The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 23, 1922, Image 5

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    V.fJ& CEPflP, ifEBRASKA, OHOSr
it - -
Uuy HreHd at I'owcll and Pope's,
Eskimo Pie 10c at Powell's Cafe.
Ira Smolser spent Thursduy in Kc
publican City.
Miss Josephine Mizcr spent
nrstlay in Hastings.
Chas. Funk was a passenger to Su
perior Sunday morning.
Orval Jensen was down-from
Cook the last of the week.
I. B. Wagoner was a passenger to
Hastings Monday morning
R. J. White was a passenger
Hastings Tuesday morning.
Mrs. J. W. Hauck spent
with friends at Benklemnn.
Mrs. II. It. Childress and daughter
spent Saturday in Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Elton Pope returned
from Bcpublic, Kansas Monday.
Mrs. Ed Pulsipher and baby went
to Holdrcge Saturday morning.
Mrs. Guy Gillette was a passenger
to Hastings Wednesday morning.
Mrs. John Cummings was a passen
ger to Hastings Saturday morning.
Mrs. Bert Stunkard was a passen
ger to Guide Rock Monday morning.
Mrs. John Topham was passen
ger to Hastings Saturday morning.
Eskimo Pie 10c at Powell's Cafe:
Try a bar of Eskimo pic at Powell's
Attorney Bernard McNeny was a
passenger to Wymore Tuesday morn
ing. Mr. anT Mrs. Eustis Bean are the
parents of a baby girl born Sunday
J. E. Yost accompanied the stjck
shipment from here to St. Joe Tues
day morning.
airs. Win Ilincs of Wymore spent
Tuesday here with her son W. L.
Ilincs-and family.
John Edwards and chikhen of Jv'v
crton spent Sunday afternoon with
friends in the city.
Mrs. Albert Holvcrson went to
Hastings Monday morning to spend
the week with friends.
Esther Baker spent Saturday with
her sister, Mrs. Paul Ncwhousc and
family at Guide Rock.
Don't forget to see the Basket ball
games at tho High School gymnasium
Friday evening at 7:30.
Supt. B. R. Frazior, who underwent
an operation a few weeks ago, is .ble
to be at his duties again.
Chas Steward returned homo Fri
day evening after Fpending a few days
at McCook' and Hastings
Mrs. 'John Holcorab drpartcd Sut
irday evening for Denver where she
intends to make Yr future heme.
Mrs. Carl Romjuo went to Hastings
Wednesday morning to spend the day
with her sister, Miss Altn Coon.
Misses Fnnni" Hutchinn and Rolfci
McDowell autoed to Hastings Satur
day and had their tonsils removed.
Both avo now buck at work but ot
talking much.
Hod Cloud will havo u hall team
consisting of all homo playors this
summer.. Tlio manager of tho team
claim they aro going to havo the b,:st
ever this scaFon.
Mrs. L. W. Cain and baby rolurnod
to their homo at Upton, Wyoming
Wednesday morning after spending
tho pnst fow weeks horo vin'ting with
her parents, Mr and Mrs. John Osbo-n.
Farm Loans
All wanting farm loans null and free
mo. I havo something now . lo offer
you. .1. H. BAILEY.
Exhilarating BURLESKrai VAUDEVILL"
SlajeAhvayn Filled with Pretty Grl, I unnyClonua
Gurcom Hquipaite. Urilliant Scenio 1 iivlroumrnt.
MATINliE DAILY, 2iir. LVNGS 8:30
Always t lid Olggest anil tost Show Wosl of Chicago
Eskimo Tic 10c at Powell's Cafe.
D. C. Henderson expects to
Sunday in Denver.
Chas. Egglcston returned home
Thursday evening from Hastings s.nd
Blue Hill where he spent a couple of
Lynn Bush icturncd to Hastings
Monday morning after spending the
weekend here' with his father, N. 1).
Ressler Bros., line of coats, suits
and dredscs for spring will he here
Monday, February 27, at Barbara
The Degree of Honor members
and friends enjoyed a masquerade
dance in the I. 0. 0. F. hall Tuesday
Scotch Collie dog named Lassie, fat
and wt 75 lbs. Reward Notify W.
II. Roberts.
Tho stock run through here Sun
day morning consisted of one hundred
and eighteen cars besides that loaded
at Red Cloud.
The Graham & Johnson Furniture
store shipped two or three orders of
furniture to the western part of tho
state this wock.
Do not miss seeing the Itcs.s1er
lino of coats, suits and dresses for
spring m display at, Barbara Pharos,
February 27, l'J22.
A. U. Kaley and W. G. Hamilton
returned home Friday evening from
Omaha where they attended the
Clothicis Convention.
W. F. Gingrich of Superior was in
tlio city Monday evening visiting
friends and attending the meeting of
the Eastern (Star lodge
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Church returned
home Monday morning from Louisi
ana where they had been visiting rel
atives for several weeks.
C. F. Evans of Long Beach, Cali
fornia, arrived in the city Friday
morning to visit relatives and attend
to some business matters
Mrs. George Osbom returned to her
homo at Hastings Friday morning
after visiting her mother, Mrs. Jose
phine Lamborn and family.
Mrs. N. H. Bush went to McCook
Saturday evening where she will spend
a few days with her sister Mrs.
John Marshall and family.
J. W. Auld and children Virginia
and Thomas returned home Sunday
morning from Denver where they had
been spending a few days.
Mrs. C. K. Giddings returned to
her home at Superior Tuesday morn
ing after spending a fow days here
with her daughter, Mrs. Paul 'Pope.
Two good places to eat,
and Powell's Cafe.
at home
Fred Jombcrg, foreman of the
water service department of the Bur
lington from McCook spent Tucsiay
in the city attending to matters in
connection with his work,-
Mrs. Davis, of Superior, Grand Lcc
tur ss of tho Eastern Star lodge was
the guest of the Eastern Star lodge
here Monday evening. Scvente-n
members of the Superior lodge wore
also present. .
A. B. Crabill shipped two cars of
hogs to the St. Louis market Tues
day morning and J. E Yost two cars
of cattle to St Joseplu Jamca Doyle
shipped one car of cattle from Lester
to Kansas City.
Tlio Intermediate C. S. Society gave
u nnrty at the Christian church on
Monday ovening. About thirty vn
jnyvl this happy occasion. Light re
freshments were sorved. This is Rot
ting to bo a regular monthly event.
The Burlington Ins re-cstablshcd
tlio Hastings-Red Cloud local and put
tho Red Cloud-Oxford local on its old
schedule. For tho past month th.y
have been trying to run tlio crows
through from Hastings to Oxford hut
havo evidently concluded that this is
too long a trip for local crows to
make in one day.
A. B. Crabill shipped ono car of
hogs to tho Kansas City market and
ono car of catMe to Kansas City Sun
day morning, Ed Wiggins ono car of
hogs to KansaB City, C. A. Rasscr
one car of hogs to St. Joe, F. J. Cock
rnn ono car of hogs to St. Joe and
Chan. Huffor ono car of -cattle lo
.Kansas Ciy. Chas. Huffor, G. G.
FMinrton, 13. R,, Wiggins, C. A. Rasr.or
prd F, J. Cockran nerompanicd their
stock through to destination.
Wants Fire Truck ,- ;
Tho first of tho week L. R. Rust and
the editor of this paper woro out cir
culating among tho merchants a peti
tion on behalf of tho Kiro Department
asUliiK the rotiiicil to buy motorized
equipment for tho Flio Department, as
tho present equipment is Intidrqnute
fo the lire protection of this city. We
all know tljut the tuxes aro IiIkIi Innc
and the council is muldng an ofl'oit to
liquid ito some of tho Indebtedness but
tie depm'tnu'nt has a proposition
whereby the city can buy Rood reliable
apparatus nud It will not emuiiiass
the city to buy it. Tho terms are to
tnnko ono payment eaub year for four
years, and this would nut disrupt the
city treasury in any way. Chief Havol
expects to have a committee to seo the
rast of tho merchants on tho west side
of the street soon.
Mrs. Hicks Laid at Rest
Mrs. Elizabeth Hlek?, better known
as "Orndum Illclcs," passed awny last
Monday afternoon at tho home of her
daughtor, Mrs Elmer Vogn, over
south of tho river, with whom she has
bo.'ti living for the past several yearn,
Klfzabetli Coily lllults was born
October 2nd, 1S37. Sho was married
to Robert HieUs when she was 15 years
of ano. In tho early GO'fl they eatni'
to Nebraska, locating in Johnston
C unity, but moved to Wobbler county
in'73 whore with tho exception of brief
periods in Oregon and Texas, sho bus
made bur residence since. The bu
band passed away several years ago.
She leaves to mourn her departure
two children, Mrs. Elmer Fogg and
Mr. Will Mobs and many graudchild-
10 I.
In her death we lose another of the
old pioneers who endured hardship
nud suffered privation in the ear y
development of this country. Funeral
services were held from tho Christian
Church Wednesday nftcruoou, by ltev
Cope, tho deceased being u devout
member. Interment was mado in tho
city cemetery behide the husband.
The Land of Dolls
The clever diutnatization, "Tho
Land ot Dolls," presented by the grade
Mihool hist night, was highly
highly accent-
able to all critics.
Tho High School oiehestra furnished
the musical accompaniment thruout
tho pluv.
Artis'tlc excellence was attained aid
cl by the natural maglcry of the bccno
in tho soft waning light when the little
girls should have been in bed. Theso
girls were Marian Piatt and Florence
Pope. Their mother called thum and
announced bed time, but they didn't
wish to go to sleep. InitOad they hept
right on playing with their dolls and
wished they could bo transported to
the Land of Dolls where they could
play all the time ami never go to bed.
A Fairy, Pauline Munduy, waved her
waud and gave them their wish.
Iu this wonderful laud every hind of
doll was exhibited from the Colonial
Danu down to the diminutive Chluee.
The little girls seemed enchanted.
They interviewed the queen, a French -doll.
Babetrt, tho French maid vvas1
very charming. The clown afforded
mui'h fun in finding out that most of'
lepertoliH of theHe wax beauties con
stated of ust fiflylng 'mama " Tho
stately little soldiers refrained from
disturbing anyone.
Tho enchantment is broken when
the naughty little girls begin to realize
they aro hungry and sleepy, and wbh
they were home once more. Tho fail)
aVriVes and pilots them homo while
they sleep. The liltlo doll fairies nil
in white and wearing plnzcd wing
dincc like graceful little nymphs
These are our talented folk dancers
from the klntcrgttrten and primary
Oliver Powell is in
St. Louis thi
Rev. C Ji. Sporo will proaoh in the
Cnit((iegatlonal church uext Sunday
m irnim; at 1 1 o'clock.
r?9&fr vww,AT
Use It On Free Trial
KILL off tho worms and get
your lion f ceding rlcht and they
aro la Ado ohapo to mlbstondittiy
dlscnso. They'll fntton fast and MAKU
YOU MOKtt MONIIY. Fine tor preg
nant BOY8. ,
Wo want'vou to treat nil yonrhoca with
HOG-TONISKRElforOJdays. Coroo
mms will civo you suluclont HOG-
Conditioner) to treat your entire he
your entire nori
tor (ju uays. ititsrcen
iltft fall to 8atiafy
fiyou, it will coit you uothlns:.
The Druggist
1 1 j rxiR1 hA
Gun Club Organized
A gun club is living organized in this
city. Some twenty live or thirty havo
already joined. X trap has been ord
ered and tho member expect to hao
somo enjoyable oceasslotis shooting
"blue rocks" noon. Those who wish to
Join should see (1, W. Damon or Karl
Hall who aie in charge of the member
ship campaign.
Wants Swimming Pool
Today Dr. Martin, 11 It Heck and
I'aul l'olniehy of the American Legion
are out vUitiug the merchants to see
what can bo done about having a swim
mltig pool near this city this year. Wo
all know that a largo number of our
citizens every summer go to .surround
ing towns to enjoy this recreation and
we believe wo should got togothcr and
boost for this proposition as this city
needs one.
Grace Church Services
Ash Wednesday Services
Morning Prayer and Aute-Coninuin-i
m Service 1(1 a. in
Evening Prayer and Penitential
Olll'o with Sermon 8 p. in.
Ash Wednesday or tho first day of
Lent Is March 1st this year Let us
keep our Lenten Season in gtalcful
riMueinliraneo of lllm whoguvu Himself
for our Redemption.
Baptist Church Notes
The regular set vices will bo held at
the KiiptUt. Church as follows:
Sunday Suhool 10 a m.
Morning Worship 11 a. in. Tho Pas
tor speaks on "Has the Age of Miracles
Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. An
Illustrated Sermon by the Pastor.
Subject "In His Stops".
First Illustrated Sermon
A ltirgo audience attended services
at tho Baptist church Inst Sunday even,
ing and listened with great intorest to
uu Illustrated lecture given by Rev.
Newlund A high Krade btcreoptican
has been installed In tho church for
the purposo of showing pictures oi an
educational nature. This was used lor
tho first time last Sunday with great
Tho subject taken was "Homo" which
v is very appropriate in as much as this
city features prominently in the onrly
history of Christianity. The lecture
was ably prepared and splendidly do
livcrod Fifty beautiful colored plct
u cs of places of interest in and around
t lis ancient city woto projected on the
screen to illustrate facts brought out
by the speaker, making the lectuic
very realistic and of rout educational
In the District Court of Web
ster County, Nebraska.
In Tho Matter of the Application of Al-
phie E. Hansen, Administrator, for
License to Sell Real Estate.
Now on this 7Ui. tiny of February
1022, Alphie, 10. Hunsxn, administrator
of tho estate of IInry U Hansen, de
reased, having piesented bib petition
under oath praying for license to sell
the following described reul estato of
the said Henry (i. Hansen, deceased,
tn.wit: An undivided "iie-tbird inter
est iu the South West Quarter of the
North East Quarter and the South hitlf
or the North Vih Quarter of Sectlin
10, Town 1, Knnge IU. in. Webster Coun
ty, Nctiriihka, subject to the. homestead
right in nid laud of Louise Hansen,
lor" the payment of lebts allowed
against said estxto, and allowance and
oo-ls of adminihi ration, tor the reason
that there is no peiBiiual property iu
the pcii-sesslon of said Alphiu K. Han
sen, Httmlnistrittor, bu.ouuiug to said
real estate in pnv said debts, allow
ances and costs
It Is therefore ordered, that all per-
sons Interested in said estate, nppeur
hutoru mo hi chmlers in the oitv of
Red Cloud, in said county on 20 1 h day
of Maieh l0!2.'nl Hie hour of tea
o'clock, A. M to show caue, If any
there be, why a license should not be
granted to said admmisLiatot' to sell
so much of tho ulxivo described roil
estate of sitld deccdut. as shall bo
iiKiebbiiry to pay said debts uud ex
penses It is furthur ordered that a copy of
this order bo served upon all persons
Interested 1u said. estato by causing
the snme to bo published for four sue
cesslve weeks iu the Red Cloud Chief, a
newspaper pi luted and published iu
said county of Webster. i
Judge of District Court
Tho B I. L's were splendidly enter,
tallied y th p. B O's lust Friday
evfiijnR. They enjoved a three courfco
dinner, first. HiIiik on the program, at
the hutue of'Mr. ami i-h. NeilGrhneH.
Lutcr they wi-nt to Miss Jesslo Kel
Iok's wlinro Uio hcuuo mr ilia follies
of ..102'." wan laid Kxuilemelit ran
high, for Him U. I, L'm NUHpeeted that
uiot iinyihiiif; niiulil Iiii)ihii to them
At ten UhleH, tin iii(;niilty of these
(.riifHtH wan i.Hud in pi oiiiJ siieh uatu
vn aw 101,' (iDiiiinoHb, tiiidledywinl(H,
eroeotiole, tto I'Jiiiliiiintf pil'i'u In
eaiiuy. cnrtiaiioiiH and IimiiIn wore lie
Htowi-d I'piiu tlm iiiict hlilufnl playct ,
Till evt-nlnir of pjuatiiuitry will louj,'
bo leiiit'Uibered. -'
Tp 1 '11T '11 t-' -1 -w 1 -
lo be Well downed
Gives One Confidence and Courage
Come in And Let Us Show You I
The Line Before You Buy.
Also a large line of 27--40 inch
laces for panels or sleeves.
Barbara Phares ReJud
If Friday, Feb. 24
HI Given by Red Cloud Post 'No. 238.
A virt rt I rr4 rv
That Snappy. Syncopated, Irresistible
Music Will be Furnished by the
"Kromatic Kids"
If you-like to dance
to miss it. Legion
goodcleaji a crowd,
Admission $1
Take Advantage of Our
Men's Suits and Overcoats
$16.50 to $25
Heavy fleeced lined
Union Suits
Heavy Ribbed
Union Suits
Flannel Shirts, priced from 1 ,75 to $4.50
with 1 0 extra discount
We Are Giving Special Prices on all Seasonable Goods
Come In And Be Convinced.
W. G. Hamilton Clothing Co.
"Tie House of Quality"
We Do Only The Highest Grade
Add Tone to your business by getting the best
ILKS arc the goods
for not only a good
dross, but a serviceable
dress good for all occasions.
Have a nice line of silks
In All Colors
In the much wanted taf
fetas, crepe dc chines, and
canton crepes, which are
the leading silks for this
spring and summer. -
you can't afford
dances guarantee
and lots of fun.
Spectators 25c
At Great Reduced Prices
First Quality All Rubber
tour bucKic o g
Overshoes 01
1 '