The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 23, 1922, Image 6

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iMarket Reports
Sent by Radio
Quotations on Agricultural Prod
ucts Aro Broadcasted by
Government Stations.
Government Alms to Make the Amer.
lean Farmer the BetMnformed
Farmer In World States
Also Interested.
WiisliiiiKtiHi. 'A''1U wlroleus 1b how
being lined liy Htutu mid federal agon
clue to broadcast national and local
agricultural market report m through
out virtually the on lire country. It
porta on llic national markets aro (lis
jiatclied dally bj tlio United Slutcs
Department of AKilculturo from wlro
Jcbs Htatlona of tlio post olllco depart
ment at Cincinnati, Onialia, Washing
lon, North PIntte, Neb., ltock Spring,
Wyo., Ulko, New, nud Itono, Nov.
.These rcportH nro received by hun
dreds of amateur wireless opcrutors.
National market reports aro nleo ro
relvcd by state bureaus of markets
and agricultural colleges, supplemented
with local market reports, and re
layed by wireless telegraphy and tele
phono to farmers, shipping associa
tions, newspapers, banks, and other
ngrlcultural Interests.
Tho St. Louis university at St Louis,
Mo., was perhaps tho first among ed
ucational Institutions to broadcast
market reports by wireless. Their re
ports aro received liy hundreds of
'farmers, shipping associations, banks,
and other agricultural Interests, and
n telcphono company In eastern Illi
nois which receives tho reports tele
phones tho hcwb regularly to Its 5,000
Telephone and Telegraph.
At Lincoln, Neb., tho University of
Nebraska Hnd tho Nebraska Weslcynn
university aro co-operating In broad-
lusting crop and market reports fur
nished by tho state burenu of mar
kets. Doth radio telcphono and tele
graph nro used. In Wisconsin tho
State department of markets broad
casts national and local market re
ports from tho University of Wiscon
sin wireless station at Madison. At
Minneapolis, crop nnd market reports
arc broadcast from tho University of
Mlunesotu radio station. Tlio Minne
sota college of agriculture has also
assigned an extension reprcseutntlvu
to instruct tho farmers In tho uso of
wireless receiving apparatus. Tho
college of agriculture of Cornell uni
versity lias assigned an expert for
similar work, nnd to assist rural rn
dlo clubs that are being organized In
New York.
A high-powered transmitting wire
less telephono lias been Installed In
tho ofllco of tho Missouri state mar
ket bureau at Jefferson City, Mo.,
and will dlsscmlnato market Informa
tion. Government reports frolu thai
larger market centers of tho coun
try will bo recolved by menus if a
One of the World's
The ofllclal residence of Premier
whero tho Irish pence delegates were
the Hrltlsh government.
Proportion of Married Men Has
Gone Up, Says Census.
Probably More Indicative of Change In
Age Composition of Population
Than Growing Propensity
to Matrimony.
Washington. Tho proportion of mar
ried men to the total mulo population
of tho country fifteen years of ago und
over Increased from 05.8 per cent to
ri9.2 per cent in the ten years precedlug
tho 1020 census, uccordlng to n com
pilation of murltal statistics made pub
lic by tho census bureau.
The bureau believed, however, that
this was probably more Indicative of a
chongo In tho ago composition of the
population an incrcaso In the percent
age of males between fifteen und
twenty-flvo years of ego duo to In
creased Immigration than a growing
propensity to matrimony
mvBS if 8iSl Wi -:-ll s JM&V&
1 o
"drejp" from tho leased wire system of
tlio United States Department of Agri
culture, and transmitted by radlophono
to all sections of Missouri. Demon
strations Intended to interest fanners,
dealers and shippers Installing the
necessary ulrclc.s receiving appa
ratus will bo held In various rural com
munities of tho state, and It is antici
pated that telephone olllccs, newspa
pers, chambers of commerce, county
agricultural agents, banks, high
schools, nud co-operative marketing
associations will b( among tlio first to
Install receiving sets.
Complete Program.
A most complete program In tho dis
semination of market reports by wire
less Is being planned by tho state bu
reau of inurkcls In Ohio, u specially
constructed radiophone transmitter of
tho most Improved typo being Installed
In tho radio station of the University
of Ohio for that purpose. Tho Texas
markets nnd warebouso departments
nro nlso planning n market news serv
ice by radlophono for farmers, deal
ers and shippers In Texns, arrange
ments being mado to uso tho radio
equipment of the University of Texas
nt Austin.
Gray Squirrels
Bred in England
- -- -
Introduction Of American Variety
of Rodents in Parks Causes
Some Difficulty.
Spread From London and Are Invading
Country Over Wldo Area Drive
Out Red 6qulrrels Popu-
lar In Parks.
London. American gray squirrels,
which havo been Introduced Into Eng
land, nro causing some dllllcultles, ac
cording to the Times, wmen remaras
In tin editorial:
"Tho Introduction of North Ameri
can gray squirrels Into this country has
had an unexpected succcsb, which, If
wo mny Judgo from many letters sent
to us, bus not gained universal ap
proval. Kngllsh visitors to Central
park, Now York, hnvo often been de
lighted by the bold and confiding hab
its of these little rodents, which seem
never to hnvo acquired the red squir
rel's distrust of mun. Doubtless there
havo been several attempt! to acclima
tize "them Inithls country, but their
definite establishment Is recent.
Introduced Into Park.
"Some dozen years ago the Zoolog
ical .Society of London obtained a num
ber of Individuals from n private col-
Famous Buildings
Lloyd George at No. 10 Downing street,
In session with tho representatives of
Of tho total male population of ft!,-OOO.-KJl
above tho fifteen-year classifi
cation the census figures showed 21,
8111,200 married, 1,758,1103 widowed and
235,28-1 divorced, tho latter figure, how
ever, Including nono divorced und re
married. Tho divorce total showed an
Increase of 20 per cent In Its ratio to
tho total population during tho ten
year period, constituting six-tenths of
1 per cent of tho latter against five
tenths In 1010.
Although duo to the absence of the
wives of ninny foreign-born residents,
tho number of married women was
shown to bo about 500,000 less than tho
male total, tho number of divorced
women exceeded men by approximately
10,000, representing closely tho differ
ence between tho number of men nnd
women remarried after divorce.
Hy stutcs, Massachusetts led tho field
In the proportion of single women with
a percentage of S1.4, although tho Dis
trict of Columbia exceeded this with
873 per cent, Tho census bureau point
Operate to Stop the Pain
in an Arm Already Gone
Salem, Ore. An operation of
sympntbetotny, believed to be tho
ilrst In tho United States, was
performed here on Mnrlus Sn
htio, Surgeons removed part
of tho cuff of the brnchlul nr
lory from the stump of one Of
his urins, nmputntcd some time
ago, to nllevinto pain apparently
in the removed arm. The ar
terial cuff, they explained, con
tains a sympathetic nervous
plexus In which tho painful sen
Mitlou had Its source.
Tho first national market report to
be broadcast by ulrelea.s nnywhero In
the world was sent out by tho United
States Department of Agriculture
fiviiii ilm radio Hlntlon of the United
States bureau of standards only u lit
tle over u year ng. The department
soon demonstrated the practicability!
of utilizing the radio for disseminating,
muikct Information, and rnpld prog
ress In expanding the work hns been'
mado posslblo through tho co-operation
of state nnd federal agencies
To make tho American farmer the
best-Informed farmer In tho world Is
the aim of these agencies, and equal
progress during the coining year will
go far toward securing that result,1
say officials of the federal department.
CCt0n In Bedfordshire, for tho purpose
of Inducing them to breed at liberty In
tho gardens In Regent's pnrk. They
were first given the relntivo freedom of
n largo open-nlr Inclosure, from which,
when they hud become accustomed to
rccclvo tribute from visitors, they were
allowed to pass In and out by a rope
bridge to n tree. It was anticipated
and indeed hoped, that they would
spread from the gardens to tho purk.
Tho olllce of works took a benevolent
Interest in tho experiment nnd rq
strained visitors from taking dogs, ex
cept on lead, through the main avenue.
"After two or three years, lu which
they seemed to be disappearing, they
suddenly became- ubiquitous, forming n
charming addition to the sparrows and
wood pigeons, hitherto tho only crea
tures attracting populnr attention. The
gray squirrels are plainly happy and
equally plainly glvo happiness to the
London population two weighty rea
sons for their presence In the London
parks. Hut It Is alleged against them
that they destroy the nests of warblers,
a railing accusation ensier to bring
than to Justify. In fact, there Is room
for both; possibly a few nests havo
been destroyed, but the squirrels fre
quent the regions of the parks whero
dispensers of nuts most abound, where
as the shy singing birds covet the more
secluded thickets. Careful observers(
of birds arc Inclining to the opinion
thnt tho avian population Is Improving
In numbers and In variety, nnd that It
might improve- still more were some
small and suitable sanctuaries to be In
closed. Spread to Country.
"On the other hand, tho gray squir
rels, whether by taking advantage of
tubes and busses or by deliberate hu
man connivance, hnvo bpread from
Loudon nud are Invading the country
.over very wide areas. Tliey aro said
to drive out the red squirrel, to raid
gardens, and to add to the anxieties
of the pheasant breeder. We hope
that fuller Inquiry will not sustain
these charges. On general grounds we
doubt If n creature with so marked a
preference for living as a sturdy beg
gar will settle down to tlio hardships
of a predatory and hunted life. The
biological problems following on the
introduction of an iinlmal to a new-
country aro Interesting, and wo admit
fully that there lias often been no
middle way between complete failure
nnd dlastrous success."
Aged Man Proud Father.
Mammoth Spring, Ark. Dr. D. F.
Curtis, aged eighty, nud whoso wlfo is
forty-four years of age, is tho father
of a twelve-pound baby girl born re
cently. This Is the couple's twelfth
child, two of whom arc dead.
ed out, however, that tho ratio of men
to women In iho population "naturally
has a very Important bearing on the
proportions of single men and women.",
Wyoming led with 70.5 per cent In tho
proportion of married women, wliilo'
02.8 per cent was shown for Mississippi
and Arkansas, and tho smnllest, -15.0
per cent, for Nevada.
Paris Defectlvea Dig Up 350,000
France Plunder Hidden by
French Legion Member.
Paris. Detectives have Just dug up
JlGO.OOO francs, plunder of a clerk of
the Hank of France, who bid 1t In four
preserve Jars and burled them In dif
ferent spots In tho park of Versailles
In this city,
Tho detectives say Armtmd Grcnot,
u former nrmy aviator nnd knight of
tho Legion of Honor, admitted thnt
ho embezzled 400,000 francs from tho'
bank, kept-40,000 of them nud bid tho'
rest In tho Jam Jars.
News of All Kinds Gathered Prom
Various Points Throughout
Wolf bunts are camouflage for "hoot
ing pheasant, prnlrio chicken, grotno
and other protected fowl nnd ganio Is
tlm I'liiicfn iiuiiIi. In- I on Stlutir. mm'I'o-
tary of tho dopnrlnVnt of agriculture, i
Tie declared Ihe "wolf hum" has ,e.V. ' " "tun. n-gimmuri' miopici a
come a niilsanie In the Kioto and Hint wsi.liitlnii favoring I lie transfer.
It threatens the untile nud fowl scr- 1 A "treaty'1 between Nebraska and
lously. Me pointed to one such bunf Colorado to eltle a long-standing
advertised to take placo soon .
Heaver City In which Is expected
J,000 men will take part, it Is to cov
er MO sections of laud. "In soma
counties they hold Ihese liunM us
often ns once a week and they rarely
get a wolf," said Mr. Stul.r. "Hut
with such a mob of men, the game war
dens nro helpless. They kill tin pro
tected game and birds by wholesale.
It tlio thing doesn't stop I will try to (
have a law passed prohibiting wolf
A eumpnign by tlio Mato highway de
partment fv tho law enforcement bur
can to bait tho practice, in western Nt.
braska of Nebruskans crossing Into
Colorado and buying cheaper nutonio
bllo licenses bus been slarlcd with
tbn r'.rrest and fining of .?." and cost of
four auto owners.
Two seventy-foot pile bridges have,
recently been completed In Iundy
county, ono of tho Coldeurod highway
and one on tlm stitto line. Tho county
It constructing a gravel loader to be
used In loading gravel from tho nn
tural supply near this placo for sur
facing tho county highway".
) Efforts; rv'n being mado to install u
sewage system in Henkelnv;u, c.Ml
mntes of cost being placed at &,0 per
lot. Tho commercial club has taken j
the matter up. Tho advantages of the
improvement and cost of construction
will bo discussed f,t a meeting to bo
held soon.
Llttlo Naomi and Georgia Slnnctt,
daughters of Mr. and- Mrs. Oeorgo
Slnnctt, living west of Stella, ought
to bo tho most petted of nil Nebraska
children. TJicy havo 11 grandparents,
all living within a radius of flvo miles.
Tho largest of tho Crowoll Lumber
nnd Grain company elevators' was com
pletely destroyed by fire nt Wakefield.
Tho loss to tho building is .V-20,000 be
sides 18,000 bushels or grain and a
qunnlty of conl.
Tack and Edgar Klsber, sons of Mr.
and Mrs. ,T. Ed. Klsber of Hcyijrlce
hnvo received appointments to An
napollq and West Point, respectively.
Their father served overseas with
American troops asr, lieutenant.
. During tho live-years ending with
1020, flro losses In Nebraska caused
,tho destruction of property valued at
.$ir,184,04, according to figures made
public by tho National Hoard of Fire
, When William Slay's team returned
to bis home nt Harwell without a driv
ier, Mrs. May notified neighbors, who
(found May's body in n haystack after
In search. Death was ascribed wO.beart
Flro which destroyed tlio main build
ing of Kennnrd, nnd burned tho print
!lng olllco of tho Enterprise, wus of
;such a serious nature thnt it myi,s nec
essary to call tho Hlalr tire department.
' Tho entire family of A. Fry-well,
five In number, of Dubois were striken
with ptoiunlno poisoning following din-
jiior nnd for a time were lu n serious
condition. They will recover.
t Onialia Hntnriuus got. behind the
drlA'o Inaugurated by tho Hoy Scouts to
'raise $-0,000 necessary for cryrytng on
their work during tlm next year.
' Four towus nro served by tlio re.
'cently installed electric generator at
IPawnen City Stelnuuer, Hnrchnrd und
Dubois, Neb, Summerfield. ICas.
'I'ho annual harvest of natural Ice i
has been completed In tho vicinity of
Onialia. Tho pack is said to lvo been
largest In years,
Tho Exeter school board has hired
the present .superintendent, Charles A.
Hewers, for net year with nn Increase
lu MiV'.ry.
Hakcr.i at Norfolk nro wholesaling
one-pound loaves of bread nt OUs cents-,
and ono and half-pound loaves for 12
Police Judge Foster, Omaha, lias an
nounced Jail sentences for bootleggers
brought before him on second offense.
Tralos "Nos. .'19 nnd 40 between Hrok
en How and .Seneca have been discon
tinued. Tlio teachers and students nt llos
alio aro most enthusiastic over their
hot lunch venture. An nvcivvge of (50
children urn served dally. Creamed
Fiilmnn nnd creamed peas arc favorite
Honds for tho erection of new
$150,000 courthouse at Papllllon have
been sold. The bond'i were sold at
public auction and, according to sales
men, brought nn extremely satisfactory
figure. Tlio next step in the matter
H letting of the contract which sup
porters of tho project say will bo done
In tho iiiyy future.
Custer county last year maintained
170 miles of st,-i,te und federal road nt
a cost of $30,327, or 50 cents per mile.
Tho county has federal nld roads from
Hroken How to the ens line, nnd
from Sargent to tho north line. The
other 130 miles connect every town
In the county except Coinstock.
Supervisor OrlTi Kellison wns made
county highway commissioner nt the
regular meeting of the county board
nt tu'd. Tho bonrd expects to take
euro of tho road this year for ?(J,000,
or half of last year's' amount, which
was 512,000.
Prospects of oxel I'Vigltig tlto slate
soldiers' home In tirund Maud for n
federal hospital for disabled ox-en Ice
men, are about ns good its could h ex
pected at the picsent time, the next
event lit tlu mutter being the passage
of the bill innkliis: the appropriation,
Dr. Port llalir, delegate: id the Wash
ington confcrciicu of iiulloiuil iepre-M.-nlutrvo
of the disabled American
.veterans, staled upon his return. Doc
tor Knlir also wai cnmmWsinncil ! tlio
local chamber of commerce to negoti
ate In the promotion of tho proportion
'"1 -v tnr MiU-sinan f.r tho
water right ONpute on Hie I'latle rhcr
butween the two states has been agreed
upon between Attorney !eneral Cur
cneo A. Davis and Uelph 1-2. Carpenter,
irrigation counsel of Colorado. Such
Ironies, I)aH says, must bo nppnmnl
by both slate legislature and b con
gress. A John Mirey will V mado
In Die spring, to work out details nf
tho agreement, which will gin unllmlt-
ed water supply to portions of He'iel
nnd Kletb counties and penult exten
sion of irrigation ihi'uu.'lt Poikini coun
ty. V Mild.
Ten wolves were slain In an Amerl-
can Legion wolf bunt pur on by tho
posts of Oxford. Hcyivor City, Kdlhon
nud Samford. About 12,500 people nt-
tended tho hunt. The lines were
strong on till hides and only a few
wolves (dipped out of the ring, l'llot J.
If. Smith, In nn Orlolo ulrplnne, dr.
cled tho Hues many times and gave
signals to I lie ;ptulns so that nil sides
advanced evenly. Tho wolves were
'sold nt auction for .$57.
Edward Ow'en, n young farmer, hnd
a narrow escape- from denth when the
team which ho was driving was struck
by n freight train at a crossing about
ono nillo from Wayne. Owen was
irim. f. ... ,iiHfnlu. ntll1 nf.ho,i
llconst.IolH; 0no of the horses was
,aiUH Tll0 drvcr fi,llTcrp(1 no ficr.
,0U9 (sffcc, Il0WJver tll0 only lnjliry
.....,, ..... ...,,. on v
Ernest Krlesel, residing west of
Falrbury, holds the county record for
catching cojotes. One evening he trap
ped five full-grown ones for which ho
recolved .$15 bounty from the county.
He set steel traps around the carcass
of a horse, covering them with fine
dirt Tlio animals were caught while
feeding on tho meat.
Mrs. Lorettn Schrciner of Fremont,
after eight And a half days on Hunger
strike, was released from tlio Dodge
county jail, wlicro she was sentenced
for refusal to send her children to
school. Sho was in Jovial spirit and
laughed when County Attorney J. C.
Cook announced her release.
The Great Lakes St. Lawrence
Tidewater project wa; endorsed by
tlio II2il annual convention of Nebraska,
lumbermen, before closing their session
in Omaha. A. K. hammers, Hurting-
ton. was elected president of the as
sociation for the coining year.
As conimander-in-cblef -of the Neb
raka national guard. Governor Mc-
Kelvic will review the heavier JidLsen
tences Imposed by the provot court
In the martial law area of Nebraska
City. Twelve cases are appealed.
Oscar Thompson, 'special American
Legion guard In Lincoln's residential
district, was accidentally shot, when
a revolver fell from bis holster and
was discharged. The bullet entered
bis shoulder. ,
A wolf hunt near Keneaw tn which
2,000 uien took part, resulted In tho
bagging of nine wolves, eight being
shot nnd one lassoed. IJroiicho bust.
Ing also featured the day's proginm.
Players from different sections of
tho state aro participating in the 24th
annual tournament of the Nebraska
Checker assoclalon which Is being held
nt Lincoln
Contracts hnvo been let for forty-
seven blocks of paving at (V'.UInnd.
The project Is divided Into two districts
ono brick und tlio other asphalt. Work
will begin as soon as possible.
.7. Hay Shlke, blind osteopath physi
cian of Lincoln, ho will bo
a candidate for United States repre
sentative from tho First district.
Herbert Wnnrow, a young farmer of
Humbolt, was severely cut on the
Hhoulder with a buzzsaw, forty stitches
being required to close tho wound.
The Oinnha Automobile show will
bo held March 13-18. It Is promised
that the number of exhibits will be
greater than during former years.
01 to Long, living near Creston, has
sold hbi ft'um for 253 per uc-re.
Merchants' Week In Oninba, March
tVll promises to bo unusually attrac
tive thl'i year. (
Tho Kearney volunteer Hie depart
ment, disgusted over failure of Jhe city
commissioner to purchase additional
J tlre-fightlng apparatusy tendered Its
resignation in a body, effective within
30 days. In the luterum the city com
mission is confronted with tho neces
sity of either ncting on nn additional
truck purchase or seeking a paid de
partment. It Is posslblo r,n expression
of voters on purchnse of a truck will bo
asked at a special election In March.
Stamped by the Siuigont postmaster,
after having been addressed, tho small
son of Harold Pernn was sent by parcel
near Callaway.
Tho Noiuabn County Fair assocla
lion will have a new auditorium In
time for the fall festivities. This was
determined tt a meeting of the Auburn
commercial club. The funds will bo
raised by- collecting, In advance, fees
for space hi the building. Many of tlio
exhibitors will pay for, the spneo they
expect to uso for 10 years in advance.
The building will bo 70 foot square
and have a bnsement and balcony.
Makes a Bright Spot in Every
Home. A Comfort in
Years to Come
Park Rapids, Minnesota. "I hav
taken your medicine Lydia E. Pink-
MWMMMmaMliqm'a Vnifatnlllfl
Compound wnen i
wan a girl for pains
and before and after
my marriage. I now
havo a sweet little
baby boy and will
Bend you 1113 picture
if you wish to publish
it. My sistctn also
take vour medicino
and find it a (Treat
help, and l recom
mend it to those who
suffer before their babies aro born." .
Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Box 165, Park
Kapids, Minn.
To marry and arrive at middle age
without children is a great disappoint
ment to many women. Think of the joy
and comfort other women have in their
children as they grow older.
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vcgotablo Com
pound has helped to bring great happi
ness to many families by restoring wo
men to health. Often the childlesshome
is duo to u run down condition of tho
wife, which may be helped by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It
brought health and happiness into the
home of Mrs. Johnson. Why not to
Stop Laxatives
Which Only Aggravate
Nujol is a lubricant not
a medicine or laxative
so cannot gripe.
'When you arc constipat
ed, there is not enough
lubricant produced by
your system to keep the
food waste soft. Doctors
prescribe Nujol because
its action is so close to
this natural lubricant.
Try it today.
i Money back without question
I (Hunt' Salve and BoaphUll In
the treatment of Iteh.Eeiema,
RingwormTetter or outer lien
Inff akin dlieaaea.Trv thit treat
ment nt our rltk Sold by all reliable drugclst.
A. D. Rleharda Medicine Co Sherman. Texas
Keunres ioior ana
Bmuty to Cray and Faded HaM
we. tnofi uiawrnrcirifiB.
WKfnxOirm. Wt.Patrlioii.rl.T
lousra. ate., stop all pain, rtuure comfort to lb
tett, EMkra walklne ?. IU hr mall or at Drcc
glita, Ultcox Chemical Work, t'tiogTW,N.Y. j
Personality in a man h what makes
you wonder "who that man is that
j on see so often."
For many years druggists have watched
with much intercut tlio rcinarknble record
maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Ttoot,
the great kidney, liver nnd bladder inedi;
It is a physician's prescription.
Sunmp-P.oot is n ftrengtbcninR medi
cine. It helps the kidney?, liver nnd blad
der do the work nntuto intended they
should do.
Swamp-Root tins xtood the test of years.
It is sold by nil drupgiHtfl on ita merit
nnd it should help jou. No other kidney
medicine lm o many friend?.
Bo sure to get Swamp-Hoot and start
treatment nt once.
However, if you wish first to test thi
Rreat preparation rend ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer &, Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Advertisement.
A rural melodrama should at least
havo a grass plot.
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
25t and 75$ Packages, Everywhere
and MICE
Always use the genuine
G ""'.. 11 . .ark
.v i fixro-w&,"
r& J 'rillt MRl
fBBIka -3w
It fortes tlieae pctu tu ran from tUo building for
Roady for Uae Bottor Thar Traps
Directions In 15 Uncuaite In erery box.
UcindfUO. "Moner back UU fall,"
17. U. UoTarnmcBt ban It.