The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 30, 1922, Image 3

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Why Western Canada Agricultu
rists Are Smiting.
Low Overhead Expense and Bountiful
Crops Have Enabled Them to
Overcome Agricultural
Tlio recent agricultural depression
drought to the eyes of the world tho
fact Hint one. of Its bnnle industries
wns likely to suiter a fcevoru blow un
less steps were tnlivu to secure n rem
edy. Physician after physician ap
plied remedies, hut even parliamenta
rians ami newspaper! were unable
to plnco their finger on the pulse that
would respond. As It appears today,
It was u spasmodic wave due to the
ebb and How of the tide of readjust
ment that was bound to follow a dis
turbance such as the Great Wtw
Psychologically It was bound to
change; there was certain to be a re
flex movement that would bring agri
cultural conditions back to the place
where they normally and rightly be
long. Efficiency and sound business judg
ment nrc needed moi'o In agriculture
today than ever before and are as Im
portant to the farmer as to a railroad
company, or to n great steel corpora
tion. The farmer must endeavor to secure
nn equal footing In the competition
for a lower cost of production. In
Western Canndn Hie farmer has come
through the dark era with that forti
tude and determination so pccullnr to
a new country, and Is meeting the
changed situation with energy and a
smile. Jn Western Canada the farmer
is not bumpered by an annual over
head expense o,f heavy Interest on
high-priced land.' lie Is able to pro
duce nt n minimum, because his land
value seldom exceeds !?.r,0 an acre.
Owing to the fact that hcris farming
land the -price of which Is from $25
to $50 nn acre, producing crops of
wheat running from 20 to 40 bushels
per ncre, and other grains In propor
tion, ho Is nble to produce nt n low
cost. In addition to this, a fact which
should not be lost sight -of, Is the largo
nrea that he can farm nt low cost, giv
ing him nn adfled advantage In reduc
ing the cost of production.
The corn that the farmer fully ex
pected to bring lilm over a dollnr a
bushel, he saw carried away to the
market, nnd bring back n SO or 40 cent
check. Whent for the whole of Can
ada averaged 80 cents a bushel in 1021
ns compared with $1.02 in 1020; oats
37 cents ns ngnlnst 53 cents; barley
47 cents as against 83 -cents., Other
grnln prices similarly fell. While
other pnrts of the continent," where
grain-growing is carried on, linve suf
fered In like manner by deflntlon In
prices, they have had to face a much
higher cost in production, such ns high
rents, high-priced farms, nnd high
taxes. Farmers had calculated on re
ceiving war or nearly war llgures for
their grain nnd therefore were amply
Justified In submitting to the tax that
soaring lnnd prices set upon them.
Western Canada fortunately did not
suffer from Inflated land prices. There
fore, when grain prices fell, tho losses
sustained were not so grent; they did
not cut out the mnrgln of profit, ex
cepting in some cases where some cll
matlc conditions cntised It.
Why not take advantage of tho
Honicscek'Ts' rnto to any point in
Western Cnnnda, of return rate single
faro plus $2.00, nnd get Information
from the nearest Cnnndlnn Govern
nient agent? Advertisement.
For Voters to Consider.
It is a dangerous thing to give a
bad man power, and a hundred times
more to have him find out that he
has It. Exchange.
Not at All a Bad Idea.
Just ns tugboats and American Le
gion posts nnd suburban streets nro
named In memory of persons who
have been associated with them, so
wedding gifts nro designated by the
name of the giver. When the bride
calls to hubby from tho kitchen for
the "company" sliver, she nsks for
"Aunt Berthn's" soup ladle or "Jack's"
tea strainer, or "Mother Jones'" tea
cup 'set. And hubby may inquire Im
patiently for the hand-worked towels
"thnt Annie sent us." Of course, tho
system may also bo used to flutter
come old flame who happens to bo
0 Two Evils, Etc.
The wife of a farmer had a tongue
that cut like n knife. One day the
minister pnssed tho fnrnisterfd nnd no
ticed tho 'farmer standing calmly in
tho midst of a heavy downpour of
rain. "Why on earth don't you get
Indoors?" ho queried. "Oh, sir, It's all
rlcht," replied the farmer; "I'm shel
tering frao tho storm. Man, I tell ye
it's nncthlng outside tne what It Is in
side." Problem In Criticism.
Criticism presents to the creator a
problem which Js never sojved. Criti
cism Is, to tho artlSt, a perpetual pres
ence; or perhaps a ghost which ho
will not succeed In laying. If he could
Bntlsfy hlsThlnd that criticism was a
certain thing, n good thing or n bad, a
proper presence or nn Irrelevant, ho
might psychologically dlsposo of It.
But he cannot. Waldo Frank.
Dally Thought.
What u man has, so much be la
euro of. Ccrvontes.
Original Home
Sf Pftrcelanv
Chinese Potter
(rrcpuretl by tlio Nnllorml Geographic So
ity, Washington. D. C.)
The greatest Industrial city of China
is Clilng-lch-chcn, a place which per
haps not one American In a hundred
lias heard of. But when it Is added
that this out-of-the-way place, !J0O
miles Inlnnd and without rail connec
tions, Is the original home of tho porce
lain Industry of the world and still the
great Chinese center of the industry,
the town takes on n certain signifi
cance. There nre few cities In Amerlcn or
Europe that are so completely given
over to a single Industry as this one.
Though the methods of production are
primitive, the city must still be classed
as nn Industrial center. It is a rare
prlvllego to visit tlils conservative but
Interesting old place and see with one's
own eyes the fasclnntlng process of
pottery making from beginning to end.
Chlnawnrcl What does the word
connote? Slihply a ware made of clay
and named for the country thnt first
produced It. Whether it be a green
tile from a temple roof, a dish, a vase,
or a painted ornament from n wealthy
celestial's home, It nil has n traceable
connection with Chlng-teh-chen. With
the Chinese, Chlng-tch-chen nnd por
cclnln are synonymous.
In order to get a fair understanding
of tho nltuntlon, It will first be neces
sary to let the render know the lo
cation of this place and something of
the difficulties in reaching it.
After locating Shanghai on the map
of China, one should trace his way up
the Yangtze river to Klukiang, south
of which lies Po Yang Inke. The quick
est nnd surest wny of reaching Chlng-teh-chen
Is to. proceed from Klukiang
to Nnnchung, tho capital of the prov
ince, by rail. This trip can be made
in n day, barring nccldcnts, though the
distance Is only 00 miles. In prospect
it docs not seem a dlillcult tnsk to
cover the distance between Nnnchnng
nnd Chlng-teh-chen, 120 miles, but In
reality the trip requires more time
than It takes to travel from Snn Frnn
clsco to New York. Ono must cross
the enst end of Po Yang lake and then
push his wny up the North river Into
tho heart of tho mountains, to n point
not far from the Anhwel border.
"Town of Scenic Virtue."
The first view of Chlng-teh-chen
from an approaching boat, with the
smoke Issuing from the chimneys of
scores of kilns, Is an amazing one.
The city Is located between the mouths
of two rivers which flow Into the North
river, one from the east and one from
tho west. The town Is naturally sup
plied with nn abundunce of fresh wa
ter, tho clearness of which stands out
In vivid contrast to the muddy yellow
ness of the Yangtze nnd of Po Yang
Beautiful hills completely surround
the city, those on the cast rising to a
height of about two thousand feet.
The river banks are dotted with pine
nnd camphor trees, while occasional
groves of bamboo In lighter green add
n charm nnd beauty dlillcult to de
scribe. Chlng-teh-chen ("Town of Scenic
Virtue") Is one of tho four largest
towns (ns distinguished from cities)
of China. Technically, It Is a town,
because It lias no wall. In reality it
Is a busy industrial city of 300,000
people, two-thirds of whom nro en
gnged In the manufacture nnd sale of
porcelain. Itomantlcally, It Is a city
to stir men's souls. Longfellow, In his
"Kernmos," speaks of It. Historical
ly, It dates buck to the Hon dynasty,
220 A. D., during which period we find
tho flrst records of the production of
porcelain In China, though earthen
ware vessels were probably produced
some centuries earlier.
Two mnln streets, nbout three miles
long nnd conforming to tho contour of
the river, comprise tho principal
Tho city Is about a mile wide. Fur
naces, warehouses, shops, and homes
nre crowded together In a hopeless
tangle. Great mounds of chipped and
defectlvo porcelain, clay chips and
broken dishes are plied high along the
river bank. In fact, one flrst notices
these pieces of porcelain In the bed of
the strenm several miles below the
city, washed down by high vvnter.
These dumps must be 80 or 40 feet
thick. They represent tho nccumu
luted offcnstlng of tho kilns for cen
turies. There ure now between ICO
at His Wheel.
and 200 big yellow chimneys In the
city. It is said that Chlng-teh-chen
In her most flourishing dnys boasted
several thousand kilns.
Most Conservative of Cities.
Thu most unusual feature of the
city of Porcelain Is Its conservatism.
"Bu k'alt'ung" (not open to commu
nications) Is heard on every baud.
Although China Is the home of the
printing press, there Is not u single
newspaper, either dally or weekly,
published In this city of more than n
quarter of a million Inhabitants. Thu
reason given for this unprogresslvo
state of affairs Is that ttie magis
trates have always opposed the
press, on the one hand because they
are afraid of its political Influence,
and on the other because of the finan
cial support that would be involved.
Chlng-teh-chen Is devoid of electric
lights and telephones. The few rick
shaws which now facilitate communi
cations nro fighting for existence. A
number of worklngmen's guilds have
petitioned the chamber of commerce
to abolish the rickshaws on the ground
that they Interfere with traffic.
The geographical location of Chlng-teh-chen
Is not accidental. It became
tho pottery center of the country cen
turies ago because of the enormous
quantities of excellent clays In tho
district around Po Yang Inke. All of
these clays are brought to Chlng-teh-chen
In the form of soft, white bricks
by small, flat-bottomed boats. Thou
sands of Chinese boatmen are engnged
In this work.
After the clnys are thoroughly
cleansed, sifted, and refined they nre
kneaded together in vnrylng propor
tions, usually by a barefooted boy, un
til they are ready for the potter. Tho
wet lump of clny Is then placed on
tho knob of the potter's wheel.
Tho potter Is perched above the
wheel, with one foot on either side,
In order to nllow sufficient space for
the movement of his hnnds. After re
volving the wheel swiftly with a short
pole, ho deftly and with mcchnnlcnl
precision fashions a plate, bowl, or
vase. After years of practice be can
estimate to within n hair's breadth the
proper size.
The piece Is then removed nnd
placed on a long tray In front of tho
potter, where It awaits the next ar
tisan. Handles and other decorations,
iiuitlo In molds, ure added, and then
the whole Is scraped smooth and al
lowed to dry until It Is ready for tlio
next process tho under-glaze decor
ation. Several basic colors, llko blue and
red, can be painted on under the glaze.
The glaze Is next applied In various
ways by dipping, by blowing on with
a tube, or by sprinkling. After tho
mark has been added the piece is
ready for the furnace.
Firing tho Porcelain.
Porcelain placed In the kiln to ha
flred has to be protected In strong,
cylindrical clay vessels, culled saggers.
Theso trays can bo used from threo
to six times before they are ready for
the scrap heap on Uio river hank.
Every piece of porcelain, as It Is set
Into the sagger, Is placed on a small,
round, clay chip, sprinkled with straw
ashes. This prevents the fusing to
gether of the two pieces.
The fuel for the furnaces nt Chlng-teh-chen
Is of two kinds straw and
wood. Coal has been tried, but It was
found that Its fumes discolored tho
porcelain, nnd accordingly its use was
discontinued. Straw Is used to burn
only the conrser ware.
The kilns uro large, egg-shaped
ovens of brownish brick, fifty feet long
nnd twelve feet high at the highest
point. Because of thejntense bent,
both the kilns nnd the chimneys must
bo rebuilt unnuhlly.
There Is no unemployment In
Chlng-teh-chen. Work Is plentiful, but
Industrial conditions nre bad. Long
hours, poor food, no rest dnys, nnd un
sanitary living conditions cause n great
deal of dissatisfaction among tho la
borers. Wages range, from ten cents to one
dollnr per day, varying not according
to tho number of hours, but according
to tho number nnd quality of the
pieces produced. But no artisan must
work too long. If n man Is found do
ing too much and working beyond
the time limit, he Is set upon by bis
fellow workers and severely beaten.
9" !
for good
Mrs. em URon
Sentiment vs. Realty,
i'oet "Alasl What boots this
t'teory of true love?" Unfortunate
Lover "That's easy. Her father."
Proper Place.
Judge Where were your supporters
In this crime?
1'rlsoncr I had 'em on, Judge.
Mrs. Anna Keim j
lulu, Kuns. "I can highly recom-'
mend Dr. Pierce's medicines. Sonic
years ago my health failed, I became
nil run-down and had u chronic cough
that annoyed mo considerably, but
nfter taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Med-'
leal Discovery my health returned and
I became strong. What tills medicine
did for mo I feel It will do for others If
they will but glvo It a trial." Mrs.
Anna Kelm, -118 South St.
Start now on the rond to health by
obtaining tho Discovery in tnblets or
liquid from your druggist. Wrlto Dr.
Tierce, President Invalids' Hotel, In
Buffalo, N. Y for free medical advice.
Three Have- Been Awarded Highest
British Decoration for Bravery
In Face of the Enemy.
Tlio English in netting tlint tho Vlc
torln Cross bo nwnrdotl to the cnt
which bo heroically snved her young
during tho llro of tho Prlntcraps only
follow nn example given by the queen
of England herself. To appreciate
the value of this reward wo must re
member that the Victoria Cross Is for
n soldier, general or private, the high
est mllltnry order.
In the last wnr at tho utmost fifty
havo been awarded. However, several
dogs belonging to tho British nriny
havo received this honor. Theso were:
Hob, of tlio Royal Berkshire, which In
tho Afghanistan wnr saved the life of
several soldiers; Jack, which accom
plished the same feats nt the battle of
tho AInin, nnd Jerry, a hero of the
Crlmenn war, which received from tho
city of Dublin n medal nnd n dinner.
The odds nrc thnt the mess made the
dog happier than tho medal. New
York Tribune.
Not Ever.
Rnstus (to Siimho, - in nn under
tone) I nln't tho mnn I useter wuz.
Tlmo wuz when I could whip tho ol'
woman In n fulr, stan'-up fight.
Tho Old Womun (ovcrhenrlng)
Vou's a black liar, Rnstus Johnslng.
Tiincf wuzn.'t, time nln't, an' time ain't
gwlno to wuz. Nashville Tennesseenn.
Don't depnrt too quickly after your
host's surreptitious yawn, or ho will
think you noticed It.
Wishing for sleep
is a poor way to get it
A LITTLE wisdom In the Saytime
is a better assurance of rest than
any amount of anxious wishing when
nerves are a-jangle at night."
What you do at noon often has
more influence on sleep than what you
want and hope for, at midnight.
Coffee's drug element, caffeine,
whips up the nerves, and when its
use is continued there's usually a pen
alty which no amount of mental effort
can avoid.
The part of wisdom, as so many
in I.iStrrr . II - f
111 '
pr nil ill
Keeps tli e Medicine with Her for Safety
Mrs. Carl Under, R. F. D. No. 2, Box H,
DnBsol, Minnesota, writes : "I want to thank
you for your kindness nnd tho good your
remedy did mo years ngo. I ntn perfectly
well nnd visiting fn Spoknno, WnBli. Wcro it
not for Po-ru-nn I would not Iiavo boon nblo
to mnko this trip. I always tnko your mod I
clnowlth mo for eafoty should Itakocold.
Prntso to Po-ru-nn."
As nn emergency romedy for everyday ills,
Po-ru-na has boon in uso dfty yonra.
Giving the Old Man a Treat.
Goodpatter I tell you, Nlckelplnch,
the whole town Is talking about your
driving your old fnther to the poor
house In your automobile.
Nlcklepluch I reckon they see now
that I can do n good turn once In a
while. I never churged tho old mnii n
cent for It. Just hent the bill to the
Horse Sense.
"Ho boasts of bis horse fiene."
"Seems to exercise it kicking nt
every tiling." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Nebraska Directory
X!!aets $110,000,000
Keep Nebraska Money in Nebraska
Patronize Home Industries
Aitriitit Mukn 111 Monry with our tli-nllran
Trousi-r l'n-m Jl.tO retail. nig cummlH
olori. Hi'nil 1 for nample: Information. Drrnn
Hotter Co., COO Kcullnn lilUtc.. Umulm, Nvtir.
KOK SAI.K-AUalfri 17-Swcrt clover 0
Tiitiotliy ti. John Mullinll, Boo City, lowu.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 12-1922.
Reform Urgently Needed.
Imaglno living on 11 street without a
name nnd In a house without a num
ber 1 If you are a writer, Imagine
waiting for n check from a ningnzlno
In such n residence Thnt Is tho pre
dicament that certain Parisians arc
In who live In such n street near tho
Ourcq cnnul. The city government for
got to glvo it a name, nnd the only
numbers on the house nre those put
up by residents who sometimes dupli
cate each other's numbers. Now tho
natives arc becoming' aroused about It.
Tho lot of the poor postman must be n
difficult ono ns lie gazes at 11 letter ad
dressed to "Monsieur PJerro Ilcrgeret,
the third rlghthnnd house In tho little
street two blocks to the right of tho
Ourcq ns you walk south."
Just the Boy for Papa.
"There Is something," ho said, "that
I havo wnnted for n long tlmo to tell
you. I am not rich, mi you know,
but I am young, strong and willing to
work. Miss Mlllyuns Edith I "
"Oh!" she cried, "I will tell pnpn
about you. I think I heard him sny
this morning thnt he wnnted to hire
an olllco hoy with Just tho qualifica
tions you mention." Pittsburgh Press.
Pickpockets In Hard Luck.
A soclul worker reports that New
York pickpockets who used to slip n
linger Into n vest pocket and get a
watch, now get only 11 scratch from 11
pin used to hold the wutchlcss chain
In plnce.
In Tahiti serious crimes ure punished
by tnttoolng n mnrk upon the foro
hend of the delinquent.
turbance to nerves or digestion. Even
the little children can share in the en
joyment of Postum at any meal.
It's better to anticipate warnings
than to be driven by them.
It's better to encourage and pre
serve sound nerves and complete
health than to listen to the clock ticks
at night and say, "I wish!"
You can get Postum wherever
good food or drink is sold and served.
An order today may be the beginning,
for you, of tho great satisfaction and
comfort which so many others have
found in Postum.
Your grocer has both forms: Instant Postum
(in tins) made Instantly in the cup by the
addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (In
packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer
to make the drink while the meal is being pre
pared) made by boiling for 20 minutes.
thousands have found, is
to turn away from nerve
stimulation and adopt
rich, delicious Postum as
tho mealtime drink.
Postum delights the
taste, but brings no dis-
Postum for Health "There's a Reason"
Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battlo Creek, Mich.
Nebraska Directory
INCOLN'S Rooms for $ 1.50
Ujnth rtoom In Cann.ctlon
Wabash Pad
Cur Collar Sors while you
work the horse. Askvour
dealer, or tend us (I 33
lor sample, postpaid.
Mln.. Lincoln, Nebr.
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Dollies and Dairy Supplies; Bgtr
Cases and Chicken Coops; BOILERS
1 309 Jonea St. 1 1 W. Third St.
1123 O Street
Lincoln, Neb
Developing, Printing
and Enlarging
Lincoln Photo Supply Co.
(KaBtmnn Kodak Co.)
Dept K, 1217 O St , Lincoln, Nek,
Nebraska Chiropractic College
, Drs. Crabtree & Crabtreo
Chiropractic Specialists
in nervous, chronic and female diseases in
charge. Write or call for literature.
1505 O St. Lincoln, Neb.
What You Want
BATtEjy When You Want 11
Electric Starter Specialists
Distributors of Presto-Lite Batteries
Phono B4136
31721 S. 11th St. LINCOLN, NEI.
Marine's Wlnterfleld Uniform Scored
Heavily on the Khaki Which
Started the Controversy.
The mnrlne'fl three uniforms hung
sldo by side underneath his clothing
shelf: one wlntcrlleld, one blue nnd
one khaki. Suddenly tho khaki uni
form grew critical.
"You look pretty green," It said to
tho wlnterfleld.
Tho wlnterfleld uniform made no re
ply.' "And that outfit right next to you
must be downhearted it looks so
blue," tho khaki uniform went on.
The wlnterfleld then spokelip: "I
might be green," It snid, 'innd thnt
outfit right next to mo might have tho
'blues,' but doggone your hide you're
yellow I"
Tho khaki uniform piped down..
The Leatherneck.
"I nm a philosopher," admitted tho
gentlemen whose frontispiece was as
elongated nnd solemn ns that of a raro
old fiddle.
"Whnt mnkes you think so?" wo
skeptically Inquired.
"Reciuise," ho unswered, "although I
nm nwaro that I am not appreciated It
does not hurt my feelings In the least
Kansas City Star.
You can't get a man of big caliber
to run 11 corporation unless he has his
Kindness Is un Instinct politeness
only nn art.
mm Jfm iW
- Aft' -
( f