The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 23, 1922, Image 7

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Tanlac Makes Each Bite
a New Delight
WIIEN your digestive system Is
working efficiently nnd smooth
ly, extracting from your food nbun
dnnt stores of vital energy nnd piling
up n reserve force of vigor to mcet
nny emergency, every bite Is enten
with keen zest nnd appreciation.
If your meals nrc not a renl event,
tf you do not nppronch the table
With the most lively antlclpa
lion of Its delights, then you
lire only half-living, because
you arc only hnlf getting tho
value of .your food.
Lack of appetite, or distress
from Indulging o nppctlte, nro
both due to the same cnuse
failure of the digestive system
to properly do Its lmportnut
work. Tho undigested food
remaining In tho alimentary
ranal may merely cause a dis
taste for more food when It cannot
take care of whnt it hns, or it may
undergo chemical and purification
changes that cause acute disease.
Besides, theso chemical changes
produce poisonous substances that
nre carried to every cell and orgnn
of the body nnd that cause all sorts
of distressing symptoms.
Tanlac, the famous digestive tonic
and body builder, has achieved its
wide success because It Is able to In
vigorate the entire digestive tract.
. It acts to cause vigorous stomach
preparation of the food, both through
the muscular churning action of that
Outside Influence.
Rub "What do you think of short
skirts?" Dub "Well, It doesn't de
pend upon the skirts."
There is something funny nbout a
rabbit's tall probably because brevity
Is the soul of wit.
Lift Off with Fingers
Doesn't hurt n bit! Drop a little
"Frcezonc" on an aching com, instantly
that corn stops hurting, then shortly
you lift it right off with fingers. Truly:
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle ot
"Freczone" for a few cents, sufficient to
remove every hard corn, soft corn, or
corn between the toeH, nnd thn calluses,
without soreness or irritation.
I 7
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WW Alabas&iie
Buy Alabastine from your local dealer, white and a variety of tints,
ready to mix with cold water and apply with a suitable bruih.
Each nackace hai the cross and circle printed in red. By inter
mixing Alabastine tints you can accurately
rugs and obtain individual treatment of each
3 Write
, ; L
orgnn nnd through nmple Becrctlon
of digestive fluids. It then promotes
energetic action of nil the bowel
muscles nnd glnnds nnd enables tho
food to pass through tho digestive
cannl In tho normal time. Each of
the thousands of llttlo glands whose
duty It Is to pick up nourishment from
tho food and send this to nil parts
of tho body nro stimulated to
their utmost. Tho whole- result
Is tlint food is taken enre of
without distress of nny sort
In such manner ns to derive
tho utmost benefit from It.
If your appetite Is not keen,
If your food ceema to die
agree with you, If you are
underweight, nervous, Irrrlt
able and lack energy, give
Tanlac the chance to show you
that It can work a mlraclo
in your condition as it has in so many
thousands of other cases.
If you are despondent, gloomy,
with little taste for and enjoyment
of life, try Tanlac and no doubt you
will see the clouds of gloom roll away
under the sunshine of health.
You are entitled to be healthy,
vigorous, efllclcnt nnd hnppy. Give
yourself the chnnco to become so ns
thousands of others have, by taking
Get Tnnlnc from your druggist this
very day. Why wait for tomorrow
when Tanlac nnd health await you
They'd Know About It
One dny young nunty wns left In
chnrge of the smnll apartment nnd
the two children.
"I'm going Into tho kitchen to pre
pare baby's milk, Bobby," she said
Importantly; "you bo sure to cnll mo
when ho wnkes up."
"Oh, you'll hear him for yourself,"
flung Bobby; "tlint kid turns himself
on tho minute he wakes up lie's his
own nlnrm clock 1"
Tlurry, mother I Even a sick child
loves the 'fruity" tnsto of "California
Fig Syrup" nnd it never falls to open
the bowels. A tenspoonful'today may
prevent n sick child tomorrow. If con
stipated,' bilious, feverish, fretful, has
cold, colic, or if stomach Is sour,
tongue conted, breath but, remember a
good cleansing of the little bowels Is
often nil thnt Is necessary.
Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali
fornia Fig Syrup" which has directions
for babies and children of nil nges
printed on bottle. Mother! Yotrmust
sny "California or you mny get an
Imitation llg syrup. Advertisement.
When Loafer Becomes a Pest.
"A lovfcr," said Uncle Kben, "don'
do no special harm, 'ceptln' when ho to bo mistook for n worker an'
inslsses on gettin' In do way."
when political grafters fall out hoi
ost newspaper men get n lot of copy.
When poiltlcnl grafters fall out hon-f
A SK your local dealer to reo
ommend a practical dec
orator. If you arc unable to
secure one you can do the work
yourself, tinting and stenciling
your walls to give beautiful results.
Instead of Kahomine or Wall Paper
match draperies and
for special suggestions ana
latest color combinations
lW7CmJiilUAn. CraJ R(&, Mick.
I sHsstatasi I slsl
Man of Science Sees Mother Earth
as Many Hundred Millions of
Yc'arc O'd.
The geologist supposes that It took
from sixty to three htudrcd millions
of years for tho earth's crust to as
sume Its present appearance, and cal
culates that from the time when the
Qrst rudimentary form of life appeared
thero havo been 12 important geologic
periods of tho advancement of life,
tho last of them being the Quarter
nary or Post-Tertiary, when mankind
appeared. Tho llrst part of this Post
Tertiary age or period when man exist
ed is called tho Pleistocene. At that
time beds of drift gravel were deposited
In which have been found Hint hatchets
nnd other Implements, apparently made
by men. Primitive man Is also known
as Paleolithic, and the age In which
lie lived Is often called tho Old Stone
ngo. Somp authorities, however, be
lieve that primitive man existed be
fore Paleolithic man, but left no traces
of his existence. He probably gained
his food through hunting, wnnderlng
along the river valleys and then later
took to cave dwelling, ltude drawings
havo been found In caves, tho work
of tho "cavtf man." The Hint weapons
gradually improved, the enve mnn be
enmo a better artist, ho domesticated
animals and cultivated tho soil. In this
period, which Is called the New Stono
age, mnn Is known ns Neolithic mnn.
Then enmo tho Bronze ngo, when
bronze took the place of Hint; after
that the Iron age and the Ago of His
tory. Tho Chinese records of their
history commence about tho year 2100
B. C. About G000 B. C. (according to
"Tabular Views of Universal History,"
compiled by George Palmer Putnntn,
A. Jr., and edited by George Haven
Putnam, Lltt., D.), flourishing city
states appeared In the Mesopotamia
region, Indicating an antiquity for
Babylonian civilization thnt mny bo
carried- bnck approximately to tho
eighth or ninth millennium B. 0. In
Egypt tho latest research bus brought
tho sixth millennium 'B. C. within tho
scope of history, nnd nbout -ir00 B.
C., in Asln, thero wns a "struggle
among tho kings of Kcngl, Klsh, Shir
purln and Glshban In Babylonia."
King George's Rent Roll.
King George recently applied to
parliament for permission to sell cer
tain portions of his entailed duchy of
Lancnster estates. The total rent roll
of these valuable properties Is only
about $275,000. It ought to be a very
great deal more, but for the fact that
previous sovereigns were in the habit
of granting what were In effect per
petual leases at n nominal rent, plus
a substantial cash payment by the
original lessee. It is for this reason
thnt the present king has to be con
tent with a nosegay of roses as rental
for that portion of the duchy estates
on'Whlch stands St. Olavo's Grammar
school, near Tower bridge; whereas
what the luwyers term its "economic
rent" has been calculated at about
$25,000. Similarly, a tablecloth, a fur
cont, a horse and halter, a currycomb,
a nlghcap, a pair of scarlet ItoBe, a
falcon, a cross-bow and n pair of
tongs figure every year in the duchy
nccounts. Each article represents the
"rent" paid, or supposed to bo paid,
for some mnnor, farm or plcco o
land. Brooklyn Eagle.
Why Briand Stammered.
A beautiful example of courtesy
was shown recently by Premier Bri
and of France during n ceremony nt
which he conferred a mednl of honor
upon an American soldier, tho De
lineator states. Monsieur Briand does
not bpenk English; the American sol
dier spoke no French. Tho boy had,
however, learned a llttlo French
speech. But when he roso before tho
distinguished audience, tho French
words deserted him. lie began, got
through the llrst sentence, stuttered In
tho second, hesitated, reached Into his
mind In vain for tho rest of Hit
French words and then finished Ids
'thanks In English.
The- expression on the face of the
Frencli premier never changed. When
tho boy had finlshod speaking, Mon
slgnor Briand began a few English
words he had learned. "I have a great
affection for your country and n ven
eration for" IIo hesitated and fin
ished In French.
It wns n dellcnto way to mnko tho
soldier feel thnt the premier of Frnnco
was as poorly equipped In the soldier's
language ns the soldier had been In
French. And this Is mnnnors. Bnck
of thnt kind net was solely n desire to
mnko n fellow being moro comfort
nble. Waitress Has Idea on Tip's Status.
Whether the "mnn In, the street" re
gards tho tip ho leaves beside his pinto
after lunch ns a freo gift in recogni
tion of servlco rendered or as partpf
the. chnrge for his lunch, there Is no
doubt nbout its status in tho mind of
one Broadway waitress.
Because he had no loose change in
ids pocket, one diner walked out of
his habitual luncheon haunt the other
day without leaving his customary
dime. Next day, to squnro accounts,
ho put down two dimes ns ho roso
from tho table. Whereupon blonde
Elsie, retrieving tho coins with prac
ticed hand, remnrked : "Oh, yes, that's
bo; you do owe mo a dime." New
York Sun.
World Progress.
Tho Twentieth century hns Just com
pleted Its twenty-first yeur. It seems
scarcely credible that when tho cen
tury wns born such commonplaces of
today as the airplane, wireless teleg
raphy) motion pictures, tho submarine
nnd tho automobile barely existed.
Indianapolis News.
Taste is a matter of
tobacco quality
Wc state it as our honest
belief that the tobaccos used
in Chesterfield arc of finer
quality (and hence of belter
taste) than in any other
cigarette at the price.
b'cgft & Mytrs Tobacco Co.
Many n mnn makes his mark In the
world because ho N unablo to write.
Snowy linens nre the prldo of every
housewife. Keep them In that condi
tion by using Bed Gross Ball Blue In
your laundry. At nil grocers. Adver
tisement. Even the humble shocmnkcr fre
quently ussoclutes with tho upper
The Cutlcura Toilet Trio.
Hnvlng cleared your skin keep It clear
by mnklng Cutlcura your every-dny
toilet preparations. The Sonp to cleanse
nnd purify, tho Ointment to soothe nnd
heal, tho Talcum to powder and per
fume. No toilet table Is complete
without them. Advertisement
Welwlshcr I hear young Scads
worthy Is going to marry Miss Man
chester. He ought to look before lie
Oldpal He did. Ho took a glance
over Ids shoulder nnd saw sha wns
rapidly closing In on him. Then it was
too lntu to leap.
A Visible Excuse.
. Tommy and Billy had been fighting
on their way home from school.
Tho tencher received this uoto the
next day:
"Dear Sir As one of your scholars
hit my boy In the cyo with a stone, he
can't see out of It. So will you please
see Into It?"
Eskimos Slaughter Musk Ox.
The Eskimo hunts tho musk ox with
ilogs from which they do not lice. On
sighting n small band he lets one or
two dogs loose when tho older mil
nmls Immediately face outward in de
fensive formation with calves In tho
center, und preparo to give light. As
soon ns the herd Is thus "anchored"
tho Eskimo lets all his dogs loose nnd
then proceeds to kill tho musk ox
with gun or bow and arrow. The
musk ox aro very llerce, nnd If a
wounded Mill chnrges the Eskimo, tho
dogs in turn immediately attack him,
which gives the hunter a chance to
flioot n second time. In this way tho
Eskimo is able to dispatch the whole
I JLAdyou ever try Grape JNTuts'Q
With steWed
THERE isn't anything better for breakfast or
lunch than a dish of Grape-Nuts, with cream
or milk, and stewed prunes or peaches.
This delicious combination gives you the ele
ments of a well-balanced food. For it contains
not only the material needed to build tissue and
furnish energy, but it also supplies fruit acids,
that help keep the system in good order.
Go to your grocer today and order a package
of delicious Grape-Nuts. You will find that it
will digest more readily than most other cereals,
and it will "stay by" you longer because it's so
richly nourishing.
GraneNtits for Health
"Jliere's a Treason "
dm Mm
of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos- blended
Fool Question Met Merited Rebuke
From Colcrcd Preacher Surely
Right on One Point.
Bishop Candler, of Atlanta, was con
demning a certain theological contro
versy. "Such Idle controversies," ho said,
"remind me of tho coloied preacher
who began n sermon with tho words:
"'Brcddern and slstetn, when de
fust man, Adam, was created, ho was
mndo outer wet clay and set up agin
de pnlln's to dry.'
"A member roso In the bnck of the
"'Pnwson,' he snld, Incredulously,
'docs yo scr'ously state dat Adam was
made outer wet clay and set up agin
de pulln's to dry?'
"'Dem's mnh words, Br'cr Slmcox.
Dcm's moh words 1'
".'Den, pnwson, who made do palln's?
" 'Br'er Slmcox, set down,' said tho
parson scvcrly. 'Such fool questions
ns yourn would upset, nny system of
theology.' "
Either Way.
"There nre many little wnys of prac
ticing economy in tho homo," pro
claimed Walter Whcese sagely to his
guest, after making sure Mrs. Wheeso
was out of hearing.
"So?" encouraged tho visitor po
litely. "Yes. Last winter my wife said wo
must get a new sofa In the spring."
"Instead, I got a new spring In tho
Sunday at the Zoo.
It was Sunday at tho zoo. "What's
tho trouble with the fellows?" Inquired
the orang-outang. "Most of them look
as If they'd seen a ghost."
"It's this economy stuut," explained
the monkey. "They've decided to
transfer the keeper of the elephnuts
to the Insect house, nnd they don't
know how to break tho news to him."
Tho initio Is very jipt to bo behind
with his business affairs.
Bullion In a government dlo Is In
variably hard pre.sGed for money.
prunes or peaches:
Zero Count.
Minister "Yes, my boy, even tho
hairs on our heads are numbered."
Small Boy "Ijail's ain't; he's buld
headed." Spare Moments.
Each package of "Diamond Dyes" con
tnim dirt'ctioiiB to tlinplc that nny woman
enn dye or tint faded, ithnbby nkirts,
drcc8, wnifitu, coats, Bwcntera, atock
Inpi, banning, drnperic. everything liko
now. Buy Diamond Dyes" no other
kind then perfect homo dyeing ia guaran
teed, even if you have never dyed before.
Tell your dniggist whether the material
you wish to dye ia wool or silk, or wh'ether
it It linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Dia
mond Dyes never streak, spot, fnde, 08
run. So easy to use. advertisement.
Prehistoric Ruins.
Tho fascinating Interest of tho
ancient ruins In llhodesln, South Afri
ca, drew the attention of the arch
cologlsts of the British association
during its recent meetings nt Cnpo
Town. Among these ruins the most
conspicuous Is tho grent Zlmbnbwo
temple, which lies nbout 200 miles In
land from tho Indian ocenn. The old
est of tho ruined buildings nro be
lieved to dnto bnck nt lenst to tho
days of King Solomon. It Is thought
thnt they were constructed by Semitic
colonists, whoso cblof object wns gold
mining, and who have left Indications
of their worship of Bnnl nnd Ashtn
rotli, us described In tho Bible. Ex
perts believe that precious metals to
tho valuo of 93,000,000 or $4,000,000
must have been extracted from tho
gold reefs of Ithodesla In nncleut
State of Washington.
Tho state of Washington was for
merly a part of Oregon and was cre
ated n-terrltory in 1853. It was ad
mitted to the Union as a stato Feb
ruary 22, 18S0.
Lovo laughs at locksmiths? Non
sense 1 Aren't nearly all the look
smiths Minrrled?
About the besi way to get along wltH
some people Is to get along without
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