The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 23, 1922, Image 5

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Buy Bread at 1'owell ami Pope's.
Eskimo Plo 10c nt Powell's Caftl.
Mrs. Andrew Salnclen spent Thurs
day In Hastings.
Rev. S. Hardman held services :.t
Bloomington Sunday.
Fred Jcrnberg of McCook spoilt
Thursday in the city.
Bruce Robinson of Superior was in
the city Friday evening.
Chas. Steward was a passenger to
Lincoln Saturday morning.
J. 41 Tnnquary was a pasengcv to
Falls G.ty Friday morning.
Rev. S. llardmail wa a pasftengar
to Nclron Thursday morning .
Fred Temple of Kansas City was
in the city the Inst of the week.
The Misses Myrtle and Goldic Mc
Conkoy spent Saturday in Hasting'.
Eskimo Pie 10c at Powell's Cafe.
Mrs. E. M. Gard went to Lincoln
Tuesday morning to visit her daugh
ters. County Agent H. R. Fausch was a
passenger to Guide Rock Sunday
Chas. J'eddon and Cod Matthew;
of Blue F.ill were in ire city Fiv'.ay
B. F. Perry returned homo Monday
evening from Lincoln whore he spent
a few days.
Mrs. Dorothy Wilson went to Lin
coln Thursday to visit her sister, Mrs.
D. D. Sanderribn.
Chas. Turner is driving a now
Studebaker car which he lecently
purchased of Oglevic Bros.'
Mrs C. D. Robinson and daughter,
Mrs. O'iver Powell and Miss Lucl!c
spent Thursday in Hastings.
Carl Oglevic returned home Satur
day morning from Omaha where he
attended the Automobile show.
Miss Christine ' Caldwell who :s
teaching school near Frnnklin spent
the weekend hero with her mother.
.Donald Funk came down from Hast
ings Saturday evening to spend a
few days with his aunt, Mrs. Hummel.
James Miner, who was hurt in a
basket ball game at Lincoln about ten
days ago, returned home Friday even
ing. Lewis L. Green of Noith Platte nnd
Mabel Houchin of this city vc"o unit
ed in marriage by Judge Uannoy Mon
day. FOR SALE New Dodgo car tuken
in on Studcbaker also several 'other
used cars at bargain prices. Oglovio
Earl Hall returned homo the last
of the week from Omaha where he
spent a few days at tho Automobile
Mhfe Blanche McCartney, who lias
been a missionary in China for the
past fivo years, returned home Satur
day morning.
Sam Thompson resigned his position
as cream tester at the Farmers' Un
ion store Saturday and Alf Nolan has
taken his plncc.
Miss Edith Zeiss returned to Super
ior Saturday morning after a short
visit hero with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Zeiss.
Mvi. E. A. Croighton wont to Lin
coln Saturday morning to spend a
few days with her sister, Mi't. C. F.
Gund and family.
Harry Thompson returned home
Saturday morning after spending a
few days at Denver and Beuklenun
visiting relatives.
Farm Loans
- A All wanting farm loans call and sec
- we. I have something new to offer
you. J. U. BAILEV.
The F0J.KS
CENTRE," THE 55?5C4r5'fr IT
ExhilaratingBURLESKandVAUDEVILf "
fiti-AlrvyFillccl !tli Pretty GirU.I'uimyClowm
Gorjeotii ftciuipai!', llrillUnl Sccma HnvifOmncnt.
Always tba eiggost and Best Show Wnt of Chicago
New Wall Paper at Cottlng's.
Everett Coon returned homo Sunday
evening from Omnhn where he spent
a few days.
Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue Hill
was attending district court in the
city Monday.
Mrs. R. V. Nicholson left for St.
James, Minnesota, Monday morn'ng
where she will visit her parents for
a few weeks.
J. H. Tanquary left for FnlW City
Tuesday morning where he has ac
cepted a position the Burlington
in the roundhouse.
Lloyd Seibort who is attending the
Hastings Business Collego arrived
here Thursday evening to spend a few
days with his parents .
Joe Crow of Republican City wa in
town Tuffday. He hud been to Kin
sas City with a shipment of cattle
which he had been feeding.
Claroncc Gittings returned to his
homo at Superior Monday morning
after spending a few dajs hero w'th
his sister Mrs. Paul I'ope.
Mrs. Arnold returned to her home
at Franklin Thursday evening after
a brief visit hcic at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. A. E. Boles .
J. W. Robertson, Chas. Gurnuy,
and Warren L. Thomas went to Kan
sas City Sunday morning in charge
of the stock shipped from here.
One bundled and foventy-six ears
of stock handled in three trains went
through hero Sunday morning for the
St. Joe and Kansas City markets.
Paul Pope spent Sunday hero with
his family returning to Hastings
Monday morning. Mrs. Pope went to
Hastings with him to spend the day.
Two good places to eat,
and Powell's Cafe.
at home
T. W. White arrived here Thursday
from Ardmorc, S. D.. He and his
family loft Friday for that place
where they will make their future
Operator E. C. Humphries went to
Ludell, Kansas Saturday morning
whore ho will work for a few days
He has been hero relieving Operat
ors Pasco and Thompson.
Mr. ,-i.d Mrs. Dile Montgomery aid
children arrived home Monday even
ing via the Ford route from Palm i,
California where they spent sever il
months ith his parea1;.'
Miss Elsie Post returned to this
city Sunday morn'ng after spend'ng
the past ten days in Denver, she be
ing called there on4account of the ser
ious illness of her brother.
Miss Dora Carter returned to her
homo at Blair, Ncbranfka Friday
morning after spending a few weeks
with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Lippin
cott and with other relatives.
Mrs. George Clauson and daughter,
Mrs. J. D. Hoxsoy returned home
last Wednesday evening from St. Joe
whore they spent a couple of weeks
with their daughter and sister.
Mrs. Robt. McBride went to Lincoln
Tuesday morning to spend a few days
with her son, William and also viiit
her sister, M'ss Edith McKeighin
who is receiving medical treatment n
that city.
MinS Telma McBride returned to
Hastings Friday morning to resume
hor studies at the Hastings Business
Collego after spending a fow day3
here with her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. IL McBride.
Frank Bean topped the Hereford
cattle sale at Grand Island last Thurs
day. The offering consisted of one
hundred and twenty head. Mr. Bean's
offering was a 2 year old bull Mon
ington 7th which sold for $600.0Q
and was $50 higher than any other
animal sold.
Tho following shipped stock from
here Sunday morning: Yost & Kobin
son two cars of cattle to St. Joe; De
laney Bros., one enr of hogs to Kan
sas City; Chas. Gurney two cars of
cattle to Kansas City; A. B. Crabill
one car of hogs to Kansas City and
pne car of hogs to St. Joe. n
The telegraph lines west of here
wore badly torn down by the storm
Sunday morning. Up to noon Monday
there had been no wire through to Mc
Cook. Trainmen reported one hun
dred and fifty breuks in telegraph
lines between here and Naponco and
twenty-nine poles down, between Ox
ford and Arapahoe and McCook
seventy-five poles wore down.
For Sale
My properly Including 0 room house
and 3 lots? Priced for iniire Hate sale.
D, 11, Fraxler.iv.
Farm Bureau Notes
To again prove that Webster coun
ty is leading all counties in the stato
in her pure brcl livestock, nt the Ne
braska Hereford Breeders' Consign
ment sale held at Grand Island, Frank
Bean consigned a yearling bull that
won first in the show he'd before the
sale and in the salo topped the sale
at $600.00. This calf was a son of
Beau Monington Mr. Bean's herd bull.
Mr. Bonn had offered this calf to
several Webster County, Breeders' at
$200.00. This again proves that the
fanners and brooders of their own
county often do not appreciate the
good live slock being raised by their
fellow breeders, but will pass them up
and buy away from home.
It is significant that pig clubs
should have been organized. It is
significant that thousands of our bo&t
farm boys and girls should be experi
menting with the mortgage lifter of
the American form. It means a new
ova in agriculture before many venn
haw passed. The gloom and depres
sion that hangs over a mortgugod
farm will be lifted from many homos,
and the sunshine of happiness will he
let in.
Farming requires tho mos- techni
ff.l knowledge of any occupation. It
is next to impossible for a city man
to become a successful farmer. I be
lieve the mason why so many farmer
are not really successful, to be be
cause they were not interested in
farm life as boy.-. Hero wo havo an
army of boys and girls! each year
finding interest in the farms' bjst
nronosition. They are learning to
produce the very best money making
factor on the American farm, it
means that not only will tho pig club
bers become successful farmers, but
the whole color of agriculture w.ll
brighten, and that forty-four million
farmers will sec dawning a new wn
of prosperity.
Even more than for tho sake of
financial prosperity, are we fitting
them to be efficient in the very high
est typo of agriculture. The brood
ing of pure bred nnimnW represents
the highest form of farm pursuits,
and tho constructive breeders who
work distinct advancement in tho
breed of animals in their hand ;o
down in history as benefactor to the
highest interests of the greatest in
dustry in the world.
County Agricultural Agent
Try a bar of Eskimo pie at Powers
B. H. Nowhouse, W (5. Hamilton,
O C. Walton, Grant Christy, Morton
Smith and A. Ii. MoArthnr attended
the L O. O. F. lodge at Ouidc Rock
Wednesday evening.
On March I, American Legion mem
bership was 103,000 mote than on
Muich 1, 10M. New members have
joined at the rate of (J.G00 a day since
jHpnary 1. Tln-so figures have been
given out fiom Legion lieadquarteis to
ffifute the statement that tho organ!
.itimi is losing members of its stmid
on adjusted coinpena.itlnn. Tho Mid
West Vceian.
Dr.W.H. McBride
Red Cloud
Neither pounding heels nor piping hot
water will affect Chi-Namel on floors,
furniture or other woodwork. Re
markably brilliant because of the water
proof self-leveling Chinese Oil incorpo
rated by our secret process, Chi-Namel
finishes for hard or soft, old or new
wood are aUo the most economical
because they cover one-third more
surface than most, other finishes.
(lirayi the representative store In In locality)
anil learn of the many CU-Namtl tinlihea (or
everything In the home and tho caae with which
you can apply theie KlMcrclinK Chtaete Oil
finlihci without lap or broth tnaiai. It will be
5 minutct well (pent. v i
The Druggist
av.iniik .. - ra
Four Answer Final Summons
Leonard II. Rust
Dentil brought relief to Leonard
Holland Rust, known to all as "Pappy''
llust, at 1.00 o'clock this morning, lie
hail been confined to his bed In a delir
ious condition for about ton days as
the result of a fall. In his death wo loso
another of the lastly disappearing old
pioneers, tho story of his life making
nn Important pngo in the lilstoiy of
tills country.
Mr, Host was born in Kalavla, Ohio,
January loth, 193'.. Ho is tho last of
a family of twelve children. His
father was born in Virginia in 1702 and
holpcd found a town near Ciuclunttl,
Ohio, In tho year 18lr.
Leonard II. Bust nnd Sarah Troy
wcro married at Batavla, Ohio, March
fith. isri!l, and to them wore born three
ohlldien, Charles, who lives in Wyp ,
Mrs Anna Crabill and Orlenn Crabill
of this city. Ho eaino to Nebrnshn In
November 1878 with hl.s family, nink
iug his home near where Bladen Is
now located, until ISSi whoa ho moved
to lli'd Cloud where ho resided until
hlsdenth. His wifo died In 103. lie
unriicd Mrs. OarllnRhouso of (leaver
Citv in 1305. He leaves to niouin his
di niKo Ida wife, throe uhildron, twelve children and two great ginnd
childtt'ii and a host of friends. His
chUdion were all here at tho time of
lil- loath.
Funeral services will bo held from
tho home Friday afternoon
Thomas G. Montgomery
'lliomns G. Montgomery, who hud
been veiy ill the pnst few weeks, died
at his homo in this city Saturday oven
tag. He was born in Indiana, January
11, 1811 and was 81 years, 2 months and
.1 ihiys old nt the time of his demise.
He has been a resident of this city for
s-vornl years. The deeensed is surviv
ed by a daughter, Mrs. Clara B ?uig
ley, of Ccunuil Hind's, Iowa, and a
brother and several other relatives.
The funeral services were hold at the
Cliiistliui church Wednesday after
noon, Rev. Mai jorio Owens in charge.
Mahala C. Saxlon
Multilist O. Suxton, ngctl 80 years,
who Intel been in poor health fcr sever
nl months, passed away Snlurdny morn
ing at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. George
I'ope residing in tho east part of this
city The docciisod wns a half sister
of Mrs. Pone. Tho remains, accom
panied by Mrs. George Coon, were Ink.
en to St. Joe Sunday morning where
interment was made.
Mrs. Alice F. Campbell
.Mrs Alico P. Campbell, wife of Or
villo Campbell, passed away Saturday
at their home iti Qarllold precinct.
Tho deceased, was bom In Lancaster
county, Nebraska, May 2, lSOilnnd wnb
2G year.s, 10 months und 10 days of ago
at the time of lice demise. A little
over a year ago sho was united In mar
riage with Orvillo Campbell who with
several relatives are left to mourn her
untimely denitso. The funeral set vices
were held Monday afternoon at the
Gartield Brethren church, Bldcr Noah
H. Wagoner being in ehirge, assisted
by Row Pi ant z.
Two Tickets-Nominated
On Tuesday evening tho voters of tho
Citizens ticket met at the court bouse
for the purpose of nominating candi
dates for tho various city oflleos. A
D. Itannoy was elected chairman and
Miss Belle Spanoglo secretary. The
following city otlicers whose term of
ofiico expire this spring were renomi
nated as candidates for re-election:
Mayor Mary Peterson.
Treasurer S. R. Floranco.
Councilman 1st word Al Hoffman
Councilman 2nd ward C. M. Sher
wood. Members of School Board Mrs. W.
A. Sherwood and E. L. Grimes.
C. J. Piatt, G. W. Trino and P J.
Munday were appointed a committee
to fill vacancies if any the candidates
refuse the nomination.
' On Wednesday cvontng the Inde
pendent voters of this city hold a con
vention with M. C Sherman presiding
and It. I1. Weosner secretary und the
following candidates were nominated:
Mayor Mary Peterson.
Treasurer S. U, Ploranco.
Clerk-Mrs. W. A. Maynard.
Councilman 1st wd Al Hoffman.
Councilman 2nd wd I. T.Amack.
Mombers of School Board Mrs. C.
II. Miner nnd E. L. Grimes,
Red Cloud Gun Club
Come out March 20th at 2:30 and
shoot Blue rocks with the Red Cloud
Gun Club.
Geo, Maxwell, professional, with the
Remington Arms Co,, will be with us
and also several from tho Hastings
Gan Club,
Everyone (s welcome to shoot at the
Hying clays whether a member of this
club or not. Wo nslc von ull to join
niw while the Chatter In open foniloir.
birshlp .
I o 8!jb-to,2ff st!U't8' ,ro$Pt,JCii : 2:30--'
WeVe Talking Shoes
This Week
B-eji in i r
We can save you money on
See Our Little Gents at
$2.75, $3.00 And $3.50
Boys $3.00-$3.25-$3.50-$4.00
Men's Star Brand Shoes
$4.50, $4.75, $5, $5.50 to $7
Big New Line
Men And Boys
Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co
I Geo. Trine
We believe that it pays to give our
customers service and satisfaction;
that is why we want to sell you a
With a single tool the combination wrench and screw driver
hown in the illustration below, and a part of the De Laval equip
ment you can take apart a NEW Dc Laval and set it up again
in a few minutes.
Could anything be easier or simpler ?
There are no complicated parts no chain drives, no cogwheel
puzzles, no ball bearings to get flattened or broken. Every ad
jmtment can be made Iquickly by the man on the farm with no
special understanding about machinery.
Such simple construc
tion makes the NEW Dc
Laval the easiest separator
to clean.
Wo will aell you n NEW Do
Laval on term that can't help
ultina you. Come in and
how you what it will do. The
Take Advantage of Our
Men's Suits and Overcoats
$16.50 to $25
Heavy fleeced lined QC
Union Suits wC
Heavy Ribbed
Union Suits
Flannel Shirts, priced from $ 1 .75 to $4.50
with 1 0 extra discount
We Are Giving Special Prices on all Seasonable Goods
Come In And Be Convinced.
W. G. Hamilton Clothfeg Co.
"Tlie House of Quality
Work Shoes For
$1.86 to $4.60
only tool requited with a NEW Do Laral.
At Great Reduced Prices
First Quality All Rubber
four buckle