
, Mcdford, Mass. American Itndto
nnd Research .corporation ; news serv
ice. Schenectady, N. Y. Union collcgo
station; occasional programs of music.
Washington, D. C Government stn
Hon, broadcasting correct time nt noon
nnd 10 p. m. dally. White and Uoyer
station, concertB nnd radio lectures
Tuesday nnd Friday evenings.
Atlanta, Ga. Carter Electric com
pany stntlon; news nnd music pro
gram Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday
Pittsburgh, Pa. Westlnghouso sta
tion; complete dally program.
Cincinnati, O. Precision Equipment
company stntlon ; music nnd vaudeville
programs nnd sport reports Monday,
Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
Give Grand Opera.
Chicngo, 111. Westlnghouso station;
complete dally program; concerts Fri
day evening; grand opera program
every evening except Frlduy during
opera season.
MadlBon, Wis. University of Wis
consin stntlon; weather reports dnlly,
except Sunday, nt 12:35 p. in.; music
program Friday evenings.
( Kansas City, Mo. Western Radio
company stntlon; market reports nnd
weather forecasts dally; concerts
every evening.
Luncheon in Medinet Hobu Temple
wjw" V AM44 Vfl 94fAfA' 9Y4944 90 W1Xf?MflWCQflfiJiWflt )Mf4M4'4RtfMr93fifilflB3ttBRflQf8QRF?9PS0!Sli9lRfiRRRRRRltfRflBh-
& t syv s ifs'&'l $ rrrrrrwlv rrrrrbrrrrrrVI 4 i i 1 f
rf Wis 4 J " jX RRRRYtiNaiJKP'TOL vTtnMH' Ln3skT vRJ x V HRRERflWS lffMi'kRRRHFSRRRRRRt
Here's n nlco quiet spot for luncheon In the Temple of Medlnct Hobu, dl
rectly across tho Nile from Karoak. Tho threo llttlo girls In tho picture nro
iwntorcarrlers nnd tho reeds they aro holding nro to fan files from tho travellers
and thoir donkeys, From, tho tlmo tho tourist sets forth on his rido to tlio
'ruins until ho returns, several of 'tho children follow him on their sclf-appolut-ked
Lincoln, Neb. University of Nebras
ka station; concerts every evening.
Denver, Col. Reynolds Rndlo com
pnny; news twlco dally; concerts
every evening.
Dallas, Tex. Police and Flro de
partment station; nous, weather fore
cast nnd concertB every evening.
Austin, Tex. University of Texns
station; local news nnd athletic re
ports daily.
San Francisco, Cnl. Commercial
and hotel stations broadcasting con
certs every evening. California theater
broadcasting performances nightly.
Los Angeles, Cnl. Hamburger's de
partment store; dally service.
San Jose, Cal. Harrold laboratories
stntlon; dally service.
Other cities having broadcasting sta
tions Include: Cleveland, Philadel
phia, Columbus, O., Buffalo, Detroit,
Mich., Akron, O., Hamilton, O., Seattle,
Wash., Houston, Tex., Davenport, la.,
Iowa Hty, la., Rome, Ga., Paris, Tex.
This does not include government
stations, except the Arlington naval
station. In addition the government
has 'Q laud radio stations.
Probably the biggest public service
broadcustlng station In the country Is
being built by the American Telegraph
and Telephone company In Now York.
After It Is placed 'in operation others
will be built In various centers over
the country. .
Met 20 Ghosts;
Now An Expert
Washington Man Upsets Popular
Belief by Saying Hands
Not Clammy.
Liked All His Spooky Visitors Except
One Treat Them Kindly, Is His
Advice One Ghost Wore
Patched Garments.
Washington. Antlgonlsh nnd its
ethereal visitor, which apparently lias
gone on u ntrilTc since the arrival of
scientists and curiosity seekers, is
backed into Insignificance when com
pared to the bodyless visitors who
sometimes pick out Washington us a
ghostly rendezvous.
At leust so says William II. Bryson,
1002 M street, N. W., nmatcur ghost
chaser of the District, who allows that
since ho llrst started studying the
habits and mannerisms of spooks, flvo
years ago, lie has been visited by 20
assorted ghosts, all of whom turned
out with one exception to be ilrst rate
Bryson, who until recently was em
ployed In the government service in n
8eml-sclcntlflc capacity, had come out
with tho blanket statement that ghosts
do linvo bodily characteristics nnd,
contrary to popular belief, tho hand
clasp of n spook Is warm nnd not cold
and clammy.
Whllu the hunter after tho habitat
of tho dweller in tho world beyond
has made no effort to photograph his
nocturnal visitors, ho says he has held
protracted conversations with mnny of
his friends and relatives who have
passed on.
One Ghost Carried Apples.
It might be said that llryson goes
further in his rescarcli in the fact that
ho avers that one of the ghosts who
"Now, cut out the 'monkey business'
and let's get weighed," says Keeper
Parker of the Lincoln pnrk zoo, Chi
cago. This Is a common occurrence
at the zoo, for Mr. Parker keeps his
"children" In the pink of condition.
This one Is tho prime favorite of the
young visitors to the zoo.
Relic of California
Gold Rush Imperiled
Coloma, Cal. Tho historic
Weimar oak here Is In peril. Be
cause It endangers his farm
'home, Homer Metcnlf may cut
down the oak. It was under
this tree that Mr. and Mrs. Po
ter Wclmnr constructed their
homo when they camo to Colomn
with James W. Marshall, tho "dis
coverer of gold, in 1848, and part
of the historic old homo still
stands on tho spot. It was in
this house thnt Mrs. Weltnnr
boiled the nuggets In soap suds
and discovered their precious
ness, nnd it was this dlscovory
that sent tho news round the
world which brought tho gold
rush to California.
pnld him a visit about threo months
ago woro silk gloves, or what appeared
to bo silk and felt like that material,
und wus carrying a few red apples.
Asked If ho had held any protrncted
conversation with bis ghostly friend
Bryson admitted ho had and went so
far as to say ho nto a shady npple.
Tho fruit hod no nnvor, ho said, but
Bryson declares that n coro was loft
nnd can produce It if occasion do
mands. On ono occasion, Bryson said, his
brother visited him nnd comnlnlneil
bitterly about conditions on thoT"mn nf I-hicoln being the last owner,
Florida sencoast where a Belf-respect-Ing
ghost of tho past deendo could
not enjoy himself. Whether it was
tho beach nymphs or tho conditions
regarding tho Influx of foreign spirits
from Scotland tho ghost did not say,
but he nevertheless said ho would
seek sonio other clime during tho win
ter or 1U23.
Tlio wandering ones nlso aro sub
ject to down-and-out periods in
"shndowland," Bryson states, as ono
friend who was rather opulent hero
camo wandering Into his room with
ghostly garments thnt had been
patched In several places.
Don't Like Cold Reception.
In this connection tlio saying that
"you can't take It with you" mny bo
erroneous, as tho spook gavo every
ovldcncc, according to tho spectator,
of being In need of n few shades of
greenbacks to buy n new set of gar
ments. Sonio of tho shades that return nnd
haunt tho scenes of their life aro not
Inclined to bo kindly disposed, espe
cially If ono turns tho covers over tlio
head and keeps mum until tho ghost
loses heart nt the colli reception nnd
blows on? to sonio moro hospitable
Another ghost that Bryson know In,
tho flesh, according to tho medium, ap
peared to him on one occasion and bit
terly berated him for having lost u
few dollars of ids whlio on earth In
a business denl. "In the future you
will see mo often," tho spook Is said
to have announced In tho languago of
tho beyond, nnd to provo It ho enmo
for bIx nights running.
Asked if ho ever becamo nervous at
tho nocturnal visitations, Bryson
hastened to remark that ho did not in
vito tho bodyless ones to visit him, but
did not put up signs that no spook
tralllc would bo nllowed.
Ho qualified ills last statement by
saying that n prohibitive sign would
only go to rllo tho departed ones nnd
ho would no doubt have Ills homo clut
tered lip with a bevy of ghosts ench
light who might berato him for his
Recent Happenings in Nebraska
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Readers.
Fremont voters defeated bonds for n
swimming pool to cost ?2.",000.
G. M. Brox of Lodg Pole possesses
n chick, with four perfectly formed
John D. Crclghton, Oinnhn million
aire, losidont of the city and state for
fifl yours, Is dead.
A prairie fire about eight miles south
of Arnold burned over a large territory,
destroying much hay.
A reunion of tho members of Ne
braska Base Hospital No. -11) Is planned
for Omaha, April 22.
A bond Issue of .?(i(),0fl0 for a school
building carried at Ogullutii, 221) to 10.1,
at tho election Just held.
Tho proposition to prohibit tho hold
ing of street carnivals at Aurora was
carried by a vote of W2 to 2:.".
The proposition to bond the village
of Sterling, Johnson county, In tlio sum
or S2S.00O for a new system or water
works was carried.
The Oi mini Travelers' Insurance
rnmpuriy will hold Its reunion of agents
In Omaha April 21-2.". More than 200
agents will attend.
Indian lam1? Incntod near Bancroft
sold under scaled bids brought good
prices, unimproved lands selling lor as
high as ?1S0 tier acre.
A car load of corn donated by the
farmers of Wymore was shipped by
tho Farmers elevator. It will go to
Armenia, via New Orleans.
A big prairie lire, about six miles
north of Mernn, burned nn orea of close
to 1,000 acres and destroyed n Inrgc
amount of hay and some timber.
Impounding automobiles for HO days,
or more, Is now the punishment Im
posed by Omaha police Judues when
owners are proven to have violated
tralllc rules.
Sholton voters turned down the prop
osition submitted nt tho election held
to vote bonds In the sum of $,",000
for the purpose of buying land for n
city park.
The Agricultural College recom
mends that all seed potatoes be treated
before they are cut for planting. This
Is for the purpose of controlling sev
eral diseases, most especially scan and
another .disease commonly called rhlz
octonln. F. W. Smth. of Omaha, overseas vet
eran and In need of money, earned $25
by giving a quart of blood 'used In n
transfusion operation upon Ed Belltz,
who lins been in Nicholas Senn hos
pital for three weeks suffering from
blood losses and an nbcess on the leg.
The suburban town of University
1 versify, voted pronouncedly against
nvorslty, voted pronouncecedly against
annexation of Lincoln. Nearly com
plete but unnllk'ial returns show tho
ratio against to be nearly two to one.
Tho city of Lincoln took no part In the
Mrs. Belle Mason, 41, of Wohoo,
mother of four children, hns filed n pe
tition in Lancaster county court for
ir,:iir.78 damages agnlnst the Chicago
& Northwestern railroad for Injuries
received in a head-on collision between
n freight and passenger train the even
ing of January 4.
The elevator and flour mill property
at Cook was completely destroyed by
fire. The mill and elevator had been
idle for many months. Originally they
were valued at JJIO.OOO. but had
changed hands at 1,000. John Huupt-
Mr. Ilnuptman had recently repaired
and somewhat Improved the property
and sonio weeks ago stated he expected
to operate It. It Is understood there
was no Insurance and that Mr. Haupt
man Is In a Lincoln hospital.
There Is keen Interest In Irrigation
thru central and western Nebraska
this year. Old ditches which have
boon little used for the past ten years
nro being cleaned out nnd put Into
service again this spring. Many farm
ers are planning to Install pumping
outfits for irrigating small tracts from
wells along the valleys of the Platte
nnd tributary streams. Pumping for
Irrigation Is a fairly expensive process
hut often n profitable one If the pump
ing unit Is properly chosen, says tho
Agricultural College. Before spending
n lot of money for expensive equipment
one should bo sure about the water
supply. -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer of Oreeley,
celebrated thoir fioth wedding anniver
sary. Tho,y woro married at Crown
Point, Ind nnd came to Nebraska In
1878, living In Oreeley county 41 years.
Farm work Is reported three weeks
nhend of tho usual season in Olioyoune
and Duel counties. The soil Is In good
condition In spite of the fact thnt tho
winter has boon extremely dry.
The Nu-Wiiy soap factory at Crete
was sold at sheriff sale to satisfy n
Judgement of S11.21S held by A. P.
nunt of Lincoln, with Mr. Douglas of
Crete, tho promoter.
While lighting his pipe, Samuel Ilnk
etborn, SO, of Ames, sot his coat afire.
Ho did not notice It at first, and a few
minutes later was enveloped In dames.
He was so badly burned that ho died
live hours later.
Seven members of the sophomore
nnd Junior classes nt Midland college
nt Fremont have been temporarily sus
pended from nil classes- and college
functions and exiled from tho campus
until April 10, following tho abduction
of Leonard Devol, president of the
freshman clnss, in attempt to disrupt
tho annual freshman day,
At nn election nt Pllger, the citizens
voted 131 to 40, in favor of Sunday
The Nebraska State Medical assoc
iation will hold Its annual mooting In
Omaha April 21-27.
More than 1,000 Inishels of corn were
contributed by the North Loup vicinity
to tho Near East relief.
Tho Omaha Commercial High School
Is now known as theOmnba Technical
school. Some 2,700 pupils are enrolled.
O. M. Shore of Oshkcsh has asked
for bids preparatory to erecting n $10,
000 motion picture theatre building of
brick and tile.
Charles Trimble, secretary, an
nounced that at least 100 horses will bo
entered in the Ak-Snr-P.on races to bo
run in iJinuun .nine .i-n.
Mount Vernon, O,, playing sterling
basketball, defeated Sutton, Nob., no to
14, 'at Chicago, In tho first game of tho
semifinals at Chicago university.
The South Side postolllco In the fu
ture will be known as South Omaha,
the name It bore prior to South Om
aha's consolidation with Oniahii.
Health Commissioner Pinto hn3
scheduled n rat killing contest in Om
aha. It is to strut soon and contluuo
until May 30. Prizes wSU be given.
Cambridge won tho state American
Legion basketball championship at
Kearney by defeating the Central City
veterans' quintet by the score of 23 to
Meeting to protest against school
taxes, mothers of Cage county school
boards, voted in favor of n motion sug
gesting n cut of 20 per cent In tlio sal
aries of school teachers.
Bonds for n new school-house nt
Prague, Saunders county, carried by n
vote of 135 to 14. This means a new
$00,000 school will replace tho one
destroyed by fire In January.
A committed from the Commercial
club at Crete to select a free camping
ground for tourists hns met with quite
a problem In having so many places
they don't know which one to ue.
Work of graveling tho Meridian high
way near Madison has been completed.
The county Is furnishing the gravel and
.residents along the load distribute It.
Total costs on the first project were
Elmwood's communtly house will be
dedicated on Memorial day, according
to present plans. The building Is being
erected by tlui American Legion, and Is
said to be one of the finest of Its kind
In the state.
Telephone wires in the business dis
trict of Pawnee City are being put un
der the ground before paving opera
tions are started. The cable carries
more than fiOO wires. Linos in the res
ident soctjon nlso will be sunk.
Articles of Incorporation for an or
ganization to buy and sell the grain nt
Leigh have been filed and directors and
officers of the association chosen. The
capital stock Is 25,000, with 15.000
paid up. An elevator will probably bo
Nearly 25,000 people visited tho rest
room at Bloomtleld dining the past
year. Besldents of the city are not
Included In this number. The visitors
came from 18 different states and threo
were also guests from Cnnndn and
Toklo, Japan.
Edward Brass and A. L. Van Al.stlne,
prominent western Nebraska cattlemen,
have leased the Willis Beck ranch of
20,000 acres near Alliance, nnd Iiavo
announced their Intention of putting at
least 2,500 head of cattle on the range
for summer feeding.
Following the two victories of Uio
Sutton High school basket ball team,
champions of Nebraska, over Yankton
(S. D.) high school, business men of
Sutton have arranged to send the local
team to Chicago to take part In the
national tournament.
Tho liny Lamb post of the American
Legion of Bloomtleld, Is making prepar
ations for n big carnival dance on
April 20. Tho affair will bo conducted
on the French style and there will hu
a Monte Carlo, French bnr, dugout,
Apaches underworld, cafetarla supper
and other features.
Playing on the floor nt home with
her 8-montli-old bnby sister, the 3-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Peeblcr, of West Point, got n can of
talcum powder nnd sp Inkled some
over the Infant's' face. Attracted by
the child's screams, the mother rushed
into the room and found the baby's faco
completely covered with powder. Tho
nostrils were clogged. The baby Im
mediately became seriously ill and was
rushed to Fremont by automobile. Tho
baby died after physlclnns hud spent
tho day trying to save her life. Phy
slclnns snld tho powder cnused con
gestion of the lungs. .
Omaha Elks are preparing for n
drive to raise funds for the erection of
n clubhouse and home. The mark Is
sot nc 1,000,000.
While hunting for fishing worms,
Harold Henderson, 4, was struck in tho
left eye by the prong of a pitchfork
wielded by his brother, Howard, 5, In
the yard of the Paul F. Welhe homo,
Fremont. The sharp instrument toro
a painful gash near the lad's eye, no
cessltntlng seven stitches. Tho tin
fortunate victim was rushed to 'Omaha,
where an attempt will be made to save
tho sight of tho Injured optic.
The state railway commission nt
Lincoln decided to order extra cars
on tho Omnbii and Southern Intcrurlmn
which was requested by army officers
at Fort Crook. The commission also
refused to make any change In fares.
flibbon potato and cabbage growers
have formed an association with n
charter membership of moro than fifty.
Potato acreago has been greatly In
creased as a result, more than twenty
six cars of seed having been shipped
In. New Irrigation systems insure'
200 to 300 bushels nn acre, growers
Because Lydia E. Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound Re
Btored My Health
Hornell, IT. Y.-"I was In bad health
but there didn't seem to bo any one thing
tno matter wun me.
I was tired out all
over anditwas an ef
fort for me to move.
I was irritablo and
and had trouble with
my bowels and at my
periods. It seemed
around mo knew of
your medicine and
wanted me to try it,
nn nf. Inst I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound Tablets and Lydia B. Pinkham'a
Blood Medicine and improved every day.
I do all my own work now except tho
wr.Bhintr and do it with case. I can ac
complish na much in a day now as it
would have taken me a week to do last
winter and I try to jjet every ono I know
to tako your medicine to build them up.
You aro welcome to uso this loiter as a
testimonial if you like." Mrs. CIIA3.
Baker. 21 Spencer Ave., Hornell, N.Y.
In almost every neighborhood thero
aro women who knovy of tho value of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgctablo Com
pound. They know because they havo
taken it and havo been helped. Why
don't you give it a trial ?
Dyspepsia Soon Disappears
When You
2S.000.000 Bottiei Sold
- WF
"Vaseline" Carbolated
Petroleum Jelly
is an effective, antiseptic
first-aid dressing for cuts,
wound3 and insect bites.
Ithelpsprevent infection.
State Street New York
Cuticura Soap
The Safety Razor
Shaving Soap
CaUcnrSopihYWwlthoutraar. ETcrrwtitr 25c
Appropriate Selection.
Having just finished his sermon on
"Gossip and Slander," a minister la
the suburbs nnnounced tho hymn, "I
Love to Tell the Story." Boston
Look for Name "Bayer" on Tablets,
Then You Need Nover
To get genuine "Bayer Tublets of
Aspirin" you must look for the safety,
"Bayer Cross" on each package and on
each tablet.
The "Bayer Cross" means true, world"
famous Aspirin, prescribed by physi
cians for over twenty-one years, nnd
proved safe by millions for Coldsrilead.
ache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia,
Lumbago, Neuritis, and for Tain in
general. Proper and safe directions
are In each unbroken "Bayer" package.
Something Missing.
She You are a perfect dear I
lie Not perfect, darling, you J.nvo
my heart I Wayside Tales.
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
25 and 75 Packages, Everywhere
Easily killed by usine the cenuinp
in ii ii mum ii i hi ii
I. r? .-. -aril I
Stearns' Electric Paste
AUp HU1IE DEATH to rat nnd tnlce. Thoia
8s:u,,,hh?oaeoc?.,fler,., ot m"u,-?
Directions in lSlaucuanei in eterr box,
nor. slioStc. U01.1I10ILU.
It '
j J
f 1
'V 'r i
A i t