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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1922)
4 n M R I V V ,- I 4 A - ? IV r & I V . tM . . . Uv. A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Ench Year For $1.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. FEBRUARY 23. 1922 nrntamnanMnniiM NUMBER 0. Douglas Fairbanks And J. P. Ifcrfian Paid $2,500 Each To See The Dempsey Carpenter But You Can See It For 50c And War Tax, At The RES) CLOUD, NEBR onday ano Tuesday MARCH &th-7tlt With all the Preliminaries and a Comedy, 7 Reel Show Shows Begin at 7:30 and 9:1 5 p. ni. Seed Potatoes We have ordered a carload of Early Ohio Seed Potatoes Which will bo here soon. These arc extra good. If you want some you should place your order now. 3 ' We Have the Best of EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES AND Our Prices Save You Money A FEW GROCERY BARGAINS Post Toastics Per Package 8 Laundry Soap 5 bars for - I c. Wcinies every. w Saturdas. ner lb. - - No. 2 Pork and Beans Per can - - - - - 25c 20c 15c u Highest Market Prices for Eggs and Poultry m m The Farmers Union RED CLOUD, NEBR. . SAMUEL HARDMAN TO 1112 ORDAINED ON SUNDW vice at the ordination of Mr. Samuel llanlman to the diaconnto by the Right Reverend George Allen Becchcr, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN SESSION TUESDAY The Iloaul of County Commission ers met as per adjournment at 10:b() a. m. yith all members present. ' John S. Marfcli of Guide Hock up- D. D.. Bishop, at the Grace church, on . . . .. . . .. . . , ,-i .,'pcarcd, before the Itoaid regarding Quinquagesima Sunday, February . J 1 ,. " , ,?., tno 1921 assessment on Hnrdwuro 2Gth 9:30 A. M. MORNING PRAYER Rev. E. E. Wells, Rural Dean Brokrn Bow, Nebraska 10:30 A. M. CONFIRMATION Prayer Book, pago 27!) 11:00 A, M. . READING OF THE PREFACE Rev. Samuel E. Wells, Rural Dean of the Grand Island Deanery Prayer Book, page COO ORDINATION SERVICE Prayer Book, pago 510 PROCESSIONAL HYMN 505 SERMON The Very Reverend Clms. R. Tynor Dean Of St. Mark's Pro-Cathedral Hastings, Nebraska PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATE Rev. John M. Bates Red Cloud, Nebraska Page 510 LITANY Prayer Book, page 5110 INTROIT HYMN 586 SERVICE OF THE HOLY COMMUNION Pago 531 EXAMINATION OF CANDIDATE Prayer Book, page 511 ORDINATION HYMN 289 NICENE CREED Prayer Book, pago 580 OFFERTORY Choir Just As I Am COMMUNION HYMN 225 GLORIA IN EXCELSIS Old Chant NUNC DIMITTIS Langdon RECESSIONAL HYMN 507 Fifty Attend Banquet Tim Business Men's lunch, given at the Powoll Cafe last Thursdaj cvotitug, was a splendid success In evory detail. Tho pippiirutioit of the Imiiijiiot ami the ea&o with which tlio fifty plates were set vert utidttr tho direction of Mr. Oliver Powell is seldom i qnalli'd. Tho Krotniiliu Kidi furuiihed music as tho dinner piogressed. Cuoli num bor was of tlio high class eharaotorist'c of thls'oteliostra and was loudly up plauded, Mr. Lawsuit of tlio Hustings Clunub er of Commorcd and Mr, Adam 13 reed o of the Hustings Daily Tribuuo wet o tho fipalccrs of tho evciilntr, The former gave a brief tall: on the possibilities of Commercial Organizations a u d Mr. Itreedo told of ids reoont trip to the Hawaiian Islands. His ability to de saribo conditions and evonth made Ids tnlk vory entertaining and of consider ablo educational value, Messrs. Nowlund and Weobtior who were In charge of ariaiigcments for this banquet aro to be congratulated Mr, Jacob Poteisen and Gilbert Beck weio selected as a committuo to ar' range for tho next dinner, Make Good Butter Records Tlio latest biillbliu of "Reported Tosts of Llolatoln-Frlosiaa Cows," pub lished by Malcolm II, Gardner, Dela van, Wis , Supt. of Advanced Registry of the Holstoln-Frlebtan Association of Ainorlca, reports crodltablo records of two cows owned by Starke Ilrothors( of Red Cloud, Nebr. Tholr best cow, Maggie Ormsby Jo hanna, a Full Aged cow, made a record of 010 5 lbs -of milk and 25.870 lbs. of butter fat, in seven days, equivalent to 32.3 lbs. of butter. Their other cowi Maud Colan'bu Jo hnnna, ib reported as buying made at tho bko of four years and six month", a record of 535.0 lbs. or milk and 21 500 lbn, of buttei fat, in seven days, cqulvu lent to -u a iua oi muter. ttock in Guide Rock. The Boaid de-( sii nig to investigate this nsscssmor t took this matter under advisement until the next regular mooting of l'oard. On motion the County Treasurer was instructed to refund out of tho funis of tho Village of Blue Hill tho amount of tho City Tax levied against t'.o owners of all propcity r. Sou'h Heights Addition to Blue Hill for the year J920. Suid addition never hav ing been taken into tho village of Blue TI ill was not subject to a City Tax. Board adjourned to 1 o'clock p. in. Board re-convened at 1 o'clock with all members present. The following Road Oversfcrs were appointed to fill vacancies: Hiram Thomas, District No. G; John Hutchins, No. 6 B; Chris Hun sen, No. 11 B; At 2 o'clock the Bridge bids wcic opened with the following firms bid ding: '"" Fremont Construction Co., Fre mont; Midland Bridge Co., Kansas City; Central Bridge and Construc tion Co., Wahoo; Mnrtz Construction Co.,Soward; Allied Contractors Inc., Omaha; After all bids wrre lcud and tabu lations of same made, it was tho opin ion of tho Board that tho Allied Con tractors Inc., were the lowest bidd s. A motion was made by Chnplip and seconded by Stumpcnhorst that the contract for all bridges iequir-d for tho year 1922 bo awarded to tho Al liod Contractors Inc. Motion carried. On motion tho County Trcasur r was instructed to adjust the School Tax on the 1920 Real Estate assess ment of John II. Crary. said land NE4 32-2-9 being assessed in the wrong school tlistrict. Tho following claims were audited unit allowed and County Cleric in structed to draw warrants on tie proper funds in payment of same: GENERAL FUND $1.40 One of Each $2.75 While the present stock lasts I am offering two bargains. A guaranteed watch with $1.40 unbreakable crystal - -A guaranteed alarm clock $1.40 These are both special values at the prices. Also a very few guaranteed eight day alarm clocks at the right price. We Mike 'Quality' Right Then the PriceRight I B. H. Newhouse i Jeweler and Optometrist KeJ Cloud Ncbrni kn mRanawmuKKmn . Card of Thanks Wo wish to thank and cxteud our heartfelt gratitude to those who so kindly assisted during tho illnesi and death of our daughter, Doris Liicilo, Mr, and Mr, Chas, Egglcston H.l. Fausch . .. Stella Duckcr Omor Crowell . Andy Guy : Dr. Hoxscy , Fred Mnurcr J. C. Irwin -. P. H. Boner Anna Stumpcnhorst Romington Typewriter Co. Smith & McKimmey E. D. Leiby . Mrs. Jas. Burden Harry Vaughan Nat'l Wood Rcnovnting Co, Malono-Gollatly Co. Zioa Institutions Dr. II.'S. Reed Scth Grern . .. E. M. McBrido C. E. Vaughan . O. C. Teel ,-... Mrs. Jno. Williamson - Thos. A. Friend F. W. Endorf POOR FARM FUND Charley Harpham - 12.10 J. W. Stockman 9.00 Standnrd Oil Co. 5.94 E. J. Emcrton , . .. 8.00 Con Wilson COO Chicago Lbr Co. Blue Hill ... - 15.40 F. G, Turnure & Son -.. C8.0G S. E. Bailey 12.55 Malono and Gellatly Co. 25.50 Tho County Clerk was instructed to draw up a new contract with E. J. Emcrton ns manngcr of tho Popr .Farm. Said contract to bo for ono year commencing March 1, 1922 and salary to bo reduced from $950.00 to 800 per year. No further business appearing tho Board adjourned to meot March !l, 1922. .B. F. PERRY, County CIcxk. ?21G.95 73G.07 2.50 , 1.55 8.00 . 3.00 , 95.00 . Gt.GO . G0.00 . 2.85 . 55.85 . 37.50 . 1.90 . 15.00 . 8.00 . 121.35 27:90 . 42.20 . 1.50 , 5.50 .. 3.50 9.25 .25 .50 1 1.25 GENERAL CONTRACTOR We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs lo furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. Wc do' FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work. Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. -Wc build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY Sh6p first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phone 72N iTiMimniiiiffliniiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiirni!iimmnmnnimiiiiiiiiipiniiiiiii!mmi!ii naMrramnwMmimM 1 BE PRACTICAL The young man in love often goes into raptures about "the blue of the sea in her eyes and the golden haze of autumn in her hair," but remember this, young man SHE'LL EAT just the same as any other healthy girl. Therefore, get down to practical affairs. Save your money, deposit it in a good reliable bank like ours and get ready to own a home for you and the girl and to provide the three square meals a day that you will both need as long as you live. You know when.poverty comes in at the door, love sometimes flics out at the window. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK pdward Floiance, President Red Cloud, Nob. S. R. Florence, Cadiier Capital and Surplus $jj,ooo.oo Vtpotltt Quarantttd by tht flepoiltors Quarant'j I'aml of th StaU oA'ibratlu ainunwjn inra anirjiiingmiiEiniiminiimimimiiiimiiiimnimffiiii! ywwwvwwvw, t Are You Buying Dependable COAL? That is The Kind We Sell Malone -Jjellaily Co, I VttArWWAVWVWVW.W JU www nl . - 1