The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 09, 1922, Image 1
JK A Newspaper That (ilvcs The News Fjjty-two Weeks Eacli Year !:or 51.50 jK " " ...I 1 1 . . . i .i.i... . ."'"' in .... i . i . i . i.i . . i ..I. ii M VOLUME 00 , R$D CLOUD. NEBASK , MARCH 9.1922 NUMBER 10. hm t ni-n i.iMiicv .oivps tin in. if win mum .ivvimniiiin rum uiiwmb JM .rpm m narn. E rmJ --- - - , u ..... .. -, - m a si as NBLC&.r&rsi KirL,ffirii wrftj&a a iSM TH - U rJ BBBiffi' nBB""ft 9 i ... m...i .... . ........,.... v.. . .. H -V. aaH ULJ7 pl ....! ewt. vvahtj .. jVZBmS ' """ ,l" S 7. .. "- ,.. .. "Hilty ntul l Otllllllltttt-U Will IlillKl'lltfil lo.B ITS fl d.'SSi !. ft ' j c I -. f& f( 3nMgraftjjB3i'rFiijnj-iiimirafcfiiMyBAiffmiwiiffiii iit'Xfl'ry'fP''"'" We have ordered a carload ol Early Ohio Seed Potatoes Which will be here soon. These arc 'a good. If you want some you should place, your order now. - .-, ," . .,H And Buys uarage interest's a "'"ci-ungorti.eAtm'riean Legion - Irm ni;'ht tliih nriini. itimi (Uu'Utoil to ,..YU..iM.w.,..iM-iK-..r.yii..y..rihlV( swmmlltf ,,, , ,lls y,.in.. TK.y mm i:.ii.iKi-.ii uu- iipi-p u-a-K Imw, , rt(1 Mtos , vltW tlor of tills 1 . i.i.If .. tl.trl.l. I 1. iw t nr. ttfti'i l.tit- i.W. li V,. . ' H ' , roity and a c'omiuittee was iippo'litcd to ii i ins iiu-nioii nun purciiuocti mi liner- .!. hi uu-niiiiuiiinuiiuniviiirimu. .r. , . ,, H)ot of irroiilill .Copk-y Is w..l lcnowii in JIiIh vicinity, ,,, flir u,v.,llimilllf ,. ,.ltll,i I ' . ..... Ii" '. .. '" ' " r !-. .. .....-, ' lias a pieavuit way of tnt'etinir tho pub lic and it'neo caroi'r in this tn-w vuiitiirt'. pdviin.Mi, clu. Anotlior roiiunlttvH was H D We Have the Best of EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES AND Our Prices Save YouMoney A FEW GROCERY BARGAINS Post Toasties I c Weinics every 9fln Per Package - - IwC Saturdas. per lb. - - fcb Laundry Soap 9Rn No. 2 Pork and Beans Cr 5 bars for - - - fcvC Per can ----- UU D Highest Market Prices for Eggs and Poultry tf -. -iWUft. Tk Farmers Union (I IiIh ptevioi.s biialnrso oxpur,,,.,,.,, l(, . 1C mon.,1!Ulls wllh ,c. I'dllilW Mill tvi'll frir n llf ft ofll HP . . .. . 11 " lg""' '" k'l'iVlu aiM a now I'oni ;nrul.ii'li tlivy uitoiiil to rafflo off to Elects New Officers Monday evening tlin Fite Dcpiir' niHiit nipt rind eloctud tho following ollleois for tlu pi.sainij year: C'hii'f. .1. 0 IJutipr. 1st Asst ("Hipr, 1'ortpp Halo. 2nd Asst Clili-f. Hen Coplpy. Tronsmpr, A. C. Slaby. Secretary, A. It. MoArtluir. Trustee". Carl McArllmr, A. C. Slaby and L. U. Rust. Gun Club Elects Officers j RED CLOUD, NEBR. j j For That New Spring Coat i ' I : I Thursday wciiiuif the lted Cloud Gun Club mot at Ilia Commercial Club rooms and elected the following olllo ers: President Karl Hall. Vice. President V. .1. (Jrieu. Seey.-TreaMiH't CJ. V. Dniiion. Field Captain Onuit Cluisty. Tim first shoot will be held March 12th. at !) a. f , at the ball nurlc nro vidlng tju trap arrives in tiling -Theie cat becuie fuudH which will bo applied in the building or what can no doubt lie inade a popular resort. This will not tin a money limiting lropo'dtion but all tho available profit-! will be applied in the development of this worthy pioject. CITY COUNCIL NAM K!) ELECTION JIMMIES AM) CLEUKS Mayoress Mary I'ctivson callcil the Council together in regular hiss on, in the Council Chambers, on Tuesday evening, with all members present and after the minutes of the February meeting Were road unci approved and the report of the city treasurer was presented and placed on lile. the loi lowing Judges and Clerks were ap pointed to bcrvc at the general cty I election, to be held on April 4th: Judges, First Ward Kettu Minu 11. C. Sherman, Lyda Trine; Second Wnrd E. Ci. Caldwell, A. V. Uuckor, E. J. Overing, Jr. Clerks, First Ward U. P. Wccsncr and E. II. Newhause; Second Ward Ed Garber and D. IJ. Harden. The city superintendent's office, . Mm Tr:.ct 'o..l iii.l !! -I .onion's M VJV U.IHU . 'iSI "" hall in the SemTVTunwTrelrnrfT-r f Otl- g v o 1. COME IN AND LOOK OVER MY LINE OF COATS ' All New Numbers And Priced To 1 Please All. SARA PHARES Red Cloud, Neb. i ' ' " " We Do Only The Highest Grade COMMERCIAL PRINTING Add Tone to your business by getting the best Fined $100 in County Court County Judge A. I). liiinney imposed a fine ot jMOO lait Monday on N. I. I'lilllips who appealed bufote tho court charged with illegally having in his possession intoxicating liquor. Mr. Phillips was taken Into en-tody by Marshal Doyle as he alighted from No 1 1. He hud in his pot-eiun a holt to of "moonshine" which be said he had taken from a car while acting in Ins olliclal jHpacity as Marshal at Franklin uiid having to catch the train iinine dlately just brought tho bno.e along with him. fie paid the line contrniy to tho advise ot his attorney. France to be Seen in Pictures Tho illustrated sermon lecture at the Hiptlst churih next Sunday night will present the religion and .seonlar hibtory of France hi .siniplllled amf interesting form. We, as Amcrlouiib, aro intensely in tjrosted in Fianeo' Hut few of us really know what, appearance Franco presents. A number ot the illustra t'ons to be used in next Sunday nigbtB lecturo deal with the quaint and beau. tiful city or Paris. A city of bountiful art objects nnd distinctive architect uro. A city whose history occupies a large place in tho record of world hup puningH. All are welcome at these servhes and an clrort is made to make them in lorcsting and prolltable to all who at tend. Will Receive Wireless Arrangements are being mide to hi btall wireless receiving equipment at tho Uesso Auditorium of tho latest ap. proved type in the immediate future. Manager Linn announces that if not dslayod in getting the necessary ap. parntus everything will bo ready to ro colvo messages by tho Hist of May. Thin is a move certainly to be com mended. Maikct reports, latest uows as well as concerts aro now sontoutby wireless telephone from tho largo send ing stations iu the cities. A receiving sot hero will bo able to catch messages from Kansas City, Denver and Omabii J with great ease. Durlug the next seas on news of all the league baso ball camOb as well as the market roiinrtu. thigh class musical productions and ' fltllAH lillli i ,.n rtt M.....1 I -. . til t uitiui inauuioui K"iii inioresi win ue 1 ,...f I... .1 1 4 IIII. iinnuu I iiiiu uv I1-U10ns. ..UipiillflrH I will bo inoluded in tho apparatus mak- uiiik ib punaiuiu io near mo ruuio mess Lagos any wbcro iu tho building. No nuiiuiiiK ujuii)im:iu v.Ul 00 lnSllUICU lit thu present time. . ' nated as the places for holding election. Upon on of the city altornry tho petitions for pool hails and Sunday picture shows were not acted upon, lie setting forth that there was no luw for such action. Tho following claims were r.udHcd One of Each $2; 75 While the present slock lasts I am offering two bargains. A guaranteed watch with unbreakable crystal - - - - $ 1 ,40 A guaranteed alarm clock - - $ 1 .40 These are both special values at the prices. Also a very few guaranteed eight day alarm clocks at the right price. I We Nuke 'Quality' Right---Then the Price";Right I E. H. Newhouse 4 rcjciouj Jeweler and Optometrist Ndrka and allowed: B. II. Fraver . . . ?-ir.0.()0 W. A. Patten ... . l'r.')0 C. D. Whital:cr ..... . . 8R.00 llert P'rrv ........ .. 75.80 Geo. Mks-ch . - 1"-'I0 Sam Mountford . 28.(51 Lee Truax .- 1.60 J. P. Check 117.70 S. n. Florance -. 5R3.5;i o. c. Tool .. acoo h. Doyle . 75.00 C. Pi. Lewis 85.00 F. J. Munilay - - 175.00 Geo. Trine 0.10 Crane Co. .. . 5.48 Shaffer Oil & Refining Co M5.25 Sinekiire IWining Co. ... 19D..55 Worthington Pump Mch Co .. lH-Hfi M'd-Wcbt Elcc. Co. . 191.90 1.0 AIM) OF EDUCATION IN REGULAR SESSION Hoard mot in regular session with all membors present r.t the Commer cial Chib-rooms at 8:30 p. m. Minutes of previous mooting, of February Cth, read nnd approved. Tho following bills were read and allowed: Malonc-Gcllatly Co University Pub Co Commercial Advertiser - Nina II. Simmons Silver, Burdctt & Co F. Cc. Turnro & Son- Henry Cook Mrs. Barbara Pharos C. L. Cotting W. M. Welsch Mfg. Co Remington Typewriter Co. Popo Bros. , IT. L. McCormick E. W. Stevens ... Joe Barta GENERAL CONTRACTOR We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. Wc do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work. Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. We build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY . Shop first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phone 72N morjimaEaianKrjnmiiJinnrmiMmiH mMTCMiiimttmmffliirEffl ,.. $1G3.70 31.00 3.00 ....... i.3a 5.-12 . 3. t. 3.20 1.13 .. 1.92 ... COO 7.75 0.00 . H.C0 1 75 Chas. McKoIghan .'- 4.50 Ilenry Newhouse 1.25 On motion, and at tho request of tho graduating class, the Board de cided to dispenco with caps and gowns for tho coming common comont. C. J. TOPE, Secy. Baptist Church Notes Sunday School 10 a. in. Morning Worship 11 n in, Tim Past or speaks on, "Tho Now Christian". Evening Worship 7:30 p, m, An il lustrated sermon lecture, "Tho Wft-3 of Franco". BE PRACTICAL' The young man in love often goes into raptures about H "the blue of the sea in her eyes and the golden haze of autumn in her hair," but remember this, young man SHE'LL EAT just the same as any other healthy girl. Therefore, get down to practical affairs. Save your money, deposit it in a good reliable bank like ours and get ready to own a home for you and the girl and to provide the three square meals a day that you will both need as long as you live. You know when poverty comes in at the door, love sometimes flies out at the window, I THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK j Edward Floiance, PretiJent Red Cloud, Nob. S. R. Florance, Caihicr M g Capital and Surplus $'jjj,ouo,oo J H J)t)iOiU$ OuarantttUli'jth Dtpotttors (luiranty I'uml of Utt State of Ij Are You Buying Dependable 5 tJr$ That is The Kind We SeH Malone - Gellatty Co. a VAr.v.v.vAVnVAv.v.vAV!iVVJV.vAVAV.vtfiVft(Vwf