3 F i r ': 11 t t 1i. c V ')" L '.j wv, J 0 jjfcrr WtnU llfaiotlout BouMj . f A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, APRIL 13, 1922 NUMBER 15. Fnp i or 1 hat New n i ter ress YOU WILL WANT SILK Have a new line in Foulard, Canton Crepe, Crepe de Chines, Taffetas. Come in and let us show them to you. They are priced right as to grade and quality. BAR3ARA-PHARES Red Cloud, Neb. AGENT HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS Jr JEjiN' JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF Split Red Cedar Fence Posts PRICED RIGHT See Us For efiin New Year by ubscribing For The WORLD-HERALD Nebraska's Big Newspaper The Omaha .Paper With THE LARGEST CIRCULATION Every home should receive a daily paper. Keep abreast with the times. Subscribe now for the BIG Paper The World-Herald. Subscribe for the World-Herald at the Chief Office aBBBamaBaBaiaiBaiHHaKiiia Free Easter Cantata The following ptogruiii'vvill bo given ly tho Community Chorus tit the Hesse Auditorium Sunday evening: Iljmu "AH Hall the Power of .lotus Name".... Audience 1'rayer Kev. Cope Chorus Darkness Holguod Soprano Solo Miss Huron UuhS Solo Halbert Thomaa Duet -Come, Only S tlvntiou Soprano -Mrs. Gellatly Contralto SI rn, UuMi Chorus The Kaster Tidings Soprano Solo Mrs I'otter Chorus Ye Slow of Heart Tenor Solo Mi. Labon Wagoner Solo "llos-anna" Miss Mizcr Chorus Life Everlasting Contralto Solo "Enrth Could Not Hold Him" Mrs. Frank Hughes Quartet Crown the Risen King Mrs. Gellatly, Mrs. Bush, Labon Wagoner, Halbert Thomas Chorus l'raise Iiitii Soprano Solo Huby Koon Trio Teaeh Me to Love Theo Mrs. Gellatly, L Wagoner, Mr. lhibh Habs Solo "The Great Example" Mr. Uubh Offering Chorus Joy to tho World I Garden Seed I AND Seed Potatoes The Farmers Union Red Cloud - - Nebr Clean-Up Day, May 2nd The different clubs cf this city that are active in -civic improvement have set aside May 2nd as Clean up-day. Let, all those who have not cleaned up Jtb.elc.pre raises get busy and remove all the rubbish that may have aceumnlut ed during the winter months. There is nothing that makes u city more at. tractive than well kept lawns and a few ilower gardens. We would suggest that some of the people of this uity in struct their children to walk on the sidewalks instead of going thru folks yards. This organized elfo'rt on tho part of our clubs is to bo commended and we believe should have tho sup port of everyone. COMMISSIONERS ADOPT BRIDGE BUDGET PLAN Red Cloud, Nebraska April 11th, 1022. The County Hoard of Commission ers met at 1 o'clock p. m., ns per ad journment of April 3rd. All mem bers present. This meeting was held at tho te quest of County Highway Commis sioner Ovcring who desired the Board's co-operation and assistance in outlining the roadwork in Webster county for tho ensuing year. After a general discussion of vari ous matters, arrangements were made to conform with 1922 Budget as adopt ed at meeting of April 3rd. No further business appearing tho Board adjourned to meet May 2nd. 1922. P. F. PERRY, County Clerk. Eighteen' Months Old Boy Victim of Pneumonia Phil I. croy, the eighteen months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Wolfe, pass ed awny at their home Sunday after noon after a brief illness from pneu mon I a The funoral services wore held from the home Monday altornuon, Rev Cope in charge, after which Interment was undo in the city cemetery. Tho baromnl parents linve the sympathy of their many friends. Bryce W. Miller Passes Away Bryco W. Miller, aged 00 years, who had made his homo for many years with his daughter, Mrs. F h. Mines and family, passed away Monday at Hastings after a brief illness. His re mains w.cre brought to this city Tues day and the funeral services were held Wodno'sduy afternoon at tho homo of his daughter with Rev. Copo in charge, after which interment was made in the cemetery east of Cowles. taxssmmvMWKGMni iEMMjiix!rjMttcgwtBBasmiaj fl ALARM CLOCKS AMD POCKET CLOCKS $1.25 to $4.75 Just Arrived Direct From The Factory Big Ben ' Baby Ben Sleepmcter Jack O Lantern Baby Ben Luminous Big Ben Luminous America's Pocket Ben Glc-Bcn GET YOURS NOW KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEDR. COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES (By County Superintendent) Some 310 took examinations the sixth and seventh of April. Friday the Red Cloud High School ptt up a very nico little program frr tho ontcrtninment of the pupils talc ing examinations at the court hquse. The program was strictly high school tulcnt with tho exception of tho solos given by Miss Ruby Koon. The Bladen school has been rein stated in class B, duo to tho good work of tho Superintendent Miss Good rich together with tho hearty co-operation of the school board. Guide Rock has been admitted to class A within the last year. Thoy are pory proud of reaching this stan dardthey havo a right to be, surely. Inavalo is getting out notices for a meeting, April 29, to vote $5000.00 additional bonds for tho new school building. Tho Eckloy school are talking some about a new building. Some land by tho school, wo are informed sold for $100.00 an acre in this time of falling prices, all duo to it;s nearness to tho school. Teacher's examinations April 15, Gun Club Shoot Twentyllve shooters faced the trap at tho regular shoot Sunday afternoon and some very good scores wcro made on each twentyilvo bluo rocks. Chan, llroughton was high man breaking twentyflvc straight and a long run of fifty four without a miss. It was a nico day for shooting and tho boys turned out good and will be in good shape for tho shoot to bo held at Alma, April 1G, lied Cloud shooting against the Alma Cub. A special meeting will bo held tonitc at 7:30 shnrp at the Independent tele phone olllco and wo ask all Club mem bers to bo thero and bring a new mem ber with you O. V. Damon, Secretary. Tho following Is tho scores made: Geo. Kalley r3 Earl Hall 73 II. llulsobush CO .TayCheek 71 Chas. Hronghtou 08 Roy Rust 15 Ted Lambrecht ...... . . . , 38 G W. Damon &7 K.Shaw CO P. l'eterson ' 37 Sk jet ver . . . ." t 07 P. tiambreeht ...'. 20 W. K. Lambrecht 3L J. Lambreoht 30 J. O. llroughton Jl P. W. Sharif 33 Clms. Waltors SO W.Sutton 50 Harvey 11 Johnson 17 R. Day 10 J.Petorsou 31 Webster County Sunday - School Census Tho Sunday Schools of Webster County arc to take a complete Sunday School Census of the entire County a week from next Monday, April 211b. This census was decided on at the County Convention of the Sunday School Association last September Since that timo tho Commlttcu in charge of planning tho Census has been planning and organizing the work. The County has been divided Into districts and u definite district allotted each Sunday school for tho canvassing. Tho Sunday Sohools will divide their local districts up among teams of two workors each who will do the canvassing. The plan Is to havo tho work planned so that thu whole county enn bo covered in one foronoou, At present there nro thirty throe Sun day Schoolo in tho County affiliated with the County Sunday School Asso ciation. Thcso sohools aro (located so as to reach easily most of th: territory tn tho county. It is purposed to fol low tho census with a County wide "Go '6 Sunday School Sunday" which every man, woman and child living In Webster County will bospoclally invit ed to attend Sunduy School aud enroll In some cla6S for Bible Study. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Wc do building from tho excavating to the painting complete. Wc will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work. Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. Wc build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY Shop first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phone 72N tminnmrawiin BE PRACTICAL The young man in love often goes into raptures about "the blue of the sea in her eyes and the golden haze of autumn in her hair," but remember this, young man SHE'LL EAT just the same as any other healthy girl. Therefore, get down to practical affairs. Save your money, deposit it in a good reliable bank like ours and get ready to own a home for you and the girl and to provide the three square meals a day that you will both need as long as you live. You know when poverty comes in at the door, love sometimes flies out at the window. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flomnce, Pretident Rod Cloud, Nob. S. R. Florance, Cashier Capital and Sttrplus $'jj,ooo.oo Vtpotlti Guarantttttbythe Drposltort Quaraniij Hand oftht State ofSttratka tariHEBM! w, WA Are Yon Buying Dependable ILO AIL That is The Kind We Sell Malone Gellatly Co. ,V.V.VAVAV.V.V.V.V.VAV.V.VVAVAVAV.VWAVI. fc i We Do Only The Highest Grade COMMERCIAL PRINTING Add Tone to your business by getting the best Don't Forget! May 2, Clean-Up-Day ?m 1