The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 02, 1922, Image 1

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k Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 11.50
vvuuwwwuv.vwuwwkrwwv1 fiivon For Bnv
w I -m - - - -j
Scouts and Their Fathers,
: i
FRIDAY and SATURDAY, 7:30 and 9:
His latest picture. Also Little Sambo Comedy.
Matinee Saturday 3 p.m. 25c and 10c '
Evenings 30 cents and 10 cents.
SUNDAY, 7:30 and 9:(
Wallace Reid in "A Dancing Fool"
Ovey Comedy Aa real program. 30c and 10c
MONDAY and TUESDAY, March 6-7
World's Championship Pictures
Showing every detail of the big fight, all preliminaries
and training stunts. Shows at 7:00 and 9;00
50 Cents and War Tax.
To be Well Gowned
Gives One Confidence and Courage
SILKS are the goods
for not only a good
dress, but a serviceable
dress good for all occasions.
Have a nice line of silks
In All Colors
In the much wanted taf
fetas, crepe de chines, and
canton crepes, which are
the leading silks for this
spring and summer.
Come in And Let Us Show You
The Line Before You Buy.
A fjithor nml son brtiiqilrt whs pivun
f u the I toy SomiKh anil their futhorMiit
this l. H. cliurcli last Krldny cvonimj.
In un uli cuvi- wliciu n bay cauld nut bo
ticuniupaiittMl by bis futlicr tbti com
mttluu provided liini an tsoort. A
spluiidid two uoursu dinner whh served
by tii M. K. Aid Snnlety, plntcs bcinj;
laid for acvontjhoron KtiestH. With
few exceptions all fur whom reserva
tions bud befti iniide attended
The patriotic rifcor-itions wcro cla
boruttTtind carried out to the roost
mintito doiail, i-vcn to a Mil all bilk 11-ik
wiiich adoriifd tho desurt. .Mlniturc
red iiatciietu carefully out fiotn card
board were in uvidencc ns a reminder
nf the anniversary of tlio birth of tho
father of our countiy.
Mr. Fred Mauier acted ns toast niast
or and introduced the bpeivltuns of the
evening. Mr. F.J Mundiiy, Mr. Kgo,
Prof. Gelwick and E. J, Overlng were
the spenkera and their subjects were
appreciated by those present. Mrs,
Ocorgo Kuilev also (,rave two humcrous
readings which furnished amusement
for those present The entire program
was short, opioy and very entertaining.
Kev. Cope, I'rof. Gelwick and Mr.
D. H. Kaiey composed tho committee
for the nrracKenient of this banquet
and are to be congratulated on the
success of the event.
February Weather Report
Teniperaturc: Mean 'JO ilejr i maxi
mum pi il.-jf. on ISlli, miiiimum 1 below
Ti.'ro on US li.
l'louiplttttioti: Total 0.30 Indies.
Sunutall: ioIiiI 0 0 indie--.
Number of diiyh Clear "0, puttly
oloud.v '-', cloudy (5 Uutea of -Sleet Ibth
and 22ml, Thunderstorm 23ml. Wind
N W 11 days.
Ordination of Mr. Hardman
Mrs. Sherman Laid at Rest
Also a large line of 27--40 inch
laces for panels or sleeves.
Barbara Phares Re4od
Mrs M. C. Sherman, whose life has
played an important part in tho early
development of this county, passed
peacefully and quietly from the caret,
sorrows and responsibilities of this
world at her home in this city early
last Monday morning. Although she
has not been in the best of health for
nearly two years nothing serious was
anticipated and her sudden death came
as a shock to the community. Having
spent a restless night she arose early
and died while sitting In her chnlr.
Margaret Mayhard Sherman was
born June i!nd, 1817 in Dayton, Ohio.
With throe sibtors she came to Nebras
ka in the early days. In the year 1871
she and Mr. Sherman wcro married
and bin co have made their home in
Webster county, living for several
years on a farm about four miles south
wost of this city. She was a faithful
member of tbe Christian church, and
devoted considerable time in its sup
port As runny otiier plouecrs of this
county she met with many obstacles
and adverse circumstances but it can
truly bo said that sho fought lifo's
battlo well.
She leaves to mourn her departure
her husband and five daughters: Mrs
(1. E Uiice, Mrs. C H. Smith, Mrs.
Ward Hyatt, Mrs. ISeruard McNeny
and Mrs, Ho Fisher.
Funeral services were conducted
from the home Tuesday nf ternoon by
Rev. Marjorlc Owens and interment
made in the city cemetery.
Back to Pre-War Prices
Come in and see for yourself our exceptional values.
Harness and leather goods of all kinds oiled and repaired
Rebuilding and repairing automobile-tops a specialty.
Fogel ( PUT! El) Red Cloud
Bldg. Ji Vi DUILEK Nebraska
On Sunday bst at Grace Hpiscnpal
church the Hlglit llevetoud Guorg
Allon Heouhor D. D. ordatuod Siimut'
Hardman to the diacouate.
Previous to the Ordination Service
proper Morning Prayer was read at.
0:30a. m , by Dear. Samuel B. Wells of
Broken llow, and at 10:30 Mr. Uaidman
presHtitud u class of five members fur
Conllrmatlon by tho Bishop. I
At 11 o'clock tho Ordination Scrvlou
begun the sermon was preached by the.
Very Reverend Chat. Ii. Tyner noan of
Ht.JMark's Pro-Cathedral at Hastings.
Dean Wells read the Preface, and the
Rev. J. M. Hates presented the Candi
date. y The service was very impressive and
thcchurch was filled to its utmost ca
pacity. The music was beautiful aud
vef.v appropriate, being specially com
pllmented by tho Bishop. The altar
was decorated with several boquets of
beautiful flowers.
; The Rev. Samuel Uardniau will re.
main in charge of Grace Church where
ho has been active for the past eleven
fcsinths. -.
Special Service at Baptist
Church Sunday Evening
A special illustrated sermon on "Tho
Romance of tiulilee" will be given at
the Baptist church next Sunday at 7:30
p. tu,
This bervlce will be of very particular
interest to lovers of the beautiful, as
tho pictures to be used are faithful re.
productions of the world's great mas
terpieces of art.
Among those most famous will be
uoted "The Tiansflguratlon" by Rap
unci, "The Oiuciflxlon" by DeVinci und
many others equally notable.
The "lecture sermon" associated
with these pictures, is tho wonder
story of the ages, and will be really ap
preciated by all christian people. A
special invitation is extended to the
young people to attend and enjoy this
Tbe pictures for next Sunday night
are already on band tints eliminating
all danger of disappointment. v
One of Each $2.75
While the present stock lasts I am offering
two bargains. A guaranteed watch with
unbreakable crystal - - - - $ 1 .40
A guaranteed alarm clock - - $ 1 .40
These are both special values at the prices.
Also a very few guaranteed eight day
alarm clocks at the right price.
I We Mike 'Quality' Right Then the Price.Right I
E. H. Newhouse
RcaxiQuj. Jeweler and Optometrist Ndrmk
We do building from the excavating to the painting
complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater
ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME
BRICK and STUCCO work. Let us show you the differ
ence between good and inferior stucco.
We build screen doors and window screens and do
carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for
screen doors and window screens now.
Shop first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phone 72N
Baptist Church Notes
We Do Only The Highest Grade
Add Tone to your business by getting the best
Grace Church Services
Yesterday March 1st was Ash Wed.
nesday tho first day of Lent. This is
the season when the church of all nges
since tho timo of Christ has called up
on men and women to pray more earn
cstly, examine themselves more care,
fully, aud strive to live more consist
cntly as Christians. Let us therefore
as blessed inhabitants of a Christian
country talto spiritual inventory of
QUrselves, praying our Heavenly Father
to glvo us power to cast out tho unpro
fitable things, and to accumulate thoso
things which aro worthy in His sight,
and proQtablo to tho wolfaro of our
selves and thoso around us,
First Suudav in Lent
Sunday School at 10 a. ra.
Holy Communion at 11 a. m.
Kvoning Prayer at 710.
Evening Prayer with address utH p m,
You aro all welcome to our services.
This moans, TOTJ.
' ,'i
The regular services will be held
tho Gaptist Church ns follows:
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m Subject
"The Great Force".
Eveuing Worship 7:30 p. in. A spec
ial Lecture Sermon" specially lllu6
trated "The Ilomauce of Galileo".
The officers of tho Kcd Cloud Post
238 American Legion sent out a large
number of qucstionsirca to its mem
bers and also to those who do not be
long and they would appreciate it if
those, who havo not filled out their
questionaircs would do so at once, as
tho officers want to make their re
port to state headquarters.
The young man in love often goes into raptures about
"the blue of the sea in her eyes and 'the golden haze of
autumn in her hair," but remember this, young man
SHE'LL EAT just the same as any other healthy girl.
Therefore, get down to practical affairs. Save your
money, deposit it in a good reliable bank like ours and
"get ready to own a home for you and the girl and to
provide the three square meals a day that you will both
need as long as you live. You know when poverty come3
in at the door, love sometimes flies out at the window. x
Edward Flounce, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance, Cuhier
Capital and Surplus $35,000.00
Dtpotltt Quarantttttby the Depotlion Guaranty Jfand of th Statt offltbratla
Miss Mildred Popo returned to
Hastings Tuesday morning to resume
her studies at tho Hastings College
after spending a few days hero with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pope.
Delancy Bros., shipped two cars of
hogs to tho Kansas City market Sun
day morning, No other stock was
shipped from hero. One hundred and
fifty-five cars besides thut loaded
hnro passed through Sunday morning
enroute to, tho Kansas City and St,
Joseph markets. They wore handled
in 'three trains from here,
Are You Buying Dependable
That is The Kind We Sell -
Malone - Getlatly Co.
.. - -