clfpp: t- vwwv vww i 1, i . i .SM a ,i - " tftalo llUloilcnl Sot ii ly j IdllUUllI it, j.jB.i.ajgsg- - y?" t S5Sf ' M M M .-.. .. rrr-Trr nfc &jaK"4girg4y 3s. fj grj :ar. . van - - .-7. ,;;ss . i-.L . A Newspaper That (lives The Kens Fifty-two Weeks Ench Year For $1.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JANUARY 12. 1922 i--wnn'iBrijwM:aiiciaigiaacanM WJ3 fcYtamwicipgjwwMwCTjainMCTMmr Are You Buying Dependable COAL? That is The Kind We Sell Malone Gellatly Co. il I J. N. Havel Purchases COUNTY COM MISSIONEUb i TUAVSAH' MITfri IH'SIVIWS Exide Battery Station, flll! . . , -f. , , i A 11IO UUIll bllU VUllU JIAtM IWl lilt ,, , , ,, ,, . . . 'first statue meeting of the jcar the Tills week It. C. Hurtlon, who has , . . . ' , . , b.e.ilt.ol,u.v.. of the Kxl.K- lJUtery County I oanl of Commissioner met Station for the imst several moiilm., l,lt 10 Clck " m' w,th a" membcra sold the business to . I N Havel who, wvuvi S js TPI (fA fr vJla wi m artm'tr it wn kjPM.u. , m. &&. That we follow the market on groceries and are selling: Post Toasties at OC Cream of Wheat 30C Shreded Wheat fl. 1 i 5C Large Pork and Beans fiiOG Mcdi,unrPork and Beans'..- wG Small Pork and Beans, 2 for ZOO Crushed Pineapple, solid pack in gallons, extra fine Don't pay 30c for half lb. Heashey Cocoa, when we will sell you 2 lbs. just as good or better, for Extra fancy dry apricots per. lb &0C Security Food Compound for calves or pigs contains every element necessary, for their healthy growth that the cream contains. Besides being an ideal food it acts as a tonic, giving strength and vitality. A small amount of Security Food mixed with skimmed milk gives surprising results. A special offer to prove its merits To get you to using this food we are going to make a special price of 54 for a 25 pound pail, the regular price of which is $5. We also have the Buttermilk Hog Builder. A trial will convince you. The Farmers Union RED CLOUD, NEBR. litis taken p(ise,sdnti. Mr Iliivcl litis woiked for Heveral imvn in tlio Uf. Cerent pinnies of this city and is tu every way fittotl to tiikn cuu of the clootrlual troubles of tlio patrons of the htutioti Tlio Chief alone with tlio business men aroRliul to weleomo John Into business eiu-les ,itiin. Mr. Biif don bus niinl no ilefinito plans for his fnme autlvitks Crabill's Barn Burned Down Tuesday evening at !):!.") Hie L. M, Ciabill lively b.un on I-'ast Koiiilh avenue, one of the old land uiiiiks of the I'ity, eaulit on lire and whs binn ed entirely to the jji ontid Tnis build in); was used bj Mr Ciabill as a stih. in?o bain foi" hjs stieet cars anil also as ii livery for many veins, and for 'tlio past few months It bus been vaeabt As soon as the (lie bell iiiiik tho tlio tm-n ic-poudcd (piiekly and by tliilr 3fforts tlio old Holland House and tho Cottage Ofooerj were s-uvd. Grn)t Turner had his hoisu di.uvn heaiscnnd Mr Ciabill bad mi old heaisc and cab stoied in the burn. KiTtpen hundred (lollais insurance was c.irriod on tlio Iiiitlclititr and tho contvlits. Tim butk' nig was practically consiiined before tbe alarm could be ivcu and there is little doubt bid that the tlio was of lin-vm'. iary origin. DISTRICT COURT WAS IN SESSION ON WEDNESDAY Judge Dihvorth, with Court Report er Dorsey Bainl held n short session of district court here Wednesday. The cases disposed of arc as follows: Al'cc Bessie Mcintosh vs Edgar Mcintosh, defendant given ten dayB to file amended answer and present. Meeting called to order uy the County Clerk. On Motion C. A. Wal do was re-elected chairman of the Board for tho year 19122. Board adjouned to 10 o'clock p. m. Boatd reconvened at 1 p. m. all members present. Chairman Waldo appointed the fol lowing committees for the year. Bridge Committe District No. 1 Chaplin, Shidler and Stumphcnhorst. Tlrulirn fVimmifinn nirctvief Mn '.' Stumpl.enliorst, Waldo and Crowcll. Biidgc Committee District No. J Waldo, Stumphcnhorst and Crowcll. Bridge Committee District Mo, -1 Crowcll, Waldo and Shidler. Bridge Committee District No. ii Shidler Crowcll and Waldo. Committee to check County Trea surer's office Chaplin, Crowcll and Waldo. Committee to check all other Coun ty Officers Shidler and Stumphcn horst. Poor Farm Committee Crowcll, Stumphcnhorst and Chaplin. On motion the sum of 100 was allowed the six newspapers of the county for publishing tho Commis sioners proceedings for thc.ycar 1022. Same 'to lie divided equully between the six papers. County Treasurer's Semi-Annual statements to bo pubiiuhed by the Blue Hill Leader and the Commercial Advertiser same to ho published at one-half the legal rates. Deliquent Tax-List to bo published by the lied Cloud Chief and the Bladen Enterprise. Same to be pub lished at one-half the legal rate. Motion ntade and carried that the Budget of expense necessary for the office of County Agent for the year cross 1921 be approved as filed with tho I County Clerk by the Webster County petition. The Clarke Buchanan Co. vs James Farm Bureau. E. Harris ct al, settled and dismissed, j A motion was made and carried Luther C. Brown vs Williard A. that tho County Clerk bo instructed Brown, Intcrvenor given ten days to to advertise for Bridge Bids for tho plead. Effio Holcomb vs John Holcomb, settled and dismissed. John A. Elliott vs William Gulshell, forcclosers decree. year 1922. There being no bids filed for printing and stationery each officer was instructed to buy their necessary supplies in tho open market where Chas. K. Bessie vs Cora E. Brcrcton ever they can 'to tho best advantage ct al, action revived in name of J. W. of the County. Auld, Administrator " On motion made and carried tho D. W. & F. G. Turnure et al vs County Superintendent was allowed n Board of Equalization, settled and sum not to exceed ?8ti0 for office dismissed. , help and expenses for the year 102i:. F. G. Tumure & Son vs Board of Motion made and carried that the Equalization, findincr as to value as County Assessor be allowed a sum HARNESS and SADDLERY Back to Pre-War Prices Come in and see for yourself our exceptional values. Harness ancfte'ather goods of all kinds oiled and repaired Fogel Bldfj. J. 0. BUTLE Red Cloud Nebraska fixed by Board of Equalization. Grace Church Services Second Sunday after Dpiphamy Sunday Hohool at 10 a m. Morninir Servicn with Sermon Itev. .7. M. Bates at It n. m. No nveninc Sorvica Como and worship (tod in His Sanctis nry. hy not to exceed 350 for office help for 1922. Motion made and carried that tho County Judge be allowed the sum of $000 for clerk hire in his office tor 1922 . On motion made and carried the following estimate of expenses for Webster county for. the year 1922 was made and adopted. Soldiers Relief Poor Tho Booster dinner ananicod by the. Mother's Pensions special committee, of tho CliumliBr of Assessor and Deputies Commerce will tnlco plueo nt tho Royal , County Board and Equal- 200.00 2300.00 1500.00 4000.00 Hotl on Friday cvBiiing nt 7 oVlouk, An effort is being tnado to beeino Mr. , yVUVAVVVWV-V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VVV.V.V.VV.".V.V.".VAVJ-AA : Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack Amack & Amack i UNDRRTAKIMH BOTH PHONES RED CLOUDNEB I. T. AMACK-Pi IONE 1ND. 76M ization , County Attorney's office Adum Biecdti of the Hastings Trlbuno 'Books and Stationery .- District Court Co. Supt. offico Co. Highway Commis sioners Co. Agricultural Societies.. for an address Tho oiliuers of tho Red Cloud Flro Department stato that the next fire that breaks out in tho business district of this city a strong roport will bo sent to tho State Firo Marshal concerning Co. Agent's pffice tho building nnd th owner of same. Incidentals An occasional Hro is to bo expected, Elections - but during tlio past few montha flr-s Bridges have beun entirely too niimoiouH to be Roadti , consistent with tho slzo of tho city, Hnd they luiva to tlnht flro with equip- merit tho nice, of which has long been 4750.00 1500.00 2000.00 4000.00 2500.00 1200.00 2000.00 3825.00 13225.00 3000.00 27000.00 27000.00 $100000.00 On motion made and carried tho Total discuided iy towns inuoli smaller than County Treasurer wns instructed to thin, The feeling is uiimilnioun (.hut striko off tho $10 000.00 tnortimnro this city can and should afford modern given in by D. L. Daily on his 1921 0flM,PmoDt' ' (Continued on page 8) NUMBER 2. $1 iBanmnaaBnaa 40 One of Each $2.75 While the present stock lasts I am offering two bargains. A guaranteed watch with unbreakable crystal - - - - $ 1 .40 A guaranteed alarm clock - - $ 8 o40 These are both special values at the prices. Also a very few guaranteed eight day alarm clocks at the right price. We Make 'Quality' Right Then the PricelRight I B.fl. DJewhouse Red cioud Jeweler and Optometrist Nebraska GENERAL CONTRACTOR We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work. Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. We build screen doors and window screens and do ca'rpcnter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY Shop first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phone 72N FOR 110 BUSHELS OF WHEAT Left at the Red Cloud Elevator, and Credited to My Account,' You Can Have Your Choice of a SOUTH BEND OR COPPERCLAD RANGE The Above Price Are Less Than These Ranges Can be Laid Down For in My Store Today. Thcso Ranges Will Not be Reduced in Price. This Offer is Good Only For The Stock I Have Now on Hand. TRINE'S HARDWARE Tl