The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 13, 1922, Image 3

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b f
-- '
All Played Out at
Quitting Time?
You Need
TltO World' Greatest Tante
Are Usually Duo
to Constipation
When you arc constipat
ed, there ia not enough
lubricant produced by
your syatem to keep the
food waste soft. Doctors
fircscribc Nujol 'because
Is action is so close to
this natural lubricant.
Nujol is a lubricant not
a medicine or laxative
so cannot gripe. Try it
Life is a burden when the body
is racked with pain. Everything
worries and the victim becomes
despondent and downhearted. To
bring back the sunshine take
Tho National Remedy of Holland for over
100 years; it is an enemy of all pains re
tultlng from kidnoy, liver and uric add
troubles. All druggists, three sizes.
look for the name Cold Medal oa every box
ami accept no Imitation
I I'toUARAgilNlNt
STAND WD nmtif woild ow. Ilimjnd rtj U
bearing Mr. Hills portrait anil ali-natiue.
AlAII Dnattti30 Gu
v. h. nut cosirANt, DtrnoiT
The Diagnosis.
Flubdub Has the doctor diagnosed
your enso?
Goirox Perfectly.
Flubdub How 'did be And out Just
whut you've got?
Gotrox Looked mo up In Brad,
streets I suppose.
Feel n smile nnd tho right kind
of smile will show up; but drat tho
artificial ones.
Mrs. Emma Gunter
l Decatur, 111. "At various times 'dar
ting my married life I have been great
ly benefited by two of Dr. Pierce's
medicines, Golden Medical Discovery
and Favorite Prescription. Tho Golden
Medical Discovery restored me to
hculth at one time when I had a deep
seated bronchial cough and was In a
wenkened, debilitated state of health;
and during one of my expectant pe
riods Favorite Prescription proved not
only to bo n splendid tonic nnd nervine
but I had practically nti suffering. It
Is n pIcnsure"to recommend medicines
jo reliable as Dr. Pierce's and I do so
at every opportunity." Mrs. Emma
Gunter, 1228 N. Calhoun St.
Your neighborhood druggist can sup
ply you with either of these famous
remedies In tnblcts or liquid. Do not
neglect your henlth. Write Dr. Pierce,
Pros. Invnllds' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.,
for free medical udvlce.
Ask Your Dealer
i" f.
Ruuntnucs -,
year's Wear Gp.rnntecd
.77Tr",w Alwari com-
iMl Jn -u 7nrfRlilA
.AZjlttftn! No rubber
i ' 'irv'j io rot.
i nuvpiivr
11 r o ii s o
itretch. If rour de1r doora't
carry Nu-Ways or Kictixoa,
DVIIU Wll(.s hi.iuk uciucr
name. Accept do uDiututc.
run Sr?-W
flu-Way strath Suapcndar
to., iurra., aarun, Mich.
ISSfts $110,000,000
Keep Nebraska Money In Nebraska
Patronize Home Industries
!LLHails " :.-' ' 3SBBI
SJIIIHku $,&. :mm
P?ik Z ' B
fviBBsssssBTJP$' lv
. . . 7-7MKHaK is-sitvm ',1. i' y' ?
"" ''..TmF"mmmmi&"zvzirss
w, m
"Intensive Farming" Applies as
Well to Small Plot as to
the Large Tract.
Careful Gardener Can Find Room for
Additional Plants If Best Judg
ment Is Used In Plan
nlng Seed Bed.
"Intensive funning" long ago won
llic O. K. of the practical agriculturist
who found that It wus to his financial
Interest to make two or more grow
where one grew before.
The same rule applies, or should
apply, to the cottage gardener the
fellow who has only u few feet of
space, compared with the three or four
hundred acre farm.
It Is Just as essential that the back
yard "fence corners" be made to pro
duce ns It Is that the formerly un
ubed places on the farm be brought
Into a state of production.
In the back yard of the majority of
Fiiiull homes, In both country and city,
there are spaces that have been
neglected because the man of the house
wasiot exactly In the mood of spad
ing lttip when planting time arrived.
Spading time should extend from the
time the one crop was garnered the
previous fall to the time when the soil
Is actually prepared for the next sea
sou. Spading In the fall is not a bad
Idea. The leaves and other fertilizer
producing growths can be turned under
and ulso mnde to work for you.
Value of Rich Soil.
If you nro fortunate enough to ob
tain n load or two of stable manure,
of course It Is better to turn this
under In the fall nnd allow' it to be well
rotted by spring nnd not blpwn away
by the winter winds. Although much
manure has a large quantity of straw
mixed with It, the straw also enriches
the soil.
With the ground well enred for In
tho fall before the freezing weather
starts, It Is in condition to be brought
Into the best producing state In the early
spring, when little, If uny, spading will
bo necessary to make tho seed bed
and the worst of the work Is over nnd
the home gardener Is happy with his
Then when nctual planting time
comes when the ground Is warm nnd
there seems to bo no danger of frost
thnt is' the time to make the most of
the situation,
No plants will do their best If
crowded, but there are many vegetables
that will do well by being plnnted
closp together. Those that require
most space should have all they need
but It Is well to remember that some
of the small vegetables that grow close
to the ground and nre out' of the way
early can bo grown between the larger
plants, such ns tomatoes and beans,
which develop slowly.
When CrowdlngCan BeDone.
By exercising careful Judgment a
little more crowding may bo done in
some Instances than has been done
by many gardeners, nnd more Ipter
cropplng planting between tho later
developing plants mny be cnrrled out,
much to the gratification of the
It Is n great pleasure to the proud
gardener to see the young plants shoot
ing up In every nook nnd corner of h(s
hnck yard no weeds stakes for tho
more rapid growing plants everything
looking prosperous.
With reasonable weather conditions
It us Just ns easy to have a splendid
garden ns It Is a poor one nnd not
The Combination Fruit and Vegetable Garden. Strawberries Are Grown
Under the Grapevines Which Are Trained on a High Trellis. Young Fruit
Trees Also Are Growing In This Garden.
w-v !'--? i iaf num
f .- .r.i .- (-!; JL452E3ir i'-SU
.. . -.-j ii 1 1 iVi &q ii y h
much experience Is required to obtnlu
the desired results. Just a little plant
study and the knowledge of your soli
then you are miic of a garden that
will supply your table, if the garden
Is properly cared for throughout the
season. Them Is no greater pleasure
than that of growing a good garden
one that Is the envy of your neighbors
and friends.
Seed Should Not Be Sown Until
' Ground la Warm and No
Danger From Frost.
Sweet corn should he planted on rich
laud and cultivated the same as field
corn. Plant the seed ns soon as tho
soil Is warm in the spring, nnd mnko
successive plantings every two or three
weeks until late summer. The samo
results can be obtained to some extent
by planting early, medium and late
varieties. Plant the seeds about two
Inches deep In drills three feet apart
and thin to u single stulk every 10 to
14 Inches.
Sweet corn, when grown In the
South, passes so quickly from the ijillk
to the dough stage that one should
be exercised to gather the crop j'uM at
the right time, in order to secure the
most satisfactory results. Tho flavor
of sweet corn depends upon Its stage
Corn In the Home Garden.
of maturity and the method of han
dling the product from the plant to
the tnble. Sweet corn loes s sugar
content very rapidly after being re
moved from the stalk. It should,
therefore, be picked only n few hours,
and preferably n few minutes, In ad
vance of the time when It is to be
plnced In the pot.
Varieties recommended: For early
corn Golden Bantnm and Adams
Enrly are suggested, and for medium
and late varieties Black Mexican or
White Mexican, Country Gentleman
nnd Stowell's Evergreen. Tho last
named variety has the largest .ears and
Is the most productive. United
States Department of Agtlculture.
Growing celery for family use by the
bed method cannot bo excelled for at
taining crlspness nnd 'delicacy of
flavor, according to horticulturists of
tho Ohio experiment station nfter test
ing the various schemes of Intensive
garden culture of this crop. Accord
ing to their plan celery may bo oh
talned In the small garden from No
vember till midwinter. For this crop
n level bed four feet wide and ns long
ns desired Is selected. A ditch Is dug
six Indies deep, full width of the
bed, smoothed on the bottom, covered
with three Inches of stnblo manure
nnd then with three Inches of the best
soil saved for the purpose. Soaking
the ground causes It to settle. If de
sired, radishes, lettuce or any enrly
crop may be grown before planting
OAPnFrJR must havp P.aDC
,J ,... . .w ...WW. ....- W....M
A good start for n garden Is
often lost about the tlmo tho
weeds appear. No matter how
cnrcuuuy tne garden may ne
planted or how rich tho soil or
;; costly tho seeds, failure will
':':': surely follow if the proper cultl
','', vntlon nnd caro nro not given
;; iiuiiiiK uiu Kiuwiiig si'usun.
' '
-v-w- T-w-wwrrvwTv T -farrfrrrrrv
7 Lesson T
tHy 1UJ. 1. U. FrmVATlCH, D. D.,
Teacher of HnKlleh Illblo In the Muodf
Ullilc Institute ot Chicago.)
Cop right, 1923, Woatern Newipapcr Union.
LESSON TUXT-John 0U0-31.
QOLUUN TKXT-Thu Lonl Is risen In--ued.-l.uku
First L'nster.
Why We Observo Kimtcr Day.
Thu Eifeut of Ucllcf in thu llcuurico
tlun. 1. Jccus Manifests Himself to tho
.Disciples, Thomas Being Absent (vv.
Ho appeared to several of Ills dis
ciples at bovoral different times during
that day. This Is the fiist appearance
to the disciples as u body. Thu rumors
of Ills huurnl appearances on that day
caused the disciples to assemblo to
talk over the matter. For fear or tho
Jews, they met in a private room and
barred the door. While they were ills
cussing thu Ktrango happenings of tho
day, the Lord inysteilouMy appeared
before them with the greeting of good
cheer, "Pcneo be unto you." Hu did
not come with censure for their fail
ure and desertion. At Ills birth the
angels announced "Peace." Just be
fore he tool; Ills departure, Ho said:
"Pence I leave with you; my pence I
give unto you" (John 14 :7) ; "Let not
your heart be troubled" (John 14:1);
and now the first word after Ills restir
icctlon Is "Peace." Iltnjug calmed
their fears, lie gave them an unmls
takable evidence of Ills lesurrectlon.
"And when lie had so salvj, lie showed
unto them llln hands ami Ills side.
Then were tho disciples glad when
they miw the Lord." Their doubts
needed to be scattered, and Ills peace
needed to be upon them. Consider:
I. The disciples' commission (v. HI).
"As my Father hath sent Me, even so
send I you." This commission was not
Limply to u clnss, as the eleven, but Is
to nil Christians. In Luke 1M:!M wo
find that there weru others there In
that meeting besides the clevCn when
Jesus showed himself to them nnd
commissioned them, showing that tho
commission Is not confined to n class
or order, but Is wide as the Christian
body Itbdf. All Christians, therefore,
are envoys and representatives of
Christ. Thu exorcise of this great
function hi not merely optional with
the lndlvldu: but Is obligatory upon
him. The Lord placed It upon a plane
with Ills own commission from tho
Father "As my Father hath sent me,
so send I you."
-. The disciples' equipment (v. 22).
"He breathed on them, nnd snlth unto
them, Itecehe ye the Holy Ghost."
The mission of the disciple Is n very
grent one, but every one who goes
forth In Its execution lib clothes with
the power of a new life by the bestow
uicnt of Ills spirit. No one who hns
this equipment shall ever fall. Tho
Lord's representatives have Ills life In
them. The barrenness of our efforts
Is due to our. failure to take by faith
our equipment.
a. The disciples authority (v. 28).
"Whoso soever sins ye remit, they nro
remitted unto them; nnd whose soever
sins ye retain, they nre retained." This
authority was not by virtue of office,
but by virtue of having the Holy
Ghost. This would give the spiritual
discernment to know who had or who
had not repented, and consequently,
to pronounce pardon or not.
II. Jesus Manifests Himself to ths
Disciples, Thomas Being Present (vv.
Thomas was absent at tho first ap
pearance of Jesus. Ills absence de
prived him of n vision of the Lord. Ab
sence from the assembly of believers
nlways occasions loss. The other dis
ciples go to Thomas at once with the
glad news of the resurrection, but he
will not believe. Ills stubborn disbe
lief is such that he doggedly declares
thnt unless he sees the prints of the
nails, etc., he will not believe. It Is
right to demand evidence, hut to pre
scribe terms Is rank unbelief. Note:
1. The Lord's kindness to thoso who
huvo difficulties. Thomas deserved re
buke, but the Lord kindly supplied tho
evidence which ho demanded.
2. The revelation ot tho Lord trans
forms n doubter into n possessor.
ill. The Conclusion of the Gospel
(vv. ao-ai).
In these verses John's arguments nro
summarized, 'and an explanation Is
given as to why he wrote this Gospel.
Mnny other things could huvo been
written, but these thnt ho wrote ho
Judged adequate to prove his point:
To prove that (1) Jesus of Nazareth
was tho expected Messiah; (2) that
Ho was divine tho very Son of God;
(3) thnt thoso who bellow on Illtn as
God's only Son the Messiah would
receive eternal life. Eternal life Is In
Ulm nnd only ns Ho Is appropriated by
faith can men be saved.
What Christ Saw in World.
Christ saw much In this world to
tycep over, nnd much to prny over;
but Ho saw nothing In It to look upon
with contempt.
Happiness In Our Heart
Tho happiness thnt wo vnlnlyeek
tho worid over Is nil tho time, within
us, nestled close to our own henrts.-i
Bruce Calvert.
Our Comforts,
sfost of our comforts grow up be
tween our .crosseg.--Youne,
Just a few doses laken In time have saved thousands from serious
sickness. For fifty years Pc-ru-na has been tho popular family
mcdiclno for coughs, colds, catarrh, stomach and bowel disorders
and all diseases of catarrhal origin.
Tablets or Uqnld Hold Everywhere.
WMt3s?Q 1:3V
Historic Date.
On Juno 2, 1870, while experiment
ing on his harmonic telegraph. Alexan
der Graham Pell made tho discovery
that led to tho construction of the
first telephone.
An Equation.
O'ltourke The man phwnt has no
wolfo Is nawthln.' McToolo Ho Is
the mnn phwnt has wan, b'gob? Life.
Riches have wings. Poverty crawls
under tho door and abides.
If You Need Strength and
Reserve Power
The World's Greatest Tonic
Entertainment at Home.
"You nre much more serious In your
addresses thnn you used to bo," re
marked tho friend. "Mnny's tho time
when u mass meeting was held In your
honor, you'd simply hire n hand, tell
a few anecdotes nnd let It go at thnt?"
"Truol" responded Senator Jsbr
glium. "Modem invention has changed
all that. I'vo got to give 'em real
thoughts. You can't expect n stntcs
man to go through life trying to com
pete with tho phonographs nnd the
comic supplements."
Don't Forget Cutlcura Talcum
When adding to your toilet requisites.
An exqulslto face, skin, baby and dust
ing powder and perfume, rendering
other perfumes superfluous. You mny
rely on It because one of ttfe Cutlcura
Trio (Soap, Ointment nnd Talcum).
26c each everywhere. Advertisement.
"How can I keep my toes from going
to sleep?"
"Don't let them turn In."
The charm of a bathroom Is Its spot
lessness. By the use of Red Cross Ball
Blue, all cloths and towels retain their
whiteness until worn out Advertise
ment. Too many people don't wnut to work
with their bands.
17MIJ JWfHiiK77ii
jr e) v y n rMVs28Ki396v
r Is) x" ISSoi
lU AW a WlM!W
WARNING I Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians
over 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions.
Handy "Buyer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggist.
Aspirin Is ths trad dotK of Bayer Manufacture of Uoawostleacldcster ot BaltcjUeseM
A cold Is an acute ca
tarrh which can easily be
come chronic. A great
many diseases may be trac
ed to a catarrhal condition
of tho mucous membranes
lining the organs or parts.
Landof Prosperity it.
pffcroto homo seekers opportunities that cannot
be secured elsewhere. The thousand of formers
from the United States who hnve accepted Can
ada's generous offer to settle on FH EE homesteads
or buy farm land In tier provinces have been well
repaid by bountiful crops. There is still avail
able on easy terms
Fertile Land at SI5 to $30 an Aora
land similar to that which through many years
bus yielded from 20 to 45 bushels of wheat
to tho aero oats, barley and flax also In rtreat
abundance, while rnlslnu horses, cattle, sheep
and hoiis Is equally profitable. Hundreds ot farm
ers In western Canada liavo raised crops in a
single season worth more than the whole cost of
their land. With such success corner prosperity,
independence. Rood homes nnd all the comforts
nnd conveniences which make life worth living.
Farm Gardens. Poultry. Dairying
are sources of income second only to grain
Browlnii and stock raising. Attractive cli
mate, Rood nclRhbors, churches', schools,
good markets, railroad faculties, rural tele
phone, etc.
For Illuat rat0 lltratnr. mar, doacrlptlon of farm
opporiunmni in uaniioua. uoakaiencvr SD.
Alntrta and Urlttab Columbia, reductd
j nica, no., irrira
4, Dee Oldg., Omaha, Neb.
A(nt, Oapt. et tmmttrstlsn
a-aaa vwivrnMiivna tvminivn as Bnaiia
without a cent of cnpltnl In our DIItECT-TO-CONHUMKn-AOKNCY
tnklnr; orders
for tho best Bhoca money can buy. Cata
logs with your nnmo on front cover sent
to your customers. UIr monoy-maklng
opportunity. Wliolo or part tlmo. No
expcrlenco necessary. Kor partlcularo
address TANNIOftS SHOI3 MFO. CO., HO
Developing, Printing
and Enlarging
Lincoln Photo Supply Co.
(Kiuitinan Kodak Co.)
Dept. K, 1217 O St Lincoln, Neb,
MlsfF IfnlJPY If ron are well acquainted ana
V""" muisfcl want to niokn soma pnjiltabla
sltlo money In oormonlal work, wrltn Chas. Xunlock,
lOtn Floor, W. T. Waggoner lildg., Ft. Worth, Texas.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 14-1922.
Dut Few Ever Learn.
Certainly the mistakes that wo malt
nnd female mortals make when we
have our own way might fairly rals
some wonder that we nre so fond of It.
Georgo Eliot.
For many years druggists have watched
with much interest the remarkable record
maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder medi
cine. It is a physician's prescription. '
Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi
cine. It helps tho kidneys, liver and blsd
der do the work nature intended they
should do.
Swamp-Root has stood the test of years.
It is sold by all druggists on its merit
and it should help you. No other kidney
medicine has so many friends.
Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start
treatment at once."
Ilowevcr, if you wish first to test this
great preparation eend ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer k Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for'a
sample bottle. When writing be sure sad,
mention this paper. Advertisement.
Cloves often savor of the spice of
There Is one compensation for the.
man up n tree ho lives high.