RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEP '-ia j.i .. $ if THE(pTTAGE f RHUBARB ONE OF BEST PRODUCERS Early Spring Vegetable Responds to Liberal Supply of Best Soil Available PLANT IN OUT-OF-WAY PUCE Along Garden Fence Where Roots Will Not Be Injured in Cultivation of Rest of Garden Is Good Location. Rhubarb, or "pieplant," ns It Is hometlmes called, cannot be grown uni versally, but is limited to certain defi nite sections. Informutlon as to whether rhubarb will or will not grow in n given locality can be obtained from the local seedsmen or from neigh bors who have had experience In grow ing It. Rhubarb Is propagated by planting pieces of the roots secured by divid ing older hills, ami six to ten hills will usually supply plenty of rhubarb for the nvenign rntnlly, states the United States Department of Agriculture. Ilhubarb should be planted exactly the same vay as asparagus, that !, the roots or crowns should be covered four or lvo Inches In deeply spaded Rhubarb a Generous Producer. nnd well enriched foil; there Is little danger of having the soil too ilcli for rhubarb. The hills .should be three nnd a half to four feet apart, If more than one row is planted. Tills wonderful staple of the family garden can generally be planted along the fence where it will be out of the way of cultivation. The thick leaf stems are the part used, and none should be pulled from the plants the first year after seeding, but n lnrge supply will be available (he second season, nnd the hills will, as n iul continue to produce satis factory crops of stems for several years, after which they should be di vided and reset. Ithubnrb should receive the same nttentlon and during win ter as asparagus, and the plants should never be allowed to ripen and seed. The roots may be brought Into the greenhouse, pit, coldframe, or cel lar during the winter nnd forced. Ily plncing a barrel over a rhubarb plant much longer and tender stalk inny be grown. This Is one plant that does not thrive In warm climates. It Is most popular, especially In the sections where It Is grown, In the early part of the spring. The use of rhubarb Is principally for mnklng pies nnd sauces, and many housewives can the stems for winter use. CHICKEN FENCE WIRE HANDY Small Gardeners Will Find the Woven Two-Inch Mesh Valuable Takes Place of Stakes. Many vegetable nnd flowering rlne8 can bo successfully grown on chicken fence wire. In the fall the wire can bo taken down and used for succeeding years for similar purposes. It will enable the smnll gardener to rulso more vegetables and flowers thnn If they were allowed to lie on the ground and spread out over valuable space. Cucumbers, lima and climbing string beans, nasturtiums and numerous oth er vegetables of spreading variety, as well as almost any vine-flowering plants can be successfully trained on the wire tiellls permitting of the uso of the ground space ordinarily covered by vines being used for something else. (live the vine plants plenty of ulr and sunshine, and water when needed, and they will give an excellent accounting of themselves on the wire. $ $ih ' TO GROW EARLY CABBAGE $ Cabbnge Is one of the most de sirable of our early green or leaf crops nnd should be Included In every home garden. The seeds should be sown indoors and the plants set In the garden about the time that dnnger of frost is pnst, or a few plants can be pur chased froic the seed store. Cab bage requires a rich soli, and the plants of the smaller early sorts should be set 18 Inches apart in each direction for hand cultiva tion. It Is a good plnn to pour n little? inter around the roots of each plant ns It is being set In the garden. I i TOOLS THE BUSY GARDENER NEEDS Hoe, Rake and Spade, the Com bination Soil Tillers Find Abso lutely Necessary. WHEEL HOE IS LABOR SAVER Little Implement Suitable for Small or Large Garden; Trowels Are Handy; Spraying Outfits Are Es sential. With the first warm days of spring sounding the earth call, there Is n hasty scurrying around for the tools of the gardening cult. A gardener can get along fulrly well with four, a spade or spading fork, a hoe, a rake, and a trowel. It Is oven possible to get along without the last, but who wants to? The nrt of gardening Is reaching such a point of special development that there are tools for almost every thing nnd the wise gardener by a care ful selection will ease his work an much as possible by securing appro priate working implements. The greatest labor saver for gardens of any extent Is a little wheel hoc. This saves many a headache, does tlio work thoroughly, and has appliances for various purposes which are Inter changeable from u little plow share to cultivators of various kinds. It can be used in the smallest garden. There are numerous hoes of various types and designed for different pur poses. The pointed hoe for ninklnf rows Is a convenient tool. The hoj with rake teeth on the back of the blade Is one of the very handiest all- Ln round garden tools for light work there Is. It is particularly well adapt ed for women gardeners. Three toothed cultivator hoes do a tine Job of stir ring the soil. Scuffle or shove hoes a they are sometimes called that can be pushed instead of pulled, permit hoe ing rows which ure too close to walk between conveniently. Trowels of various shapes to suit various plants arc now on the market, stiff, sharply tingled small bladed trow els are Ideal for splitting off pieces from perennials which have grown so large they need dividing for their best growth. They are line to set under a recalcitrant carrot or parsnip whose leaves are so tender they part com pany from the root, leaving It In the ground. Long bladed trowels are especially adapted for digging holes for gladiohls or other bulbs In the spring and tu- Necessary Garden Toots. lips and fall bulbs later In the season and equally useful In digging them up, There are little hnnd rakes which are Just the thing for hand cultivation among plants which need special car and the earth kept stirred. Sprinkling cans nnd sprays must bo added to every well regulated garden outfit, especially a spray. While looking over spraying outfits get In a supply of poison for the pests that devour and for the fungUB that blights. The seedsmnn will tell you what to get. Uordeaux mixture for fungus pests, parls green or some other arsenical poison for those that eat the leaves, and a tobacco poison of some kind for plant lice are standard. Often they can be bought In, combination. National Garden IHireuu. FRESH VEGETABLES EVERY DAY Whnt is a back yard good for? It may bo made to supply tho average family with fresh vegetables through the growing season. I ' t ! T' 'f J ' ' ' '' ' ill?' ' ' ' ( ' M 1 1 ' i ' - " (Copy for Thli Department Supplied bj th American I.culun Ne Service,.) COOKS TO PLEASE ANY TASTE F. G. Galpln, Historian of Texas Post, Brings Odd "Cargo" From Aus tralia to England. One of the few persons In the United Stn4es who can cook up n meal for n wallaby, or satis fy the fastidious cravings of a wombat, or play chef to a cuckoo, Is I (3. Qalpln, historian of Kl I'aso (Tex.) post 30 of tho Ameri can Legion aud ex-anlnial-cook of the White Star liner Medic. Gal pln Is never more at home thnn when he Is busily engaged in brew ing up a stew for a cassowary. Upon his return from a recent trip of the liner, bearing lizards, carpet snnkes, rat-kangnroos, and other things (800 altogether) from Australln to England, chef Galpln expounded dletct cs to his Legion comrades. They had to believe everything he said. It seems that the bird of paradise, para doxically, has secular tastes and squawks vigorously when offered such seemingly compatible delicacies as angel cake. "I fed 'em bananas and hard-boiled eggs," said Galpln, "and not one of 'em lost a, single heavenly tenther." "And on the other hand," he added, "I had a couple of Tasmanlnn devils aboard, nnd they wouldn't touch n Ihlng the whole trip except Heating Island." DOSE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE German Submarine Commander Who Sank Lusltanla Alco Now at Bottom of Sea. The commander of the German sub marine that sank Hie Lusltanla is now at the bottom of the sea, according to a story which has reached American Legion headquarters. Flogged and Hung oer the side of u l'araguan wnr vessel, he met deatli with a dose of his own medicine. The story Is that the commander, fleeing from allied Justice, took refuge in Paraguay, where he at once took nut naturalization papers and swore ulloglanco to the Paraguan republic. I'rlendH In the bblpplng world secured for him the command of a l'araguan innti-o'-uar, the Adolph Itlquclml. lie had hardly set his heel upon the decks alien he inaugurated the rules which "liitl been his custom. The crew, wltl heir Latin blood, could not stomucfc the diet as the stolid Teutons had lone in the old days. So they passed him around for a beating, and the? Jirew him into the sea, far from sight Df land. HAD THE "THEODORA" ODOR Fancy French Pets Saturated With Un welcome Perfume of Marshal Foch'o American Mascot Fifty thousand franc' wortli of pet dogs voro temporarily ruined by Mar bhnl Koch's wild cat on the voyage to France. When the marshal, as guest of the American Legion, had picked up Theodora from an admiring friend, he hurt little reckoned what devasta tion was in store. Theodora was idaced In the kennel room nt op the liner Paris, under care of the ship's butcher, who acted us animal alet for the trip. Believing that tiic fluffy Pekinese, and poodles, and Mexican halrlesses that shared her compartment did not rcprcsciit, like herself, the true red-blooded pi oneering spirit of America, Theodora lay quietly In her cell nnd exuded the nromu peculiar to wildcats. When the Paris touched tho shores of France, the valet handed the pet dogs around to the group of dnlntlly-sccntcd mad amolsclles and was greeted with loud shrieks. ' Parachute In Shell. A shell which blows off Its head at an altitude of '2,000 feet, expelling u parachute from its Interior, Is fired from a gun nt Lympc, England, ns nn experiment In physics. Attached to the parachute is a brilliant magnesium flare, which lights autpmatlcally when the parachute opens and lights the sky for miles around. Error in Judgment. Ilcr plan for assuring the support of the women voters to him moved tho statesman to admiration. "Whatever steps you take will carrj weight, I'm sure," he said cordially. Hight there he lost the whole wom en's delegation. She had been diet ing in secret for three months. Amer ican Legion Weekly. A Heavy Load. Krlss After wo hod sampled the home brew Inst night wo organized a vocnl quartette. Kross Who carried the boss? Krlss It took three of us to get him hotim Amorlrnn I.eirlon Weekly, Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION X 1a tTO&W :ftf! NgilK 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief k$ VJ ,ra ELL-ANS 25$ and 75$ Packages. Everywhere . i n r a rMowrr. .?nil(ir Mothers!! -gr Write for 3Z $Jr Page Booklet, Hr "Mothers of the World" j rflP sPat.ProccU f "fcar m J The Loom Products f WsS USC l 1113 Coupon J .,e nd ,. our T CoLyMfg- Vw.r.1.- MUif T m Mich. 81" (iu jr ci stttt MM Hate Is hell's Inside track to trouble. Cutlcura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better than Cutlcura Soap daily and Ointment now and then as needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft nnd white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cutlcura Talcum, and you have the Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Advertisement. Mix a little play with work. rio(ic I i.nSV -r m .?' sTrrs """ ..ijywiu. fabric unsurpassed in its charm and cheerfulness and at a cost well within your means. ANY good decorator can do the work nearly all stores dealing in L paints can supply the material anyone can npw afford to have Tiffanized walls formerly the exclusive privilege of the very wealthy. Instead of Kalsomine or Wall Paper AD that is necessary is just Alabastinc.'lhe same nationally accepted wall tint which for forty years has been used in homes, apartments, offices and public buildings of all kinds the same sanitary, durable, economical and artistic wall coating sold by the best stores and used by the best decorators. With Alabastine, regularly applied you get the exact color to match your rugs and draperies. Through the Alabastinc-Opalinc-Proccss you obtain a combination of colors most pleasing and satisfactory. Before decorating ask to see samples of the Alabastinc-Opalinc-Proccss. The Alabastine Company Grand Rapido, Michigan Taste is a matter of tobacco quality Wc state it as our honeit belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield arc of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price. Uzgttt O Mytn Tobacco C$, "J , WHY THE WAITERS LAUGHED Some Way, There Does Seem an Ele ment of Incongruity In the Situation Described, A Birmingham man went Into u restaurant recently and ordered a de cidedly plebeian dish to wit, calf's" liver and onions. As lie was eating with a good appetite and a clear con science, it occurred to him that he would like to hear his favorite piece of music so he called his waiter and sent a request to the pianist, who was Industriously pounding out Jazz In one corner of the establishment, to play Schubert's serenade. Tho musician had barely started to play the selection asked for when the guest noticed that bin waiter nnd sev eral other waiters seemed to lie vastly amused about something. Iteckoulng his waiter, he asked: "What's the Joke!" The waiter looked embarrassed, and hesitated, hut finally said, with a grin and In broken English: "The gentle men eats calf's liver and enjoys Schu bert." Iiirnitnghnm Age-Herald. Had Mllliono Under Arms. According to olllcial llgures gleu out by tlie Wnr department at Wash ington, the total strength of the United States army when hostilities ceased In the World war was .'1,701,077 men. Of that number 'J.iJOO.OOO had been sent to France, Italy aud Russia, while the remainder were under arm' In various camps In the United State, For true blue, use Ited Cross Ball Blue. Snowy-white clothes will bo sure to result. Try It nnd you will al ways use It. All good grocers have It. Advertisement. Wider Field Necessary. He (rejected) "Well, you may go further and fare worse." She "Yes; It can't bo done nround here." wsmx Beautiful walls! Harmonics never before imagined! A blending of tints and tones, a magic interweaving of colors which will transform your walls into a rich fl rV t K Wj?ll . m. e CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos blended 1H FIFTY YEARS AGO A young rami who practiced medicine In Pennsylvania became famous and was called In consultation in many towns and titles because of his suc cess In the treatment of disease. This was Dr. Pierre, who llnnlly made up lits mind to place some of his medi cines before the public, and moving to Buffalo, N. y put up what he called ills "Favorite Prescription," and placed it with the druggists In every state. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has long been recognlr.etl ns u tonic for dis eases peculiar to womankind. Alter stif. lerlng pain, feeling nervous, dizzy, weak nnd drngged-down by weaknesses of her sex a woman Is quickly restored to henlth by Its use. Thousands of women testify that Pr. Plcrce'rt Favor ite Prescription lias entirely eradicated their distressing ullments. More recently that wonderful dlscov cry of Dr. Pierce's, called An-iuic (for kidneys nnd bnekache), has been suc cessfully used by many thousands wh write Dr. Pierce of the benefits re ceived that their backache, rheuma tism, and other symptoms of uric acid deposits In joints or musclca have been completely conquered by Its use. Send 10c to Dr. Pierce, BulTnlo, N. Y for trial pkg. of any of his remedies, or write for free medical ndvlce. PATENTS Wntton B. Coletaan. I'atont IMTjr,WMhlDclon II. U. Adflcetnd book rreo. (Utw reasonable, muhoil references, licit lartleM. Iwr an" .!.. 55 :35? mm tss 5S Hfc-' ' BCgHigg) AlJlBM- terfield n sM !l t