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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1922)
iAA" l i' fffc. '- MC f i! ft V T VN I" LV L i ? f II! tl i i u. I I C) f H Ii . - l AS TOLD to SUS S 1 tk k r m k'k m a m k s Buy Ilread at Powell anf Pope'a. Mrs. Engol is on the' sick list. Eskimo Tic 10c at Powell's Cafo. Chas. Stonrtz ppont Thursday ;n Bladen. Chas. Cowley of Ilkiden was in Uio city Suturduy. Gcorgo Trotter ofSuporior was in Ihc city Saturday. Fred Copley was a passenger to St. Joe Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis spent Saturday in Hasting.". 11. K. Frazier was a passenger to Lincoln Sunday morning Oliver Powill returned homo Thurs day evening from St. Joe. Bert King filed for Sheriff on the Democratic ticket Tuesday. Lawrence Doyle ha filed for Slur iff on the drmocratic ticket. Mis. David Delph v;as a puHHencr to Hastings Thursday morning. V. II. Wntldiis was a passenger to Hastings Friday morning on train !. Rev. II. A. Frantz was a passenger to Kansas City Wednesday morning. Miss Ebba Grcgorsen Fponl the weekend with her parents at Mindcn. Eskimo Pie 10c at Powell's Cafe. Try a bar of Eskimo pic at Powell's Cafe. B. E. Eshelman of McPhcrson, Kan sas is visiting relatives' and friends here. ii Mrs. Mamie Wascomb of Guide s ,t Hock spent the weekend here with !t I" ,- . - amends. i H j. H. Hamilton and son, Jpnn oi 1 ' j ' i; unurning. , , I l Chas.Steward and Dan Garbcr were :. nasseneors to Blue Hill Wednesday ....--- w- morning. j j Mrs. Coppack went to David City 1 1 ;Monday morning where she will visit 1 lier sister. I j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newhouse' of ..Guide Rock spent Sunday .hero with , their parents. ' t j , ' State Deputy Sheriff O. D. Hedge 1 i vc in fhr irv Knoruiintr n rou .H.iv: j. "frith his family. R. E. McBrdc went to St. Louis - Sunday morning to attend to some business matters. The Firo Department will meet Monday evening and elect officers for the ensuing year. Vorno Butler returned kamo Wed . nesday morning from Denver, where "he spent a f"w days. The "500" club spent a pleasant evening with. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Crabill last Thursday. L.J ,, O. W. Ball went to -Eansat- City Sunday morning in charge Of the stock shipment; from here Judge'' Blackledgo ,' returned home this week from"'' Sidney' where he held district court for" two weeks. J, Earl McKimmey of Holdrcge .spent Sunday with his parcato, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McKimmey. Jack L. Galbroth and Eva F. Will iams, both of Superior, were married by Judge Ranney Inst Friday, Ou account of the serious illness of . Mrs. ,Engles, a member of the com ' mitteo campaigning for members for t 5 'the W. C. T. U., the social, planned ( for Wednesday of this vcefc was ..postponed indefinitely. h on'. "All ''wantinir 'farm loana'AaVt' and see 'i.4ae, '.I have Boraethirifr hiw to offer 1 -yriuV ' ' J. II. l&AttAY. Thn FflllTC AT hme cxpecr you 1IIO TULIYO TOTEIX'EM ALL ABOUT ExhilaratlngBURLESKVAUDEVILI " Etafo Alvreyi Pilled with Pretty GJrli, I'unny Cloivuu Goriconi Rqulnoiie. llrilllmit Sccnio liiiviroumcnt. MATINEE DAiLY,2:15; EVNGS B:30 EVERYBODY OOESt ABK ANYBODY , r-AteiUwWtfwtvitSawWtfaocap Eskimo Pie 10c at Powell's Cafe. R. J. White returned home Friday evening from Hastings and Onjana where he had been on business James Doyle returned homo Thurs day morning from Kansas City where he had spine stock on the market. Mrs. J. V. Ilaiuk returned home Tuesday ov ui ig after spending a few days wii friend at Omaha. Mrs. Oliver I'owcll has filled for nominal on as a candidate for Coun'y Trcamrcr en the Republican tick t. Mr. ad Mi", Mrvedi'li IJutlcr of Hasting1! pent Sunday hire with hir parents, M . and Mrs. .1. 12, fJulh r Wm. V. I.cwh of lljlvidcrc spout the week ml hero with friends and also attended to some business mat tors. 11. F. Mirer returned home Friday morning lrom the western part of the s'talo' whe.c ho had been on busi ness. . Mrs. N. I). ' Bush returned home Tuesday mom'ng from McCook wheie she had been visiting her sister and" friends. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Hughes of Clay Center spent tho woek nd hero with his parents, Mr., and Mrs. D. R. Hughes Mrs. Roy Cramer was called to Re publican City Sunday morning on ac count of tho illness of Wm. Sunberry's children. Mrs. Alico Smith returned to Brewster, Kansas Friday morning after spending a few weeks w.tli rela-' tives here. Miss Nettie Springer returned to Imperial Sunday evening after spend ing a few days hero with her mother and friends. Miss Christine Caldwell who ,1s teaching school near Franklin, spent tho weekend here with her mother and friends. i The Delphian met in regular tcs sionj Tuesday afternoon, with' Mrs. McBride as leader, on the topic, American Art. Ed. Pulsipher returned to his' work: at Holdrcge Sunday evening , after spending tho day hero with his fam ily and parents. i Mrs. W. S. Brunei, returned home Monday evening from Lincoln whore she had been visiting her son, Wm. Bruncr and family. Will Roberts returned to Fremont Monday after spending the past tvo months hero with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H Roberts. Miss Edith Zeiss returned to Su perior Sunday morning after spend ing a few days hero with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ChrLs Zeiss. The electric siren fire alarm arriv ed Wednesday and will be installed on the roof of the Fire Department building as soon as possible. ' Mrs. Fred Wells returned to her home at Lincoln Thursday after spend ing a few weeks here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C, Tecl. B, F. Conner returned to his home at Union, Oklahoma Friday morning after spending tho past two raonthV with his. brother-in-law, Sam Shuck. Mr. anil Mrs. John Edwards of Eiv erton arc the parents of a nine pound baby girl, born Monday. Tho little fiss has been named Ethelyn Ruth. Jack Waller was down from Cowlcs Monday and filed for Sheriff on tho Republican ticket. His announce ment appears elsewhere in this paper. A. B. Crabill shipped two cars of hogs to East St. Louis, Illinois Tues day mom'ng end one car of hogs to St. Joe. Miss Bomice Shorcr returned to Hastings Tuesday morning to resume Iter studies after spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Trace Sherer, Trainmaster J. T. Welch and Road foreman R. E. French of McCook annt several hours in this city Fri day attending to Burlington business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porry gave a 7 o'clock dinner party on Tuesday evening to several guests. Tho, rest of the evonong wan was spent in play ing wWst. Two good places to eat, at home and Powell's Cafe.' '' 23 REDUCTION EXCURSION FARE OMAHA AND RETURN Vlu MARCH 5, 6," 7 Final Return Limit March 13(li Account MERCHANTS MARKET ASSOCIATION cwT5nt!TT!ywv7y'?(;-n,tCTra:,a,!3 Rev. I.udwig TlioiiiHi-ii will prencli iv t tin; CuiitfreniiUuiitil (Munch Suudfiy ui lisUOoYhicU. Dopntj UiMiiiiy Cloik A. V. Uuckur In-, 11 If I (or ilu nointiKiii n of County Tiuiistuur on t lie Dotnouruttu ticket The P. E. O's wcro entertained Monday evening at the home of Xlr. and Mrs. Phil Sherwood' The hostess was also the leader of the lesson, on Social Hygiene. Tho Misses Julia Warren and Gol d!e Fry returned honjo Tuesday even ing from Hastings. Mrs. Reva Evans returned with them for short visit with her parents W. E. White loaded his household goods the first of the week and he together with his family expect to leave in a few days for Oelrich, South Dakota where they will make their future home. Basket Ball Game Friday evening at 8:15 the Red Cloud and Guide Legion tcam.s will play at the nigh School Gym'. Evening Journal, $3 a Year Tho Kvenlng Stato Journal ib mak ing a trial mail price of only $.1 for a' whole year. Tho biggest and brigliest' evening paper in Nebraska, giving more news, .more cartoons, comics nnil sport features than any other. Kvery member of your family will liko tho Lincoln Evening Journal. In C tiding tho llig Suuday Journal a spec iul price of only Si. Try it a year at these cut rates The Morning Journal which is a day ahead of most papers on rural routes, 81a year, or S3 with Sun day. ' Support or Royalty. At the Installation ceremony of King Felsul of Irak nothing had been left undone In producing the atmos phore necessary for such an occasion In tho country of the Caliphs of ISag dad. The throne or rather tho chair of state was a masterpiece In scarlet rep, tinsel and gilt. After the cere mony, which, It will be remembered was np open-air uffair, the ritual re quired that the throne should be re moved. , A .stalwart Ethiopian rnlse'd 'If above IiIk head and bore It away past thft 'attemblert multitude.' The frame, beneath the xeut waa simple deal, and acre the boarding wot the legend la stencil of a linn that. ' ports Scotch whisky. It .shall be nameless,' because the mosl up-to-date advertisement malinger co'uld u'tver hare honed for such a dlspluy. It' wns worth a king a ransom and yet It was free and unsolicited. Mmieheilcr .Cuttrdlrj;. . . - Helpful. , - The only obstructionist we can to!er ate Is the friend who puts a good thing In our way. Boston Transcript. I Use It On Free Trial KILL off tha worms and feet , you boa feedhwrifMapd ibty Mta fiM Sbsps t O MUUUBd 0 YOU UOlUi'uOUKYrVlmtoYpn .We want v on to trent Q yotar bos with HOO-TONB I'REB fOTCOdiysTComo mm. m'jnm TONItftlieztruttWorraKJUernndHos: Conditioner) to treat your enttre lierU lor CO days. U IL'1 results loll to eaUufy 'rou. It vm cost you notuln, C. L. COTTINC The Druggist,, RED CLOUD - NEBR. lllHII I II. ! BUT HE GOT DATES MIXED And So a Wily, Unscrupulous Rus ? slan Bachelor Was Forced to ' "Kill Off" His Family. Necessity has sharpened Ihc wits of tlu IlusstnijB and they ulscovor most Ingenious devices to profit at the expense of tho government. A shrewd physician In I'otrojjrnd, who wiis a bachelor with a hearty ap petite mil! a small Income, Induced the president of tho house committee where he resided to plvo him n cer tlflcafo saying he wic nirrrled. In thl' way he prortnoil n double ration. Soon 'his linnplnnr.v wife fell 111 and he cot a milk eanl on the strength of It. Later a Imhy eaine to bless tlil fictitious union, and he was en titled to additional delliaele as a re suit. UnforttinnteJ , he got his date niKi'd up and announced the arrival of three children Inside of six month)'. An Investigation was Mnrtod, upon which an epidemic broke out In his family, which carried away, Inside of two days, his wife, two diiusbtor and little boy. It was a dreadful innssacie on pa per. Itul It saved the physician, who got olY undetected ,7. Kessel In I.e Flf'iro. Paris. Story of a Famous Old Timer. An esteemed correspondent recalls two little stories of that eminent Ohlo an. (low David Tod, who. umom: his oih. r official distinctions, numbered linn of minister to Hra.ll, appointed by President Polk and holding tho of fice the years. When It was noised about among the future governor's old friends and iiciiualntauces tlltit he had been made minister to Dni7.ll, one of them drawled : "Wal, all I got to say Is that Dave'll make a sheol of a minister 1" When Minister Tod olllelally Inter- lowed Don Pedro II In Itlo .Janeiro, he said to his Interpreter: "Tell the emperor that If he will hurry up the carrying "out of that reipiest I made hlni I'll send htm a car load of the best Urler Hill coal my people can mine." . As coal wasn't used In JUo, the In terpreter collapsed. Cleveland Plum Dealer. Grades for British Apples. Tho British npplc growers have recently been devoting considerable attention to the establishment of grades for their product and much progress has been mudc in this de velopment. The chief reason for the movement is the desire to place on the large British markets an apple grown In England which will compare favorably In price with the best Amer ican and Australasian product. It has often been stated In England that the market advantage of the American ,nppe s entirely due. to the, fuct that It Is correctly graded ana packed. There is 110 large supply of British apples which could bo closely graded for market. Tho British growers generally have not paid much atten tion, market requirements In tho selection of their trees nor to the enre and cultivation of orchnrds. Starched Cash Like New. A Detroit woman had what she styled n "conniption fit" recently. She was wnshliiir some aprons and forgot that she left some money In the pock ets of one. She didn't remember It un til she had starched them. "The money was sonked, but when 1 dried It nnd Ironed It It was pretty stiff and resembled new currency. Th.s caused the grocer to ask me where I'd made them," she said. In the District Court of Web- ster County, Nebraska. Iti Tha Matter at tha Application of AI- ph!a E. Hansen, Administrator, tor License t "- -1 Estate. Now on this i . 'of Februarj 1022, Alpbie E. Bausiu, administrator of the estate of Henry O. Hansen', de ceased, having'' presented his "petition under oath praying for license to sell the following described real estate of the:Bald Henry (J Hansen, deceased, to-'wit: An undivided oncthird inter est in the South West -Quarter of the North East Quarter and the South hxlf of tbe North West Quarter of Sectb n lCj Town 1, Range 10, in Webster Coun ty, Nebraska, subject to the hotuf stead right in said laud of Louise Hansen, for tho payment of debts allowed against said ebtato, and allownnco and costs of administration, for the reason that there is no personal property in tho pobbossioil of said Alphio E. Han son, administrator, belonging to said real estate to pny said debts, allow uncea and costs. It Is therofore ordered, that all per sons interested in said estate- appear before moat chambers in the city of Red Cloud, in said county ou 20ih day of March 1022, at the hour of ten o'clock, A. M. to show oauHe, it any there be, 'why a license should not be granted to said administrator to sell so much' of the above described real estate of sai'd "decedent as shall be necessary to pay said debts and ex penses. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be scrvod upon all persons interested in suld estate by ouusing the 6iimo to bo published for four sua cesilvo weeks In the Red Cloud Chief, a newspaper printed mid published in said oouuty of Webster. ( ' 'LEWIS II. nnACKLEDUE, JUtJge'of DlsWfct Court " ' Seed Potatoes We have ordered a carload of Early Ohio Seed Potatoes Which will bo hero socn. These arc extra good, if you want some you should place your order now. m We Have the Best of EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES AND Oar Prices Save YouMoney A FEW GROCERY BARGAINS I'ostToastief? Per .I'aekafio Laundry Soap 5 bars for - i c 1 Ok 5K- H Highest Market Prices (1 VP NUCKOLLS COUNTY vn m v si I rnk lUf'-TrriS iHiil RED CLOUD, NEBR. , -UJI,Ml.l..y. Combination Jrure-ored btock bale . Will be Held at The Fair Grounds, Nelson, Nebr. Saturday, March 18th, 1922 20 Bred Sows 11 Poland China Bred Sows 1 Boar and 2 Gilts,, Pqlund China Fall PIfra U Durou Jersey Bred Sowt, 3 Spotted Poland-Cbinn Bred 1 Gray Porelioron Stallion This stock s till first class stuff, carefully inspected hy tbo Mnnngor uud Comniitteo. It is our first wile and hs wo are anxious to tuuUo a Roor! showing, we liuve n good consignment to offer. It consists of Rome of tholeaditiirnnd most popular strains pf ;hou rospectlvo breed. The sows are of Rood quulity and type, some will have pigs by huIo duy. Tlio cattle tire good rowthy stuff and in good condition to grow on and thu buyer tho most good. All cattle will bo given (ho tuber cular test before Mile day. The Stallion is u good borte, has done several seasons good use for the consignor and sells for no fault., tbo reason bolug Mint Micro are several of Ills offspring on the furni. A Special Invitation Is Extended to Each Person to Attend This Sale Bring The Boys Along! Sale will be held Inside if the weather is bad. BIG FREE LUNCH AT LUNCH : f- Auctioneers: Col. A. W. Thompson, York CoL W. C. Henderson, Superior Col. C. G. G. Denny, Superior F. E. Bottenflcld, State Bank el Nelson, Clerk o! Sale Write to the Manager J or a Catalogue NUCKOLLS COUNTY BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Laurance Smith,- Superior, Nebr., Sale Manager Take Advantage of Our BARGAINS Men's Suits and Overcoats $16.50 to $25 SPECIALS Heavy fleeced lined Union Suits 95c 95c Heavy Ribbed Union Suits... Flannel Shirts, priced from' $ 1 .75' to $4.50 with 1 0 extra discount We Aro Giving Special Prices on all Seasonable Goods Come In And -I Wo Go Hamilton ClothingC,1 , "The House of Quality1' Woinies every M' Saturdas. per lb. - - H.O No. 2 Pork and Beans Per can - - - - - 1 for Eggs and Poultry BREEDERS ASSOCIATION j Consisting of 14 Head Cattle 5 Short Horn Heifers, 3 years ami under. 5 Short Horn Bulln 2 Polled Short'IIorn Bullh 1 Polled' Short Horn Cow and Heifer Calf SWEATEiRS A I Great Reduced Prices First Quality All Rubber four buckle Overshoes , $1.75 Be Convinced. ti