The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 02, 1922, Image 4

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fc"- ftgD CLQUfo, KlBlittCA, OREEf '-T?HWii
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ft B,
True Economy
In buying groceries comes through
selecting the better grades horn a
store you know you can depend
upori, ,
Wo pride ourselves on our sincere desire
to have in stock at all times the best
quality food stuffs at moderate prices.
Satisfaction or your money back guarantee
P. A. Wullbrandt
Groceries and Queensware
Geo. Trine
We believe that it pays to give our
customers service and satisfaction;
that is why we want to sell you a
4 I
They can't fool llic ctcameryman.
He knows which machine skims cleanest, costs the least to
Icccp in Good working order, and lasts the longest.
i He has to know. The wong scparatofmight easily mean a
loss to him of several thousand dollars & year.
That's why 98 of all ilia separators used in the world's
creameries and milk plants arc Dc Locals,
-sTcnTas v. :,..i . : ,, .,
as it is to the crcnmeiyman that
you make no mistake in your
choice of a cream separator.
) Why not be guided by the
t crearncryman's experience?
Tlis termi on wlilchvra toll
NEW Do Layal aro liberal.
The machine will pujr for Ittclf
out of lUownsavinm. Coma
in and examine it teforeyoa
bur. Wo'U be gla4 to talk it
orer with you.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Entered In the I'ostofllro nt lied ( loud, Nob
as Hecond Class Matter
A. B.McAKTilUH, Editor and Owner
Advertising Rates
Forolrfn, per column Inch I5c
Loccvl. I0&I2
Farm Bureau Notes
II. D. Lute, was re-elected secretary
of tlio Nebraska Farm Bureau Feder
ation at a Bpcclnl meeting of the
board held last week. Mr. Lute comes
from Pnxton, where he is a large
ranch owner, nnd was selected secre
tary of the Federation at the time or
ganization work was startd in this
state in July, 1920. Lute was also
named as treasurer giving him the
title of secretary-treasurer. Since
becoming Identified with the Federa
tion he has devoted all his time and
efforts to its cause. He was a dele
gate from this state to the two big
Chicago conferences at which the plan
of the U. S. Grain Growers was rati
fied, nnd later when tho report of the
Farmers' Live Stock marketing com
mittee of Fifteen report was adopted
He has also appenred before tho in
terstate commerce commission in tho
matter of freight rate reductions, and
this week is nttending the agricul
tural conference at Washington called
by Secretary Wallace, taking the.
place of President Norton who was
prevented from attending by reason
of a death in his family.
On account of the sudden death of
C. F. Floodman of Stromsburg, father-in-law
of president J. N. Norton
of the Nebraska Farm Bureau Feder
ation, Mr. Norton did not attend the
agricultural conference called at
Washington by Secretary Wallace
and President Harflmg. Norton was
on his way when advised of the death
of Mr. Floodman. Mr. Lute met him
at tho train in Lincoln and proceeded
to Washington, permitting Mr. Norton
to return to his home.
President Norton of the Nebraska
Farm Bureau Federation has appoint
ed a committee to study the matter of
taxation during tho coming summer
as wMl tu the matter of public c
pciiditurcx. This committee will
make a thorough s-tudy of those
questions untainted by political in
fluences or partisan prejudices. The
committee is composed of Hon. II. L.
Keofe of Walthill, C. Y. Thompson of
West Foint; John P. Davis of Geneva;
'II, C. Fillcy of the Stato Agricultural
college and F. M. Dcwcese. . of ' Ihe
- " r, t..i t:'r i 1 i i
"Opportunity is Yours"
"The young man of today has just
as good an opportunity for success
in the live stock industry as his fath
er before him. Now N the time for
the young man with courage, nerve,
and confidence to go into business. It
takes nerve to buy on a declining
market People are. like sheep. Witi
great herds depicted and general dis
couragement among tho older stock
man, it may be hard for the young
man to look ahead. But to the young
man who has the courage to buy on
this low market and who knows
something of the tendencies of tho in
dustry, the opportunities for the next
few years arc going to be as they
ever were."
Every successful business man
know that the time to buy is when
prices arc low, or in periods of de
pression. It is safer now to purchase
live stock than it has been in tho
past five or ton years. Buying when
prices arc high like they were in 1919
invariably means a loss to tho pur
chaser for it is well known that for
every period of high prices there is
a corresponding period of low prices.
The man who recogni7cs this sells
when prices are higli and buys when
prices are low. We arc experiencing
low prices now and it is the time for
those desiring to enter the dairy
business to purchase cattle. It
seems to us they will have
greater opportunities than their
fathers because our population is in
creasing and tho opportunity for
opening up new lands for productive
purposes is small compared to what
it was fifty or more years ago. Our
increased acreage will now come by
reclaiming lands and applying better
methods of farming to the acres al
ready under cultivation. It must bo
remembered thnt fifty years ago the
great prairies of the northwest were
undeveloped; there is no such section
to be opened up to the present gen
eration. HENRY It. FAUSCII
County Agricultural Agent.
A Letter To Make Good
Must impress the person who recieves it with its
importance, whether the correspondence be of a
business or personal nature. The mails arc flooded
with cheap circular letters and the average busy
man of to-day gives his mail tho "once over" and
passes most of it to the waste basket. A letter to
domand attention in these busy times must be
Hammermill Ripple Bond
Printed correctly makes the nicest letter head you
can possibly obtain. The hard smooth surface of
this paper renders it particularly adaptable to high
class artistic printing and the ripple finish places it
in a class by itself for attaractivc appearance. The
"crisp cackle" you notice in opening a letter written
on Hammermill Ripple immediately suggests taste
and progrcssiveness on the part of the sender.
It Costs No More Than Other Paper
Come in and let us show you samples of work-done
on this stock and figure with you on your next job.
The Red Cloud Chief
Ed. Amack I. T. Amack
Amack tk Amack
Back to Pre-War Prices
Come in and see foryourself our exceptional values.
Harness and leather goods of all kinds oiled and repaired
Fogel ft fa FDarSTf! E Red Cloud
Bldg. $ a
Wb ou a elegit
u. s.
The young man in love often goes into raptures about
"the blue of the sea in her eyes and the golden haze of
autumn in her hair," but remember this, young man
SHE'LL EAT just the same as any other healthy girl.
Therefore, got down to practical affairs. Save your
money, deposit it in a good reliable bank like ours and
get ready to own a home for you and the girl and to
provide the three square meals a day that you will both
need as long as you live. You know when poverty comes
in at tflic door, love sometimes flics out at the window.
Edward Florence, Prc'dcnt Red Cloud, Nob, S. R. Flor&oce, Csiliier
Capital and Surplus ftjf,ooooo
lieportti (luaranttta by (lie Dcpotitort Guaranty Fumi oflht State oA'tbraila
Dr.R. V. Nicholson
Jfcd Cloud
Have your envelopes and letter
printed on HAMMERMILL
Farm Bureau Federation legal depart
ment, Kccfc and Dcwcese arc both
farmers and lawyers and are compe
tent to view tux matters from every
angle. II. C. Filly is an authority on
tax matters and has been a contribu-
or of nrticlcs on tax questions to
leading publications. Thompson and
Davis are among Nebraska's most
successful farmers and arc men big
and broad enough to study these
questions from unbiased standpoints.
"Any recommendations made by this
committee," said Nebraska Farm
Bureau Federation headquarters, "will
be made from the standpoint of doing
the most people Ihe most good and not
with the idea that the political for
tunes of any particular class of men
or parties will bo advanced or defend
ed." The executive committee of the Ne
braska Farm Bureau Federation at a
special meeting held in tho Lincoln
office January 19, 'adopted tho work
ing program of the federation for
tho year of 1022. In addition to the
appointment of the committee named
to study tax questions and the ques
tion of expenditures, the Bureau will
assist in the organization and promo
tion of cooperative marketing and co
operative industries; will continue its
practice of entering appearances be
fore rate making bodies in hearings
affecting freight and telephone rates
and kindred affairs, take referendum
votes among the members on pend
ing lgihlation as well as proposed
legislation; ptudy plans for a state in
come tax; urge a constitutional
amendment for the classification of
tangible property, and get behind leg
islation looking to a more adequate
rural credit system. Tho board al?o
went on record as favoring a re
striction of tho present road building
January Weather Report
Tcmporutiire: Mean 21 deg., maxi
mum 08 cleg, on 9th, minimum G below
zero on 10th.
Prcclpltntiou 0.23 inches, total snow
fall 1.2 inches.
Number of days Clear 11, partly
cloudy 1, cloudy 13.
Datos of Hall .1th, lcct t-29-ni,
lightning 1th Prevailing wind N W
lOdays. Rainbow -1th, pnrhnlla l8tht
0 S. Ludlow, Observer"
Eight thousand members of the U.
S. G.-uin Grower, Inc., in Nebraska
will meet at 227 ! hipping points on
February 7lh to elect delegates to tix
congivwonal d'htrict convnlioub to
bo held February 20, 21, 23, and 21,
according to C. 11. Gu.-tnfson of Lin
coln, national pre .Ident of tho farm
ers' company. All farmers who be
came members of the organization
prior to January 18th will have a
vote in the local units and will he
qualiiied to terve as congressional or
national delegates.
The 14 delegates from congression
al district's two and three, represent
ing ccch of the shipping points in
these sections, will meet at Omaha,
February 20; the 117 delegates from
districts one and four at Lincoln,
February 21; the 42 delegates from
district five at Oxford, February 2!5
and 21 the delegates from the sixth
district at Sidney, February 21. The
number of members to be represented
at the Omaha meeting has been an
nounced as 2,000; at Lincoln, 4,000; at
Oxford, 1,800; and at Sidney, 700.
National delegates meeting in Chi
cago for the firnt annual convention
beginning March 21, will elect a new
board of directors and transact such
other business as .lmll be brought bo
fore The convention consti
tutes the annual members meeting
and is designated in tho by-laws a
"the supreme tribunal of the avocation."
Each local voting, unit, consi ,ting
of tho members at uny one shipping
point, will elect a del gate to the con
grtitional ditritt conention who
will be empowered to cast one vote
foi" each of the members he repre
sents. Tho delegates elected to the
national convention by each congres
sional district likewise will cast one
vote in the national meeting for each
member in his congressional districts.
An elevator contract has been sign
ed with the board of directors at
Silver Creek, home of the veteran
Charles Wooster, avowed opponent of
the U S. Grain Growers. The con
tract was executed by J. H. Ituif,
president, nnd George F. Buclita,
secretary, of tho cooperative elevator.
All members of tho Silver Creek
board present at the meeting signed
grower contracts with the farmers
3 C
cMa cxaj
: "i
We Sell
Niggerhead Maitland
Routt County Lump
We sell for cash that's
why we sell cheaper.
3 C
-TUrr-fJ-.L.J..n-;, ,.,., ,--. .j... .. .,... n,fl1, ni wl aBrWrnrr.n,.ttlnBrHrrr.ft,,
Begin the Mew Year by
teseiibing For The
Tl& W WHr,iil& 4 1? 1FV
Nebraska's Big Newspaper The Omaha Paper With
Every home should receive a daily paper. Keep
abreast with the times. Subscribe now for the BIG
Paper The World-Herald.
Subscribe for the World-Herald at the Chief Office
Appointed County Chairman
It is proposed to raise- by voluntary
contribution, n milliou dollars or more
This fund will bo known as tho
Woodrow Wilson Foundation, ns n tri
bute to Woodrow Wilson, twieo Presi
dent of the United Sttiles, nnd tho
World's outstanding leader for Penco
through Justice and Liberal I'oIIcIoh.
Tho income from this fund, invested
by Trustees, will bo nunnlod
the ytars to come fcr meritorious ser
vice rendered to Democracy, Public
Welfare, Liberal Thought or Penco
through Justtco thereby accomplish
lag tho two. fold purpose of paving n
tribute to a great American while ho
Is living nnd cm rying Into tho future
tho moasurcs he stressed whllu In
All expenses of tho campaign arc
cared for by private subscription'
13 very dollar subscribed goefi to tho
S.-ud jour contributions In tiny
a Mount you enn nrfiirri U) W L. Wt o-
irnmn Bed Cloud tor Wub&tor
Printing? Bring it to the Chief
Red Cloud
Yes, Garber's
Is The Place!
To Buy Wall Paper, Paint?,
And Electrical Supplies.
The best place for Picture
The Margin of Safety
Is represented by tho amount of
insurance you enrry.
Don't lull.yourself Into a fancied
Because fire has nover touched you
it doosn't follow that you're Immune
Tomorrow -no today, if you have
time and you better And timo
conioUo tho office and we'll write
a policy on yonr honso, furniture,
store or morchandiso.
R.eiloLblo Insurance
We do Job Printing Is;;
ft fa -.4.4,-.!(..
l J..
1 "W gria-Jtr-