The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 02, 1922, Image 2

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Copyright, by Vtttt B. Krne
Synopsis. Captain Milneaa P.
Bcragso has grown up around the
docks of Ban Francisco, and from
mrca boy on a river steamer, risen
to the ownership ot Uie steamer
Maggie. Slnco each annual In
spection promloed to bo the last of
the old weatherbeaten vessel,
9cngg naturally has some dial
c.ulty In securing a crew. When
the story opens, Adelbert P. alb
nay, likable, but erratic, a man
whom nobody but Borages would
hire. Is the skipper, Nells Halvor
sen, a solemn Hwede, constitutes
the forecastle bands, and Dart Mc
Quffey, a wastrel ot tho Qlbney
type, reigns In the eugtne room.
With this motley crew and his an
cient vessel, Cnptaln Scraggs Is
enraged In frolchtlnic garden
truck from Ilnlfmoon bay to Ban
Francisco. The Inevitable happens;
the Maggie goes ashore In a fog.
A. passing vcasol hailing the wreck,
Mr. Olbney gets word to a towing
company In Han Francisco that the
ship ashore Is tho Yankee Prince,
with promise ot a rich salvage.
Two tugs succeed In pulling tho
Magglo Into deep wator, and she
slips her tow linen and gots away
In the foK. Furious at the decep
tion practiced on thorn, Captains
Ilicks and Flaherty, commanding
the two tugboats, ascertain tho
Identity of the "Vankoe Prlnco"
and, fearing rldlculo should the
facts becoino known along the wa
ter front, dotcrmlno on personal
vengeance. Their hostile visit to
tho Magglo results In Captain
Scraggs promising to get a now
boiler and make needed repairs to
tho steamer. Scragits refuses to
fulfill his promises nnd Qlbney and
McOuffey "strike." With marvel
ous luck, Rcrajjirn nhlps a fresh
crew. At tho end of a few days
of wild convlvlnllty Glbnoy and
McOuffey arc stranded und seek
their old positions on the Magglo.
They nro hoatllcly received, but re
main. On their way to San Fran
cisco they sight n derelict and Qlb
ney and McOuffey swim to It. The
derelict proves to be the Chew
peako, richly taden, Its entire crew
stricken with scurvy. Scracgs at
tempts to tow her In, but Uie Mag
gie Is unequal to tho task and Qlb
ney nnd McOuffey, alone, sail the
ship to Ban Francisco, their sal
vage money amounting to $1,000
apiece. Ills crow having deserted
him, Captain Scrngga Induces them
to return. At nn "old horse" sale
tbo tbrco purohnse two mysterious
boxes which they believe to con
tain smuggled "Oriental goods."
They find. Instead, two dead Chi
namen. craggs seeks to "double
cross" his two assoolates, but Mr.
CUbney outwits hlra and makes a
satisfactory financial settlement
with the Chinese company to
whom the bodies have been con
signed, leaving Scruggs out In the
Kven after allowing for the expendi
tures on the engine weighing heuvlly
on Onptaln Scruggs, that lntllvlilunl
continued morose und more than ever
Inclined to bo snrcnRtlo. Mr. Qlbney
commented on the fact to Mr. McGuf
toy. "He's troubled financially, Gib."
"Well, you know who troubled him,
don't you, Hnrt?"
"I mean about the cost o' them re
pairs In Uie onglne room. Unless he can
come through In thirty days with the
balance ho owes, tho boiler people are
goln' to libel the Magglo to protect
their claim."
Mr. Glbnoy arched his bushy eye
brows. "How do you know?" he de
manded. "He was n-tcllln' me," Mr. McOuffey
admitted weakly.
"Well, ho wasn't a-ttllln' mc." Mr.
Qlbney's tones were ominous; he
glared at his friend Auspiciously as
from the Maggie's cabin Issued forth
Bcraggsy's voice raised In song.
"Hell! The old boy's thermome
ter's gne up, Bart. Listen at hlra.
'Ever o' thee no's fondly drcamlnV
Bomethln's busted tho spell an' I'll
bet a cooky It was ready cash." He
menaced Mr. McGuffey with a rigid
Indsx Buger. "Bart," he demanded,
"did you loan Scraggsy some money?"
The honest McGuffey hung his head.
"A little bit," he replied childishly.
".What d'ye call a little bltr
"Three hundred dollars, Gib."
"He gimme his note at sight per
cgnt. Tho savin's bank only pnys
''Is tho note secured by endorse
ment or collateral!"
"Hum-m-m I Strange you didn't say
aotuln' to mc about this till I had
to pry It out o' you, Bart."
"Well, Scraggsy was fcelln' so dog
ipned blue "
"The truth," Mr. Glbnoy Insisted
Urmly, "tho truth, Bart."
"Well, Scraggsy asked me not to say
inythln to you about It."
"Sure. Ho knew I'd kill the deal.
He knew better'n to try to nick mo for
three hundred bucks on his dunged,
worthless note. Bart, why'd you do
"Oh, h II, Gib, be a good feller,"
poor McGuffey pleaded. "Don't be
too hard on ol' Scraggsy."
"We're dlscussln' you, Bart. 'Pears
to me you've sort o' lost confidence
In your old shipmate, ain't you?
Pears that way to me when you act
lueaky like."
McGuffey bridled. "I ain't a sneak."
"A rose by any other name'd be
lust as swatt," Us. GibMj pjot4.
"You poor, misguided simp. If you
ever see that three hundred dollars
ugnln you'll be a lot older'a you arc
now. However, that ain't none o' my
business. The fact remains, Bart, that
you conspired with Scraggsy to keep
things nway from me, which shows
you ain't tho man I thought you were,
so from now on you go your way anj
I'll go mine."
"I got a right to do as I blasted
pleuso with my money," McGuffey de
fended hotly. "I ain't no child to be
lectured to."
"Conslderln' the fact that you
wouldn't have hud the money to lend
if It hadn't been for me, I allow I'm In
sulted when you use the said money
to give nta an comfort to my enemy.
I'm through."
McGuffoy, smothered In guilt, felt
nevertheless that ho trad to stund by
his guns, so to speak. "Stay through,
If you feel like It," ho retorted. "Where
d'yo get that chatter? Ain't I free,
whlto, an' twenty-ono year old?"
Mr. Glbnoy was reuliy hurt. "You
poor boob," ho murmured. "It's the
old game o scttln' a beggar on horse
back an' seeln' him rldo to the devil,
or sllppln' a gold ring la a pig's nose.
An' I figured you wob my friend I"
"Well, nln't I?"
"FoooyI Foooyl Don't talk to me.
You'd sell out your own mother."
"Gib, you tryln' to pick a light with
"No, but I would If I thought I
wouldn't git n footrace Instead," Glb
noy rejoined scathingly. "Crlpcs,
what a double-crossln' I been handed 1
Honest, Bart, when It comes to that
sort o' work Scroggs Is In his Infancy.
You sure take the cake."
"I nln't got the heart to clout you
an' innko you ent them words," Mr.
McGuffey declared, sorrowfully.
"You mean you ain't got the guts,"
Mr. Glbney corrected him. "Bart, I
got your number. Goodbye."
Mr. McGufTey had a wild Impulse to
cast himself upon tho Glbnoy neck
nnd weep, but his honor forbade any
Riich weakness. So he Invited Mr.
Glbney to bctnko himself to a region
several degrees hotter than the Mag
gie's engine room; then, because he
feared to linger nnd develop n senti
mental weakness, ho turned his bnck
abruptly nnd descended to the" said
engine room.
On his pnrt, Adelbert P. Glbney en
tcred the cabin nnd glnred long nnd
menacingly nt Captain Scraggs. "I'll
hnve my time," he growled presently.
"Give It to me nn' give It quick."
The very Intonation of his volco
warned Scraggs that the present was
not n time for argument or trifling.
Silently he paid Mr. Glbuey the money
due him; in equal silence tho nnvl
gntlng ofllcer went to the pilot house,
unscrewed his framed certificate from
the wall, packed It with his few be
longings, nnd departed for Scnb John
ny's bourdlng house.
"Hello," Scab .Johnny saluted liltn nt
his entrance. "Quit tho Maggie?"
Mr. Glbney nodded.
"Want trip to tho dark blue?"
"Lead mo to It," mumbled Mr. Gib
ney. "It'll cost you twenty dollars, Gib.
Chief mate on tho Itoso of Sharon,
bound for the Galapagos Islands seal
ing." "I'll take It, Johnny." Mr. Glbney
throw over a twenty-dollar bill, went
to his room, packed all of his belong
ings, paid ids bill to Scab Johnny, and
within tho hour was aboard the
schooner Hose of Sharon. Two hours
inter they towed out with the tide.
Poor McOuffey was stunned when
ho heard tho news that night from
Scab Johnny. When ho retailed tho
Information to Scraggs next morning,
Scraggs was equally perturbed. He
guessed that McGuffey and Glbnoy
had quarreled and he had the poor
Judgment to nsk McGuffey tho cause of
tho row. Instantly, McGuffey Informed
him that that was nono of his dad
fetched business and tho Incident wns
Tho thrco months that followed were
the most harrowing of McGuffoy's life.
Captain Scraggs knew his engineer
would not resign whllo he, Scraggs,
owed him thrco hundred dollars;
wherefore he was not too particular
to put a bridle on his tongue when
things appeared to go wrong. McGuf
fey longed to kill him, but dared not.
When, eventunlly, the railroad had
been extended sufficiently fur down
the coast to enable tho fanners to
haul their goods to tho rullroad In
trucks, tho Magglo automatically
went out of tho green-pen trnde;
simultaneously, Captain Scraggs' note
to McGuffey fell duo and the engineer
demanded payment. Scraggs de
murred, pleading poverty, but Mr. Mc
Guffey assumed such a threatening ut-
tltude that reluctantly Scraggs paid
him a hundred and fifty dollars on ac
count, nnd McGuffey extended the bal
ance one year and quit.
"See that you got that hundred and
fifty an' tho Interest in your Jeans
tho next time wo meet," he wanted
Scraggs ns ho went overside.
Time passed. For a month the Mag
glo plied regularly between Bodega
bay and San Francisco In an endeavor
to work up some business in farm and
dairy produce, but a gasoline schooner
cut In on the run and declared a rate
war, whereupon the Magglo turned her
blunt noso-rlvcrward and for a brief
period essayed some towing and gener
al freighting on the Sacramento und
Sun Joaquin. It was unprofitable,
however, and nt Inst Captain Scraggs
was forced to lay his darling little
Magglo up and take a job ns chief
ofllcer of the ferry steamer Enclual,
plying between San Francisco and Oak
laud. 'In the meantime, Mr. McGuf
fey, after two barren months "on the
bench," landed a Job as second assist
ant on a Standard OH tanker running
to the west const, while thrifty Nells
Hnlvorscn Invested the savings of ten
years In a bay scow known ns the Wil
lie and Annie, arrogated to himself
Uie title of captain, and proceeded to
freight hay, grain and paving stones
from Petaluma.
The old Joyous days of the green
pea trade were gone forever, and mnny
u night, as Captain Scruggs paced
the deck of the ferryboat, watching
the ferry tower loom Into vlow, or tho
scnttercd lights along the Alameda
shore, he thought longingly of the old
Maggie, lnld away, pcrhups forever, and
slowly rotUng lu tho muddy waters of
Uie Sacramento. And he thought of
Mr. Glbney, too, nwny off under tho
tropic sturs, leading tho care-free lifo
of n real sailor nt last, nnd of Bar
tholomew McGuffey, Imbibing "pulque"
In the "cnntlna" of some dlsreputuble
cafe. Captain Scraggs never know
how badly he was going to miss them
both until they were gone, and he had
nobody to fight with except Mrs.
Scraggs nnd when Mrs. Scraggs (to
quote Captain Scraggs) "slipped her
cable" In her forty-third year Captain
Scraggs felt singularly lonesome and
In a mood to accept eagerly any
deviltry thnt might offer.
Upon n night, which happened to
be Scraggs' night off, and when ho
wns parUcuIarly lonely nnd Inclined
to drown his sorrows In the Bowhend
saloon, he was approached by Scab
Johnny, nnd Invited to repair to the
letter's dingy office for tho purpose of
discussing what Scab Johnny guard
edly roferred to as a "proposition."
Upon arrival at the ofllce, Captain
Scraggs was Introduced to a small,
fierce-looking gentleman of tropical ap
pearance, who owned to the name of
Don Manuel Garcia Lopez. Scab John
ny first pledged Captain Scraggs to
n 1 ii in
'The Job That Confronta Us Is to Get
These Munitions Down to Our
Friends In Mexico."
absolute secrecy, and made him swear
by Uie honor of his mother nnd the
boucs of his father not to divulge a
word of what ho was about to tell him.
Scab Johnny was short and to the
point. Ho stated that, as Captain
Scraggs was doubtless aware, If he
perused the dally papers at all, thera
was a revolution raging In Mexico.
His friend, Senor Lopez, represented
tho undcr-dogs in tho disturbance, nnd
was anxious to secure u ship and a
nervy sen cuptaln to land a shipment
of arms in Lower California. It ap
peared that at a sale of condemned
army goods held at the nrsenal at
Benlcln, Senor Lopez had, through
Scab Johnny, purchased two thousand
single-shot Springfield rifles tlutt had
been retired when tho militia regiments
took up tho Krng. Tho Krag I il turn
having been replnccd by tho modern
mngazlno Springfield, tho old single
shot Sprlngllclds, with one hundred
thousand rounds of 45-70 bull cart
ridges, had been sold to the highest
bidder. In addition to the small arms,
Lopez had at present In n warehouse
threo machine guns and four 3-Inch
breech-lnndlug plecos of field artillery
(the kind of guns generally designated
ns a "jackass battery," for tho reason
that they can be taken down and trans
ported over rough country on mules)
together with n supply of ammuni
tion for same.
"Now, then," Scab Johnny contin
ued, , "tho Job that confronts us Is to
get these munitions down to our
friends In Mexico. If we'ro caught
sneakln' 'em Into Mexico we'll spend
tho rest of our lives In n federal peni
tentiary for bustln' tho neutrality laws.
All them rifles nn' the ammunition Is
ensed on' in my basement nt the pres
ent moment nnd the government
agents knows they're there. But that
nln't troubling mo. I rent tho saloon
next door an' I'll cut a hole through
tho wall from my cellar Into the saloon
cellar, carry 'cm through the saloon
Into the bnckyard, an' out Into tho
alley hnlf a block away. I'm watched,
but I got the watcher spotted only
ho don't know It. Our only trouble
Is a ship. How nbout the Maggie?"
"I'd havo to spend about two thous
and dollars on her to put her In condl
tlon for tho voyage," Scraggs replied.
"Can do," Scnb Johnny answered him
briefly, nnd Senor Lopez nodded ae
quiescence. "You discharge on a light
er at Dcscanso bay about twenty miles
below Enscnada. What'll It cost us?"
"Ten thousand dollars, In addition
to flxln' up the Mngglo. Half down
nnd hnlf on delivery. I'm rlskln' my
hide an' my ticket nn I got to be well
paid for It."
Again Senor Lopez nodded. What
did he care? It wasn't I1I3 money.
"I'll furnish you with our own crew
Just before you sail," Scnb Johnny con
tinued. "Get busy."
"Gimme a thousand for preliminary
expenses," Scraggs demanded. "After
thnt Speed Is my middle name."
The charming Senor Lopez produced
tho money In crisp new bills and, per
fect gentleman that he was, demanded
no receipt. As u matter of fact,
Scraggs would not huve given him one.
Tho two weeks thnt followed were
busy ones for Cnptnln Scrnggs. The
dny nftcr his Interview with Scab
Johnny and Don Manuel he engaged
an engineer and n deck hand and went
up the Sacramento to bring tho Mng
glo down to San Francisco. Upon
her arrival she was hauled out on
Uie marine ways at Oakland creek,
cleaned, caulked, and some new cop
per sheathing put on her bottom. She
wns also given a dnsh of blnck paint,
had her engines and boilers thorough
ly overhauled nnd repaired, and
shipped a new propeller thnt would
add at least a knot to her speed. Al
so, she had her stern rebuilt. And
when everything was ready, she slipped
down to the Black Diamond conl bunk
ers and took on enough fuel to, car
ry her to San Pedro; after which
she steamed across the bay to San
Francisco and tied up at Fremont
street wharf.
Tho cargo camo down In boxes, vnrl
ously labeled. There were "agricul
tural Implements," a "cream separat
or," a "windmill," nnd hnlf n dozen
"sewing-machines," In nddition to a
considerable number of kegs alleged
to contain nails. Most of it came down
after five o'clock In the afternoon
after the wharfinger had left the dock,
and as nothing but a disordered brain
would have suspected the steamer Mag
gle of an attempt to break the neutral
ity laws, tho entire cargo wos gotten
nbonrd snfely and without a Jot of
susptclon nttaching to the vessel.
AVlien all was In readiness, Cnptaln
Scraggs Incontinently "fired" ills deck
hand nnd engineer and Inducted nbonrd
a new crow, carefully selected for their
filibuster virtues by Scab Johnny him
self. Then while the new engineer got
up steam, Captain Scrnggs went up to
Scab Johnny's ofllce for his llnnl In
structions and the bnlance of the first
Instalment due him.
Briefly, dils instructions were ns fol
lows: Upon arrival off Point Dunio
on the southern Cnllfornln coast, he
was to stand in close to Dunio cove
under cover of darkness nnd show two
green lights on the masthead. A man
would come nlongslde presently In a
small boat, and climb aboard. This
man would be the supercargo and the
confidential envoy of tho Insurrecto
Junta In Los Angeles. Captain Scraggs
was to look to this man for orders and
to obey him Implicitly, ns upon this
dopended the success of tho expedi
tion. This agent of the Insurrecto
forces would pay hlra the balance of
Ave thousand dollars due him Immedi
ately upon dlschnrge of the cargo at
Dcscanso bny.1 There was a body of
Insurrecto troops encamped nt Megano
rancho, a mile from tho beach, nud
they would have a barge and small
bouts in readiness to lighter the cargo.
Scnb Johnny explained that he had
promised the crew double wages and
a bonus of u hundred dollars each for
the trip. Don Manuel Garcia Lopez
paid over the requisite amount of ensh,
nnd half an hour later the Maggie was
steaming down the bny on her perilous
The sun was setting as they passed
out the Golden gate and swung down
the south channel, nnd with the wind
on her benm, the nged Mnggle did nine
knots. Lnte In the nfternobn of the
following day she was off tho Snntu
Bnrbara channel, and nbout midnight
she ran In under tho lee of Point Dumo
nnd lay to. Tho mate hung out the
green signal lights, and In about nn
hour Captnln Scrnggs heard the sound
of oars grating in rowlocks. A few
minutes later a stentorian voice hailed
them out of the durkness. Captain
Scrnggs had a Jacob's ladder slung
over tho side and the mate and two
deckhands hung over the rail with Inn
tcrnB, lighting up the surrounding sea
feebly for the benefit of the lone ad
venturer who sat muffled in a great
cont In the stern of n small boat rowed
by two men. There was a very slight
sea running, nnd presently the men In
the small boat, watching their oppor
tunity by the ghostly tight of the lan
terns, ran their frnll crni't In under
the lee of tho Maggie. The llguro In
the stern sheets leaped on the Instant,
caught the Jacob's ladder, climbed
nimbly over the side, nnd swore heart
lly In very good English ns his feet
stnick the deck.
"What's the name of this floating
coffin?" he demanded In n chnln-locker
voice. It was quite evident that oven
In the darkness, where her mnny de
fects were mercifully hidden, the Mag
gie did not suit the special envoy of
the Mexican Insurrectos.
"American steamer Mnggle," snld
tho skipper frigidly. "Scrnggs Is my
name, sir. And If you don't like my
vessel "
"Scraggsy J" roared the special en
voy. "Scraggsy, for n thousand I And
the old Mnggle of nil boats 1 Scraggsy,
old tarpot, your fin I Duke mc, you
doggoned old snlamnndei!"
"Gib, my dear boyl" shrieked CnV
tain Scraggs nnd cast himself Into Mr.
Gibney's arms In a transport of Joy.
Mr. Glbney, for It was Indeed he,
pounded Captain Scraggs on the back
with one grcnt hand while with the
other he crushed the sklppcr'a fingers
to n pulp, the while he called on all
the powers of darkness to wltne3 that
never In nil Jits life had ho received
such n pleasant surprise.
It wns Indeed n happy moment. AH
the old animosities and differences
were swallowed up In the glad hand
clasp with which Mr. Glbney greeted
his old shlpmato of the green-pea
trade. Scraggs took him below at once
nnd they pledged each other's health.
"Well, I'll be keel-hauled and skull
dragged I" eaid Cnptaln Scrnggs, pro
ducing a box of two-for-a-quarter
cigars nnd .handing It to Mr. Glbney.
"Gib, my dear boy, wherever have you
been these Inst three years?"
"Everywhere," replied 'Mr. Glbney.
"I hnve been all over, mostly In Pann
ma nnd the Gold const. For two years
I've been nnvlgatln' ofllcer on the Co
lombian gunboat Bogota. When I was
a young feller I did n hitch in the navy
and become a first-class gunner,-and
then I went to sen In the merchant ma
rine, and got my mate's license, and
when I flashed my credentials on tho
president of the United Stntes of Co
lombia ho give me n Job nt "dos clenti
pesos oro" per. Thnt's Spanish for
two hundred bucks gold n month. I've
been through two wars nnd I got n
medal for slnkln' n flshln' smnck. I
talk Spanish just like a native, I don't
drink no more to spenk of, nnd I've
been savin' my money. Some day
when I get tho price together I'm goln'
bnck to San Francisco, buy me a nice
little fcchooner, nud go trndln' In the
South sens. How they been comln'
with you, Scraggsy, oJd klddo?"
"Lovely," replied Scragcs. "Just
simply grand. I'll pull ten thousnnd
out of this Job."
Mr. Glbney whistled shrilly through
his teeth.
"Thnt's the ticket for soup," he said
admiringly. "I tell you, Scroggs, this
soldier of fortune business may be all
right, but it don't amount to much
compared to being a sailor of fortune,
eh, Scraggsy? Just as soon us I heard
there was a revolution in Mexico I quit
my Job In tho Colombian navy and
como north for the plckin's. . . .
No, I ain't been in their rotten little
army. . . . D'ye think I want to
go around klllln' people? . . . There
ain't no pleasure gettln' killed In the
mere shnnk of n bright and prosper
ous life . . . a dead hero don't
gather no moss, Scraggsy. Beads all
right In books, but It don't appeal
none to me. I'm for pence every time,
so right away as soon as I heard of
the trouble, says I to myself: 'Things
has been pretty quiet In Mexico for
twenty years, nnd they're due to shift
things around pretty much. Whnt
them peons need Is a man with an
Imagination to help 'em out, nnd If
they've got the money, Adelbert P. Gib
ney can supply the brains.' So I comes
north to Los Angeles, shows the In
surrecto Junta my mcdnl nnd my hon
orable discharges from every ship I'd
ever been In, lncludln' the gunboat Bo
gota, aud 1 talked big nnd swelled
around nnd told 'em to run In some
arms and get busy. I framed It nil up
for this filibuster trip you're on,
Scraggsy, only I never did hear that
they'd picked on you. I told that coffee-colored
rat of a Lopez man to
hunt up Scab Johnny nnd he'd set him
right, but if anybody hnd told mc you
had the nerve to run the Maggie In on
this denl, .Scraggsy, I'll a-called him a
liar. Scraggs, you're mucho-bueno
that Is, you're nil right. I'm so used
to talkln' Spanish I forget myself.
Still, there's one end of this lltMe denl
that 1 ain't exactly explained to nil
hands. If I'd a-known they was char
terln' the Maggie, I'd huve blocked the
Scraggsy and Gib prepare
for war, horrid war.
(to Da ceimNuuo.)
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FitoH Support 23
ipw Adrian, Mioh.
The Only Reliable Guarantee.
"But we must hnve u guarantee
against future wars."
"It seems to me," replied J. Fuller
Gloom, "Unit killing off nil tho rest ol
llio Inhabitants of the enrtli would
make us fnltly safo from attack."
Kunsas City Star.
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
Judging from reports from druggiste
who are constantly in direct touch with
tho public, there is one preparation that
has been very successful in overcoming
these conditions. Tho mild and healing
influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is
toon realized. It stands the highest for
its remarkable record of success.
An examining physician for ono of the
pronincnt Lifo Insurance Companies, in
an interview on the subject, made the as
tonishing statement that one reason why
so winy applicants for insurance are re
jected is because kidney trouble is so
common to the American people, and tho
large majority of those whose applica
tions arc declined do not even suspect
that they havo the disease.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot is on sale
at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes,
medium and large. However, if you wish
first to test this great preparation send
ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham
ton, N. Y., for a samplo bottle. When
writing be sure and mention this paper.
Although u man never knows what
ho can do until ho tries, It Is not ui
ways expedient to try.
Children's handkerchiefs often look
hopeless when they como to tho laun
dry. Wash with good soap, rluso In
wnter blued with Ited Cross Ball Blue.
A legend is, a barefaced lie that has
grown old enough to wear whiskers.
Have You a
Cold or Cough ?
Read What This Woman Says:
Blair, Ncbr. "In my younger years
I had very weak lungs and as I grew
older seemed to become BUsceptiblo to
weather conditions to such on extent
that I always seemed to havo a cough or
a cold. I took Dr. Pierco's Golden
Medical Discovery as a tonio nnd buildor
and found it to bo so helpful to mo that I
used no other medicino or doctoring for
a period of about noven years. I did
not take it continuously but just when
ever my system eecmed to requiro a
tonio. That was twenty-five years ago
nnd my lungs aro in good condition
today." Mrs. L. II. Lothrop, 211 East
Lincoln St.
When run-down you can quickly pick
up nnd regain vim, vigor, vitolft by
obtaining this Medical Discovery of
Dr. Pierco's at your nearest drug store
in tablets or liquid.
I'eoplo who never get down to bust,
ness seldom get up In tho world.
To Have a Clear Sweet Skin
Touch pimples, redness, roughness
or Itching, If nny, with Cutlcura Oint
ment, then imtho with Cutlcura Soap
nnd hot wator. Itlnse, dry gently nnd
dust on n llttlo Cutlnura Talcum to
lenve n fnsglnntlng frngrnnco on skin.
Everywhere 25c each. Advertisement.
If you cannot glvo anything else,
give n suillo nnd n word of cheer.
mMl "" Strong, Healthy
'i?SS Eet-u they Tircltch,
Toa 3yL Smart or Burn, if Sore,
YniirTttLrC iFtated, Inflamed or
TUUR E.lt3 Granulatcd.useMurine
often. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe for
Tnfantnr Aitnlf. At nllTtnirmlcfa W7-u..t
1 Free Eye Book. Norlat Eyi imtlj Ce., cUeifi