The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 02, 1922, Image 5

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Buy Hrend at Powell and Pope's
Eskimo fie 10c at Powell's Cafc. '
Hay for snlo, on the Spnnogle farm
south of Inavnlo.
Eskimo Pic 10c nt Powell's Cafo.
K. K. French traveling engineer
from McCook was in the city Friday
vT .""M yO'.i v,
K. S. Garber was in Guide Hock, Hcrnurd Iiurden has been doing
"Wednesday. i Mmo electric work at Guide Kock the
Try n bar of Eskimo pie nt Powo'l's past few days.
Attorney F. J. Muiiday was in Blue
Hill Mondny.
N. V. Anderson
Cowlcs Friday.
wns down from
N. P. Phillips
Franklin Sunday.
was down from
Judge Blacklcdgc went to Mindcn
Monday morning.
W. R Farlow, of Wymote, Hoad
ma&ter for the Burlington was in the
city Wednesday
Mrs. Sam Dorr of Alva, Oklahoma,
is here visiting her fnthcr, S. Fincher
who is very sick.
Dr. Iiurst and family are in wing
into the Jim Mcintosh residence
north of this city.
Joe Crow was down from Itcpubli
can City Wednesday.
Two good places to cat,
and Powell's Cafe.
at home
John Hnmilton was up from Guide
Rock Tuesday afternoon.
Bert Morhart was a passenger
Lincoln Tuesday morning.
Itov. A. Kershaw was a passenger
to St. Joe Tuesday morning.
Robert McBride was a passenger
to Hastings Friday morning.
Rev. S. Hardman returned
from Nelson Thursday evening.
The Commercial Club will
now officers at their meeting
Tuesday evening.
Worth Shipman went to Lincoln
Sunday morning to attend a meeting
of the Rumley Tractor dealers.
Russell Summers came down from
Hastings Thursday evening to visit
his mother, Mrs. May Summers.
Chas. Britton returned to his home
at Guitlo Rock Saturday morning
after spending a few days hero.
C. L. Colting was in Franklin Wed
nesday attending a meeting of the
officers of the Franklin Academy.
Miss Ethel Hilton was a passenger
to Hastings Saturday morning.
Miss Mildred Boron spent the week
end with her parents at Cowlcs.
Rev. D. Fit7gcrald was a passenger
to Superior Wednesday morning.
Good solid cabbage 5 cenU a
pound at the Fanners' Union store.
Mrs. W. A. Sherwood was a passen
ger to Hastings Thursday morning.
Mrs. J. W. Hauck returned home
Monday morning after spending a
few days with friends at .Omaha.
Supt. B. R.,Frazicr underwent an
operation Wednesday morning and is
getting along nicely at this writing.
Eskimo Pie 10c at Powell's Cafe.
Mrs. F. G. Turnure went to Den
ver Tuesday evening to spend a few
days with her daughter Mrs. Kenneth
Read' the Htock'Salo Aria In this IsbiW:
Dr, R, S .M rir tin departed this oiorn.
lug for Sidney. Ohio wlieio ho will visit
his parents.
I. T. Amack returned homo Friday
evening from Omaha where he spent
a few days.
J. E Thompson shipped a car of
cattle to Kansas City Tuesday morn
ing. He accompanied the shipment
to market.
Riley T. Hayes, of this city, and
Miss Margarito J. Adams of Marble,
Arkansas, were granted a marriage
license Saturday.
A. E. Jordon, of St. Paul, Minne
sota, Claim Agent for the Great
Northern Railroad was in the city the
last of the week.
Miss Alta Coon returned to Hast
ings Monday morning after a short
visit hero with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Coon.
The Misses Bernicc Shercr and
Mildred Pope returned to Hastings
Tuesday to resume their studios nt
the Hastings College.
Lloyd Scibert returned to Hastings
Monday morning to resume his studies
after spending ti few days here with
his parents and "friends.
Miss Thclma McBride who is at
tending college at Hastings spent
Sunday here with her parents, Dr.
and Mrs. W. II. McBride.
Mrs. Monroe Mcinte returned home
last Wednesday evening from Shclton
where she had been visiting her sis
ter Miss Edith Hoffman.
J. E. Evans, a former operator at
this point for the Burlington, spent
Fridny with friends here. He went
to Haigler that evening.
Court Reporter Leo Johnson was a
passenger to Ilautingn. Monday morning.
Mrs. L. 0. George wns a passenger
to Wichita, Kansas, Saturday morning.
Miss Edna Wnllaco relumed to
this city Monday-evening aftor spend
ing a few days with her parents at
Mrs. Bert Stunkard went to Nap
once Tuesday evening to visit rela
County Agent H. R. Fausch was a
passenger to Chester Wednesday
The Masonic lodge has ordered a
stercopticon machine and slides which
they will uso in putting on the degree
work. There will bo work in the
Master Mason degree this Friday
StaittAftTRTsFilledviitliPretlyOIrls, PnnnrClonnM
mho i nvinnniTr
LVNGS 8:30
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stcincr and
baby of Denver arrived in the city the
last of the week to visit her mother,
Mrs. KoonU and family.
Mrs. Alice Smith of Brewster, Kan
sas, arrived in the city Friday to visit
at the Al Holvcrson home' and attend
to some business matters.
Miss Edna Wallace wont to Lincoln
'Snturdav morninrr where she will
snend a few days with relatives and
The Rod Cloud High School Basket
ball teams won both games from
Guido'Rock at the gymnasium Friday
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. L. Thomas
wore called to Dorchester the last of
the week to attend the funeral of a
August C Hartman of Roscmont
and Miss Nellie M. Tompkins of this
city were granted a marriage license
CorCeoos Fqiiipnjie, IWltllant Scenio rnvironniTt
Ed Givcns, of Hastings) rabe
mnn frtr Mio Lincoln Tolenhono and
Telegraph Co., passed away at his
homo Saturday after a brief illpcss.
A few years ago ho was manager of
the Independent Phone Co., of this
init.v and while hero he made many
.-vi.j ri-ioTKi';.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Roberts and
children, who have been rcwding nt
Inavale the past few years, left today
for Rock Stream, New York where
they will make their future home.
-. .- - . -
In making-out his Income: tax-return,
for 1921, tho nverago taxpayer will
find a considerable saving in com
parison with the amount of tax paid
on the same income for 1920.
The exemptions provided by tho rev
enue net of 1921 are $1,000 for single
persons (tho term including widows,
widowers, divorcees, nnd persons sep
arated from husband and wife by
mutual agreement), 2500 for nmrricd
persons whose not income was $5,000
or less and $2000 for married persons
whoso net income was $5000 or more.
Under the revenue net of 1918 tho per
sonal exemption allowed a married
pcrs-on was $2,000, regardless of the
amount of net income. The personal
exemption allowed a mnrricd person
applies also to the head of a family,
man or woman who supports in one
household one or more relatives by
blood, marriage, or adoption.
Tho exemptions for dependents a
person who receives his chief support
from tho taxpayer and who is under
18 years of age or incapable of self
support because mentally or physically
defective is increased from $200 to
The act requires that a return be
filed by every single person whose net
income for 1921 was S1.000 or more,
every mnrricd person whose net in
come wns $2,000 or more and by
every person single or married
whoso gross income was. $5,000 or
Tho requirement to file a return of
gross income of $5,000 or moro re
gardless of net income is a now pro
vision. Net income is gross income
less certain specified deductions for
business expenses, losses, bad debts,
etc., which are fully explained on the
Returns must be filed by married
couples whose combined net income
for 1021, including that of dependent
minor children, equaled or exceeded
$2,000 or If tho combined gross in
come equaled or exceeded $5,000.
The period for filing returns is from
January 1 to March 15, 1922. Heavy
penalties are provided for failure or
"willful rofusal" to file a return on
Forms 1010A for incomes of $5,000
and lcaa nnd 1010 for incomes in ex
cess of $5,000 may be obtained from
the officos of collectors of internal
revenue and branch offices. The tax
may bo paid in full at the time of
filing the return, .or in four equal in
stallments, duo on or before March
15, Juno 15, September 15 nnd De
comber 15.
A Bargain in Corsets
(M( ty
To clean up on odd numbers
in corsets and brassieres -will
20 Discount
on all styles I have on display
's in window and counter.
y These are all new numbers
v fimicrrit fliis wintair
But am of some sizes and
cannot duplicate them, so I
will offer as long as they last
at 20 per cent discount.
Rev. Jarboe and wife are heivjjVJs
iting friends and looking after bad
ness affairs'. ILTwill help' h'is'son
Win. in his hog sale next' Saturday
here in town, nnd will also arrange
foi a public sale on his farm next
week, when he will dispose of all
his personal property without any
reserve. Rev. Jarboo will go to Ot
towa, Kansas after the sales are over
to engage in Evangelistic work at
that place.
Do not wait too
long, as the sizes
are limited and your
size and style may
be gone and there
will be no more at
this price.
Rcsslcr line of Coats,
Suits and Dresses for
Spring will bo here
Monday, Feb. 13th
Farm Loans
laice Aavam
a-sg-xsjatwwaavmanoBKi. raw
ace oi uur
I urn ready ns always to miikc nnv
and nil fnim Iohiih tit. the lowest rate
nnd befit option. Absolutely no wait
tng nnd no expense for inspection,
.1. U Bailey.
Men's Suits and Overcoats
Heavy fleeced lined
Union Suits
Heavy Ribbod
Union Suits
AL Great Reduced Prices
First Quality All Rubber
four buckle O fl 7E
Overshoes tplalw
Flannel Shirts, priced from $ 1 .75 to $4.50
with 1 0 extra discount
Wc Are Giving Special Prices on all Seasonable Goods
Come InAndBe Convinced,
Wo G. Hamilton Clothing Co
"Tte House of Quality" .
Lutheran Church Notes
Itpgulnr Hcrvlcos an hold nvery llrat
anil third Sun'tlity In the mtmtli in the
Adventist ohtitclt, Cornur of 3rd Au
nnd Walnut St.
1'reaoliltiR nt 11 n in.
O. R. IIcinitz, Pastor
His Ailment Diagnosed.
"Witter!" yelled tlio fervent orntor.
"Anno, nqunl" lie shouted, lapsing Into
Lntln, his mother tongue. "Amin
pum! The greatest gift of Nature to
thirsty innni What would the ocean
be without wnter7 Answer mo that?
That question had never struck his
audience before. They pondered In
"Water I" cried tho orator again.
"What would Nlngnrn falls bo without
Another stupendous question. Ills
audience stirred restlessly ; hl3 nrgu
monts were too much for litem.
"Of what use," screnined the spenk
or, "would our bathtubs bo without
clean, beautiful water?"
As one man tho audience turned nnd
loft the hall, perhaps to consider out
fildu the orator's brainy cor.'imlriuns.
Hut one Ignorant fellow suld'to uu
otlujr: "That iiinn has wnter on the brain I"
Houston I'obl.
1 cuTf5
pi Red Cloud
L I HarCS Nebr.
p 'ii
'ill MMlMul
mc msra," .irTramna
Public Sale of
Jarboe & Son's Sale Dates
Win. Jarboo will sell his entire herd
of Poland China hogs Saturday, Fob 1
at the Snlo Pavilion.
Rev J. Kdwin Jarboo will dlspose-nf
nil bis personal property at n Public
Salt) February 8th nu his farm ! milos
northwest of Red Cloud. IIo will (.ell
00 hend of stoolc, hor&cs, cattlo and
hogs, farm muehiiivry and all othtir
equipment on ino iitrm without nnv
Tho friends of Mr. Louie Shullz and
MIhs Maude Williamson were surprised
Inst weelc to learn that they had beon
quietly married ut Osborne, Kansas,
on Tne&diiy, Jan 2lth. Tho young
couple motored over and had tho cere
mony pei formed without tho least in.
tlmntlou of their intention to thefr
Tito bride is the charming and ac
complished daughter of Mr. and MrB
R. B. Williamson, of Denver, and sis
ter ofi Editor W, B. Smith of tho Com
mercial Advertiser.
Tho groom Is the youngest son of
Mrs. A. Sliult. of this city. lie is a
young mnn of unusual ability in many
lines, Tho nowlyweds left Friday
evening for Denver whore Mr. Hhtilts
wdl htudy nit and his wife attend a
coiiKeivutory pf limbic.
Their many frlewU fciuoflrely hope
their married life will always continue
ns happy and romantic us it has begun,
The Ghapc3 of Eofl3.
An expert iceontly entertained the
Zoological society of London with a
mathematical discussion of the differ
euces In tho shape of eggs. A fow
eggs UUe those of tho owl and the
tortoise, are spherical or nearly sm; a
few, Uku the grebe's or the cormor
ant's are elliptical, with symtneliical
ends; tho great mnjorlty, like the
hen's, nre ovoid, or blunter at one end
than at the other.
Tho hen's cues nro always laid
blunt end foremost. Eggs which arc
the most unsymmetrlcal are also eggs
of largo slzo relatively to the parent
blitls. The yolks of eggs aro spherical,
whatever the form of the entire egg
may be. This Is shown to be due to
their being enclosed In n fluid, tho
"white," vWiIph makes lite pressure
everywhere on the surface of the yolk
practically constant.
Safety First.
Vurlet I prithee haste, sir knight,
to the rescue of a lady Imprisoned In
yonder town by a wicked ogre.
Knight Oh, bother I This Is my
day off. Why don't you go nnd save
ner yourself?
Varlet Slio Is my wife, sir kulght,
and sho refuses to allow nic to engage
In so perilous nu emprise. Punch.
At Springbrook Stock Farm, seven and one half
miles south and one mile west of Lebanon, Kan.
Monday, Feb. 13th, 1922
SO Head of Cattfe SO
22 Bulls, reds and roans, herd headers and Farmer
28 Head Females, including cows with calf at
foot, bred cows, bred heifers, and a few heifers selling
This is a dispersal sale of a well known herd founded
fifteen years ago, some of the best families of the breed
are represented at this sale. EVERYTHING GOES.
Mr. Geo Hammond and Mr. R, L. Taylor, of Smitli
Center, are consigning 15 head in this sale,
30 Head Poland China Bred Sows
will also be sold, these sows and and gills arc purebred
but not recorded,
3 Registered Herd Boars of the best of big type
Don't forget the place or date and wrie to T. M. Wilson
for catalog. Sale under.cover.
Willson & Davisson, Owners
Auctioneers: Jas. T. McCulloch and Wm Myers
Clerk: iA. Lull
Nino Most Useful Word.
Nino words, declares a philologist,
do one-fourth of tho work of our writ
ten nnd spoken Kngllsh language, nnd
thirty-four words one-half. Tho nlno
most useful words nro stated to bo:
And, be, have, It, of, tho, to, will, you.
Chnnoe Your Key.
Tho fellow who Is always hnrplng
on ono string soon gets out of tuna
with tho world. Doston Transcript.
tha ctat
own namo.
bacon, eaiuturefl
and flah Urn easiest.
best and moot econo
mical way,
Condensed Smote
eastl? applied with brash or doth,
mouea meat penocuy nnu uoca,
fimv with tha old. fLTncnsIVO. an
Military smoko bouse inothod. Ini
Uilrtv mlnntrn. with no fUSS and
titrable of bulldloff a art. yoq
nn aniKlf A MtnnU MTinnlO AT
Villi (tiMVivw Dwiuwti a tu''
wonderfully flavored meat.'
Make Money
lrt fnMfl
od of eraoklnct
laer.t no eh rink-.
IJrtnnf 1flfcrt"n mm
then la la tha eld
Cmoko bouso oetbod.
Delicious Flavor
by umoMnrr rneat foe
VAiet KOpnoniU ot
op-to-dtts woy that
tb.rt U ii
We Carry
The Ccnntne Guaranteed
WrlgJat's Smolcc
WpajjliS's Ham
C. L. COTTING, The Druggist
cmplca from boat sxada of select
wjmcKoryitia oiwaya tho tamo.
"Tho Old Ruhloued Flavor la
Uio New Fashioned Way" with
out ma wasco ana uncertain
ty ox uo oio mot&co,
Used EverywEtere
anaa-aml or people
wnvq oaoa QUQjr
wnTjt' Condemn!
ugko vriin an
colata aatufac
lion ror over