The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1922, Image 5

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Buy Bread at Powell and Tope's.
W. S. Beezlcy spent Saturday in
Hastings. ' i '
Miss Nina Simmons spent Saturday
in Hastings.
Mrs. J. W. Stockman spent Mon
day in Hastings.
Miss Emma Bargman spent Thurs
day in Hastings.
Jas Silvcy was down from Inavale
Tuesday afternoon.
Two good places to cat, at homo
and Powell's Cafe.
Rev. Fitzgerald was a passenger to
Superior Wednesday morning.
Chi.Xntncl is tlio boat varnish lloor
and furniture Sold by Cotting.
B. F. Mizor was a passenger to
Hastings Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Herb Ludlow was a passenger
to Grand Island Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Jus Peterson and Mrs. Frank
Peterson spent Monday in Hastings.
Miss Gladys Smith of McCook is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wolfe and
James Doyle shipped a car of hogs
from Lester to Kansas City Tuesday
morning. "" t '
Mr. and Mrs. Will Finchcr are the
parents of a baby boy born Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Chancy of Fre
mont spent the weekend with friends
in this city.
Lynn Bush is spending a few days
hero with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
N. B. Bush.
G. W. Damon and Warren Sutton
attended the blue rock shoot at Hast
ings Sunday.
Frank Foley spent Sunday here
with his family 'returning to Hastings
Sunday evening.
Rev. Ncwland returned home Fri
day evening from Grand Island where
he spent a few days.
Mr. and Mrs Harry Gilham and
children of Holstcin spent Sunday
here with their parpnts
Dr. and Mrs E. A. Croighton went
to Omaha Sunday morning to spend
a few days with friends.
Grant Christy and E. W. Stevens
were in Hastings Saturday attending
to some business matters.
Judge Blackledgo and Court Report
er Lee Johnson were passengers to
Hastings Monday morn'ng.
Tom Swartz returned homo Friday
morning from Ellis, Kansas where he
purchased a car of hogs to feed
Mrs. Laird Potter returned homo
Thursday evening from Hardy where
she had been visiting ho parents.
James Rodgers, aged 62 years, 6
months' and 3 days, passed away nt
his home at Cowles Tuesday morning.
George Amack returned home
Thursday from Kansas City where he
had two cars of cattle on the markat.
The Misses Minnio Christian and
Virginia Tate returned to Holdregc
'Monday morning after spending the
weekend here with the former's moth
er, Mrs. Christian and fam'ly.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ducker departed
Friday evening for Rochester, Minne
sota whero tho latter will undergo un
operation at the Mayo Bros, hospital.
Mrs. J. W. Hauck accompanied them.
State Deputy Sheriff, 0. D. Hedge
and John Jones and Sheriff Huffcr
were in Smith Center attending dis
trict court the last of tho week. These
gentlemen were witnesses in tho caso
of State of Kansas vs Chas. Mimick.
Farm Loans
-All wanting farm loans call aud see
me. I bavo something new to offer
you. J. II. BAILEY.
SiafeAlTTOXiPlllednfthPrettyGIrl11. Tunny Cloii
Corgeoai Itqulnile, llrllllint Sceulo Hnvironmtnt.
Aiway the Biggest and Bast Show West of Chicago,
Now Wall Paper nt Cotting's.
Wm. Linn, G. R. Beck and Art Gil
bert returned home Thursday evening
from Omaha where they spent a few
Will Robertson and John Yost weic
in Rivcrton Monday evening wher-
they loaded three cars of cattle foi
Mrs. George Hines returned to her
home at Wymore Tuesday morn'ng
after spending a week here with lnr
Miss Anno Rannoy arrived hove
Saturday evening to spend a few days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Aultz and chil
dren of Riverdale, Nebraska spent
Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. S. G.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Salnden went lo
Republican City Friday evening after
attending tho funeral of his aunt, Mrs;
Dr. R. V. Nicholson departed the
first of the week for Rochestci', Min
nesota, whero his wife is confined to
a. hosptial.
F. W. Cowdcn returned homo Sun
day morning from Republican City
where he had been attending to busi
ness matters.
Donald Funk who is attending col
lege at Hastings arrived hero Friday
evening to spend the spring vacation
with relatives.
R. T. Cook returned to McCook Sat
urday after working a few days as
switchman in tho local yards during
tho absence of Glair Wolfe.
Miss Minnio Kellett of Clay Center
nrrived in the city Saturday evening
to spend a few days with hpr parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kellett.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L'nn have movi'd
into the Garbcr property recently va
cated by Dr. Nicholson who has moved
into the Paul Pope residence.
Cecil Crowcll returned to Lincoln
Sunday morning to resume his stud'es
after spending the spring vacation
here with his parents and friends.
Mrs. D. G. Addleman of Obcrlin,
Kansas arrived in tho city Tuesday
morning to spend a few days with
licr brother, N. B. Bush and family.
Miss Thclma McBride who is at
tending college at Hastings is here
spending a few days with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McBride.
Millard Ailes returned to Lincoln
Thursday to resumo his studies at 'he
state agricultural college after spend
ing a few days here with his parents.
Tho Community Chorus will render
a cantata at tho Bosso Auditorium
on Easter Sunday at 8 p. m. Tho
public is cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. Jas Tanquary went to Falls
City Saturday morning to spend a
few days with her husband who is
working in the Burlington roundhouse
at that place.
Ben Copley, Oliver Buzzard and
Roy Palmer went to Omaha tho lust
of the week and drove back three
new Ford cars for the Smith Bros. &
Copley garage.
Hobert Blackledge returned to Lin
coln Sunday morning to resumo his
studies at the slate university after
spending a week here with his fatner,
Judge Blackledge.
Miss Margaret Dickson arrived
home Wednesday morning from Knn
sas City she being called here on nc
count of the death of her mother,
Mrs. E. Dickson.
Mrs. C. II. Miner shipped one cpr
of cnttlo to Sanbom, Sunday morning,
Delancy 'tiros., one car of hogs to tho
Kansas City mukct, nnc) A. B. Crabi.l
two cars of hogs to St. Joe.
Horses Wanted
for Eastern Market, must be fat and
broke. Bring in your good ones to
Ualley'a tie barn Saturday, April 8th.
Frank Howard.
De Forest S
Parts Supplies
Fairburv Radio Co.
,216 4th St. Phone 251
Bert Benson of Superior was in tho
city Wednesday ovonlng.
J, W. Auld has bought Dr. Damercll's
residence Dr. Damernll and wife hnvo
moved into the Overman resldonco.
Miss Mildred Polnicky returned to
Lincoln Sunday morning to resume
her studies nt the state university
after spending tho past week hero
with her brother and wife.
The bids for tho erection of n 815,000
school building at Inavale were open
ed Wednesday af to moon and tho Board
decided to make the building smaller
and resubmit the plans for blda
Red Cloud Gun Club
Tho next shoot will bo hold April
Oth at 2 o'clock. Come out boys ilfty
strong and get in shnpo as wo will
shoot ngntust the Alma Club tho fol
lowing Sunday, CO bird program. Vis
itors welcome Seerctary.
March Weather Report
Temperature: Mcanil dog, maxi
mum 78 deg on 3?iid, minimum 1 be
low ou'2nd.
Total Precipitation: 1.50 inches.
Total snowfall: 0 Inches.
Number of days clear 15. partly
o'oudy 7, cloudy 0. Dates of sleet 18
and 20th, thunderstorms 18 and S.rth.
Prevailing wind Direction N W 9
days. Precipitation slnco Jan. 1, 2 15
Inches. Chas. Ludlow, Observer
Dr. Geo. W. Morrow of Detroit
Michigan, Nationnl lecturer for the
Anti-saloon League of America, will
speak at the Baptist church, next
Sunday morning at 11 a. m. Dr.
Morrow has crossed tho continent
many times in tho past right years in
his work as National lecturer, lie
has been received on every hand with
glad acclaim, not alono because of
the work that ho has accomplished,
but because of his groat force of
speech and personality.
Dr. Morrow's message next Sun
day morning will bo on tho general
theme of law enforcement. His sub
ject will be "Americas Opportunity At
Homo And Abroad."
The sqrvicc will bo held at Baptist
church beginning at 11 a. m.
Orders Wireless Phone
March 31, lOW
Mr. J. W. Auld,
State Bank,
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Dear Sir:
Mr. W. J. Linn placed an
order with us yesterday morning tor a
wircloss telephone Radio outfit to be
supplied to Mr. B. S Qarbor.
There is going to be a little delay in
shipping this us wo aro waiting for
somo of the very latest improvements
which have just been put in action a
few weoks ago which gives u very
much clearer voice and service that has
herctofor been used and will bo ono of
tho most complete outllts that wo have
cvir sold and will be the flrbt complete
outfit that has been shipped to the
Stitc of Nebraska cud wo liopo it. will
glvcyou the service that you antici
pate. Yours very truly,
Mid West Electjuo Co
Gifts Doubly Useful.
I "Tho most useful gift Is tho hock
able one," philosophized "undo" as ho
dusted off tho pledges. "For the past
month or mora wo have been getting
in the presents from tho holiday sea
son, the ones for which there was no
use first. Now, as hard times begin to
pinch, wo -aro getting In more."
Watches head tho list, according to
'the pawnbrokers. The little Ivory
clock sent to the boy living in tho
ballroom of tho boarding house is of
uso In tiding over tight week ends.
Girls bring In their wrist watches and
trinkets and explain in detail Just
what tho circumstances aro that forco
this last resort. That many now cus
tomers aro being croated was evi
denced by tho manner In which they
approached tho shops. They enter
cautiously and should there bo an
other customer Inside, try" to whisper
their wants and nro reluctant to show
tho article cnrrled.
Negligent of Their Duties.
It is said that only about HO per cent
of tho pcoplo of London fulfill their
Toting privileges.
Red Cloud
Dr.R. V. Nicholson
Red Cloud
Nebr ask
Red Cloud, Nebr
April 3rd.
Board met in regulnr session with
all members present nt Commercial
Club rooms at 8 p. m. After minutes
of previous meeting, of March 13th,
were read and approved the Board
audited and allowed the following
National Wood Renovating Co....$ 0.G0
Mrs. Rantz ....
R. P. Wcesncr & Co. -
E. W. Stevens
Grico & Grimes
... .72
... 3.C0
... 25.80
. 1.00
.- 1C.00
- G.75
Mnlonc-Gcllatly Co.
Graham Furniture Co.
Red Cloud Chiof
On motion. Miss Lavinn
Day of
Superior. Nebraska, was elected toacli
cr of Domestic Science at a salary of
$125 per month. Motion made by
Ovcring to increase salary of music
teacher $100 for school year, not
caricd. On roll call Ovcring, Grimos
nnd Sherwood voting aye and Porry,
Wcesncr and Pope no. Also motion
to re-elect teacher of Agriculture for
S1500 ncr venr not carried Ovcrincr.
Grimes and Sherwood voting aye and
Porry, Wcesncr and Pope no.
Kansas Pickups
F. M. Brown and family spent Sun
day at Frank Browns.
This vicinity was visited with a much
needed rain Sunday night
Mrs Sarah Rolihau of Topeka is vis
iting rolativcs around here.
Mrs Flora Blair is on tho sick list
but is somo better lit this writing.
Uobb Lannigau and family vlsltod
with Hex Rollhan and wifo Sunday.
Newell Mnrrctt and wife of Lebanon
spout Sunday with Earl Abbott and
U 1 P.iyne anil family attonded n
Sunday School hooial at Cora Saturday
Mis. Frank Strickland and Miss
Hazel llnxton visited Mrs. E E. Spurr
lor Sunday.
Austin Spurrier and wife of Burr
Oak bpent a couple cf days Inst week
with their son James Spurrier.
Report of (lie Condition
of tiu:
Bank of Inavale
of Inavale Charter No. 795 In the State
of Nebraska nt the close of business
April 1, 1922,
Loans nnd Discounts.... .....
UvcrdraltH . -
llomlH, Hccurltlqs, judgments, clnlmH
otc, including nil government
"bonds ..Z... '... .
Hanking house, lurntturo & ilxturcs
Current oxncniics, tnxes nnd Inter
est pnld..... ..................
Duo from nntlonnl and stnto
banks 8U,i79.2fl
Currency. ..... 1 ,615.00
Gold coin 70.00
Silver, nickels nnd cents.. 000.09 1(1,181.37
Totnl - S 1 18,010.23
Capital stock jmld In.... 8 10,000.00
Surplus luntl 10,000.00
Undivided profits 0,017.80
Individual deposits subject
to check . ... 77,70U.5l
Tlmoccrtlllcnlcsoldcposlt 31,505.08 112,275.10
Hills pnynblo .. 10,500.00
Depositor's gunrnnty (and 1,150.21
Total ? 118,010.23
County ol Webster f"
I, U. H. McUrnry Cashier of tho above nam
ed bank do hereby swear that tho abovo
statement is n correct nnd truo copy ol tho
report mndo to thoBtnto Hanking Hoard.
Charles Hunter, Director.
Alfred McCnll, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
1st day oiiApril 1022.
C. M . Sherwood
(Seal). Notary Public
Church on next Sunday evening at
7:30 p .m. at tho Baptist church, the
pastor will deliver an illustrated lec
ture on the subject "Awakening
China." The lecture will present in de
finite form, the true China of to-day.
Almost nothing is known of internal
conditions in this ancient country, the
scat of n civilization thousands of
years old.
China for many years closed its
doors and refused to commune with
the outside world, tho people lived to
themselves in much the samo manner
as did their ancestors thousands of
years ago. This condition was chang
ed a few years back, and in th'o place
of tho ancient China of tho centuries
there stands a new China, a China
of great opportunities, a China of
mighty ideals and high ambitions.
The pictures to be shown in connec
tion with tlie lecturo next Sunday
night, will reveal tho actual accomp
lishments of Christian influence, The
gospel message has in truth done
mighty things for China as it has in
all places whero the application of its
principles has been made.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all those interested in tho Mis'slonnry
entcrprlsq, to attend and enjoy the
Tho, Pnlnco Bakery Is Installing a
now soda fountain today. ""
PLU'ttn, Piggy
-tvtry muddtr
glvi htr klddlta
cautt you can eat
Brtat big bowlt
an' thty tatf
K,o od'tr an'
thty'r ail crltpy
an' dandyl"
tasted Coin Flalces so
joyously flavored, so
ctispycmnchy &s Kellodgs
. That's why big and littlo folks who know tho differ
once insist upon KELLOGG'S! Tho thing to do is to
mako comparison Kcllogg's against any other kind of
corn flakes you over ate! If it's quality, or all-thc-timo
enspness or dolkious or appetizing flavor you wanfc
well, just wait till you cat Kcllogg's! Aud, what a de
light to know they're never leathery!
YouMl get so cheerful about Kcllogg's that tho day's"
best hours will be when it's timo to sit down with thd
family in front of generous bowls all filled most to burst
ing with thoso big, sunny-brown. Corn Flakes! Never.
Hn iff AEffi
?! r&.M&"
s '-fjr'
Get The Best Easter Suit
You Can Buy
Not just because you want to
look stylish that day, but
because you want to keep right
on looking stylish
Hart Schaffner
make the best clothes We know
anything about; best in the
skillful designing, best in the
all wool fabrics and needle-
$32.50 to $45.00
Shoes and Oxfords
Never have we shown a better line of
shoes. Men's dress shoes in the latest
3& from..:.$4.00 to $8.50 ,
K2f...$fc?B to $4-50 .
Remember we strnd back of every pair we sell.
W.G. Hamilton Clothing Co.
The House of Quality
Yes, Garber's The Margin of Safety
w TVnv VMc -! Is ronroscatod by 0 amount of
IS Jl IT i laC6 insurance you carry.
To Buy Wall Paper, Paints, Don't lull yourself into a fanoled
And Electrical Supplies. Because fire has never touched you
mi, i,i. i rrt p:0tm-A It doesn't follow that yoa'ro Immune
The best place for Picture Tomorrowno todoy; If you have
Framing. . time and you better And time
- oome to thejoffloo aud we'll write
mmmmmb a P0"cv on yur house, furniture,
etoro or merchandise.
TjlE MGHES WftY -later may bb too latb-
Cleaners-Dyers-Tailors O G. TEEL
WE CLEAN HATS R.eile.ble Insurance
was a uottor timo than tomorrow
morning to prove that KELLOGG'S
Corn Flakes aro about tho "gladdest!
of all good things to cat."
Insist upon KELLOGG'S -'tti(j
hind in tho RED and GREEN packi
age -if you want to know how won
dcrfully good corn flakes can bol
'fVB$ EkV cSf?J,ffi A TW9
feJWfcjxa JLVJLSJtSLH.Khrt
and KELLOGGS BRAN, cooled" J ImmM
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