The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 19, 1922, Image 6

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    it J
Copntlbt, by Peter B. Kjma
Synopsis. Captain Fhlnoaa P.
Bcrnjrga boa grown up around the
dooks of San Francisco, and from
mess boy on a river steamer, risen
to tho ownership of the ateamor
Maggie. Since each annual In
spection promised to be the last of
the old wrnthorbeaten vesnel,
SoraKca naturally has nomo diffi
culty In securing a crow. Wlion
the story opons. Adolbort P. Olb
ncy, likable, but erratic, a man
whom nobody but Scraggs would
hire, la the skipper, Nells HaJvor
Bon, a solemn Hwedo, constitutes
tho forecastle hands, and Dart Mo
Guftoy, a wastrel of the Qlbney
type, reigns In tho engine room.
With this tnotloy crew and his an
cient vessel, Captain SoragKS Is
engaged In frclRhllng garden
truck from Halfmoon bay to Ban
Francisco. The tnevltnblo happens;
the MshsI goes ashore In a fog.
A pausing veaoel hailing tho wreck,
Mr. Qlbnor gets word to a towing
company In San Francisco that tho
nhlp ashore la tho Tankoe Prince,
with promtAo of a rich salvage.
Two tugs succeed In pulling the
Mngglo Into deep water, and aha
Blips her tow lines and goto away
In the fog. Furious at the decep
tion practiced on them, Cuptalno
Hldta and Flahorty, commanding
tho two tugboats, ascertain the
Identity of tho "Yankoe Prince"
and, fearing ridicule should tho
facts becomo known along tho wa
ter front, determlno on personal
vengeance. Their hostile visit to
tho Maggie results In Captain
Scraggs promising to get a now
bollor and make needed repairs to
tho steamer. Scraggs refuses to
fulfill his promises and Qlbney and
MoOuffoy "strike." With marvel
ous luck, Scragga ships a fresh
crew. At the orul of a few days
of wild conviviality Qlbney and
McQuffey aro stranded and seek
their old positions on the Maggie.
They are hostllely received, but re
main. On their way to San Fran
cisco they slight a derelict and Qlb
ney and McQulToy swim to It The
derelict proves to bo the Chesa
peake, richly ladon, Its entire crew
Btriakcn with scurvy. Scraggs at
tempts to tow her In, but the Mog
gie is unequal to the tank and Qlb
ney and McQulToy, alone, under
take to sail the ship to San Fran
cisco. &
CHAPTER VI. Continued.
The ship lay la tho wind, shivering.
Mr. GIbney was here, there, every
where. One minute he was dashing
along the duck with a leading line, the
next he was laying out aloft. He or
dered himself to do a thing and then,
with tho pent-up energy of a thousand
devils, he did It. Tho years of degra
dation as navigating ofllccr of the Mag
tie fell away from him, as he sprang,
agile and half-naked. Into the shrouds ;
a greut, hairy demigod or seu-gobllu
he lay out along thu yards and sprang
from placo to place with the old exul
tant thrill of youth und Joy In his
work. A word, n gesture, from Mr.
Glbnoy, and McGulTey would pounce
ou u rope 'like a bull-dog. With the
fore-royal seti Mr. Gllmey ran buck to
the wheel and put It hard over. There
being no after sull set the bark swung
off readily on to her course, slipping
through tho wnter at a nice eight-knot
speed. Ten miles off the coast, Mr.
Gllmey hung hor up In the wind again,
braced his yards with tho aid of the
Winch and McGuffey, came about and
headed north. At three o'clock she
cleared the lightship and wore around
to come In over the bar, steering cast
by south, half-south, for Point Bonlta.
She drew the full advantage of the
wind now and over the bar she came,
ramping full through the Gate with
her yards squared, on the last of the
flood tide.
As they passed Lime point, Mr. GIb
ney prepared to shorten sail and like
a clarion blast his voice rang through
tho ship.
"Clow up them royals." He lashed
the wheel and they brought the clew
lines again to the winch head. Thu
ship was falling off a little before
the fore-royal was clewed up, so Mr.
GIbney ran back to tho wheel and put
her on her course again while McGuf
fey brought the main-royal clewlines
to the winch. Again GIbney made the
wheel fast and helped McGuffey clew
up the main-royal; again he set her
on her course whllo McGuffey, follow
ing Instructions, mado ready to clew
up the fore-to'-gallan'-s'l. They were
abreast Black Point before this latter
sail was clewed up, und then they
smothered the lower top-s'ls; the bark
was slipping lazily through the water
nd McOuffey took the wheel.
"Starboard a little I Steady-y-yl
Keep her as she heads," GIbney warned
and cast off the Jib halyards. The
jibs Blld down tho stays, hanging as
they fell. They were well up toward
Melggs wharf now and It devolved up
on Mr. GIbney to bring his prize In on
the quarantine ground and let go his
port anchor. Fortunately, the anchor
was already cock-billed. Mr. GIbney
sprang to tho fore-top-sail halyards
and let them go and the fore-top-sail
came down by the run.
"Hard-a-starboard 1 Make her fast,
Bart, an coino up here an' help mo
with the anchor. Let go the main-top.
noil halyards aa you come by an stand
by the compressor on the windlass."
Th Chesapeake swung lowly,
broadside to tho first of the ebb and
'with the wind on her port beam, Mr.
GIbney knocked ont the stopper with
his trusty hammer and away ntnt
the rusty chain, sluglng through the
hawscplpc. "Snub her gently, Mac,
snub her gently, an give her tho thlr-ty-futUom
shuckjo to tho water's edge,"
ho wurned McGuffoy.
Tho bark swung until her bows were
straightened to tho ebb tide and with
a wild, triumphant yeU Mr. GIbney
clasped Uic honest McGuffoy to his
perspiring bosom. The deed was done I
It was dark, however, before they
had all thu sails snugged up shipshape,
although In the meantime tho quaran
tine launch had novo alongside, In
vestigated, and removed those of the
crew who still lived. Shortly there
after the coroner camo and removed
the dead, ufter which Glbnoy and Mc
Guffey hosed down the deck, located
some hard tack and coffee, supped
und turned In In the officers' quarters.
In tho morning, Scab Johnny arrived
In a launch with their other clothes
(Mr. GIbney having thoughtfully sent
him ten dollars on uccount of their
old bourd bill, together with a request
fur the clothes), und when the ugents
of the Clicsupeuke sent u watchman
to relievo Uiew they went nshoro and
had breakfast. After breakfast, they
called ut the olllco of tho agents,
where tlioy wore complimented on their
during Bcaumnshlp and received n
check for one thousand dollars each.
"Well, now," McGuffey declared, uf
ter they liad cashed their checks, "See
in' us how I've become Independent
ly wealtliy by following your lead,
Adelbert, all I got to say la Unit I'm
n-golu' to stick to you like u limpet to
a rock. Whut'll we do with our
For the first time In his checkered
career Mr. GIbney hud a sane, sensi
ble, and serious thought. "lias It ever
occurred to you, Mac, how much nicer
It Is to havo a few dollars in the bunk,
good clothes on your buck, an' a cred
it with your friends? Me, all my life
I been n' come-eusy, go-easy, come-Sunday,-God'll-scnd-Monday
sort o'
feller, until In myr forty-second year
I'm little bcttcr'n a beachcomber. So
now, when you ask mo what I'm goln'
to do with my money, I'll tell you.
I'm going to save it, after first puyln'
up ubout seventy-five bucks I owe here
un there along tho Front. I'm through
drlnkln' an' raisin' h 11. Mo for a
savings bank, Burt."
When Captain Scraggs, after aban
doning all hope of salving the bark
Chesapeake, returned to the Maggie,
the little craft reminded him of noth
ing so much as the ward for the in
corrigible of an Insane asylum. Due
to Captain Scraggs' stupidity und the
general InefHclency of the Maggie, tho
new navigating ofllccr was of the opin
ion that he hud been swindled out of
Ids share of thu salvage, whllo the new
engineer, furious at huvlng been en
gaged to baby such u ruin us the Mag
gie's boiler turned out ( to be, blamed
Scraggs' parsimony for 'the loss of his
share of the salvuge. Therefore, both
men aired with the utmost frankness
their opinion of their employer. One
word borrowed another until diplomat
ic relations were severed nnd, in the
lungungc of tlie clusslc, they "mixed
It." They were fairly well matched,
and, to the credit of Captain Scraggs
he It suld, whenever he believed him
self to have a lighting chance Scraggs
would light and light well, under thu
Tom-cat rules of llstlcuffs.
Following a bloody battle hi the pilot
house, he subdued the mate; following
his victory he was still war mad, so
he went to the engine-room hutch and
abused the engineer. As n result of
the day's events, both men quit when
the Maggie was tloy up ut Jackson
street wharf and once more Captain
Scraggs was helpless. In his extrem
ity, he wished ho hadn't been so hard
ou Mr. Glbnoy and' McGuffoy, for he
realized he could novcr hopo to get
them buck until their salvage money
should be spent.
Godless and wholly Irreclaimable as
Mr. GIbney und Mr, McGuffey might
have been aud doubtless were, each
possessed In bounteous measure the
sweetest o human attributes, to-wit:
u soft, kind heart and a forgiving spir
it. Creatures of Impulse both, they
found It absolutely Impossible to nour
ish u grudge agulnst Captain Scraggs,
when, upon returning to Scab Johnny's
boarding house, their host handed
them a grubby note from their enemy.
It was short and sweet und sounded
quite sincere; Mr. GIbney reud It
aloud :
"On Board the Maggie, Saturday night.
"Dear Friends:
1 am sorry. You hurt mo awful with
your hidden when you took the Chesa
peake away from me. To er Is human
but to forglvo Is devlne. After what
I done I don't expect you two to come
baok to work ever hut for God's sake
don't give me the dead fuco when we
meat ugln. Remember we been ship-
mutes once.
"P. l Scruggs."
''Why, the poro ol' son of a horse
thief," Mr. GIbney murmured, much
moved at this profound ubusement.
"Of course we forgive him. It ain't
manly to hold a grouch after the cul
prit has paid Ids fair price for his
sins. By an' largo, I got a bunch,
Bart, that old Scraggsy'a had his los-
I son for once."
i cluthor of
of the
"If you can forglvo him, I can, Gib."
"Well, lie's certainly cleaned him
self handnome, Bart. Telephone for
u messenger boy," nnd Mr. GIbney
sat dowu nnd wroto:
"Scraggsy, old fanciful, we're square.
Forget It und como to breakfast with
us ut seven tomorrow ut the Marigold
cafe. I'll order dovllcd, lam kidneys
for three. It's alright with Bart also.
This note, delivered to Captain
Scraggs by tho messenger boy, lifted
the gloom from the letter's miserable
soul ami sent him home with u light
heart to Mrs. Scraggs. At tho Marl
gold cafe next morning he was almost
touched to observe thnt both GIbney
and McGuffey showed up arrayed In
dungarees, wherefore Scraggs knew his
late enemies purposed proceeding to
tho Maggie Immediately after breakfast
und working In the engine room all
duy Sunday. Such action, when he
knew both gentlemen to be the pos
sessors of wealth far beyond the
dreams of avarice, bordered so close
ly on the miraculous that Scraggs made
a mental resolve to pluy fair In the
future at least us fair as the limits
of his cross-grained nature would per
mit, lie wns so cheerful and happy
tliut McGuffey, taking advantage of
the slluution, argued him into some
minor repairs to tho engine.
About nine o'clock, us Mr. Gllmey
wns on his way to the Marigold Cai'e
for bicakfost, ho was mildly Inter
ested, while passing the Embarcndero
warehouse, to note the presence of
fully n dozen eceriy-loolcing gentlemen
of undoubted ETebralc antecedents,
congregated in a circle just outside the
warehouse door. There was an air
of suppressed excitement about this
group of Jews that aroused Mr. Glb
ney's curiosity; bo he decided to cross
over and Investigate, being of the opin
ion that possibly one of their number
had fallen In a At. He had once hud
an epileptic shipmate and was pecu
liarly expert in the handling of such
Now, if the greater portion of Mr.
Glbney's eventful career had not been
spent at soa, ho would have known, by
the red flag that floated over the dbor,
"Hard.a-Starboard! Make Her Fast,
that a public auction was about to
take place, and that the group of He
brew gentlemen constituted an organi
zation known as tho Forty Thieves,
whose business it wns to dominate Hip
bidding at all auctions, frighten off, or
buy off, or outbid nil competitors, nnd
eventually gather unto themselves, at
tlteli' own figures, all goods offered for
In the center of the group Mr. GIb
ney noticed a tall, innicy individual,
evidently the leader, who was Issuing
Instructions In a low voice to his
henchmen. This Individual, I hough
Mr. GIbney did not know It, w'us the
King of the Forty Thieves. As Mr.
GIbney luffed Into view the king eyed
him with suspicion. Observing this,
Mr. GIbney threw out his magnificent
chest, scowled nt the king, iiifd stepped
Into the warehouse for all the world
as If he owned II.
An oldish man with glasses the
auctioneer was seated on u box mak
ing figures In n notebook. INm Mr.
GIbney addressed.
"What's all this here?" ho Inquired,
Jerking his thumb over his shoulder
at the group.
"It's an old horse snle," replied the
auctioneer, without looking up,
Mr. GIbney brightened, lie glanced
around for tho stock in trade, hut ob
serving none concluded thnt the old
horses would bo led In, one at a time,
through a small door In the rear of
tho warehouse. Like most sailors, Mr
GIbney had n passion for horseback
riding, and In n spirit of adventure he
resolved to acquaint himself with the
Ins nnd outs of an old horse sale.
"How much might n man have to
1 give for one of the critters?" he asked.
fir J TTi -iK3
"And are they worth a whoop after
you get them?"
"Twenty-five cents tip," wns the an
swer. "You go It blind at an old horse
sole, ns a rule. Perhaps you get some-
f thing that's worthless, and then again
you may get something that has heaps
of value, and perhaps you only pay
half a dollar for It. It all depends on
the bidding. I once sold an old horse
to n chnp and he took It home and
opened It tip, und what d'ye suppose
lie found Inside?"
"Hots," replied Mr. Glbnoy, who
prided himself on being something of
n veterinarian, having spent u few
months of his youth around a livery
"A million dollars In Confederate
greenbacks," replied Hie uurtloncer.
"Of course they didn't have any value,
but Just suppose they'd been U. S.?"
"Thut's right," agreed Mr. GIbney.
"I suppose the 'swab that owned th
horse starved It until the poor nnlmiil
flggered that all's grass that's green.
As tha teller says, 'Truth Is sometimes
stranger than fiction.' If you throw
In a saddle and bridle cheap, I might
be Induced (o Invest In one of your old
hows, shipmate."
The auctioneer glanced quickly at
Mr. GIbney, but noticing that worthy's
face free from guile, lie burst out
"My sea-furlng friend." he said
presently, "when we use the term 'old
horse, wo use It figuratively. See nil
this freight stored here? Well, that's
never been called for by the consign
ees, and after It's In the warehouse
a year and Isn t called Tor, we have
an old horse snle and miction It off
to the highest bidder. Savoy?"
Mr. GIbney took refuge In a lie. "Of
course, I do. I was just klddln' you.
my hearty." (Here Mr. Glbney's
glance rested ou two long heavy sugar
pine boxes, or shipping cases. Their
Joints nt all four corners wore cun
ningly dnvo-tnlled and wire-strapped.)
"I was a bit Interested In them two
boxes, nn' seeln' ns this is a free coun
try, I thought I'd Jiwt step In an' make
a bid on them," and with the words
Mr. Glbnoy walked over and busied
himself In nn Inspection of the two
crates In question.
The fact of the mutler was' that so
embarrassed wns Mr. GIbney at the
exposition of his Ignorance that he
desired to hide the confusion evident
In his sim-tnnned face. So he stooped
over the crates and pretended to be
exceedingly Interested in them, haul
ing and pushing them about and read
ing tho address of the couslgnee who
had failed to cull for his goods. The
crates were both consigned to the Gin
Seng company, 714 Dupont street, San
Francisco. There were several Chi
nese characters scrawled on the top of
each crate, together with the words
In English: "Oriental Goods."
As he ceased from his fake inspec
tion of the two boxes, the King of the
Forty Thieves approached and sur
veyed the sailor with an even greuter
amount of distrust and suspicion than
ever. Mr. GIbney wns atuioyed. He
disliked belng"stnred at, so he said:
"Hello, Blumenthul, my bully boy.
What's aggrnvatln' you?"
Blumenthul (since Mr. GIbney, In
tlie sheer riot of Ids imagination
elected to christen him Blumenthnl,
the nnme will probably suit him as
well as any other) came dose to Mr.
GIbney nnd drew him nslde. In a
honrso whisper he desired to know If
Mr. GIbney attended the auction with
the expectation of bidding on any of
tli pneknges offered for snle. Seek
ing to Justify his presence, Mr. GIbney
advised that It was bis Intention to
bid on everything in sight; whereupon
Blumcntbal proceeded to explain to
Mr. GIbney how Impossible It would
be for him. arrayed ngalnst the Forty
Thieves, to buy any article at a rea
sonable price. Further: Blumenthal
desired to Inform Mr. GIbney that his
(Mr. Glbney's) efforts to buy in the
"old horses" would merely result In
his running the prices up, for no benef
icent purpose, sinee It was ever the
practice of the Forty Thieves to per
mit no man to outbid them. Perhaps
Mr. GIbney would be satisfied with a
fair day's protlt without troubling 1dm
self to hnmpcr the Forty Thieves and
Interfere with their combination, and
with l he words, the king surreptitious
ly slipped Mr. GIbney n llfty-dollur
Mr. Glbney's great list closed over
the treasure, he having first, by a coy
glance, satisfied himself that It was
really fifty dollars. He shook hands
with the king. lie snld:
"Blumenthul, you're u smart man.
I am quite content with this fifty to
keep off your course nnd give you n
wide berth to starboard. I'm sensi
ble enough to know when I'm licked,
an a tight without prollt ain't In my
line. I didn't mnke my money that
way, Blumenthul. I'll cast off my lines
and haul away from the dock," and
suiting the action to the figure, Mr.
GIbney departed.
lie went first to the Seaboard drug
store, where he quizzed the druggist
for live minutes, after which he con
tinued Ids cruise. Upon reaching the
Maggie, he proceeded to relate In de
tail, and with additional details sup
plied by his own Imagination, the story
of his morning adventure.
"Gib," suld McGuffey enviously,
"you're a fool for luck."
"Luck," said Mr. GIbney, beginning
to expand, "Is what the feller calls u
relative proposition"
"You're wrong, Gib," Interposed
Captain Scraggs. "Relatives Is un
lucky an' expensive. Take, fr In
stance, Mrs. Scraggs' mother "
"I mean, you lunkhead," said Mr.
Glbnoy, "that luck Is found where
brains grow. No brain, no luck. No
luck, no brains. I.cmmu Illustrate. A
thlcvln' land shark makes me a present
o' fifty dollars not to butt In on them
two boxes I'm tcllln' you about. Him
an his gang wunta them two boxes.
Fair crazy to ?ct 'cm. Now, don't t:
stand to reason Mist them fellers
knows what's In them boxes, or tliey
wouldn't give mo fifty dollars to haul
ship? Of courso, It does. However,
In order to earn that fifty dollars, 1
got to bade water. It wouldn't be
playlti' fair (f I didn't. But that don't
prevent me from putttn' two dear
friends o' mine (here Mr. GIbney en
circled Scraggs and McGuffey with an
arm each) next to the secret which I
discovers, an' If there's money In It
for old Hooky tluit buys mo otT, It
stands to reason that there's money
In It for us three. What's to prevent
you nn McGulTey from golrf up to
this old horse sale an' blddln' In them
two boxes for tho use nnd benefit of
Gllmey Scraggs an' McGuffey, ull
share an' shore nllks? You cun bid
ns high as a hundred dollars, If neces
sary, nn' still come out u thousand
dollars to the good. I'm tcllln' you
this because I know what's In them
two boxes."
McGuffey wns storing fascinated nt
Mr. Gllmey. Captain Scraggs clutched
his mute's arm In n frenzied clasp.
"What?" they both Interrogated.
"You two boys," continued Mr. Glb
noy with aggravating deliberation,
"ain't what nobody would call dum
mies. You're smart men. But the
trouble with both o' you boys is you
ain't got( no imagination. Without
imagination nobody gets nowhere, un
less It's out tli" small end o th' horn.
Maybe you boys ain't noticed It, but
my Imagination is nil that keeps me
from goln' to Jail. Now, If you two
had rend tho address on them two
boxes it wouldn't 'n' mount nothln' to
you. Absolutely nothln'. But with me
It's different. I'm blessed with Imagi
nation enough to see right through
them Chinaman tricks. Them two
boxes is marked 'Oriental Goods' an'
consigned (here Mr. GIbney raised a
grimy forefinger, and Scraggs und Mc
Guffoy eyed It very much ns If they
expected It to go oftnt any moment)
them two boxes Is consigned to the
Gin Seng company, 714 Dupont street,
San Francisco."
"Well, that's up In Chinatown, nil
right," admitted Captain Scraggs, "but
how about what's inside tho two
"Orientnl goods, of courso," snld Mc
GulTey. "They are consigned to n
Chinaman, an' besides, that's what it
says ou tlie cases, don't It, Gib? Ori
ental goods, Scraggs, Is silks an' satins,
rice, chop suey, punk, an idols an'
fan tan luyouts."
"If there ain't Swiss cheese move
ments In tha,t. diend block of yours,
Mac, you and Scraggsy can divide my
share o these two boxes o' ginseng
root between you. Do you get It, you
chuekleheuded son of n Irish potato?
Gin Seng, 714 Dupont street. Ginseng
a root or a herb thnt medicine Is
made out of. The dictionary says It's
a Chinese panacea for exhaustion, an'
I happen to know that It's worth five
dollars a ponnd an' thnt them two
crates weighs a hundred und fifty
pounds each if they weighs un ounce."
Ills auditors stared nt Mr. Glbnoy
much its might n pair of baseball fans
at tho hero of a home run wlthi two
strikes und tho bases full.
"Gawd!" muttered McOuffey.
"Great grief, Gib I Can this be pos
slble?" gasped Captain Scraggs.
For answer Mr. GIbney took out his
fifty-dollar bill and handed It to to
McGuffey. He never trusted Captain
Scraggs with anything more valuable
than n pipeful of tobacco.
"Scraggsy," he snld solemnly, "I'm
wlllln' lo back my Imagination with
my cash. You an' McGuffey hurry
right over to the warehouse un' butt
In on the sale when they come to them
two boxes. The sale Is Just about
sturtln' now. Go as high ns you thW.
you can In order to get the glnseug at
a profitable llgger, an' pay the auc
tioneer fifty dollnrs down to hold the
sale; that will give you boys time to
rush around to dig tip the balnnce o
tlie money. Tack right along now,
lails, while I go down the street an'
get me some breakfast. I don't want
Blumenthal to see me around that snle.
He might got suspicious. After I eat
I'll meet you here aboard th' Maggie,
an' we'll divide the loot."
With n fervent handshake all
around, tho three shipmates purled.
After disposing of a hearty break
fast of devilled lamb's kidneys nnd
coffee, Mr. GIbney Invested In n ten
cent Sailor's Delight and strolled down
to the Mngglo. Nells Halvorsen, the
lone deckhand, was abourd, and tlie
moment Mr. GIbney trod the Maggie's
deck once more ns mate, ho
exercised his prerogative to order
Nells ashore for the remainder
of tho day. Since Halvorsen was not
In on the ginseng deal, Mr. Glbnoy
concluded that It would bo just ns well
to have him out .ee way should
Scraggs and McGuffey appear unex
pectedly with the two cases of gin
seng. "We'll open her up and in
spect the swag."
One Order Stewed Beans.
Stuart Dean, pump manufacturer,
Is a member of the Indianapolis
Country club. Ilecently Mr. Dean tolo
phoned the club to arrange for a
dinner. One of tho Filipino servants
answered the call.
"This Is Mr. Dean Stunrt Dean,"
the club man said to" the servant.
"I not understand good," the ser
vant said.
"I am Mr. Dean Stuur Dean."
"Oh, yes, yes, new I understand
yes, yes,"
The Filipino lump up the receiver,
hurried to the kitchen and said to
the chef:
"One order stewed Leans J" Indian-
I npolis News,
(Ily Il&v. !',
11. F1TS5W VI Kit, U. i..
Toucher of English Hlblo In the MoodV
ttlbto lnntlttile of Chicago.)
CopjrlKlit, 1)12, Western Newipnpor Union.
LESSON TEXT-I Kings 19:1-21.
tiOLlUCN TEXT-l wiiltcil patlontly for
tho Lord; and he Inclined unto me, and
heard my cry. Pa. 40:1.
Actii hSifi-IU; 18:1-11.
IMttMAHY TOlUC-God Sonda an Angel
to 1 lt'Ip EllJ.ih.
JUNIOli TOPIC-Clod Strengthens Ell
-Jehovah's champion EncotiniKcd.
-Finding itml Finishing Our Tusk.
This lesson story proves Elijah to
have been u man of like passions ns
we nre (Jus. 5:17).
1. Elljah'o Flight (vv. 1-M). Upon
Ahub's tecum from the excitement on
Mount Carmel. lie told his wife all
that Elijah had done that even all
her prophets had been huwn lo pieces
by thu sword. This so enraged her
thnt she sent n message of death to
Elijah, who seems to have been wnlt
Ing at the gate (vv. 1, 2). This was
clearly u bluff on Jezebel's part.
Though Elijah had courageously
stood before the king and the priests
of Haul, he now cowered before this
woman nnd lied for his life. lie seems
to have fnllcd nt bis strongest point.
1. Elijah under the Juniper tree
(vv. .'!"). The juniper tree wns tt
shrub of the desert which afforded
shelter nnd protection to travelers
from the burning sun by day and the
cold wind by nl,;ht. (1) ills request "
(v. 4). This was that he might die.
This wns. no doubt, a foolish thing for
him to say. but let us be as consid
erate toward him as was God. The
discouragement, and oven desponden
cy, of Elijah was due to the norvuus
strain of about four years of unusual
service for God. which culminated
on Mount cnrmei. sucn nervous re
action Is to be expected. (2) God's
tender treatment (vv. 5-7). (a) He
gave him sleep (v. 15 ). "He glveth
His beloved sleep" (I'sn. 127:2). (b)
He sent nn nngel to cook EliJub'it
meal (vv. 0. 7). The angel of the Lord
Is usually understood to be the sec
ond member of the Holy Trinity. If
this be correct, then we see Jehovah-'
Jesus preparing food for Ills servant
Elijah, as He afterward did for Ills
discouraged disciples by Galilee (John
2!:lf). God uguln gave him sleep,
nnd at the proper time again gave him
food. Though Elijah wanted to die,
God had something better for him.
for In a later day Ho met him with
the "chariot of the Lord" and took
him to heaven untouched by death.
2. Elijah at Hnreb (vv. S-M).
(1) God's Interview with Elljnh In
the cave (vv. 0. 10). (a) God's ques
tion (v. 5). "What dnest thou here.
Elijah?" This was a stinging rebuke,
though most kindly given. It Implied
that ills appointed messenger was
now far away from the field of duty.
Elijah was not where God wanted him.
but God sought him whore lie wns.
I low blessed to know thnt "A God
forsaking saint Is not a God-forsaken
saint!" (b) Elijah's answer (v. 10).
Elijah tried to vindicate himself by
asserting Ids Jealous loyalty to God
that In spite of all this the people
had not only rejected his message
and dishonored God. but had sought
to destroy him. (2) God's Interview
with Elijah on the Mount (vv. 11-14).
While standing before the Lord on
tlie mount. God caused n mighty
demonstration of wind, enrthquako
and lire to pass before him to show
unto him the nature of the work which
he had been doing for God. nnd to
show him what was Incklng In Ids
work for the fullest attainment of
success. Elijah had about him much
of the whirlwind, earthquake nnd fire.
His work had boon terrifying and
alarming, but It lacked in gentleness
nnd love.
II. Elijah's Return (vv. 15-18).
Though Elijah hail erred, God
brought him again Into His service.
How comforting to know that God
does not reject Ills servants because
of their failures In limes of despon
dency 1 Ho deals with them nftcr the
motive of their hearts. Elijah was
nourished and Instructed by the Lord
and then sent on a high mission. God
Is a line psychologist. Ho took Elljnh
out of himself by giving him a new
commission. The most healing min
istry Is that of work. Many bereaved
ones hnve been lifted out of thcm
solves by active ministry to others.
Before God would como In Ills chariot
to take Elijah home, He set hlin upon
n threefold ministry:
1. To anoint Iluzaol king over Syria
(v. 15).
2. To anoint Jehu king over Israel
(v. 10).
II. To anoint Ellshn as his own suc
cessor (vv. 1D-21).
Time Rightly Employed.
Never talk with any man, or under
take any trilling employment, merely
to pass the time away; for every day
well spent may become a "dny of sal
vation," and time rightly employed Is
nn "acceptable time." And remember
that the time thou trltlest away was
given thou to repent In, to pray, for
pardon of sins, to work out thy sal
vation, to do the work of grace, to lay
up against the, day of judgment n
trensure of good works, (hat thy time
may be crowned with eternity. Jere
my Tuylor.