RED CTVn NEBRASKA. CHIEF SSf r m r i; T u. i - ""m"msmmmmsaBasaBimasmiBmMsji met ContODta 15Fluid Drac vHaBn tiSi " i IrnTTftT.-n TRH GENT. AvsMBWTVeflafationlbrAs-l .M Mf:iuiThfimnainiun:uw. I ItoMhcStMMrisaridJtow NmimiK neither OptaM.MorpUflCl Mineral. not hargu jfjjiraifnryr Jktltw a rtr.,.DmclYfcf "sesssssr V-'AsrStEEP naflllinftfcatfrw1 HEWTivwg CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria - Always Bears the Signature of M W H r am9 Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CKNTAUH COMPANY. MCW VOMC COT. DISTEMPER AMONG HORSES Sccesif ally Treated With Spohn's Distemper Compound At this tlma of year horaoa aro liable to contract contagious diseases DISTKMPKIt. INFMJENZA. COUOIIH and COLDS. An a preventive against these, an occasional dose ot "HrOllN'H" la marvelously effective. As a. remedy for caaea already suffer ing, "Sl'OllN'8" Is equally effective. Give It as a preventive Don't wait. (0 cents and $1.20 per bottlo at drug; stores. 6POUN MEDICAL COMPANY QOSIIEN, INDIANA Novel Motion. Tlio committee Iind nsscmblcd In n fninll country town to discuss whether the librarian In charge of the town 11 , brary should be retained in ofllce. $1 Those desirous of getting rid of him used as their argument ngnlnst him thill he wnu untidy about himself and tlu books which he handled. One wom an nroso and cmphntlcully declared him to bo a dirty mini, whereupon a Bccond sister on the commltteo arose and Mild: ) "But ho Is beautiful and clean with in." The opposing lady arose and said, in her most parliamentary manner: "I move that wo' turn him Inside out Immediately." Harper's Magazine. ii Good System. "You give your husband a necktie every Christmas?" "Yes; It'a n splendidly economical scheme, because the poor dear never wears It, nnd doesn't dream that I give him the same tie year after year." New York Sun. Jud Tunkins Remarks. Jud Tunkins says very few people honestly believe nil the world loves a lover excepting tho slightly prejudiced young lady in tho ense. And the Nymph, Oh, Where Was He? From "Messcr Marco Polo" And vr the desert the satyr called to her ninte." MAD OVER A MERE TRIFLE! Surely Any Man Who Has Seen Serv- Ico Will Agree That Corporal Was Unreasonable. A couple of recruits of the latest vintage were discussing the pros and cons of service life nt Paris Island. "It ain't so bad," confided one. "Most of It Is nil right, but it's that blasted relief from .guard duty that gets me." "Relief from guard duty I" ejacu lated the other. "Man, you're cuckoo I There's nothing to being relieved from guard duty. It's being on guard duty that's tough." "No," maintained the first, "It's tho icllef. Why, the other day they put mo on guard duty for two hours, and It wasn't bad at all Just standing around and watching tho rest of 'cm drilling and knowing thnt I didn't have to do it myself, but when the tlmo for relief came the corporal camo up and gavo ine tho devil." "What for?" "Nothing nothing at all. couldn't remember whero I rifle." The Leatherneck. I Just left my No Friend of Humanity. Ho who employs excellent faculties and good wit to humor und plensc men In their vices, Is the grcntest enemy nf monkliid. . Tho fellow who shnkes tho tree does not niwoys get tho most fruit. Ifl 111 Many ambitious men and women live only half a life and don't know it No person whose nerves aro continually irritated, whose appetite and digestion aro dis turbed, or who doesn't sleep well has more than half his normal chance for success in life. For weakness, debility, anemia and general lack of tone are a serious handicap to anybody. Those who drink tea or coffee are often suf ferers from these conditions. Tea and coffee contain caffeine, a substance which has a decided stimulant action on tho nerves and brain cells. Each cup of strong coffee contains about aa large a dose of caffeine as your doctor would ordinarily give to a very sick person. . You can readily see that the effect of giving this stimulant regularly to a well person might finally have a tendency to make him sick. If you want to avoid a very common cause of irritation and enjoy restful sleep, good digestion, and all the feeling of vigor and robust endurance that comes to healthy, normal people, quit tea and coffee, and drink Postum, instead. It is a rich, coffee-like cereal beverage perfectly delicious! Order Postum from your grocer today. Drink this fragrant, aromatic beverage and see how much belter you'll feel able to do more with out becoming fatigued as thousands have dls- covered for themselves. Postum comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) made Instantly In the cup by tho addition of boiling wator. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) owdebybolUngfor20mlnutee. Sold by all grocers. Postum for Health "There's a Reason" THECOTTAGE aIAmA RDENE le'iFmniipnri'rriir rWHata 3RSHf ffffSS STARTING PLANTS FOR GARDEN-SOWING SEED ?A in'''! - . I'vlaSluH "v I I h' , i ! i . -! &oW f ; m I" l i ! I I if A MlaH Jr ' J.- A' J&t A ILJBr jVrrv - ILsMiimi Z HOW TO DEVELOP THE BOX PLANTS Transplanting and Nursing, the Key to Success in the Art of Growing Things. HEAT AND SUNSHINE HEEDED Tender Shoots Require Careful At tention From Time They Come Throuah Ground Until Planted in the Open. It Is an art to produce from the small vegetahlo or ilowcr seed strong nnd healthy plnnts that the owner will be proud --of when they are set out In the open, It Is Intensely interesting to note the .quick response plants will make to a little attention and nursing. Tomato, cnbhage, pepper and other vegetable plnnts, ns well as any of tho numerous kinds of flowers thnt " 1 sWsbHbbsbi 25Z2S2ZSAmhXX-f t<t-r i7. NyA "" -vi " yv '.'"-"''-" A PLANT POSY SEED EARLY Every homo and nature lover likes nice flowers nnd nenrly everybody wants early flowers. By planting tho seed In lints or boxes long before It Is time to plant seed outdoors one can have an enrly start and enrly blonsoms. Plenty of warm sun light will bo necessary; Inci dentally It is necessary to see that the boxes and plants nre given nn occnslonnl watering. i 4 HOME GARDEN FLOWERS What to Grow to Beautify Your Home and Lawn. The Berry Box Plarrta. aro first planted in flats In the base ment or placed In an upper Aw win dow whero thero Is heat and sunlight, must have attention. Next to wnrmth nnd sunlight In Importance Is audi dent moisture to urge growth. When the plnnt3 have reached an age when they arc large enough to he removed from the lint without Injury to the roots, they should be trans planted to small pots or berry baskets anything thnt will hold the soil and a little moisture. Cartons serve this purpose very well. Another transfer of the plant Is advisable us the roots became matted an Indication that tho basket or pot It not large enough. It will bo noted that a larger container will soon ho found too small, and thnt nn ad ditional repotting will be advanta geous, If a larger nnd healthier plant Is desired. Many careful gardeners make at' least three transplantlngs before the plant Is set out In the open. Uy that time it Is strong enough to bnttlo tho elements with the possible ex ception of frost. In setting tho plant in tho open, by this careful and Interesting method of transplanting, tho roots Intact with tho ninss of soil clinging, may ho transferred In a manner that not the slightest Injury Is done to the tender roots and soon the plant has taken hold In Its new home In a manner thnt will astonish tho Inexperienced cottage gardener In fact It Is not un common for plunts In tho more ad vanced stngo of development to bo In blossom or bearing small fruit. Plants such ns tomatoes transplanted In. tho open In this munncr should be staked nt once better , still, have tho stakes In tho ground before tho patches may bo seen on the roots aud sometimes on tho lower part of the items. Old. Fashioned Posies May Be Relied Upon to Produce; Will Add Beauty to Premises. When making plans for the home vegetable garden all the emphasis should not bu placed upon vegetables, but provision should be made for plant ing a few llowers as well. Where a cottage and a lawn nre Included In tho general scheme the llowers can often be arranged mound the foundation of the house, or In a bed separating tho lawn cither from it neighboring property or from the vegetable garden. Old fashioned zinnia, petunia, bachelor's button, cockscomb, scarlet sage, and cosmos arc among the most easily cultlvnted llowers and go a long way toward brightening up the general appearance of the homo surroundings. Whero space will permit n flower garden consisting of dahlias, asters, canns, roses, gladioli, and various other flowering plants that will add color and beauty to the place, and at the same time furnish cut flowers for the house, Is highly 'desirable. From the standpoint of economy, tho plantings around tho foundations of the house should, ns a rule, be mnde of pennnnent low-growing shrubbery, mainly that which grows nntlve in tho locality, and tho aununl flowering plnnts given a place In connection with ( l ujt itattiiBlllillllBO V V BUatHSaab i ""B HLIBBBilllilBiHLIsKalAjfc' .' SJVVRBavBaiBaWiBaiSSiasJBBflbiBBBB .4 fJMWiBasWWssaaJlt.-TaliPg & MOTHER, QUICK! GIVE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP FOR CHILD'S BOWELS Even a sick child lovos tho "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." If tho little tonguo Is coated, or If your child is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, n tenspoonful will never fnll to open tho bowels. In n few hours you can boo for yourself how thoroughly it works nil tho constipa tion poison, sour bile nnd wnstc from the tender, little bowels nnd gives you a well, plnyful child ngaln. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know n tea spoonful today saves n sick child to morrow. Ask your druggist for genuino "California Fig Syrup" which hns di rections for babies and children of nil ages printed on bottle. Mother I You must siiyt"Callfornln" or you mny get an imitation llg syrup. Advertisement True Philosophy. When Ibsen makes one of his char acters exclaim of the burning of her house, "It wns the loss of the dolls that mattered," he touched one of the hard facts of life. It is often easier to bear with fortitude a catastrophe thnn to endure the loss of things thnt, though trivial, nre intlmnte. To sur round yourself with little happinesses Is one of the great secrets of Joyous living, and some of the most fruitful happinesses of all cost nothing; a friendly word, a smile, a generous thought, n trilling but kindly deed. Youth's. Lloyds Baby Carriages OBiniitutv Ask Your Local Dealer WriteNow for 32-Page Illus trated Booklet IkjoteT gETWto-1 vim I 1 5! vSBnst j B7 The Lloyd Manufacturing Company IhywooJ.Wak'fitU Co.) Dept. K Menominee, Michigan (16) DON'T FEAR ASPIRIN IF IT IS GENUINE Tho Why. Applicant- I see you ndvcrtlso fo n window dresser. Merchant Yes. IIuvo you had much experience? "I arranged tho windows In tho Inst shop I was employed nt nnd every woninn who passed stopped and looked In." "You're Just tho man wo want. By the way, what lltie was your firm In?" "Mirrors I" Although a man never knows what ho can do until he tries, It Is not al ways expedient to try. Nebraska Directory VINi c INCOLN'S Rooms for $1.59 EADING HOTEL THE LINCOLN Lunch Room In Connection Look for Name "Bayer" on Tablets, Then You Need Never Worry. To get genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" you must look for the safety "Bayer Cross" on each package and on each tablet. The "Bayer Cross" means true, world famous Aspirin, prescribed by physi cians for over twenty-one years, nnd proved s.'ife by millions for Colds, Ilend nche, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for Pnln In general. Proiwr and hafo directions are In each unbroken "Bayer" package. Advertisement. REPAIR? for STOVES RLrHllVO FURNACES and BOILERS OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 12064 Douglas St. Omaha, Nk WjJbbv For Your Social. At u recent church social, attended by both sexes, each mnn wns given n hut to trim any old-fashioned hat will do; the more nntlqtic tho funnier. Each one has needle and thread and decorations. But he should select tho Intter from the collection himself, ns the work must be strictly original. The woman's work was not so pleas ant. Her tnsk wns to blacken ench n pair of boots worn by n man present. Some of the ladles tactfully managed to escape doing' two shoes. I'crhnp.s tho polishing of one wns a demonstra tion of her luelllclency. Jnnunry Designer. Worse and Worse. A correspondent sends us n few m.oro of those crazy similes from re cent novels such ns we printed n little while ngo. They nre: "Laughter dropped from her lips like n dead bird." "Her breath sounded In his ear llko gouts of blood." Boston Transcript. Women who cheapen themselves Boon learn that men do not euro for bargains. Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Milk Bottle and Dairy Supplies: Egr Cases and Chicken Coops; UOILEHA KENNEDY & PARSONS CO. 1309 Jones St. 1 1 W. Third St. OMAHA SIOUX CITY Wabash Pad Cure Collar Sore while you worx (ha horse, ask your dealer, or sena us 1 .uo (or sample, postpaid. HARPHAM BROS. CO. Mlri., Lincoln, Nebr. -trs.vto ml 1 IHrf JAX1 1 SV rtHui"m to qj KODAKS Developing, Printing and Enlarging Lincoln Photo Supply Co. (Eastman Kodak Ou.) Dept. K, 1217 O Si Lincoln, Nek J8$cB S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 O Street Lincoln, Neb. OlSTRIOUTOn BATTIER SERVICE - ? What Yon Want When You Want IT A reformer who devotes his efforts entirely to snnHntlon Is worth while. Electric Startor Specialists Distributors of Prosto-Lito Batteries RANDALL & NOLL Phono IH130 31721 S. 11th SI. LINCOLN. NEI. IH one eleven cigarettes a ny. t 'Three Friendly Gentlemen The Daisy The American Legion's Official Flower, the garden proper or In n border. It U urged, however, by the United Stntes Department of Agriculture thnt moro attention bo given to improvement of home surroundings, Including the caro of n good Inwiund flowers. GREEN FOOD FOR CHICKENS "Winter core of fowls must, In so far as possible, duplicate tho natural con. dltlons of tho regular production sea son In spring nnd summer. Thus some form of green, succulent food Is very useful to keep tho birds In a healthy condition and their systems In tone. If no succulent food Is available, Ep 'som salts (fed nt the rate of ono pound for cvory 100 birds) In the drinking water about twlco a month, makes a satisfactory substitute. i jm mp. v iVjkV.vv' sH rnsKr m v7" m&ifr ajass ssrprs WWfl n I aFJsaaMantBaT F f f ST aMsaTl MI 7X). Www gmt w " V r Made to Suit YourTaste We kave for yean catered to the cigarette smokers of America. With tbis experience, we created One Eleven "111" "Msec to Suit Your TesteJ"of the world's three greatest dgtrette tobaccos 1 -TURKISH, for Aroma 1 VIRGINIA, forMfldneis I -BURLEY, for Mellowness We named them One Eleven the address of our home office. We are proud of their success. Have You Tried Them? 15fcr20 111 FIFTH LAVE. JaUUL lillf