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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1922)
w$?z jrfmxto;'nLinLMMkk, omit ft i I i" i f X -. S KKKKBKKKB 2 AS TOLD TO US b w a a a s a' Buy lire (1 nt I'jiwoIi mi. i Pope's Eskimo Pic 10c at Powell's Cafe. Try a bar of Eskimo pio at Powell's Uafc. .J C P. Guntl of Lincoln was in city Saturday. the Eskimo Pic 10c at Power's Cafe. I Hu n W li ii' unit C i'i, IT Coltll Mil i III I ( II' US, I ll li. I i)' .'V. I Tmil, Cuiii I'' ! III 111 I' II f, 8 Plllt' II- ufiit, Dut Dr. VViirrl. k, in. patii'iit- .ii. il 'I Dr. Diiiii. ! '.. 111 II iit - '.' I fi Ih'i' ii 'lli' !. wi I ni v.' .iriits - il tf it ii' .t"ti 17 J. W. Linn was in'53 '"inuii lurauuyi upcrior and Miss Gertrude Coon returned to St. Louis Tuesday morning after spend ing a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Coon. C. C. WllFon of Franklin the city Friday. was in Rondmastcr Phil Thursday in Hastings. Traut Bpcnt Hudo Robertson of Blue Hill was in the city Wednesday. Roundhouse Foreman J. W. Hauck spent Thursday in McCoolc. G. R. McCrary was down from Ina vale Wednesday afternoon. Rev. D. Fitzgerald was a passenger to Superior Saturday morning. Sunt. W. F. G'les of the Wymore Division of the Burlington spent sev eral hours in this city Monday attend ing to company business. Miss .To".ic Tgou, who had been vij 't''ng her brother at Hutchison, Kan has for the past three weeks, return ed nome Monday evening. M-. and Mrs. John Aubushon de parted Sunday morning for Fort Worth, Towns where they will spend a few weeks with relatives. Report of the Condition -OKTIIK '' Webster County Bank l!EI MOID, NEBRASKA. Charter No. 101 J, Incorporated In tlioHtntoot Ni'lirnnkii, nt the close of IntMucfiB DccMI, IU2I. itKsouitcits: Lows ninl Discounts - .....flCI,'2:l8-' Ovcrdrutts Vi:22 Ktirulttironuri Klxturri.... - 1 ,W)0.00 Current oxiensc9, taxes nnd.. Interna paid 7.7TJ.30 Duo from nnllotmt and state- InnkB JI,0U7.GI i tuvkuntul Iteinsur uxchniiKO.... Z12G0 Currency 3,337.00 Sllvur. nlekolsnnd cents... 8J..52 .T,tfi3.7(l Tin' AiniM'Iciin Ix'i.'lnn I'.mt unit Itmt n'tflit ninl tour mnv uiitiilnrs were In'. til'i'il nftiT "'lllcli tit.- lii'itliirs onj iv oil n lunc'i in -Ii. P P d,f.. John Schmidt of Wymore waa the city the first of the week. Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue Hill was in the city Wednesday. Mrs. Mabel Houchin returned to n Grand Island Monday morning after spending n few days hero with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hayes. Rasser Bros., shipped a car of cat tle to Kansas City Tuesday morning. Rev. J. M. Bates returned home Monday morning from' Bloomington. Court Reporter Lee Johnson was a passenger to Alma Monday morning. Two good places to eat, and Powell's Cafe. at homo fiank Coon accompanied the stock shipped from here to Kansas City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Frost arc, the parents of ababy boy born Tuesday morning. District Judge L. IL Blacklcdge was a passenger to Hastings Friday morning. Chns. Moon of Hastings was in the city this weak attending to pome busi ness matters. Mr. and Sirs. Frank Hughes and children spent Sunday with her par ents at Hastings. Mr. and Sirs. Monroe Minlcy went to Blue Hill Monday morning to visit relatives antl friends. Porter Halo and Worth Shipman attended the I. O. O. F. lodge at Sa lem, Saturday evening. Eskim.3 Pio 10c at Powell's Cafe. The lied C'ond I'Mrm'-r Union IocmI will moot in th I. O. O. ir hnll Fii. (lav. Jim 2)lh. A i'pnrt or tho tni Convention will ho trlveti by Dun Garb-er. Mrs. E. A. Pascoe and baby return ed home Sunday morning from Re publican City where she spent a couple of days with her parents and friends. Thorval Jensen, who has been firing out of McCook for several months, arrived in the city Saturday to visit his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chris Jensen. All Dnlpliinn members iu- nriretl to nttcnrl the Wonuui'i Club Convention Please telephone- your intentions io Mrs F. J. Mnndiiy or Mrs 12 A. Creittbton. C. C. McConkcy returned to the Old Soldiers' Home at Grand Island Friday morning after spending the holidays hero with his pon, Mark and family. About thirty members of the De pict' of .nonoi" gathered at the homo f Mv. and Mrs. Ernct Wcluch SiiS nviay evening and tendered her n Miiprifo parly. The Misses Laura Hedge and Hazel Harvey departed Saturday morning for San Antonio, Texas. Dan 'Garbcr went to Omaha the first of the week to attend the Farm ers' Union state convention. Mr?. Mildred Amack relumed homo the last of the week from Oklahoma where she had been visiting relatives. ' J. W. Auld and Chas. Steward wert in Lincoln the last of the week to attend the state- farm bureau mooting. Mrs. P. C. Pope autocd to Hastings Friday to meet Mr. Popo who return ed home that day from Omaha where he had been attending a meeting of the implement dealers. Tito I. O. 0. F. lodge of Salem, Kansas, will confer the first degree on four candidates for Ben Adhcm Lodge No. ISC ne:ct Monday evening. At the close of lodge an oyster supper will bo served. The fninnim Chase Lltur Tlieutro Co, art) golnir N nlay at tlio Auditor ium tor ii;ht. uiuhtH, opening Sunday night with "'Tlio ltrat," n success Unit plnveil New Yotk a whole year and Chicago . nioiilhs. The admission will be only to and .' oriits Frank Peterson returned home Sun day morning from California where he had been attending to some business. I The farm homo of Mr. and Mrs., Vfncil Kudrna together with all the household good3 and their clothes c tircly contiimcd by firo Sunday evening. They were not at home at the time of the fire but carried some irsuranco on their household goods. II. A. Roerig, Burlington Claim Agent from Denver, was in the city Thursday attending to some business matters. Leon C. Engelhardt of Bluo Hill and Miss Ethel A. Cliffton of Dc wecso were granted a marriago li cense Tuesday. r lira. F. N. Wells, returned to her liomo at L'incolri Wednesday! morning after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C Toe'l. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Foe arc the The annual meeting of the Congre gational church for reports nnd tho election of officers will bo htdtl next Friday evening beginning nt G:45. This will be followed by a social to which all families of the church nnd congre gation are cordially invited. Light re frcshmenm will be served. Baptist Church Notes Sunday School at 10 a. in. Morning Services at ll h. m Morning subjoot "The Light that Failed". , , parents of a baby boy bom Sunday At the evening hour.7:30 the pastor The young man has been named ' will spenk on "Japan, her past, and Adrian Alan 'Foe. r .mtf- what Christianity has done for her , ' f I i - G. Britton people". went Mr. and Mrs. D. to Smith Center, Kansas', Tuesday morning to spend a few days with relatives and friends. Rev. Fred J. Newland iWor. T. W. Edson and Mrs. Ella F. Church of Tontine, Illinois, in tho presence of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. D. Ed son, were united in marriage Sunday by Rov. Ncwland. , - Exhilarating BURLESK and VAUDEVILLE F'VJAImvf rilled villhrrsnvairl.. Funny Clomi, ! I'j.0ATiVai',ie!.,,''l1" saia Fnvlrotinunt. MAIINEC DAILY, 2:15; tVKGS S;30 eVBRynOoy COESl ASK ANYDOOY f.lway tho Cjes 1 anil Bsst Stiow Vsst ol Chlcojo Total MAim.iTii:s t'apltal Htock paid in Surplus Iniul ... . . .... I IlltlVlllcil (I'DlltH llllllVtlltlllllll.pOHltM mibjeot to check , DlmiimikI ccrtlllcattR ol ilcpof.1' Tliuo eerlllli'itti'M ol deposit Von h unit Mils rc-dl.scountcd Hill p:iyitilu Hopnsltors' liuiiriuily fund !J0J,ftd.i;i . S 2."),tXX).00 lo.uoo.oo .. 12,U75. 101,70)87 SW.00 riT.fitiw IM,rt)'.W none none t.'.ill.OH Total s &w.i;.m STAT (Jl' NT.IIIIASICA, I K ( (unity of wcliMter. ( I, S. I!. I'l.iiitAsei:. cnNhler of Hie iiIkivp niiiiieil liauU. do hiTuliy Hwuiir that thealiove Htateincnt Imu correct anil true cony ol the report niailo to the State IUiiiUIiik llonnl. S. It. I'l.Olt SUK, AiTitsr: Cashier. .S. It. l-'l.oli.Nri'. Director, r. .1. 1'oi-i:. Director. Subscribed and Hworn to Imtoro mo tbln lltli ilny of Jannnry lli'ii. skai.1 (Ico. W. Itutchlson Notary Public. Report of the Condition OK Tin: Bank of Inavalc of Innvnle thnrter No. 705 In ihr. Stntr of Nebrnskn nt lh close of business Dec. 31, 1921.. IIKSOUIICKS Loans and Discounts . iUS1X Overdrafts . 2,2.TJ.li7 llonds, fiCciirltlrs,Jii(lmcntH, clnluiH etc., Including all K'vcrnincnt bonds n,r.!in.Ki flnnkliiR house, fiirnlturu & fixtures I!, W 1.00 Current ex pt'iif.ei, taxes and Inter est paid .. . . 2,473.31 Duo from national and state banks m.OIIUH Currency ... "Irt.00 (Sold coin 70.00 Silver, nickels and ccntB GI0.30 IH.4m.48 Total r: , S I.IAIIII.1TIKM ('ajiltal stock paid In yS 10,000.0(1 Surplus fund lo.oon.oo Undivided prollts H.:iJ0.UI Individual dcposllH subject , tp cbeck , 73.0!)M7 TlmoccrtlrlCiitcsofdoposIt 3.V(W8.70 IC8,lir.07 Hills pnyub o , '.. 21,000.00 Depositor's Rimninty fund ."! . 411. It! Leaders1 Expect Bonus Bill Will Pass by March WuRhlnirtoti. .Ttn D "Soldier bonus iiefnrn the einl of Manih," Is to bo th slofjun nf liouso mill semiln leailors, who this week will helii work on the. loin! deliiveil plan for eoinpetiHiitlon to World war veterans With I'rehhleiit HHnlliiff flnully nnd letlnitcly coinmlited to the bonus coii(msliitial leaders who nttentled the White linuse dinner Saturday nlpht, stated Suiiiluy tlntt untiling Htood in the way of urly honus IcKl-tiitlon. It wih the preslilentV poisiiiml lutercosH-j Ion lust fall which piKUoiiholi'tl the ml i jiistnil coiupi'n-.ittliin bill in the fcenate fier it liiul nasseil tho house, ly mi ovHi'wIiuliiiimt majority , The oppnMiinii In tho exeeutivo Is ov a thlny of the post, and tho onlv ' question ooiifioiillntf the iiiltuliiistia I lion Is 'Miow can we fills" the inoncvV'' Tho pluii which luiiueillaiely sin...' esteil itself ns plneinj,' the lenst hi ruin . upon the tieiisiirv w .s to ow lefunil-' i. jj of the SIOOiO.' OM). ) roieljn debt to ini'i-i the bonus p lymonts Wlioiheror n t -nob a M'hi'iun Is feiisiiic will bo ilie'ileil this vveeU, when CtiainiHii l-'oidnov ninl th lions,, vviiys and ineiins coininitiee will tnei t in piepnio n tentiitive draft or bonus legislation. Tiiesduy't, Hunter Post, Assessment'is Made On Banks of State Besse Auditoi ium RED CLOUD V The Famous CHASE-LISTER THEATRE COMPANY ("You All Know Mo, Al") EIGHT BIG NIGHTS Beginning Sunday, Jan. 15th ' ' ,,,. Our Own Orchestra, Our Own New Vaudeville Our Own Special Scenery. Note The Prices 10 And 30 Cents I- Total ?irJ,SK!7.(il STATK OK N'Klllt ASK A, county of Webster I. O. It. Mci'rary Oanhler of tho above untie oil liitnl: do lieroby he:ir that tho above Rlateiiieiit Ihii rorr(,'Ctniiil,triiii.eI(kpv of tlm n port niailo to tne&t'nto Ihuiklnic 'iroanl. !. It. .MecKAIlV, . CiiHliler. tli-Ht: cimrles Hunter, Director. Alfrul Mrrnll. Dlircli-r. Hitlwcrlbed ami swora to before inn tliln 11th day of January IM'il. t'. M, Slinnvooil (Scab. Notary Pulillo COUNTY CONVENTION OF WOMAN'S CLUBS The County Convention of Woman's Clubs will he held in tho Guide Rock Baptist clnirch on Tuesday, January 17th. Morninp; session nt 10:00 o'clock. Tho following is the' program: Invocation Kev. Charles F. Lusch or. Music Mr3. J. M. Itawlings, Guide Rock. Address of Welcome Mrs. J. L. Whalcy, President, Guide Rock. Response Mrs. E. M. Ego, Red Cloud. Club Activities Mrs. L. II. Hunter, Guide Rock. Reading Selected, Mrs. Florence Bean, Inavalc. Paper The Woman's Club Move ment, Mrs. Mary McCiill, Red Cloud. Vocal Solo, My Heart nt thy Dear Voice, from Samson and Delilah Mrs. Ruth Gcllstly, Rod Cloud. From 12:00 to 1:30, Lunch served by Guide Rock Club Violin Solo Mr. S. Hardman, Red Cloud, (a) Cavntina, Raff; (b) Sou venir, Drdla. County Conventions Mrs. E. E. Burr, Guide Rock. History of our Club Mrs. I. A. Pace, Guide Rock. , . Music, Duct-yMestlames Emil Shimic and Harry Davis, W. C. Club. Paper Tho Conference for the Limitation of Armament, Mrs Nora Schofield, Inavalc. Report of "21" Club Miss Jessie McCallum, Guide Rock. Report of Club Mrs. Charles Wehrly, H. C. Club. Address Mrs. A. J. Jenison, Har vard, President Fifth District. Reading, The Palatine, Willa Sei bcrt Crather Mrs. Ethel Kailey, Red Cloud. Address Mrs. Edgar B. Penny, State President N. F. W. C. Vocal Soio- Guidc Rock -Mr. E. C. 'Moranvillc, Mrs. Elton Popo went to Washing ton, Kansas Friday M.irning to visit her parents for n few weeks. Sunday Night. Jan. 15th, Oliver Morosco's Great Comedy 'THE BRAT." One year solid in New York. Six months in Chicago. Temptation Prices Children 10c Adults 30c Includes tho tax. Change of play and vaudeville every performance California VIA THE Lincoln, Ni'hriishu. .Innuary 7th To bring lln state Intuit unmanly fund ilinlucd of nearly SJ.000,(KK1 liming the lut two ymrs by thirty bank fnllurcH, up to this Icuiil 1 per Dent of iivoriigu nifKri'pitc dMpo.sltB, Hid stnto depart ttiHiit of trade and commerce has just mini a spet lal $!,4f0,'.!Gl ML'ainst the 1)80 stHie butihn in Nebras ka At tho mi mo time thu depart metit IhvUmI the riKulr semi-annual assess, meiitof one twentieth of 1 per cent which brmus $100,091 C3 more Into thu fund. The fund is now bnlntered from S7.ti,o:i." r.o up t 8a.3Mi.47o o:i AvoiMce deposits in all the banks for tu hlx months I'lidi' g last November on which thu assessments Were made amounted to 82lll,o:il.8uO.'IO In addition to n-gulur assessments which tho law fixo- at one twentieth of I per cent, to he made twiee a year until tho fund shall have reneheil one' and n half per cent of deposit, four special assessments have been levied since lOli). All of tliMn were to tiling the fund tip to the required 1 per emit, Tim four levies were: UeceuibtiK, 111 l J) s:u,(MS:ir December, 1!20 ,'ll(i 8l I .'12 June, .HWl firs.8.-:i 'JO .Innuary ID2V5 ' I, Iftll.'tJl !ii Burlington the daylight scenic route Through Colorado-takes a little longer, costs no more and is "The route beyond compare if you have the time to spare. Got tho facts before completing your plans. N. B. BUSH Ticket Agent Ivory Handles. When the Ivory handles of your knives become spotted no over them once In n while with wet linking soda nnd dry qtilelcly with a clean, soft cloth. Never put Ivory In water; It will turn It dark. Got Name From Its Tall. The Kipilrnl derived Its nnipc from Its tull. The word copies from tho Greek sklovrus; skin, a bhndow, and ourn, n tall. So that a bqulrrel Is tho animal which shades llsolf by Its tall. i n m m a i M I i m m m i ., rice Smashing- Bargains For the month of JANUARY ONLY!- BIG "CUT PRICE" on Winter Goods Before Invoicing. To clean up on all winter goods will make the following cuts: i FURS KwWJAlkK iv M? Tp clean up on furs will make a 25 Reduction These were priced low in the first place and this rcdiinUon makes them lower than U.oy coyld be bought at wholesale. Come in and make your choice while the stock is complete Outing Gowns Do not want to carry any outing gowns over as I am crowded for space so my loss is your gain. While they last all go at $SY3ao DisCOTElt . Winter Gloves and Mittens Wool hose Fleece hose Wool dress goods Winter underwear All other winter goods this month at 20 Discount ; '( U ) y,i Vl IL. 'SI 1!!U W.1 r.vww 1 ''jts' " ..' t v DarDara rnares "The Woman's Store" Red Cloud, Nebraska iitiiiiiiiiiiiaaiiiaiiitiiiiiBiiiniii wi