The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 19, 1922, Image 4
r in jjlLJ r. rt tkV-J.t -. Tifile Economy In buying groceries comes through selecting the better grades from a store you know you can depend upon. , ' l ' 'x We pride ourselves on our sincere desire to havo in stock at all times the best - quality food stuffs at moderate prices. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware nianiinii kJiirni; U ll!l TTvv ijSnoJotji puu Jjotnb el Sunjuq sip osncoaq pouicpi si joau(j jnj 0,P aaXHIAd U'HM JKMPqroisai Xjpnjoo pooj tjsip quids sip uiojj OAJ33 puo ut sjjuq no saijsip puu pnj 'ouip 8SAC8 jnajuiouoas puo oqiunQ u3ao oip ut :jcoiq o) ?ou poojuu -icnD e; puu osn A"upA"jnAs joj jnatpojcl puu A.unjuus 81 OJUAV-USAO lUSJUClSURJl CUlSUO OIJ1 XSAcJ SUIGq pOOJ Dip 305 pUTJ X3lAd jtnoiC iiSnoitrj oo- A'luiuiJoatm puu ioaw-jouS oip pjoAy lUMudsutm si qt ssrmoncj isoiRtrg " XJflAd V qoMss'Z ..ta it'll -. -- in.-. in A.i. WfcVJW.'., TRINE'S HARDWARE HARNESS and SADDLERY Back to Pre-War Prices Come in and see for yourself our exceptional values. Harness and leather goods of all kinds oilod and repaired Fogel I ( RI1TI CI) Red Cloud Bldg. J. Vi DU I LCK Nebraska THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud. Nebi;aaicpk - PUBLISHED EVERV THURSDAY tiutcred In tho I'oiitofllco nt Kcd Cloud, Neb as Hccond Claw Matter' A. B. McARTilUR, Editor and Owner Advertsing Rates Foreign, per column inch 15c Local, " " 10 I2i Farm Bureau Notes THE COUNTY AGENT'S CREED I love the big out-of-doors; the smell of the soil; the touch of tho rain; the smile of the sun; the kiss of the wind; 'the song of tho birds and the laughter of the summer breezes in thq, trees,,, .. . I- love the growing crops; the rustlo ofthoicorn; tho golden billow of the ripening wheat; the fleecy cotton bursting from tho boll; tho musky odor of the ripening fruit and the shimmer of the grnss that is blue. I love God's creatures great and small that minister to man's needs; tho friendship of tho horse; tho con fidence of the sheep; tho gentleness of the cow and the contented confi dence of the fattening swine. These represent the response of service to kindness and care. Because I love these things: I believe in tho open country and the life of country people; in their hopes, their aspiration t.nd their simple faith; in their ability and power to enlarge their own lives and plan for the happiness of those that they love. I believe in the farmer as" the Na tion's sure defense; the reservoir of its prosperity; its haven of security from those who would despoil it from within or without. I believe in the fanner's right to a comfortable living; to such recom pense for his capital and labor and skill as will make him the peer of those who work in office, shop or mine; in his right to cooperate with his neighbors for the security of his business life and in helping service science sends as handmaid to his com mon sense. I believe in the sue redness of the farmer's home; in the holiness of the country womnn's love and the oppor tunity that home should assure to culture, grace and power. I believe in the country boy and girl; in their longings for opportunity and their vrightf to trained minds; healthy bodies and clean hearts; and to the country's call and claim to .thejr service. , ( ,,-' T believe in work; ,inr the. glory of servico and the benediction of j duty honestlyroWgeji: " I believe' in my own work; the op portunity'lt offers to be helpful, and in its touch of human sympathy arid its joy of 'common fellowship. I believe in the pubb'c institutions of which I am a part; of their right to my loyality and my enthusiasm in extending the established principles and ideals of those who seek and. find tho truth. I believe in myself; in humility but with sincerity of purpose I offer to work with country man, woman and child in making the farm prosperous, tho country homo comfortable and beautiful and tho rural community satisfying and my own life useful. Because I love these things and be lieve these things, I am a county ngent HENRY R. FAUSCH County Agricultural Agent. RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE Red Cloud, Nebraska, T January 15th, 1922. ..At a regular servico of tho First Baptist Church of Red Cloud convened this day it was by unanimous voto duly Resolved: That Wo have learned with feelings of deep regrot that our former be loved Pastor, Rov. V. M. Harper, has depnrted this life at his former Mis souri home, and recalling his exalted piety nnd great faithfulness in chris tian duty and pastoral service, wo hereby express our thankfulness that he was permitted to serve the dear Lord he loved and this church in pas toral connection. We remember with devout gratitude his love of true biblical exposition, his interesting and instructive sermons and hiB or derly walk before God and all tho people and his service to his beloved country iri 1ier lioiir of Peril from internal strife, nntl,moht of nil his loving Christ like spirit manifested through all our intercourse with him We commend all the largo circlo of hi3 stricken relatives to tho love and care of A Divine Father and will re member them in our prayers and in voke upon them the rich blessings of God. RESOLVED: That we present a copy of these resolutions to the city papers. Also that they be spread up on the records of the church and al so furnished to the family for their comfort in their sad bereavement. The memory of the Just is blessed; the Godly man ccaseth; tho faithful fail from among the Children of Men. For the Lord lovoth righteousness, his Countennnce doth behold the upright. "So Enoch walked with God and was not for God took him; So Job died old and full of days." FRED J. NEWLAND I. W. EDSON Pastor J. M. HEWITT E. B. GOBLE '. Committee. v y A Letter To Make Good Must impress the person who recieves it With its importance, whether the .correspondence be of a business or personal nature. The mails arc flooded with cheap circular letters and the average busy man of to-day gives his mail the "once over" and passes most of it to the waste basket. A letter to demand attention in thes6 busy times must be distinctive. Hammermill Ripple Bond Printed correctly makes the nicest letter head you can possibly obtain. The hard smooth surface of this paper renders it particularly adaptable to high class artistic printing and the ripple finish places it ' . , (f in a, class by 'itself for attaractive appearance. The ' "crisp cackle" you noticoin opening a letter written on Hammermill Ripple immediately suggests taste and progrcssiveness on the part of the sender. It Costs No More Than Other Paper Come in and let us show you samples of Work done on this stock and figure with you on your next job. The Red Cloud Chief tfAAAuvvv.vv.v.v-v.-.v..'..Av.-,dV Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack ji Amack & Amack UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB I. T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 76M lrWwArtJVAlvA..wAJ i Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST n Ux Cfoutf Nebrnskm THE HUGHES WAY Cleaners-Dyers-Ti il( rs WE CLFAN HATS Hint for Typists. Putting your note book on (1m ono ildo nnd then tho other side of tho ilenk ns you writo will eqimllnt the strain on your eyes. Not in Ral Life, t Jud Tunklna anys you con't expect i) regular sleuth to stay nwnlto all nljjht following clues the same an a mnn cJopr when ho l reading n detec tive slory. Dally Thought. But fillenco never shows Itsoff to so emit an ti(lMuititi;c as when It Is mmlo tho icply to calumny mid dofiumitlon, provided Hint e j;lvo no Just occasion lor them. Addison. , v Kansas Pickups SMITH COUNTY tlohn Browu in bedfast with rlirumn tlfl'ti. NowpII Mirr1tt and wife sm-nt Sun d with the Ku'l Abbott f.nilly. Clins. Blount ford and family visited with tho Virel Kiism'II fiuiilly' Sundnv County Commissioner 12 K Spurri i wns tnuistictinjr IiiihIiioss tu tlio uotiiH ut Monday. liittlo Mvrln Upp hnt.l)ieii undor il" doctor's (Mm for Miino iliiu' tint lb ini piovlnn iili-cly Mm Ki'ott is tnoviiiK on what i' known us tho Cox fa i ut tecuiitly pin uhusud ly .lns Swollow. .Inn Anderson of Davenport, Iowa I hoio visiting his mother Mrs. Limn. Morris Mini other mlitUvos Tliu men of the l'ltwneo neighbor hood cut nnd siiwed wood for Join Brown one day liiht week. Mr. and Mrs. O. L Vance of Lebanon visited thtir duiiKhter, Mrs. Ernes" Freeman one day last week Mite Arlle Mortis of Smith Centfi snent Saturday and Sunday with bui anther, Mrs Laura Morris. Chns. Mountford. random trip to Leh ion getting repairs for Ills oar, hav, !K tho bud luclt to brtmlc uu axlu Situ, day. Spring Bathing Ic Good. "SppnUliiK of bathing In famous springs," Hald the trump t the tourist. "I tint hod In tho spring of W Orum:o Pool. Governor S. I?. McKfdvie followed up his endorsement of the principles of tho V, S. Orniit Growers, Inc., iundi oirlylnst full, tiy attaching his signa ture to a lire year individual grower contract last weeh, when solicited in his otllce by Walter Sandqulst of Walt, hill, Held ivpreseutativo of the faim his' national cooperative, marketing company, according to an minnunuc niL'iit made by the fltutc organier. It was fin ther stated in thu niinotincc ment that over 8.O0O grain growers in Nebraska have become afiiliated with the farmers.' company nnd they control in excess of 22,000,000 bushels of grain. "I have, at all times had confidence In the ultimate success of theU. S. Oraid Growers", said Governor McKul. 'Vie KometiineHgo'aftcr considering the cooperative; movements "Tlio jihder taking -is b. large one to fao-fture but successful cooporatlvo marketing along this line has been involved in other lines and I believe it can be done with regard to grain. I think the effort is vnry well woitli making, and I recog nize in the movement 110 selfish inter csts beyond those that may be proper ty., observed by the farmer who has a rjght to obtain for his products the mimiinmn prices that the economic l.iwH of supply nnd demand will create". Several '.prominent Nebrm-kans are INtvd in tho 8,000 membeiB secured t his far by the U. S. Grain Growers A.J. Weaver, president of the consti t'ltional convention t-iuned a growet o hi tract, with thu statement, "If is the only tliiutf for Kebtala fanners to do". "It Is tho greatest movement Ofer staited in iIih interests of Hgrl e iltnrH," said Dan V Stephens, form. e congressman and vice piesidcnt of tie War Finance Corporation lotn as s iciatlnn in the state. 10. R, Daniel son, secretary of the statu board ot iiirricnltnie, nccepted a contract with a -tatcmcut that it was the loKical step biond the country elevator. Other u-aders to accept thu grower oontiact ai-h C. J. Osl.oine. piesidcnt of the thinners' Union; Prof. V. C. Filley, li-ad of th rural economics depart- in nt of tho Nliraka College of Ajrl- c 1 1 In re; mid J. N. Noiton, eliaiiman of lie leuislaiive and the oigimiz itiou om nitiet of the Nebn bIcii sjtuto Farm .loit-au fudeiiuiou. Notice of Final Report In the County Couit of Wobbler v'uuniy, NibnisUn. In the matter of the estate of Niels Jensen, l)eeeaed. Ail puisons Iniercstod In said estitte, re hereby notified 1 hut tho Adminls .lator hub Hied herein a final aucouut ml report of his ndmltilstration, and i petition for the Html settlement of such account and report, and for a de Tee of, distribution of the residue of -aid estate, and for the assignment of the real estate belonging thereto, and discharge , from his trust, all of whieb said mHttera have (been set for tearing b-fqro snld court, on the 21st day of January, 1U22 at- tho hour of 10 o'clock, A. M , when hII persons inter esteil may appearand contest thu same Dated thit. 11th day of Jinuaiy 1022 A. D. Riiiney (Seal) County Judge We do Job Printing 1Q Auto Radiator Protection $ Our Improved Radiator Shutter is Operated from the DASH Made of Waterproof Fiber Composition. Retains the heat Better than Metal. Doesn't Rust or Rattle. SAVES GAS, BATTERY, FREEZING , Made to Jit all ears. Makes starting easy. Send us $2 and name of car for one complete postpaid. Town and County Agenti Wanted, Reference Dun'i and Dradilrecti. Essential Automotive Products Co. 511 W 42nd St. N.Y.City 3iC COAL a We Sell Niggerhead Maitland ". ;V,H And . Routt County Lump K s5 -t- i vet t S3 We sell for cash that's why. we .sell.cheaper. FARMERS ELEVATOR '. . o-.),t DE c . Begin the New Year by Subscribing For The, WORLD-HERALD m ir ' Nebraska's Big Newspaper Th- Omaha Paper With THE LARGEST CIRCULATION ' Every home should receive Ma daily paper. Keep abreast with the times. Subscribe now fpr'the'BIG Paper The World-Herald. . Subscribe for the World-Herald at the Chief Office Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVER STATE RANK Rtfd Cloud 'Nebraska Yes, Garber!s Is The Place! j ' To Buy Wall Paper, Paints, i . And Electrical Supplids. . Tho best place for Picture Framing. jffhe Margin of Safety Is presented by tho amount of instjraucu'you carry. ' tiW . , DgnjJ; lull yourself Into a fancied i Rqoaasi fire? hasinever toiwheft you Ufcwefin'tiqjiow tbrit j'onlr.c immune $wP0lxmtSnvt$. m? bwl nme aMuypn.fqouyjc;i:aiDftil4,)me enmo to tho ofJli!o"nudl 'wo'll write nftollcy on your house, furniture, .trtPre.or inorohandlsoi .' K'ATER' MAY Db'tOO'LM'B C. TEEL K.eilaw.bie Insurairvce 'jt ai -... i m M $