RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF fnm iihihib Line. HI.'IW Alaska Leads U. S. Largest Percentage of Income Tax Returns Come From That Territory. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA NEXT Southern Agricultural States Are Well Down the List New York Leads In Total Returns Million nalres Decrease. Washington. Interesting tilts of In formntlon relating to American In comes nro Included In the Treasury department's report covering returns for the calendar year 1010, which has Just been made public. Contrary to popular opinion the larg est percentage of returns according to population was not from tlio wealthy Industrial centers, but from Alaska nnd tlio District of Columbia. The territory's showing 17.17 per cent was explained by tho number of In dividuals operating their own business, while that of tho District of Columbia 13.-I0 per cent was believed to have resulted from the high ratio of govern mono employees with salaries of raoro thnu $1,000 a year. Tho southern agricultural states In variably were far down tho list. Mis sissippi citizens inndo returns com prising only 1.83 per cent of tho total population; North Carolina, 1.45 per Scot, nnd Alabama, 1.7-1. New York led In total returns with roc than $3,000,000. Sources of Revenue. Tfco analysis mado by tho treasury pt tlio sources of Incomo showed thnt thoto In tho $1,000-$2,000 class ob tained 77 per cent of their personal ffcfeiuo from wages nnd salaries, 3.S pei' cent from rents nnd roynltles, 1.4 per cent froln dividends nnd 4.7 from interest on Investments. This was contrasted with tho tax- Eayers with Incomes of 51,000,000 who row only 1.84 per cont from salaries, 23 per cent from partnerships, 11 per cent from snlo of real estate, stocks, etc., 0 per cent from rents nnd royal ties, 88 por cent from dividends nnd 11 per cent from Interest on Invest ments. Deductions permitted by tho govern ment also showed a wldo variance, amounting to 7.47 per cent for Incomes between $1,000' nnd $2,000 and 20.43 per cent for incomes of $2,000,000 nnd over. Agriculture in Lead. Agriculture nnd related Industries comprised mpro than 81 per cent of those making returns, "trado" 20 per cent nnd public service 22. Corporations reporting "no not In come" totaled 110,504; tho aggregate deficit In this class was $005,000,000. Wales and His Fine Indian Tiger BBBBnhiJh .aw iA,BBBBBBSaLPKlllJ )mkKU JBj I iff iSSSSSlV " JWfc t i H y r ABiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK Tho princo of Wales' first big gnmo hunting expedition to tho wilds of Nlpnl on tho southern slopo of tho Iltmnlyas, India, was of unusual success, his royal highness bagging ns flno u specimen of n tiger ns tho best of professional hunt ers ever hoped for. Like all gcnulno sportsmen tho prince proceeded to havo his picture taken with Ids prlzo. HE MAKES A Radio Operator on Doomed Ship Grim Humorist to Last. fTalks as If He Were Going on Lark In Port Instead of to Bottom of Sea Not a 8oul Saved From Vessel. Now York, Tho grim humor of a wireless operator, who laughed at death and flashed bits of wit Into the ether as his ship, tlto Norwegian steam er Grontoft, with thirty persons on board, wallowed and slowly sank dur ing a mid-Atlantic hurricane, was recorded on tho radio log of tho Dan ish steamer Estonia. Each detail of tho ship's plight, each call for aid, was supplemented by tho Jesting comment of tho radio man, whoso identity Is still unknown. LIo tallica as if ho were going on n lork in port Instead of to tho bottom of the sea. Ills laBt message, a disjoint in Wealth Sevcnty-ono per cent of tho firms en gaged in mining nnd quarrying de clared thoy had mado no profit in 1010, ognlnBt 40 per cent in ngrlcultur6 and related lines and 13 per cent In tex tiles. Interesting changes In tho flnnnclnl status of certain taxpayers were noted in tho report. One group of 001 each who reported Incomes of under $100, 000 In 1014 was reorganized In 1010 so that only 100 remained In that brocket; 180 returned Incomes of up to $800,000, 205 up to $1,000,000 nud eight over that figure. On tho other hand 07 selected tax payers, who paid on Incomes of $1,000, 000. and over In 1014, dwindled pro grcsslvcly to 23 In 1010; eight of those "lost" dropped back to tho $100,000 class. IODINE LEADS AS ANTISEPTIC Especially Preferred by Physicians Engaged In Industrial Work, Con. ference Board Finds. New York. Iodlno still holds first plnco as a skin and wound disinfectant In Biirglcnl technlc, particularly In the Industrial medical field. Such objec tions as havo been raised to it wcro against tho danger of burns nnd tho discomfort it causes rather than against Its efllclcncy as n sterilizing agent. In spite of tho great popular ity attained by chlorln compounds in tho treatment of war wounds, Iodlno still holds Its general popularity and fuvor In medlcnl circles in tho trent- Air "Chatter" Now Popular Wireless Telephone Receiving Stations Are Rapidly Grow ing in Number. MILLIONS BY END OF YEAR Washington Keeps No Record of Re ceiving Stations, but Officials Estl. mate Huge Number Will Soon Be in Existence. Washington. Before tho end of 1022 there will bo installed throughout tho United States u minimum of 1,000,000 receiving apparatus to pick up tho "chatter" that is being broadcasted dally through the air by radio, so gov- JOKE OF DEATH ed one, was a scries of witticisms with death as tho butt of tho joke. Tho Estonia, Itself hard hit liv tho 110-mile gale, mado n valiant but un successful effort to reach tho Grontoft, which first sent out calls for aid when about 700 miles cast of Capo Race. Tho Estonia at that tlmo was forty eight miles west of tho disabled Nor wegian and steaming in an opposite direction. Cnpt. Ilans Jorgcnsou or dered his ship about and It steamed slowly toward tho Grontoft. Meanwhllo Itndlo Operator Hansen engaged tho operator of tho Grontoft In conversation. Tho latter sent out first tho following a stereotyped Irony of tho Tseos. "God pity tho poor sailors on n night like this." Then followed n series of "ho, ha." "And' say," ho continued, "tho old man thinks this calm will bo over by nightfall. Wo euro need somo breeze." An hour later an urgent call for aid was sent out by tho Grontoft, und Its operator Jested again. i r a Washtub Sentence I Judge Gcorgo It. Ileftloy of Huntington, W. Va., established n precedent when ho sentenced James Alexander to duty nt ids wife's waslitubs, Alexander was arrested on Ids wlfc'B complaint that he failed to support her nnd that ho was dependent on hor earnings from washing clothes. Arraigned In court, Alexander pleaded lack of employment and was sentenced to help his wife do tho washing until ho found steady employment. ment of cuts and various Injuries In civil life. Tho Conference Board of Physicians In Industry, which nets as adviser to tho National Industrial Confercnco hoard. 10 East Thirty-ninth street, on medlcnl problems In Industry, recently Investigated tho extent In which iodlno Is used as a wound disinfectant In In dustrial work, tho strength In which It Is used nnd tho method of preliminary cleansing of tho wound before tho op plication of Iodlno nnd dressings. ncplles were received from 05 phy sicians, all of whom wcro doing Indus trial work or surgery closely allied to Industry. Forty-live replied thnt they used a solution of flvo per cent strength or less nnd twenty used U. S. P. or grcnter strength'. A few indus trial physicians snld they did not use Iodine, or only sparingly. Thcgo men preferred such disinfectants as dl-chlornmlu-T, picric ncld, Dakln's solu tion nnd similar products. The objec tion to Iodlno wns that it caused burns too frequently. Several physicians emphasized tho importance of having tho skin per pectly dry before Iodlno Is applied. eminent ofllcinls In Washington esti mate. No license nnd no record Is required of rccelvlug stations nud thero Is no way of knowing Just how many thero are, but where there were only about' 25,000 a yeur ago It is believed thero are at least 200,000 now, and of thnt number fully half havo broken Into tho radio gnmo In the past thirty days, Developing Radio Operators. Washington has never witnessed anything like tho wuy tho wireless tel ephone has caught tho imagination of tho American people. All such mat ters como under D. B. Carson, com missioner of navigation in the Depart ment of Commerce, Washington, who Is literally deluged with applications for licenses for sending stations, espe cially tho big broadcasting plants. Tho big growth hus como within tho past month slnco the" few successful demonstrations on a large scale of tho wireless telephone. Prior to this tho department conducted propaganda to Interest amateurs to break Into tho game, so tlio nation would hnvo a re servo of radio operators who know tho game. Now it con hardly answer tho thousands of queries thnt come In. Manufacturers of receiving, appara tus for tho wireless telephone report that thoy cannot begin to 1111 tho or ders nnd are doubling their output every fow weeks, while tho turning out of homemade apparatus Is being undertaken by the Inventive American noy. Farmer Will Benefit Most. As government ofllcinls In Wash ington see It, perhaps tho biggest beno llt from this new and marvelous de-' vclopinent will nccmo to tho farmer In reducing his Isolation. Some months, back tho Department of Agriculture began broadcasting market reports,' through postal stations nt six points. Sim then three stnto universities nnd n half dozen newspapers have taken up tho proposition. Less Manila Hemp Produced. Moniln, P. I. Total production of Mnnlln hemp In 1021 wns 092,822 boles, compared with 1,051,001 ba!e3 In 1020, a reduction of about 30 per cent. Tho decrenso In production Is ascribed to tho poor demand, especially in tho United States, which is tho chief con. suiuer of hemp. "Well, tho steward Is making sand wiches for tho lifeboats. Looks Uko wo wero going on n picnic." Again n half hour later he sent: "Tho old wngon has n list Uko n run down heel. This is no weather for a' fellow to bo out In without nn urn-' brelln." "Hold on," returned tho Estonia's wireless, "we'll bo alongside soon." Tho Grontoft did not reply "until forty minutes inter. Then: "Wo nro sinking stern first. Tho boats nro smashed. Can't hold out any longer." "Tho skipper dictated thnt Ho ought to know where did I put -my hot7 sorry wo can't wait for you, pressing business elsewhere "S ." Six hours after picking up tho first call from tho Grontoft tho Estonln reached its reported position, nnd though it cruised about for four hours, failed to find oven n trnco of wreckage. Tho number of hours tho fog along tho Atlantic const Is greater toward tho north, nnd has amounted to as many as 1,000 hours per year. Idle Husband Given NEWS OF STATE TERSELY TOLD Recent Happenings in Nebraska Given in Brief Items For Busy Readers. Tho east ward school building ntover the state. (Ioldrcgc was completely destroyed by Mrs. Minnie Gnrrlson, of Lincoln, Are. Tho loss Is estimated at $7",000. has brought stilt for .W0.000 ngntnst Tho Hlgler Hurdwnrp Store of Bent- ( Drs. II. II., O. W. and M : II : Kverett flee was broken Into for tho second who she alleges left a lMnch rubber time within n week, several revolvers tube sewed up In her body n year ago. K'i'u' tlPI,.' . J AI,)ort "" Alfred naumelster of The North Omaha Manufacturers' Merrick pleaded guilty to having In exposition wlfl be held nt Twenty- ti,0Ir position n pheasant which had fourth street and Amos avenue during the first week in April. Preliminary arrangements for the or ganization of the branch of the Knights of Columbus nt Schuyler have been made by tlio Columbus lodge. The bnnk at Stnplehurst, was robbed 111 litffrrlttitl ttili ik litmil li .. ( n a l ml raped with several hundred dollars 1 Worth of war saving stamps. lug stamp A Wide, printed In 1707 nt Com bridge, England, was among articles placed In tho new public school build-! lug cornerstone Just Inld nt liny Springs. : The elevator belonging to tho Te feumsch Farmers' union was sold nt public unction for $G,r00. A new com pany will be organized to take over tho property Horticulturists state thnt prospects ' -"'ss Margaret Slttner, a Y. M. ('. A. were never brighter for a fruit crop in employe nt Hastings, learned that in the southeast section of the stnto. the meantime her mother, her sister Cherries and other small fruit sliow!anl ler brother havo died, while her grent prolnlc. father has become paralyzed mid two F. W. Taylor. Omaha, regional chair-, brothers, nro caught In the famine re man of the war finance committee ns-. slon. sorts thnt federal loans aggregating District Judge W. M. Morning of $10,0-11.000 hnvo been made to No-! Lincoln committed Zelmn Iiigg, III, brnska farmers. j bride of Lewis P.lggs, 17, to tho (Jeiievn Farm work Is reported three weeks . Industrial Schhonl for girls, nfler show abend of the umiiiI season In Cheyenne'ling by Juvenile court ofllcinls of her ano iJiiei counties. The soil is In good , condition In spite of the fact that the winter hns been extremely dry. Phillip Frost, farmer living between Sargent and Bnrwoll, sustained two broken arms and a split shoulder blade when lip wns Jolted from his wagon as it struck u ditch nnd his tenm ran away. General John J. Pershing has no titled the American Legion at Wayne, thnt ho will accept the Invitation to speak at the Fourth of July celebration If his presence In Alaska is not neces sary at that tlmo. rhonins Piirmeloe, 40, former mnyor , of Plnttsmoutli, at one time president of the Hank of Commerce nt Louis ville, and for many years one of the wealthy citizens of Nebraska, died nt the stato hospital In Lincoln. The board of education of consoli dated district No. 14, southeast of '"""' "' " ""l "W l "' Dawson has let tho contract for the' mwilnn nf n .... h-IM, hll,lm will r,.st nnnwirimniniv oo.nnn exclusive of tho boating nnd plumbing. .. . .,,.,.. .,,.. ...... ..t, ,- ! vw Loreno Taylor, formerly of Fullerton, now employed by the Paramount I -i ire cnrimnmon at uo.iywoou, cai., requesting that the governor recom fn thft experimental photographic de-1 mcml to Noi,n,sI..,.s congressmen log partment, has evolved a method by i ,, lllllt ,, Int,.n,lp(1 t0 nx tllt. pnco which pictures can bo produced In ' 01I IIRricii!turnl products, color at n nomicnl cost, I , , A , n , , , ' One of the largest prairie fires this One hundred nnd (ifty-one acres of Hecl,on of . lHte ,,,, SCUI , land adjoining bo men's reformatory I ovCr a thlrty-mllo strip In southern southwest of Lincoln were purchased Um.k cmmty ,mriliB thousands of Vi,!!1-0 AV.V 1"',ir;1. of1co,1,t1 f"r l'- tons of hay and destroying pasturo WIAj. Title to ho lam Is given I,y ,,,. Th(1 0JC1(;, lxtont ,,, tl,L ,,,. X C. ncrest. 1 he additional land ac- affv ,111S ll0t ,;on IIHCcrllliIlc,,. lt ,8 ,)0. aulred will bo used In developing Instl- llovi(, tlmt llM!re wns nn ,()SS ()C nre tutlonnl enterprises Persons wero summoned from all over Ity the terms of the will of tho Into, the southern part' of the country to Chrlstene Muenstormanii, who died re- ( fight the Humes, hut were unable to cently at bis homo near J.anham, sev- stay the progress of the fire until after oral Lutheran organizations will re- It had swept through the territory ceive bc(iipsts amounting to Sr,n00. ' around llutka postollice. and hnd reach The sum of .fll.OOO Js willed to Martin ed to within a fo,w miles of Pony Lake, Luther seminary of Lincoln; ?l,r00 Is only twelve miles south of Newport, to he deposited at the Mulenherg Mis-1 Schuyler business men announced jiloii, Liberia, Africa, port to bo used t Umt tlly ,mvi, pm-chaned the plant and by the hospital for the maintenance of io1Hi)k of Wells-Abbott-MomaTi Co., n Wllholni and Chrlstene Muenstei- ,Kilt ,y nlo cinrk of the Omnlm maun room. National bank a receivers' sale last Claims aggregating $121,000 against November. The price paid wns !52."0, the defunct American State bank of .000. This Is the largest milling in Aurora, based upon alleged fraudulent stltutlon In the middlowost, with n ca converslon of money nnd property by paclty of grinding 7,000 bushels of Charles W. Wentz In his triple ofTIcInl ' wheat dally and of producing ,."00 cnpaclty, are upheld by tho Nebrashn barrels of flour dally. Upon the death supreme court ns preferred Items of Chnuneoy Abbott, tho last of tho ngnlnst thp assets of the bonk now In three founders, the plant was re-lncorp-possessloti of A. F. Ackerman, re- orated and stock In tlio sum of $l,n00, celver. The decision will wipe out n , 000 Issued and nearly 200 men wero cash fund of approximately $100,000, .employed. The sharp decline of grain It is stated. Wentz was prosecuted and flour during tho winter or 1020 nnd convicted for violation of the bnim- i"d '21 and tho tightness of tho money Ing lnws and has an nppenl pending be- market forced tho plant Into the hands fore the supreme court. (,f " receiver. Nebraska lias a poultry population of The congregation of tho Presbyter. 10,000,000 fowls, nn Increase of 28 per , Inn church of Scnttshluff, by a vpte of cent over ten years ago, according to two to one, decided to build the new tho report of the state agriculture o-1 church homo on tho slto f the present partment. Tho stnte cnpitol commission nt Lin ieoln has Installed an electric lino run ning from the Iturllugton grounds without waiting to ascertain the court's decision on tho attempt of property owners to obtnln nn injunc tion. Materials are being hauled to tho grounds and excavations are under way Jn preparation for erecting tho $.",000,- 000 Htatehouse. i In nccordanco with a p2tItIon signed by 200 business men and farmers, tho Union Pacific has made Lodgepoio a lag stop for train No. 10, facilitating passenger truffle to points west. The Methodist church at Mnrslond Is raising a ten-aero field of Triumph ! h,s nil,1 woro ,rol(, potatoes to. aid church activities. A Clint Adams of Peru pleaded guilty farm motor machinery company has h, court to n complaint filed by County (offered to farm half of the Held with Attorney Helnko charging him with tneir motor ninciunery tor the purpose of mnkliig comparative tests. A church nt Harrison, hearing of the plnn, an nounced that it wll) plant n field for similar aid. At the Seventeenth annual Automa bile show, Omaha tho attendance wns in excess of 10,000 persons tho opening day. Tho farmers near Powell are organ izing a company to take over tho Powell elevator before the wheat-crop moves. A petition in the Interest of former Governor John II. Morehead of ltlch ardson county ns n demnrrnttr rim ill- (date for governor Is being circulated Just been killed. Pheasants are pro tected by the law nnd so the Judge fined them Sl.'IO and costs. Said to hnvu drunk illicit liquor In celebration of his twenty-fourth birth day his first taste of hoozo Lennnrd Whaley died In Lincoln sanitarium, IJ.V V " !"m V'S,1K!n 1'("' '' ",'c,,,"c vlulB,y m lwin the party It cost Herman Lurcur. 10,000 rubles J" M'n'1 lotu''' frll Kl Hussln to his uncle, tho Itev. II. I). Penner at Hentrlco. Normally this would repre sent ?7,000 in United States currency. Loronz recited a tale of famine nnd pestilence. In the first letter she had received from her homo in Husshi In three voars Immnturn ni:o. "This rnimnltiiipnt la not for an offense committed," Judge Morning said. "It is merely to give her n chance to go to -chool. When she Is released, she may retain to her husband. Her marital status Is not nfTeeted." A peculiar accident happened to Mar tin Larson, living south of Lexington, wiille hauling to market u wagon toad of hogs. When crossing tho old wood en bridge ne.-oss the Platte river south of Darr, n span gave away, letting tlio wagon, pigs, horses and Larson fall twelve feet into tho river. Larson was successful in coming oiit without a scratch and also succeeded In driving and swimming the pigs to the bank. which was about a half a mile away. Tho horses were unhurt. Governor McKelvle is not In sym pathy with any program for fixing ,..Hl..r.a .. t .,....... .. ... '',""" '"', 'V 7", , , "" T products, "8 "what tile hllslllOSS of tllO "i?try nec.lH most now, and this in. eludes the fanner, Is to bo let alone a while so thnt the natural laws of econ omy niny operate iiutrnmmeled," ho ,,;, , ' ,eUur t0 1(.nJnmm , .Marsh. one near tho business district. The recent rain nnd snow gnve tho ground In tho western part of the stato tho first good wetting It hns had for over six- months. Farmers who had examined their wheat were saying It wns still nlive If only U could hnvo moisture. Now it liau had tho much needed moisture nnd no doubt In ft few days the miracle of a resurrection will he wrought In tho wheat fields. W. N. Rrooks, of Pawnee City, bus iness mnn, was seriously Injured when ho fell down a long flight of steps after losing his balance. Ills shoulder, hack and three fingers wore badly sprained and two hones In passing n worthless check on n mer- chant several months ago, lie was fined ?25 and costs which lie paid muT was released after making tho check good. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers IfYm V MJJ t Doesn't hurt a bill Drop a littls "Frcczonc" on an aching com, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right of! with fingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Frcczone" for a few cents, sufficient to rcmovo every hard corn, soft corn, or torn between the toes, nnd the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Rare Indeed. In n recently published story occurs tho following: "Ilnving'thrust a New Testament into ills pocket before starting he now took It out and read the Twenty-third Psalm." This must have been n rare copy of tho Testa ment, unknown to nny person other than tho author and his character. A Feeling of Security You naturally feel recurc when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine b Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, kidney, liver nnd bladder remedy. Tho same (standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Root. It is scientifically compounded from cgctable herbs. It is not a stimulant nnd is taken in tcarpoonful doses. ( It is not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving Ind overcoming kidney, liver and blad der troubles. A sworn statement of purity In with' every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Gwamp lloot. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On sale at nil drag stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. v However, if you wish first to try this jLi prcat preparation send ten cents to Dr. fr Jvilmer & Co., Ringhnmton, N. Y., for 4 -' sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. Where Texas Draws the Line. Personally we claim thnt women, hnvo n right to smoke if thoy want to, but we would bote to seo a Ifousewlfet making pies with a pipe In her mouth, y -flalvcston News. " Whom They Do. Orator "And speaking of work " Voice From Rent "Landlords do tho leased 1" Wayside Tales. f ISP-SJiJLOOM Lioyu&sAgts Baby Carriages &Fumiturv Ask Your Local Dealer Write Now for 32-Page Illustrated Booklet mmmmm The Lloyd Manufacturing Company VUywooJ.W'ak'ficU Co.) Dcpt. K Menominee, Michigan (19) MiRiH r Use Martin's 100 Pure Varnltliea to Drottct and btautlfr floors, doora nnd frame, window taah and trim, etc Sim. pie to apply, easier to keep clean, more , swing, lpanomi ana iiracuve. Martin's 100 Pur VarnUha are not uajitnttd wun renin, Mntla and umiiu lUHiiraut. jn coti no mora . uu i nit nor tutu wn. uroaiirajMd- a mffaeutrinaTerrcommanuycan to tw mama's varaiaaaa. ir aava no own in toot 19 wn, wnn lor nun 01 nTM(. MARTIN VARNISH CO., Chlcaao, IU. I jnajtsra or ;w rurm vamttht LARQEST AND STRONGEST IN THE CENTRAL WEST Hamtlmumrterm OMAHA. NEBRASKA XSIfts $110,000,000 Keep Nebraska Money In Nebraska Patronize Home Industries PATENTS Watson B. Coleman : r, ".u. AOTicaana book irea Bate remonablc. Ulabatt referencei. UMtierrloea 1).C. Adrlcaand book Inm FREE booklct"Fmm Ratlrnad Clork to Oil Macnnto.'' FOR SALE-Alfalfa $7-Swect clover JC Timothy U. John Mullmll, Boo City, lo'va. ItUti'JUIl i vacia f 1111111111111111111 1 in iiiiiiiiiliillil li VHmxlJwti JnffHnN u llfi umBlSlwi iiMiMff m ( -. V V )"