The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 02, 1922, Image 1

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1 - l jtw T ATi I iCtr f lr rv " tjt.S ? tijti jh i " hT "" TitBt j""Bj"jF"' t- ' "-r-T' ".? '.Tir'"'"'," rsr "" "tBBTTTT"' '- a t r ; v ?T ." ' - J-fcy-?""" Lz:?r?JBfJ'z ----- . -- i t'i -t JSU- r iV-.w" ,
A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Ycnr For 11,50
C. D. Robinson Files
Are You Buying Dependable
for Stale Treasurer
That is The Kind We Sell
Malone Gellatly Co.
Of The Season
The Best
Of All!
Admission $1.00
Will be given by Red Cloud
-Post, No. 238. American Legion
Friday Night
Feb. 3rd
The orchestra that puts life in
a crowd, will supply that snap
py, syncopated music that gives
pep to the dancors and assures
a good time.
Spectators 25c
L'lst week (.on iio 'Irrf.iMiior K.ami
werC. U. Uobui-ou f UiU city Mod r t
the o.llcu ot State Treasurer un ll.o
KepuuttcNii ticket. Mr. Robinson litis
nerved MHuiul lutnia us county ticiib-
urcr of Websti-i (Juuitty mid nl-o hs n
deputy la ilmi olllun. The pust fOA ho hits boon enmity treasurer ex
lunlncr ami his m. my yearn of expel i
dice uiakc.i 1 1 1 in ii voi y Capable on u ll
d iio for the nomination lit the pilmtuy
o.eoilon. IIh in. my t Mends hero hope
thiil ho will bo nominated at t Iiq pil
uiaiy election in July
Grace Church Services
Fifth Sunday uftcr Epiphany
Sunday boliooi ui 10 ti. in.
Holy Communion nl 11 it. in.
hvcniug Service nt 7:."tii p. in
Wo shall be glad to vvuiuotue you to
our services
Library Board Resolutions
U'llIiilitA', Mi I Pope ha
donated u viilunblo collection ot books
to tlio Auld Pn'iiio l.liiniry cmMalng
of &C0 vplumni's, tiompiihltif pm '.tlcul
ly tho ohtim llbiiiry of Arthur A and
Mis fj'AUin Pope. tin1 same being re
cauld imthorltlfs on philosophy,
roligloi), fclomv, Ulcratuic, pnetiy,
hl'lniy; bioirrai by, travel and fiction;
a id rcengni.lng tbiit. this library n
presonla the expenditure of n 1 irxu
Bit ui f money and uiimy youis in
thouulitful Kulcutiou, thercfoie be it
UBOLVKI) thiil this board on bo
half 'of tlio Miliary Association and
the city of Ued Cloud in genernl ux
press lib appreciation for this collect
ion iitut extend to Mr. Pope Its sin
ceic llitmlih; and be ll further
UESOLVBD that the l'ro-blent and
yccretftry inform Mis. Pope of this
acilon, HtM Hint a copy of this rebohi
tlon be (jivow each of the city papeia
utid ult-o be hproad at Inre on the re
conlo of this ussoeiatiou.
Fourbuckle, all rubber ..... $3.90
Six buckle, all rubber $5.10
Boy's 2 buckle, all rubber . . . $2.90
Women's 4 buckle, all rubber
"! 'I 1 "l t 1 11 II
vnuaren s L buckle, all ruooer
We Have the Best of
A case involving $130,000.00, worth
of district paving bonds and which
lias been followed closely by investors,
communities and banking concerns
throughout the state anu which alfecta
every property owner and citizen of
Red Clouu was decided in district
court Saturday by Judge Blacklcdge
when he held tluit the mayor and city
council had no authority under the
law to refund the district paving
bonds into general bonds of thia city.
"fh,is cause, known as the .mutter of
refunding bonds of the city of Jlcd
Cloud arose out of the default in
pcyment of certain district paving
bonds, the .holders of which were seek
ing by judicial action to have said
bonds, which are an indebtedness
against the paving district only, re
funded or changed into bonds which
would be a general charge or indebt
edness against the whole city.
The question as to whether munici
pal paving bonds are a special or
general obligation of the city has
not been pr.ssed upon by tl.e Su
preme Court of this state and its
linnl determination by the high court
will be far reaching in its effects.
Two different groups of property
owners and citizens of Red Cloud
came into court and resisted the pro
posed refunding of the bonds. One
group consisted of property owners
within the districts uffected who had
paid in full their paving assessment
and who, if the bonds were changed
into a general obligation of the city,
would bo required to pay,an addition
al amount. The other group consisted
of property owners living outside of
the said paving districts and there
fore received no benefits r from the
paving, but who would likewise bo re
quired, if the bonds wore refunded, to
pay for the paving in the districts.
Lengthy briefs wore filed by the
attorneys representing the different
litigants. Tho case was argued and
submitted to the Court on October
ICth last. The matter was taken un
der advisement by Judge Blacklcdge
at that time and a written opinion
was rendered by him Saturday.
Mrs. Holmes Laid to Rest
Itcrtlm Joboiiiia lleurlolta Panic
whs born near Dresden in the IvIiik
doin of Saxony, Got ninny, on tho Udi
day of August, 1801). Sho lived thoio
uutll live years of age, when the fami
ly chiuo to tho United States, and took
up their residence in thestatoof Pcnti
sylvnnia In the year of 1682 blie was uuitcd In
uinrrlntfo with Jo6oph Williams. A
jepr lator she cauio with her hu&band
tirRert Cloud, 'Nebraska, wheceiho cnu
tcrcu the train service of tuo Hurling
ton as a conductor. ' -
The home wa changed from time- to
time, as he was transferred, tho family
finally settling in BloomiiiKton, where
in tho year 1801 Mr. Williams departed
this life. Six chlldteu were born to
her union with Mr. Willlnins, only two
surviving her decease
Iu tho year 11100 she was joined in
marriage wuii i. u uoimes ui lieu
Cloud, and the home remnltied in this
city until February 1018, when the
family removod to Kansas City, Miss
ouri, where they have since remained.
A mouth ago Mrs. Holmes unmc to
Nebraska to visit relatives and friendt-,
at HlooiuitiKton and Red Cloud, and
was fortunate In meeting u very laigo
tiumber of frietnln and associates In
tho service sho rendered in chtiroh and
community, prior to her removal from
this place.
On January 10th she was taken seri
ously III, at the homo of her daughter
Mrs. E. G Caldwell, and desplto tho
best medical atiendancs and ellloient
nursing, she passed away last Thurs
day evening, having attained the ago
of 08 years, 5 months and ID days.
She Is survived by her husband, I.
H. Holmes, a stepson, William Holmes'
of Brccktinrldgo, Texas, a daughter,
Mrs. F, (J. Oxldwcll, of Rod Cloud, and
After a statement of the facts and two'binis, Benjamin Williams and Clny-
n citation of the authorities uphold- ton Holmes of Kansas City Mrs
ing the position taken by him, Judge OlHraLemmert of Uloomiiigton Is tho
Hin-klPtlgo concludes his opinion as . , t , tho , , ,
tlve of the doeetihod.
Mr and Mrn, Dan Lommert and two
Oisr Prices Save You Money
follows: 1 1"
i "A careful consideration of the
statute under which these bonds were '
issued, and what scorns to mq to be
not only the plain unfairness and in
justice, but also tho inevitable dis
astrous effcts of upholding tho prop
ositionwhich would allow the refund
ing of the district paving bonds in
quostion into bonds which aro tho
general obligation of tho city, makes
it in my judgment the clear duty of
the Court to deny the application and
A Limited Amount of
At $6.00 Per bushel
children of ltloqniingtou; Mr. and Mis,
Ira llolui'iH unci two children of Fair
biry; Will HoIuihs, youngest, brother
of r.ll Holmes, of Fulrbtiry, togotlu r
with tho fon, Clayton, Ben and Will,
were all present, at the funeral service
Th funeiMl hervloo was ludd at I he
M 13 ohurith on Sunday afternoon at
2 'cliU conducted by Rev I, W IM
sin, aesUted by Itev, II W. Copa and
Rev, F. J. Neivlund. Interment was
made in tho city cemetory.
Farmers Union
tho judgment will accordingly bo
"That the district paving bonds in
question "are not the general obliga
tions of the Citv of Red Cloud but
aro obligations upon tho respective
paving districts only, that neither tho
tho city officers nor the municipality Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mitchell nnd
itself had power to make said bonds pou, Wnllnoo, left this morning for
mo general oongations ot tno citv, r-,.Uvn n..iv Vm-ir wimrA w..nn,.n
nnd tho Mayor and City Council bo
not authorized or directed to issuo
refunding bonds for or on account of
any of the said d'strlct paving bonds.''
Thia matter will ba reviewed by the
Supremo Court ns tlio intervening
bond holders hnve taken the prelimin
ary stop3 toward perfecting an ap
peal. Tho intervening ta:: payer aro
bcinr rcnrp-Tcntcd bv J. S. Gl'nni
nnd F. J. 'Iundny, tho bond ho'dors
by W C Persnv nnd Howard S. Foe.
Commercial Advnrtissr.
will take up blsstudtesagain, Mr. and
Mrs, Mitchell will remain in Brooklyn
until about February 21, when they,
will leave by boat for Jacksonville,
Florida, whero thoy will jolu the
Hrooklyn National League basu ball
cub. Franklin Nows.
Tho U-d Uloud High Sdl.ool liovs
Rust-ot Bill team will go to Fairfield
and Oluv Center Friday whom they urc
matched for games,
d 1 iiO
One of Each $2.75
While the present stock lasts I am offering
two bargains. A guaranteed watch with
unbreakable crystal - - - - $ 1 .40
A guaranteed alarm clock - - $ 1 .40
These are both special values at the prices.
Also a very few guaranteed eight day
alarm clocks at the right price.
We Mike 'Quality' Right Then the PricelRight I
B. H. Newhouse
Rcjiciood Jeweler and Optometrist Nebwk
"We do building from the excavating to the painting
complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater
ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. Wo do FRAME
BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ
ence between good and inferior stucco.
We build screen doors and window screens and do
carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for
screen doors and window screens now.
Shop first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phone 72N
Left at the Red Cloud Elevator and Credited to
My Account, You Can Have Your Choice of a
The Above Price Are Less Than These Ranges
Can bo Laid Down For in My Store Today.
Theso Ranges Will Not be Reduced in Price.
This Offer is Good Only For The Stock I Have
Now, on Hand,