The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 13, 1922, Image 4

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Back to Pre-War Prices
Como in and soo for yourself our exceptional values.
Harness and leather goods of all kinds oiled and repaired
Rebuilding and repairing automobile tops a specialty.
Greater Than Riches
A good healthy body is more to be desired
than all the wealth of the world. Good health
assures a clear mind, inspires energy, ambiton
m anu worKing emcicncy.
3 The Food We Eat Is Important
The careful housewiic will secure only tnc
highest grade groceries and foodstuffs to safeguard
the health of the family.
Our Goods Are The Highest Quality
Selected to give our patrons the best goods
v obtainable at prices as low as it is possible to
', make them.
This Store Will Help You
In the practice of consistent economy and give
you full value for ever dollar you spend here.
P. A. Wullbrandt
' Groceries and Queenswore
on Knobs and Handles'
the Mark of Genuine
Universal Aluminum
For Sale by
Franklin's Love tor Dooks.
Itcnjiinilii FninUlIn hiid nn overpow
ering desire a dcblro which gripped
him to tho end of hls'llfe, nnd to which
lio gave himself over without stint.
That was n .deslro for hooks. Ho read
omnlvorously, If you know what that
means and If you don't, look It up In
jtlio dictionary, llu stole tiuio from his
'work nnd piny, and lelsuie, nnd nor-
eunded his fellow apprentices to illch
books for him from their master's
f Ills first literary adventure wns Into
Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress," and It
was followed by every other hook he
could lay hold of. Of course his field
was limited. In those ancient days lit
tle was published In Boston other than
fcermons, essays, political pnmphlets and
learned treatise?. 'But Franklin didn't
enro whether they wero Interesting or
not. What ho was concerned with was
jnnttcr for rending. Ho wanted to learn
ntho langungo. Ho desired to wrlto It
nnd Bpenk It more effectively thun any
man of his time, nnd ho certainly at
tained a rank with tho finest of them.
An Unlucky Citizen.
"He's so unlucky," Mild the Blllvlllc
citizen, "that of his hoiiMs wuz tor
ketch lire, ho'd lose hU life tryln to
save a Inst yoav'-f alumnae 1" Atlanta
- iri-- -
Wmmm V ) r
11vXwVb - - i' I
SZ x y - T --A
m m v ' tan
Wyiis-j- ! "5s -" I
. lyvn He J
V SHi'AW?Wlir3B(i.a, at smww'Tiam -iwa - avBJhgWWer ." 1 C W
Red Cloud
Ouicldu Cleaned
i"j rr a"
Ready for
CLEAN when put away today,
clean when used again to
morrow. The beauty of "Uni- i
vcrsal" Seamless Aluminum
Ware isn't all in its looks. It
also is in its service. It will
work for you clay after day and
always in a saving way. It will
save you time in cooking better
meals. It will save you time
in cleaning.
"Universal" utensils are seam
less. Rims are tightly rolled to
give them stiffness. Sides and
corners arc rounded for quick,
easy cleaning. Cool handles
doubly braced. Tight-fitting
lids on pots and kettles. All the
newest features for lasting sat
isfaction in "Universal" Alum
inum Wave.
We have everything jor you.
You need everything xve have.
G. W. Trine
Notable Pictures.
A ronuirluiufi' ... !'rtlon of pictures,
which will ho more hlgluj ,:risyd ns
years go by, Is tho series of Amerlcifn
aeronautical photographs which ex
Major Ernest Jones, arnjy air service,
has gathered during his 15 years In
this work. They cover the develop
ment of aeronautics, particularly avia
tion, from 1803 to 1017. Tho 3.S00
photographs visualize tho successive
Mops made by tho Wright brothers,
Curtlss, Thomas, WIttenian and other
pioneers in this country. Somo of
theso aro tho only pictures In ex
Istanco of certain machines nnd
events. "It Is probable," says United
States Air Service, "that this Is tho
most completo collection of air photo
graphs In America." Exchnnge.
Dehydrating Foods.
Preservation of foods In tho homo
by dehydration has been mndo possi
ble, says Populnr Mechnnlcs Magazine,
by tho production of nn ovcnliko ar
rangement manufactured by a New
1'ork company. In operating, a num
ber of trnjs containing tho food to
bo dehydrated, aro placed In tho ap
paratus ,h)lo underneath the'so Is n
pan, or -hunihjtller, having u certain
amount of water tu It, and which has
been previously 1 en ted to the proper
tempt raturi. '
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Kntorcd In the I'oitofflcc nt Itcd Cloud. Nob
as Second Claw Matter'
A. B. MoARTflUR.'.Edltor und Owner
Advertising Rates
Foreign, per column Inch 15c
Local, ' 10 & 12K
Political Announcements
Flvo Dollars will bo charged for nil
parties announcing their candidacy for
nfllco in this column, whether Demo,
crnt or Kepablicnn, and will be run
until the Primary Election in July.
For Sheriff
I hereby announco myself nsa candi
date, for the nomination for Sheriff of
Webster County, at the Primary, July
18, 1022, subject to the will of tho Re
publican voters of Webster county.
' 1 hereby announco mysolf asacandi
data for the nomination for Sheriff of
Webster County subject to tho will of
tho voters of the Democratic party at
tho Primary election, July 18, 1022.
I hereby announce myself as n candi
dato for tho nomination for Sheriff of
Webster County, at tho Primary, July
18, 1022, subject to tho will of the Re
publican voters of Wobstor county.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for re-election to tho oillco of
County Sheriff of Webstor county, sub
Juct to the will of tho Democratic vot
erb, at the prhnnry election, July IB,
1022. FRANK IlUFFEtt.
1 hereby announce mysolf as a candi
date for tho nomination for ShorliT of
Wobstor County subject to tho will of
tho Republican votors at tho Primary,
July 18, 1922. FRED HEDGE.
For County Clerk
I hereby announce mysolf us a candi
date, far the nomination for County
Clork of Webster County, at tho pri
mary, July 18, 1022, subject to the will
of.tho voters of tho Democrat party.
11. F. PERRY.
Thereby announce myself ns a candi
date, for the nomination for County
Clork of Webster County, at tho pri
mary, July 18, 1922, subject to tho wjll
of the voters of tho Republican pnrty.
For County Treasurer
I hereby announce myself as a candi
dato for the nomination for County
Treaburer of Webster County Mibjeot
to tho will of the voters of tho Repub
lican party nt tho Primary election,
July 18, 1922.
I hereby announcu. myself nsil candi
date for tho nomination "of County
Tiensurer of Webster County subject
to tho voters of tho Democratic ticket
at tho Primary oleetion, July 18th
I hereby announce myself tisncuidl.
rlutu for tho nomination for County
Ttensurcrof Webster County subject
to tho will of the votcts of the Repub
lican ticket ut tho Primary oleetion
July 18th.
I hoieby nnuouncc myself as a candi
date for the nomination for County
Treasurer of Webster County subject
to tho will of the voters of the Repub
llonn party at tho Pilmary, July 18,
CHAS. C. BENNETT, Cowles, Nebr.
1 hereby announco mysolf nsa cnndl
dato for the ofllce of County Treasurer
of Webster County, subject to the will
of tho Republican voters nt the ptl
ranry election, July 18, lOS'J.
l E HRITTON, Bluo Hill, Nebr.
For County Superintendent
1 hereby announco myself ns a candi
dato for rcnomlnatlon for County Sup
orlntoudcnt of Schools on tho Non
Political ticket at tho Primary election
Several valuable dogs in tho com
munlty have been poisoned recently,
evidently by some Individual with a
degenerate mind who appears to get
satisfaction in seeing some child grieve
over the death of its pot dog. An effort
should bo made to apprehend this
party with the dog-kllltng mania, for
any person whose senses are eo badly
warped ns to get any pleasuro out of
an inhumnno praotlco like this is n
mennco to tho community an 1 should
I 0 bo let run at largo.
Tho announcement of F E. Ilrltton,
of Blue Hill, who Is aspiring for tho
nomination of County Treasurer on
Wit?, ' tiw
the Republican ticket appears in our
political column this weelc. For sever
al years he lias been cashier of the
Commercial Bank at Blue Hill and is
also city clerk of that place. His many
years of book keeping experience mak
es him a oapablo candidate for tho
ofllco and no doubt he will got n largo
voto nt tho primary.
Chas. C. Uonnett, of Cowlss, filed
Wednesday for the nomination of
County Treasurer on the Republican
ticket. He has been cngnged In busi
ness at Cowlen at different times for
tho past several years nnd is well
qualified for clerical woik such as
would bo necessary in tho perform
nnco of the duties of county treasurer.
His many friends are pleased to learn
of his announcement
The fourth day of March was the
first anniversary of the Harding ad
ministration, whereas several Old
Guard Republicans made frankable
speeches, for campaign distribution, in
which the "achievements" were prop
erly catalogued and commended.
There wore democratic rejoinders,
of course, and for the same purpose.
One of these, that of Congressman
Thomas of Kentucky contained a
poem as follows:
Harding is now my shepherd, and I
am in want.
He makctli me to lie down on park
Ho lcadcth me beside the free 3oup
He rcstoroth my doubt in the Republi
can Pnrty.
lip lcadcth me in the path of destitu
tion for his party's sake,
Yea, though I walk through the valley
of tho shadow of starvation,
I do fear evil, for thou art against
Thy policies and the profiteers they
frighten me.
Thou prcparcth a reduction in wages
before mo in the presence of mine
Thou anointcst my income with taxes,
my expenses runneth over my in
come. Surely poverty and unemployment
will follow me all the days of this
normalcy administration,
Ann i win tiwcn in a rcntcu jiouso tor-
ever. Tho Scnrchlierht.
A NewWay to Save
The new U. S -M porcent Treusnry
Savings Certificate offer nn unusual nt
tractive opportunity for systematic
saving. A fow of tho many advantages
of these certificates are: Liberal intor
ost, nbsolute security, payment on de
mand. No red tape necessary In mak
ing your purchase.
These certificates may bo redeemed
befoic maturity nt redemption pi ices
which lucioaso from month to montb,
yeildlng about 'Mi percent interes'.
The purchase price of theso certificates
Is: 520. SS0, SSf'O. In only five yenis
tho 820 I ocomes S25, fSO beccmes 810',
5800 becomes S1000, 23 pet cent in 5 yrs
4Jij pcicent per yenr. Certificates mny
be pin chased nt your locnl Post Office.
In The District Court of
Webster County, Nebraska.
In Tho Matter of the Application of
.Myrtle A. Putnam, Administratrix of
tho Estate of NeWell C. Putnam, De
ceased, for Leave to Sell lloal Estate.
Notice is hereby given that, In pur J
suance of an order of Hon. Lewis II,
Rlaokledgc, Judge of tho District
Court of Webster County, Nebraska,
mnde on the COth day of March, 1922,
for tho sale of the real cstato herein
after described, there will bo sold at
public vendue to tho highest bidder
for cash, nt the south door of tho court
house in the City of Red Cloud, in said
County on tho 24th day of April, 1922,
at tho hour of two P. M., tho following
described real estntc:
The Northwest Quarter of Section
20, Town 3, llango 10 in Wobster Coun
ty, Nobrnska. Said salo will remain
open ono hour
Dated this 22nd day of March, 1022.
Myrtle A. Putnam
Administratrix of tho estate
of Newell C. Putnam, Deceased,
Costs Money to Run Hotel.
Twenty-two thousnnd dollnrs' worth
Is n lot of pants pressing, but that's
what the annual statement of a lead
ing Chicago hotel put before the board
of directors, showed as ono operntlng
Item. There wero soft drinks nnd oth
er beverages listed at 930,510.70; bar
ber "and boots, $10,714.50; laundry,
$10,013.10, and telephono calls $37,-
452.00. Those wero Just the fow little
things. The hotel Itself took In $1,
157,834.50, and the restaurants $1,115,-
831.01. Tho grand total, under tho
earnings tUlo amounts up to $2,400,
421.20. Against the gross Incomo the
balanco bheet shows expensesof $2,
424,031.01, a superllclal loss of $21,
213.71. While crossing the street at the
Library Thursday cvoning, Ed Feavn
was considerably bruised up by one
of the Frank Seibcrt's boys who iin
over him with an automobile.
A Letter To Make Good
Must impress the person who recieves it with its
importance, whether the correspondence bo of a
business or personal nature. The mails are flooded
with cheap circular letters and the average busy
man of to-day gives his mail the "once over" and
passes most of it to the waste basket. A letter to
demand attention in these busy times must be
Hammermill Ripple Bond
Printed correctly makes the nicest letter head you
can possibly obtain. The hard smooth surface of
this paper renders it particularly adaptable to high
class artistic printing and the ripple finish places it
in a class by itself for attaractive appearance. The
"crisp cackle" you notice in opening a letter written
on Hammermill Ripple immediately suggests taste
and progressiveness on the part of the sender.
It Costs No More Than Other Paper
Come in and let us show you samples of work done
on this stock and figure with you on your next job.
The Red Cloud Chief
Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Bell 1 74.
Mrs. Ed
fs Si
Niggerhead Maitland lU
And 1
Routt County Lump
E -i
We sell for cash that's
why we sell .cheaper.
Geo. Trine
We believe that it pays to give our
customers service and satisfaction;
that is v why we want to sell you a
Here's why the De Laval is the cheapest machine
to buy :
to It will pay you in cream saved from $3 to $5 a cow every
year over an inferior or half-worn-out cream separator.
fk It will pay you in cream saved from $10 to $15 a cow every
year over gravity skimming.
fat It will give you a heavier and belter cream, the kind the creamery-
man wants, the kind that gives you more skim-milk for your stock.
I ....'11 l-.k ... t .! - I
your printed matter comes from
the 'Chief you know it is 'right'
Residence, Bell 241 -.
IND. 32M 5;
i writ
, i mil mat hyu iu icu iinics as long as
other cream separators. Figure it out for
yourself and you will see why the
De Laval is the most economical. '-
And added to it all is the immeasurable
satisfaction of owning a machine that
"works like a charm" 365 days in the
Si know that when wo tell you a
Laral wo'nll you a macbino you'll
be proud to own. We iell them on lib
eral terni. Como fa and talk it OYcr,
i j-