The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 30, 1922, Image 4

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    wed otdtAr waiAWE cnn
MY -M 0 " 4 ft.
Ku don't have to coax
hid and little talks to eat
Helloes Com Hakes
k. i
"llere'e a big an'
full box, Hetty,
tit at 1st r atwayt
has ttvtral path
ngtt of Ktllose't
'eaute we eat 'em
upoh, awful
Just as soon as you servo
Kellogg's you'll noto fussy and
faded appetites getting njJghty,
sharp; you'll find big bowls being
handed back for "just a few rnoro
Kellogg's, mother thoyrq
And, that'll make you glad, for,
Kellogg's Corn Flakc3 are a great
speed-start for the day's doings!
They make for health and happy;
digestions 1 Kellogg's arc never,
leathery or tough, but always joy
ously crisp!
Kellpgg's tho original Corn
Flakes will bo a revelation to
your taste if you have been eating
imitations I For your own enjoy
ment, do this: compare tho big,
sunny-brown Kellogg's Corn
Flakes with other "corn flakes."
Eat some of Kellogg's then try,
the imitations! You'll rcalizo
then why Kellogg's Corn Flakes
arc the largest and fastest soiling
cereal in tho whole world!
Do more than ask for "corn
flakes." Insist upon KELLOGG'S
'Corn Flakes in tho RED and
GREEN package! My, but it'fi
worthwhile! a
Vhe red" cloud chief
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Entered in tho rostonico atltcct Cloud, Neb
an Bccond Clous Matter'
A. B. McARTHUK, Editor and Owner
Advertsing Rates
Foreign, per column Inch 15c
Local, " " 10 & 2A
Political Announcements
Flvo Dollnrs will bnolmrfjod for nil
parties announcing their nandldaoy for
ofllco In this eoltijnn, whether Demo,
crnt or Republican, and will bo run
until tho Primary Election in July.
Alio mKkttt of KELLOGG'S KRUMni.Ll ami KELLOGG'S BRAN, coolicd and fcrnmMcd
For Sheriff
I hereby announce myself rhu candi
date, for the nomination for Sheriff of
Ycbster County, nt the Primary, July
18, 1022, Biibject to tho will of tho lie
publican voters of Webster county.
Greater Than Riches
A good healthy body is more to be desired
than all the woalth of the world. Good health
assures a clear mind, inspires energy, ambiton
and working efficiency.
The Food We Eat Is Important
The careful housewife will secure only the
highest grade groceries and foodstuffs to safeguard
the health of the family.
Our Goods Are The Highest Quality
Selected lo give our patrons the best goods
obtainable at prices as low as it is possible to
make them.
This Store Will Help You
In the practice of consistent economy and give
you full value for ever dollar you spend here.
P. A. Wullbrandt
Groceries and Queensware
A material reduction has been made in tho charge for
installing and moving telephones. This reduction has
placed telephone service within the reach of many people
ai ' i bo number of subscribers attests the popularity of
the reduction. Telephone service, so universally neces
sary in the conduct of business, social and personal
affairs, may now be established at a very nominal cost.
Telephone service is recognized as a necessity and,
through its sale at actual cost, development has gone for
ward at a rapid pace. By placing the telephone within
the reach of every one the company is taking a big step
in the development of tho community.
Comparative figures showing both the formor and pres
ent charge for establishing telephone scrvico are givin in
the following tablo:
Telephone Service Connection and Move Charges
Present chargo Former charge
Installation of service, instrument
not in place, business telephones,. $2.00 $3.50
Installation of service, instrument
not in place, rcsidencCand rural
telephones 1.50 3.50
Installation of service, instrument
in place -..,. t No charge
Installation of service, extension
telephones, instrument notln place I.OO
Moving an instrument within the
same room i I.OO
Moving an instrument from ono
t room toanother 2.00
' Change in' type of equipment at
subscriber's request mm 1.00 3.00
Further information relative to telephone rates and
service may be secured from the Local Manager.
Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company
I hereby nnnoumie tnyrolf asaenndi
date for tho nomination for Sheriff of
Webster County subject to tho will of
tho votors of the Democratic party at
the Prlmnry election, July 18, 1022.
For County Clerk
I hereby announce mydolf as a can d I.
date, for tho nomination for County
Clerk of Webster County, nt tho prl
mnry, July 18, 1022, subjoct to tho will
ot.tlio votors of tho Democrat party.
11. F. PERRY.
I hereby announce mysolf as ti cnndU
dato, for tho nomination for County
Clerk of Webster County, at tho pri
mary, July 18, 1122, subject to tho will
of this voters of tho Republican party.
(By County Superintendent)
Efghth grade examinations will bo
held in all two teacher mrnl schools
and in the towns on April 6 and 7.
Teachers' examinations April 1G.
All Juniors sliou'd have their three
required examinations in by this ex
amination. Seniors should have their
six required subjects complete.
A prize contest for High School
students paying $15, $10, $5 for tho
state, nnd $500, $200, and $100 in Na
tional prizes is to be conducted by the
NcarvEast Relief. The copy of Iho
oration mUBt ba.scnt to the State
Director of the Near East Relief by
June 15, 1922. " The oration must
have been given at some public gath
ering, Commencement exccrcisc or the
like, must be on some phase of the
Near Easb or the Near East Relief.
Application cards may bo obtained
from tho County Superintendent. The
essay must contain 1500 to 2000
The names and nddresscs of some
of the western county Superintendents
Ilox Butte county, Opal Russcl,
Banner county, J. H. Macauley,
Chas county, Mrs. Mac S. O'Con
nor, imperial.
Cheyenne county, Anna McFnddcn,
Dawes county, Ednn P. Rinckcr,
Deuel county, Mrs. Retta P. Brown,
Dundy county, Una Richards, Ben
kclman. Garden county, Mrs. Blanche W.
Riddilo, Oshkosh.
Kimball county, Rachel McEboy,
Morill county, E. P. Kelly, Bridge
port Tho D. Appleton and Co. of 29-35
West 32 Strccb New York are offer
ing what they represent to be a $30
encyclopedia for $15.
Tho law docs not allow any 7 or 8
grade students to take tho examina
tion from a teacher that has had a
hand in instructing him in that grade.
For County Treasurer
I hereby announce myself as a Candi
da to for the nomination for County
Treasurer of Webster County subject
to tho will of the voters of tho Repub
lican party at tho Primary election,
July 181922.
I hereby announce myself asaeamll
dato for tho nomination of County
Treasurer of Wobster County subject
to tho voters of the Democratic ticket
at the Primary election, July 18th.
A Letter To Make Good
Must impress the person who recieves it with its
importance, whether the correspondence be of a
business or personal nature. The mails arc flooded
with cheap circular letters and the average busy
man of to-day gives his mail the "once over" and
, passes most of it to the waste basket. A letter to
demand attention in these busy times must be
Hammermill Ripple Bond
Printed correctly makes the nicest letterhead you
can possibly obtain. The hard smooth surface of
this paper renders it particularly adaptable to high
class artistic printing and the ripple finish places it
in a class by itself for attaractive appearance. The
"crisp cackle" you notice in opening a letter written
on Hammermill Ripple immediately suggests taste
and progrcssiveness on the part of the sender.
It Costs No More Than Other Paper
Come in and let us show you samples of work done
on this stock and figure with you on your next job.
The Red Cloud "Chief
I hereby announce myself nsncandl
date for tho nomination for County
Treasurer of Webster County subject
to the will of the voters of the Repub
lican ticket nt tho Primary election
July 18th . i.
For County Superintendent
1 hereby announce- myself as u candi
date for reunmination for County Sup
erintoudent of Schools on the Non
Political ticket at the Primary election
.Inly 18th. ESTELLE E.1DUCKER.
Lift week wo published an article
bunded "The Put lire of the Pamlly"
which whh written and contributed by
one of our prominent men, and as we
anticipated it brought from our rend
ers h great, deal of favorable comment
and a storm of protests. We urn in tn
way responsible for any of the state
ments made and deserve no credit
where the article met with favor and
accept no criticism from those who
were displeased with tho assertions of
tho author. We simply gave it to our
readers as it was submitted to us The
subject was a matter Id wbioh. we are
no way interested personally and we
admit it took in considerable torrltory
altbouKb we bellevo tho author in
tended bis statements, to apply to a
condition in the country generally
many of our readers tcok it to be a di
rect hit at our immediate locality. So
far as we are poisonally concerned we
don't euro how much or how little tho
womou wear nor whother it be opaque
or diaphanous. Where and for whom
they work concerns us not in tho least,
If your printed matter comes from
the 'Chief you know it is 'right'
All Rural Patrons who have been
notified by tho Local Post Offico that
their mail box does not conform to
tho regulations required by the Post
Office Department, should see that
the repairs and chancca of which
they were notified recently aro made
boforo tho first of April as the De
partment required that an inspection
of all routes be mado at that time
with aNroport of tho names of all 'f.a-
trong nerved by Rural Free Delivery,
who have failed lo respond, to the
notice sent them Plenty oif tinu has
been given for any necessary repairs
and it is hoped that all thoso who
have not already dono so will cheer
fully conform to tho laws of the Post
Offico Department.
H. C. LETSON, Postmaster
Will Take Hog Census
Washington, D. C. March 19: A
special report thnt will indicate the
probable big population of the leading
swine states this spring and next fall
w.ll be made by the United States De
partment of Agricultuic cooperating
with the United States Post Office
Department early in May, it was an
nounced today. Over 24,000 rural
mail carriers connected with 9500
post offices in fourteen representative
states will collect the necessary data
about May 1.
The plan is to secure reports on
simple card questionnaires from not
less than twelve farms on each rural
route in the various states. Th's in
formation will be collected by ru-al
mail carriers in the regular course
of c'elivcring mail and returned to the
Postmaster for forwurd'ng to the De
partment at Washington for tabula
tion.. A card can be filled out in
less than two minutes
. The States to bo covered aro Oh o,
Indiana, Illino's, Iowa, Nebraska,
Kansas Missouri, M chigan, Wiscon
sin, Minnesota, South Dakota, GeO'--p.m
Alabama and Mississippi. Special
(ifibrt will be made to have tho re
turns truly representative of the to
rltory from which they are takon.
From these "Sample" returns, ratios,
percentages, and State totals can bo
worked out nnd applied to the num
ber of all farms in these S'ats.
The information on each card will
be confidential, and only percentages
and totals will bo pMbl shed. The
card will indicate the to'.al ncresc
in each farm and the total acreage
of crop land including hay land. The
numbers of fows wh ch hxve farrow
ed or are due to farrow between Jan
uary 1 and June 30, 1922, will be
shown, as well as the number of sows
on farm last year which farrowed be
tween the same daes n 1921. Simi
lar information will be given w'th re
gard to sows farrowing between
July 1 and Deiomber 31. Tho aver
age litter for 1922 to dnte of th" re
turn, and the average litter for the
first and last six months of 1921
will be shown.
The quest'onnairc is so simply ar
ranged that thn giving of all this n
formation requires the no'nMon of
only n'ne figures and tho name nnd
address of tho fnrmer. The survey
and estimate will be made at rcmatk
able small cost.
An accurate estimate of the prob-
ablo p'g population for the year will
be of great value to hog raisers.
This information considered in connec
tion with the estimated, consumptive
demand will enable growers to plan
their operations and marketing fo
that tho supply at all times will b n
proper relation to the d6mand, which
in turn will trend to stabll'zc prices
throughout tho year and prevent wide
prta ranges. Both the producer and
consumer will bo benefited by such a
Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Bell 174. Residence, Bell 241 J
Mrs. Ed Amack
We Sell
Nigger head Plait land
Routt County Lump
We sell for cash that's
why we sell cheaper.
:: ::
3 C
Begin the New Year by
Subscribing For The
Nebraska's Big Newspaper The Omaha Paper With
Every home should receive a daily, paper. Keep
abreast with the times. Subscribe now for the BIG
Paper The World-Herald.
Subscribe for the World-Herald at the Chief Office
Dr.W.H.Mc Bride
Yes Garber's
Is The Place!
To Buy Wall Paper. Paints,
And Electrical Supplies.
The best place for Picture
Framing. '
Red Cloud
The Margin of Safety
Is rcpreucnted by the amount of
Insurance you carry. .
Don't lull yourself into a fancied
Because Are has never touched you
it doesn't follow that you're immune
Tomorrow no today',1 'if you have
time and you better' And time
ontno to thejofllfo and we'll write
a policy on yqur house, furniture,
stare or merchandise!
K.eila.ble Insurance
P i
" ' nrsz
! ,1
1 .( t
t ?
i '
ft ?
V "' -V