' A IVM .- '- vT&t, 55 k X .it .fJM . 1 i "V -fs -. fa iV1 h BfVH H v Rttl e Economy In buying groceries comes through selecting the better grades from a store you know you can depend upon. Wc pride ourselves on our sincere desire k, to have in stock at all times the best - ' quality food stuffs at moderate prices. - Satisfaction or your money back guarantee P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Quecnsware aniBBffiBuizm Ml ! ii i 1 1 m - . ,.r, spm fIT M H; 4w THE RED CLOUD .CHIEF 3d Cloud, Nebraf c PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY asseroh, ike V'yT&E3Lwai Easiest because it is transparent. Avoid the guesswork and uncertainty. Look through your PYREX and see the food baking. PYREX the oricinnl transparent oven-wure io sanitary and practical for everyday use and is gmir antccd not to hreak in the oven. Durable and economical saves time, fuel and dishes you bake in and serve from ths same dish. Food actually tastes bettor when PYR12XED the full flavor is retained because the bakiny 13 quick and thorough. Buy n 'cnw' at Mi ifflWS j 1JM4 JiiJAi mik IfcrgffiHMSr-: 'iw """"S&iHWnM!1 IMS! 8 VJitlHyaaa yr:.yi qTj WmWJi&LMWUmWf3SSA3irc&CX'il vnBwawwwwaBMaaBaavBwaaiHMMJMaMkMiMaiUU TRINE'S HARDWARE giwiCTtarireaKaahmf iui j-maamai rwnmaiuuwunwi 1111 ukjbctw HA JNESS and SADDLERY Back to Pre-War Prices Come in and see for yourself our exceptional values. Harness and leather goods of all kinds oiled and repaired Fogel S & PJBITPB jCf Red Cioud I BE PRACTICAL The young man in love often goes into raptures about "the blue of the sea in her eyes and the golden haze of autumn in her hair." but remember this, young man -SHE'LL EAT just the same as any other healthy girl. Therefore, get down to practical aTfairs. Save your money, deposit it in a good reliable bank like ours and get ready to own a home for you and the girl and to provide the three square meals a day that you will both need as long as you live. You know when poverty comes in at the door, love sometimes flies out at the window. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, Pre.idenl Rod Cloud, Nob. S. R. Flounce, Cn.l.irr Capital ana" Surplus $35,000 00 Dtpotllt OuarantetatytheVtpotitor$ Gtaruntv 'unci of the Stale of Xtbratlu tCntorcd'ln the I'ostofllco at lied cloud, Nob an Hocond Class Matter A. D. MoARTUUR, Editor and Owner Advertising Rates Foreign, per column Inch 15c LocrJ, ' " 10 A 2i Farm Bureau Notes FEDERAL FARM LOAN MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Webster County Federal Loan Association was held and the following officers were elected for the coming year. John Zimmerman, president, Carl Fausch, Vice-president, Henry II. Faudch, secretary-treasurer, Hawc Fnmham, director, Wm. Points, director and Chas. Cowley, director. ' The association has loaned through the Federal Land Bank at Omaha SMH.OOO.OO on 22 farms. Duroc Jersey and Poland China Breeders Breeders of' Duroc Jersey hogs will meet Monday, January !50tH at 2:00 p. m. in the Farm Bureau office at the court house. Breeders of Poland China hogs will meat Tuesday, January 151st, at 2:00 p. m. in the Farm Bureau office at the court house. Business of importance to come up is bred sow sales, breed promotion etc. Every farmer having one or more purebred Durocs or Polands should attend this breed meeting. Don't wait for r. special or personal invitation. Remember the date and be present with suggestions for the future welfare of your favorite breed Shorthorn Breeder's Meeting Friday, February 3, 1922, at 12:30 p. m. at Kind's. Cafe, Blue hill. Web ster county has a live Shorthorn Breeder's Association and every breeder of Shorthorn cattle is invited to be their guest at dinner. Plans will be made for the coming year of the association and i'innl arrange ments will be made for the associa tion sale to be held April 5th at Red Cloud. Every Shorthorn breeder should take a day off and attend this meeting. HENRY R. FAUSCH . County Agricultural Agent. In liaixlrupty. due ul Order and Notice on etitionforjitefturge Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST Red Cioud Nebraska THE HUGHES WAY Cleaners-Dyers-Tailors " WE CLEAN HATS. Printing? Bring it to the Chief LINCOLN CORN 'CRIB ENCOURAGES CORN EATING Out in Nebraska where they have more corn than they know what to do with the Lincoln Crib propoecB to store away some of the surplus which corn growers are finding so burden some. This .cribi started by the Lin coin Chambers .,pf Commerce, was so successTuT,'th'at other eornbclt organi sations :.re considering similar cribs. Instead of being a huge storage house for corn 'this is an organization of about half a thousand men. and women who call themselves the Corn Eatevs of Amcuica. The purpo.so is to direct attention ' to the value and e-qnomy of corn and its products as food and to help reduce the .surplus of this gfain. The only failure in con nection with the organization of the Lincoln Crib, ircording to the Cl'am bor of Commerce, was that there was no banquet room in the city largo enough to accommod'.tj the hundreds who wanted to join as charter mem bers. With the help of United States De partment of Agriculture food bul letins and circulars an e::culsive corn m-nu was planned. The first course constated of cream of corn au gratm. Corn-cake tobacco smoked in corncob pipes substituted for Havanus at the end of the dinner and in between were courses of corn-fed Nebraska pork loins, corn sauto (hominy) with green pepper, corn on cob, corn bread, corn salad with pimetos, cornstarch pud cling, corn cookies, and corn candy. The critical corn situation was de picted by a play in which King Corn too feeble to support himself, f'gurcd as the chief character. With him sat (Queen Minnie Wheat. Characters which depicted the plight of the corn grower wit? Hard Times, Hi Taxes, Idle Labor, and Speculation, but they finally were crowded from the slugo by High Prices nrd Prosperity. A proclammation was issued by the High Chancellor calling upon all sub jects of the King to cat corn once a day. Members of the Lincoln Crib appre ciating the splendid corn preparations which had been served them at the banquet, pledged themselves to eat more corn and corn-fed meat and to encourage others to do so. Tho menu of corn foods combined with tho play got the message across in a big way with tho result that many other cities have "requested the same show and plans for organizing corn, eaters' cribs in other cities of the State and of adjoining States. Tossibly this "crib" helps account for tho lnrge number of requests coming from that section for government bulletins on different ways of serving this valu able and economical food in such tasty preparations. . " . m V V In the District Court of the United State KOK THK niSTJllOT OF NEIIUAHKA III the Matter of ) Adotf Stumntnhortt C v.' lhnkrupt. '' On this 2'itli dny of .Tinniury, A. D. 1022, on llllng nml rending the petition of tho nboro iinmd b.tnUriipt for his dlchnrgi! herein, It is ORDERED! That tliv lib day of March A. D. 1022, be nml the mwiio is hereby fixed its the date on or before which nil credit 01s of mid nil other per Mills interested In sail estate mid in the matter of tho. diM'hmgu in bank inptcy of the said bankrupt ahull, if they duslr.ii to oppose the Mime, file in my said ofllee at Holdrege, NubiiibUa, in Mild district, their appearance, in wrltlinr, In opposition to the granting of said dificlinrge( atd nlso, within ten days thereafter, file in my Miid olllcc Npuulflcations of the grounds of said opposition WITNESS my hand boreto. at my olllco hi Iloldrege, Nebraska, the day and date herein first above written. O. NORBERO, Referee In llaukruplcy. One Animal Half the Herd What can I nirrd to pay for a bull to head my herd? This Is not an 1111 common question and It is a hard one to answer for conditions vary. It du PhikIh upon tbo kind of cows kept, up on tho tnaikot for the products mid surplus stock and upon tho dairyman. College of Agriculture suggests that this matter bo given more consider at ioii this year than ever before. Tho sin is half the lunl, and the cows and tho dairy man represent tbo other half A scrub bull ean dc tin told damage, in a huiil or good cows mid a good pure bred bull can do won dt'is in building up a hurd of good cows. A breeder must deeido for himself bow much ho can afford to pay for a good pure bred bull, but he must not get tho idea that a S.00 bull Is neees Mirlly a good one, or n S5 or a S50 bull is a cheap on.-; for miuIi a bull may prove- to bo far more co.stly in tho long run than the higher priced one. "By their fruits ye shall know them." Bulls fiom dams without good milk lecordh two a poor gamble. Kansas Pickups SMITH COUNTY .lolin Shipley and tatnlly spt-nt .Sun dy with (ico. MuthUii', .l.ni Spun I it mid family vi-iteil tin tiny Norton family SuiuUy Little Gin Spurrier was on tin- biek list a couple of dayu last week. E.,E. Spurrier and Mr. and Mrs Kail Abbott were in Smith Center last Satin day. .Mis. Ernest Krccman and Alzina Mrttson viMteil with Mis. Ernest hock one day last week. Mioses Ruble and Ada Hollo Potter and Velum Cnrr hpent Sunday with the Mi-m'H Kebn and Zulu lucrum.. Mis. Alvin Jjuck le-iurued to her home Miuili of Lebanon after a week's .stay with hersisTor, Mih Ernubt Lock. Dell Brown anil family, itVi. Riown ai d family and Max ischium and fami ly atobiiiiuay ilioniT wtili Emusl log rain-. ' D01I Hiown ami finally arc mioii io iiuivu to Lb1.mii..h. B. p. Pujno wilt l.lto uhatj,'!! of Uell't. piuuo f 1 thueoui i"gyur Albi it. Masleriiiaii and wife have bi-Vli ifiileiils 01 'l.ijIjHimii for tho p.u,t you, lmu dfcldMi to ti v eoiuitiv lllo again aiidaio now moving mil on their f.irui. Luis LiiiiiiIkhii, who is nticndii g liinh school in .smith LYiiUt, and Mr. anil Mrs. U.-. Rt-llluin spi-nt Suiidny with tlnir paioiits, Mr. and Mrs. Uubi. Luimuiui Burlington to Buy Engines The liiirliiigioii is leueivlug bids for a total of ilftj-flvo locomotives heiv.i passenuer and heavy and light, freight engines Vinas Ready for Him. There is some hope for the person who can ItiiiKh when ho has a tooth ache. But the mini who can Inunh at you when you hae a toothache Is beneath words. The Flour do Lis. Sounds Rather Inheritable. Woman Writer When there Is unex pected company I Just fall back on tho old-fashioned whip of grandmother's day. ' Tho Meaning of It. Professor (pondering) Now what was It that this knot In my handker chief was to remind mo of? Ah, yfst It was today that I was to jump Into lake and end it all. -rioUston Post. Yes, Indeed. A woman at Walthamstow com plained thnt her sondndnw annoyed tter by sleeping on the doorstep. Tho yotmi; man sounds more like n step child. London Tlt-Blts. A Letter To Make Good Must impress the person who recieves it with its importance, whether the correspondence he of a business or personal nature. The mails are flooded with cheap circular letters and the average busy man of to-day gives his mail the "once over" and passes most of it to the waste basket. A letter to demand attention in these busy times must be distinctive. 1 Hammermill Ripple Bond Printed correctly makes the nicest letter head you can possibly obtain. The hard smooth surface of this paper renders it particularly adaptable to high class artistic printing and the ripple finish places it in a class by itself for attractive appearance. The "crisp cackle" you notico'ln opening a letter written on Hammermill Ripple immediately suggests taste and progressiveness on the part of the sender. It Costs No More Than Other Paper Come in and let us show you samples of work done on this stock and figure with you on your next job. The Red Cloud Chief $2 ;Q Auto Radiator Protection Our Improved Radiator Shutter is Operated from the DASH Made o Waterproof Fiber Composition. Retains the heat Better than Metal. Doesn't Rust or Rattle. SAVES GAS, BATTERY, FREEZING Madr to Jit ali mis. Maku starting easy. Send us $2 and name of car for one complete postpaid Town and County Agents Wanted, Reference Dun't mid Bradjtrcets. Essential Automotive Products Co. 511 W 42nd St. N.Y.City DU UiE a O ML BEsmnjKSHuasais We Sell Nigger head Maitiand And Routt County Lump D m til We sell for cash that's why we sell cheaper. FARMERS ELEVATOR 3 C sill mmMaxnMjuuLMtw iun'srmajmtaaBcia3auLjiimxtuMiumJuiiaiji legin the Mew Year by Subscribing For The WORLD-HERALD Nebraska's Big Newspaper The Omaha' Paper With THE LARGEST CIRCTJLA.TION Every home should receive a daily paper. Keep abreast with the times. Subscribe now for the BIG PaperThe World-Herald. Subscribe hr the World-Herald at the Chief Office Dr.W.H.McBride OENTtST OVKK STATE BANK' ' ' Red Cloud Nebraska We do Job Printing Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To :Buy Wall Paper, Paints, And Electrical Supplies. Tho best place for.Piclurc' , Framing. The Margin of Safety Is represented by tho ntnntint of insurance you uttrry Dnfiftill yourself into it funded security. yon mmuno have time and you butter And time prn.yito tljetolier and vcl writo ii'Jiolioy'oti your liouso, furniture, Vtpijj or merchandise. LATER MAY BE TOO LATfc 01 C. TEEL FLeila.ble insurance vv BAsf tllo has never touched t'Utifiariit fibllbw that youVto.i Tolnorrow no today, if you V i . I ...-1 1 "r i it I 'a