The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 19, 1922, Image 1

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    k irf
r K.
Are Yona Buying Dependable
That is The
I Malone - Gellatly Co.
Of The
Farmers Union Co-Operative
At Close of Business December 3 1st, 1921
Current: , .
Cash on Hai4 (fttorc) W2.W
Caen Oakland (Klcvntor) 17.01 ,, X
Cash In Dank (Store) I.C020B -
Cash lit Hank (Rlovator) 1M82.S7
Accounts Uccclvoablo (Store) 'i,m.Vi
Accounts Uccclvoablo (olovator) (X)8 &2
Nolw Kccolvcablc (Store) 1,100 HI I0,to7.W
Coal I.ZilGO
Wuoat MW.00
Corn 80 02
Merchandise B.GKMO 11,417.01
Karmora Creamory Co. (slock) 1,000.00
l'artiieiH Sugar Kaclory (stock) 1,000.00 2,000 00
Kluvator llldfj ti liulpinenl ii,87.' 00
Storo llullJIntB 7,810.00
furniture & Wxlurctt l.U.i.'.IG ,
Real K&tato 2,100.00 18,805.45
Total AmjuIb: 8 4H.3I0 Oil
t M Alii I, I n ha
Account:! l'ayablo (Store) ? OGG.BU
AccountB l'ayablo (lilcvitur) H.27112
NotcH l'ayablo (Storo) H.0C0.00 17,'iW.Ol
I'nlil Up Capital Stock 'JI.GIOOO 21,010.00
Surplus And Uckcrvca:
Surplus & Undivided fronts 3,712.10
Koscrvo Kor Contingencies 2,128.10
Ktbcrvo Kor Depreciation COO 88 0,131.08
Total Liabilities ! 48.3I0.0U
Welho undorslgncd, President and Secretary of
tho nbovo nainod corporation, do hereby swear that
thonbovoBtalomcnt la correct to tho best ot our
knowlcdgo and bailor. II. II. CltOWiai,
tiubbcrlbcd and sworn to boforo iuo this Itth day
ol January 1022.
I). C. Henderson
Notary Public.
My Oonimlwflon ICsplrra Aug. Bill, 127. (
Tho young man in lovo often goes into raptures about
"tho blue of the sea in her eyes and the golden haze of
autumn in her hair," but remember this, young man
SHE'LL EAT just tho same as any other healthy girl.
Therefore, get down to practical affairs. Savo your
money, deposit it in a good reliable bank like ours and
get ready to own a home for you and the girl and to
provide the three square meals a day that you will both
need as long as you live. You know when poverty pomes
(1 in nf rrif rlnnr lnvn finmntimns flin.Q nnr nf fhr wirirlniir
Edward Floiancd, Preiident Red Cloud, Nob. i R. Florance, Caiaier
Capita and Sjtrplus $jj;,aoo.oo
Dtpotils Guaranteed by the DepotUor) Guaranty Fm 'of'e fi-att of Xtbratla
Hammermill Ripple Bond For High Class Work
Kind We Sell
A Newspaper That Gives The Hews
Siren Fire Alarm Ordered
Saturday the oib'eeis of the Klie. De
partment oidciol u new I'Yderal l.lec. ,
tnc double hctd lioiul siren file iil.uni
ritini Hie Pi'iloiul Electtle Company of
Jj Chicago. The siren is opcinted by 11,
two huiso motor mid upon Us arrival
will be installed on the l'hcmxnrt Hall'.
After thlity days tiial if It proves sutit-
factory no doubt, it will he piiiehaseil
by tint city This new alarm will in nil
probability answer tho requirements, of !
this city. Tho hell now in uao has not,""" lu,"lJ i'nviiees, ,, IlI io..-e.
bectilioud hy many of our citizens I
when tho alarm was given for many of
the Hies dm iti,' the past joar.
Dray Line Changes Hands
Wednesday a deal was completed
whereby GmiK Turner, ho has con
ducted a dray line in this city for
several yoaia, disposed or his Interna
tional truck anddiay mid cxpiuss busi
ness to Moninit Mieiite who has taken
charge of tho sumo and will endencr
to please, his many putt oils with ocurt
onus treatment. Jay Eddy will con
tinue hi Mr Mionto's employ MV.
Turner retained his auto hearse and
Iteo truck and has announced no de
finite plans fur I lie future
Chase Lister Theatre Co. At
The Auditorium All Week
.The Chase Lister Theatre Company
have beeu playing at tho ltesso Audi
torium every night this week. They
nro presenting high class plays at re
duced prices 'aud have been playing to
fairly good sized audiences every night.
All who have attended are highly
plcasod with the performances. This
company visits our city once etioh year.
They are. splendid actor.-, and nice
people to meet
Convention of Women's
Clubs Held at Guide Rock
About twenty members of the Ht d
Cloud Chapter, bVder.iled Women's
Clubs motored to Guide Ilriclt on Tues
day to the first County Convention ot
Woman's Clubs to be hold in Webster
The morning session started about
10:30 and was opened hy the Invocation
by ltev. C. P. I.uscher of C5uldo Koclc
M. E. church.
Miss Jessie McCallnm of Guide IUrelc
presided at tho session in placo of Mrs.
J. L. Whaley who is president of the
Guide Hook Woman's Club.
The Program as published last weak
was closely followed outstanding pap
ers being "Club Activities" by Mrs. L.
II Hunter of Guide Rock, "The Wo
man's Club Movement" by Mrs Mary
McCall of Red Cloud, "Report of "21"
Club hy Miss Jessie McCallnm of Quide
The nddresses hy Mrs A. J. Jonison,
of Ilarvaid, Nehr., President ot the
Fifth District and by Mrs. Edgar 15.
Penny State President N. I W. C.
were vory good particularly tho latter.
A reading by Mrs. L'loreuco Uean of
Inavalo was very good, whilo Mrs.
Elhfl Kailoy of Red Cloud read "The
Palatine" by Willa Selbert Cathor (our
own Poet; in hor Inimitable manner.
Vooal solos by Mrs. Ruth Uollatly of
Rod Cloud, Mrs. E. C. Moranvlllc and
another lady of Guide Rock whose
name your correspondent docs not ro
member were all very well received.
Mrs J. M. Rawlings of Guide. Rock
played a transcription of "Tho Palms"
us a piano solo and Mr. S. llatdmau of
Red Cloud played Cavatina by Ruff
and Souvenir by Drdln nB Violin Solo
accompanied by Mrs, N. D. Bush who
also accompanied Mrs. Gellatly.
Altogether tho whole affair was a
real success, not the least portion of
vwhicli whs tho Invitation extendod by
Red Oloud for tho Convention next
, yoar whlcli was most c' irmiugly ex
tended by Mrs. V. J, At iwday.
The dinner which was served in tho
basement of the Ruptlst church by tho
Guldo Rook Woman's Club was most
FITty - two Weeks Each Year For SI.50
ttm.mmmarjijT.uut v tmni
I Am Your Town '
Make of me what jmi will 1 shall
iell-et oti ns clearly ns u minor
throws back n oinillo beam
If 1 am pleasing to tin c,u of tho
sttangoi within my prnt-; if I am Mich
a sight us, having seen mo, lm will re
ini'inhor me nil his daja ns a, thing of
beauty, tho audit is yours.
Amiiit Inn and opportunity call some
nf m nm n,,,, lairers to high lasUs
honoi and to my good repute in far
places, hut It Is not ehielly thVse who
arc my strength My strength ts in
thohc who remain, who arc ("intent
with what I can offer them, and with
what they can offer me. It was the
gieatest of all Romans who said: "llet
terhcihstiu u Itltlo Ibeiiau village
than be second in"
1 am more than wood and lnk-Ic and
stone, moie own than llesh mid blood
- I am the composite soul of all who
call me Homo.
I am your town. The Ainetican Leg
Ion Weekly.
On Tuesday morning at nine o'clock
occuired the marriage of Miss Alice
McCartney, daughter of Mr. und Mrs
McCartney, to Mr. James McPartland
60 n of Mrs. Anna MoPartlaud of Red
Cloud. Father Ucuuessy of Bloom
Ington oUlaiatjuR at the Nuptla High
Muss ut Saint IJrondens Church or Riv
er ton. ( '
Immediately after the ceremony the
young couple with the uoar relatives
departed to the bride's home where a
sumptuous four course dinner was
terved ,
The bride is tho eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mis. McCartney She is a
graduate ol the llivertou High School
and has taught two sticces'-ful terms
of school near Kiverton
The groi in is the youngest ion of
Mis. McPartland and has been a suc
cessful fanner for a number of jenrs.
Mr. and Mis. MePaitlaud received
many beautiful and uselui guts whicii
will ho very useful in preparing their
new home.
They will be at home, to their frloutls,
on his fin m iioi th of Red Cloud.
The Review joins with their many
friends in wishing this cpuple a happy
and prosperous life. Rivorton Ueview.
Grace Church Services
Third Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday School at 10 a. m, ,
Holy Communion at II u. m
Evening Service at 7:30 p. m.
Your presence at these services will
be appreciated.'
County School Notes
(Hy County Superintendent)
The next teacher's examination will
be January 2lst.
The next eighth grade examinations
will bo April 0-7 and May 4-.r.
Mrs. Jocphinc Orccliu Kcency,
wife of E.' II. Koenoy, passed away
at her home in Cowlcs on Monday.
Mrs. Kcency was born in Michigan1
October 14, 1851, being aged 70 years,
3 months and 3 days at tho timo of
her demise. Tho lady has been in
poor health for over a year, but her
last illness only confined her to her
bed about a month.
Besides her aged companion she
leaccs three daughters, Mrs. A. L.
Hildreth of Hastings, Mrs. Will Peak
of Colorado and Mrs. Maudo Bru
balicr of Bird City, Kansas, and two
sons, Arthur Hayes of California and
Jess Hayes of Iowa, they belonging
to her first husband.
Funeral services are being conduct
ed thin afternoon from tho Methodist
church at that placo and interment
wtll bo mado in tho Cowlcs cemetery.
Commercial Advertiser.
-v XT -I H
Une oi L
While the present stock lasts I am offering
two bargains. A guaranteed watch with
unbreakable crystal -
A guaranteed alarm clock -' - $ I B40
These are both special values at the prices.
Also a very few guaranteed eight day
alarm clocks at the right price.
We Mike 'Quality' Right Then the PriceRight I
E. H.Newhouse
. V
Jeweler and
RcJ Cloud
We do building from the excavating to the painting
complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater
ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME
BRICK and STUCCO work. Let us show you the differ
ence between good and inferior stucco.
We build screen doors and window screens and do1
carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for
screen doors and window screens now.
Shop first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phone 72N
Left at the Red Cloud Elevator and Credited to
My Account, You Can Have Your Choice of a
The Above Price Arc Less Than These Ranges
Can be Laid Down For in My Storo Today,
These Ranges Will Not be Reduced in Price.
This Offer is Good Only For The Stock I Have
Now on Hand.
acn o
- - - $
Ncbru ka