The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 05, 1922, Image 6
RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF BHTM THE QREEN PEA PIRATES By PETER B. KYNE oAuthor of "WEBSTER MAN'S MAN," "THE VALLEY OF THE GIANTS," Etc. Coprrfchl. Iy VtUt B. Itjrn 6CRAGQS IS ONE LUCKY SEA DOQ. Synopsis. CaptaJn Mitneat P. BcrABBS hail itrown up around tho docks of Ban Francisco, and from mess boy on a river learner, risen to tho ownership of the steamer Mftffsle. Blnco each nnnuul In spection promised to be the last of the old weatherbeaten vessol, Bcrajfics naturally has some dlftlculty In soourlnic a crow. When the utory opens, Adelbert P. Qlbncy, Ilknble, but erratic, a man whom nobody but. flcrntrna would hire, Is the skipper, Nells Halvorsen, a solemn Swede, consti tute the forcaatle hands, and Hart Mc Guffey a wastrel of the dlbnoy type, roiffna In tho onRlne room. With this motlpy crew and hla ancient vessel, Cap tain Scrairca la engaged In frelehtlnR Rnr dor. truck from Hnlfmoon bay to Ban Krnnnlsco. Tlio Inevitable hoppenn, the MaRRio KoImk ashore In a foe. A piiBilnij vessel hailing tho wreck, Mr. Glbney pels word to a towing company In Ban Kranclaco that the ship aalioro In the Yankee Prince, with promise of a rlrti unlvflRO. Two tuna succeed In pullltm thn MttRRle Into. deep water, and she slips lior tow linen and Rota away In the fog Furious at tho deception practised on Uiem, Captain HJckn and Flaherty, com manding the two tugboats, ascertain the Identity of the "Yankee Prince" and, fear ing ridicule ahould tho facts become known atonic the water front, determine on personal vengennco. Their hostile visit to tho MagRle results In Captain BcraRRs promising to get a new boiler and make needed repairs to Uie steamer. CHAPTER V. A week had elapsed and nothing of nn eventful nnturu had transpired to disturb tho routine of life nbonrd tho Maggie, until Bartholomew McGuffey, having heard certain waterfront wills pcrs, considered It the part of pru dence to lay his 'Information before Kcrnggs and Mr. O.lbney. "Look here, Scraggs," he began briskly. "It's nil line an' dandy to promise me a new holler, but when do I git itr "Why, Jos' ns soon as wc can Ret tliis glut o' freight behind us, Hart, my hoy You've managed with the old holler this Ions, ko It 'pears to me yon might he patient an' hear with It n mile longer, Hart." "Oh, T nln't tryln' to he disagreeable. Scrnggs, only It sort o' worries me to have to go along without beln' nble to use our whistle." "We'll fix It when himlncss slacks up," Scraggs decided with finality. lie glanced nt his watch. "Sufferln' sailor I" he cried to slmulnted dis tress. "Here It's one o'clock an' I nln't collected a dollar o' tho freight money frojn the last voyage. I must beat It." When Captain Scruggs hnd "beaten It," Glhnoy nnd McGuffey exchanged expressive glances. "lie's mnnln' out on us," McGuffoy complained. "Even so, Karl, even so. Therefore, the thing for us to do Is to run out on him. In other words, we'll work a month, savo our money, an' then, with out a word o' complaint or nrgyment, we'll wnllc out." "Oh. I ain't exactly, broke, Gib. I Kot eighty-five dollars.',' "Then," quoth Glhney decisively, "we'll ro on strike tonight. ScraRgsy'll ,ho Btuck In port a week before he can get nnother engineer nn another nnvl gatln' ofllcer, me nn' you beln' the only two natural-horn fools In San Francisco an' ports adjacent, an be fore three days hnvo passed he'll be huntln' us up to compromise." "I don't want no compromise. 'What I want la n new boiler." "You'll Rlt It. We'll make him order the paint an' the boiler an' pay for both In advance before wc'U agree to go bnck to work." Tho engineer nodded his approval and after Healing their pact with a licarty handshake, they turned to and commenced discharging the Maggie. When Captain Scrnggs returned to the little Hteamer shortly after five o'clock, to his great amazement, be discovered Mr. Glbncy nnd McGuffey dressed In their other suits Including celluloid collars nnd cuffs. "The cargo's out, Scraggsy, my son, the decks lias been washed down an' everything In my department Is ship. Minpc." Thus Mr. Glbncy. , "Likewise In mine," McGuffey added. "Consequently," Mr. Glbncy con cluded, "wo'ro qulttln' the Maggie an' If It's all the samo to you we'U hnve our time." "My tlcnr Gib. Why, whatevcr's como over you two boys?" "Stow your chatter, Scrnggs. Shell out the cash. Yeu've fooled us once In tho mntter o that new boiler an' the palntln', an' we're not goln' to give you a second chnncc. Come through or take tho consequences. We'll sail no more with a liar an' a fraud." "Them's hard words, Mr. Glbney." "Die truth Is nUers bitter," McGuf fey opined. Captain Scraggs paused to consider the eerlous predicament which con fronted him. It was Saturday night. He know Mr. McGuffey to be tho pos sessor of moro money than usunl and If he could assure himself that this reserve should be dissipated before Monday morning he was aware, from experience, that the strike would be broken by Tuesday at the latest. And he could afford that delay. He re solved, therefore, on diplomacy. "Well, I'm sorry," ho answered with every appeuranco of contrition. "You fellers got me In tho nine-hole an' I pa n't help myself. At tho same time. I appreciate fully your p'lut of view, while reallzln' that I can't convince you o mine. So we won't hnve no hard fceJIn's nt purtln', boys, an' to show you I'm a sport I'll treat to a French dinner nn' a motion picture Rhow afterward. Further. I ahull re gard a refusul of said Invite us a pcrs'iial affront." "By golly, you're glttln' sporty In your old age," the engineer declared. "I'll go you, Scruggs. How about you, Gib?" "I accept with thanks, Scraggsy, old tarpot. Personally, I maintain that seamen should leavo their troubles aboard ship." "That's the sperrlt I nppreclate, boys. Come to the cubln nn' I'll pay you off. Then wait a coupler min utes till I shift Into my glad rags nn' away we'll go, like Paddy Ford's gont on our own hook," "Old Sorngg8y8 ns cunnln' as n pet fox, ain't he?" the new nnvlgatlng olll cor whispered as Scrnggs departed for his other suit. "He's goln' to blow himself on us tonight, thlnkln' to soften our hnrd resolution. We'll fool him. Take nil he gives us, but stuud put, Bart." Bart nodded. Ills wns one of those sturdy natures that could always be depended upon to play the game, win, lose or draw. As n preliminary move, Captain ScruRgs declnred In l'uvor of n couple of cocktnlls to whet their appetites for the French dinner, nnd according ly the trio repaired to an adjacent saloon and tucked three each under their belts all nt Captain Scraggs' expense. When he proposed n fourth. Mr. Glhney's perfect sportsmnnshlp caused him to protest, and reluctnntly Captain Scraggs permitted Glbney to buy. Scraggs decided to hnve u cigar, however. Instead of another Martini. The ethics of the situation then Indi cated that McGuffey should "set 'em nip," which he did over Captain Scraggs' protest nnd again the wary Scraggs called for a cigar, nlleglng n an excuse for his wenkness that for years three cocktails before dinner hnd been his absolute limit. A fourth cock- tall on an empty stomach, he declared, would kill the evening for him. But why descend to sordid nnd vul gar details? Suffice that when the artful Scrnggs, pretending to be over come by his potations and very III Into the bargain, hedged to le delivered back aboard the Maggie, Messrs. Mc Guffey nnd Glbney loaded him Into a taxlcab nnd sent him there, while they continued their search for excite ment. Where and how they found It' requires no elucidation here: It Is st'fllclent to state that It was ex pensive, for when men of the Glbney and McGuffey type hnve once gotten a fair stnrt naught but financial dissolu tion can stop them. On Monday morning, Messrs. Glb ney nnd McGuffey awoke In Scab Johnny's boarding house. Mr. Glbney awoke first, by renson of the fact that his stomach hammered nt the door of his soul and hade him be up nnd do ing. While his head ached slightly from the fiery usquebaugh of the Bow head Raloon, he craved a return to a solid diet, so for sevornl minutes he lay Biiplne, conjuring In his agile brain ways and means of supplying this need In the absence of ready cash. "I'll have to hock my sextant," wns the conclusion nt which he pres ently nrrlved. Ten minutes Inter he took his sextant under his arm and de parted for a pawnshop In lower Mar ket street. From the pawnshop he re turned to Scab Johnny's with eight dollars In his pocket, routed out the contrite McGuffey, and curried the lat ter off to ham and eggs. They felt better after brenkfast and for the space of an hour lolled at the talvle, discussing their adventures of the post forty-eight hours. "Well, there's one thing certain," McGuffey concluded, "nn that thing Is sure n cinch. Our strike has petered out. Let's mosey along down to tho Mng gle's dock nn' see how Scraggsy's get tin' along." Forthwith they set out to Interview Captain Scrnggs. The owner of the Maggie greeted them cheerily, but nft er discussing generalities for half an hour, Scruggs failed to make over tures, whereupon Mr. Glbney an nounced casually that he guessed ho and Mac would be on their way. "Same here, boys," Captain Scrnggs piped breezily. "I got n new mate an' a new engineer comln' nbonrd nt ten o'clock an' we sail nt twelve." "Well, we'll see you occasionally," Mr. Glbney said at parting. "Oh, sure. Don't be strangers. You're always welcome ubonrd the old Maggie," came the careless rejoinder. Somewhat crestfallen, the striking pair repaired to the Bowhead saloon to discuss the sltuntlon over n gloss of beer. However, Mr. Glhney's spirits never dropped below zero while ho had one nickel to rub against another ; hence such slight depression ns be felt was due to n feeling that Cnptaln Scruggs had basely swindled him and McGuffey. He wns dlsnppolnted In Scrnggs and said as much. "How ever, Bart," ho concluded, "well never say 'die' while our money holds out, and In the menntlme our luck may have changed. Lot's scatter around and try to locate some kind of a Job; then when them new employees o' Scrnggsy quit or get fired whlch'll be qfter nbout two voyages nn' the old wait cornea nround uoldln' out the olive branch o' pence, we'll give him the horselaugh." Three days of diligent search failed to uncover the coveted Job for either, however, and on the morning of the fourth day Mr. Glbney announced that It would bo necessary to "raise the wind," If tho pair would breakfast. They retired to the sidewalk to hold a caucus and Mr. McGuffey located a dime which hnd dropped down Inside the lining of his coat. "Thut settles It," aibney declared. "We've skipped two meals but I'll be durned If wc skip nnother. We'll ride out to the San Mnteo county line on the trolley with thut dime nn' then hoof It over the hills to Hnlfmoon bny. Scraggs won't git away from the dock here un til ufter twelve o'clock, so we know he'll lie nt Ualfmoon bay all night. If we start now we'll connect with him lu time for snpper. Eh, Bart?" "A twenty-mile hike on a tee-totnlly empty stomach, with n battle royal on our hands the minute wo arrive, weak an' dcstltoote, ain't quite my Idea o' enjoyment, Gib, but I'll go you if It kills me. Lot's up hook nn' away. I'm for glttln' back to work nn' uslu' moral persuasion to git that new holler." They took a bitch In their belts and started. From the point nt which they left the trolley to their Journey's end was n stiff six-hour Jaunt, up hill and down dale, and long before the march wns half completed the unaccustomed exorcise hnd developed sundry galls und blisters on the Glbney heels, while the soles of poor McGuffey's feet were so hot he voiced the apprehension that they might burn to n crisp at any mo ment nnd drop off by tho wnyslde. The crew of the Maggie had ceased working cargo for the day and Cap tain Scraggs was. busy cooking supper In the galley when the two prodigals, exhausted, crippled nnd repentant, came to the door and coughed propi tiously, but Captain Scrnggs pretended not to hear, and went ob with' his task of turning fried eggs with an artistic lllp of the frying pan. So Mr. Glb ney spoke, struggling bravely to ap pear nonchnlnnt With his eyes on the fried eggs and his mouth threaten ing to slnver at the glorious sight, he said: "Hello, there, Scraggsy, old tarpot. How goes It with the owner o' tho fast an' commodious stenmer Mnggle? Git that consignment o' post-holes aboard yet?" Sir. Glhney's honest face beamed ex pectantly, for be was particularly par tial to fried eggs. As for his com panion In distress, nnythlng edible and which would serve to nullify the gnuw 'ng nt his lnteninl economy would be welcome. Inasmuch as Captain Scraggs did not readily reply to Mr. Glhney's snlutntlon. McGuffey decided to be more emphatic and to the point, nlbelt In a Joking way. "Hurry up with them eggs, Scrnggs," he rumbled. "Me an' Gib's walked down from the city an' we're hungry. r - dim mv wvwu-rx js m i i zrytmMTrn 1 v ll'fMufl Huijl VTl ti'Uut) I Will Unlit flTflVVi vlk IsBtWl I Ww up - iij 5- Mr. McGuffey Located a Dime Which Had Dropped Down Inside the Lin ing of Hla Coat. Jiuvn D. Rockerfcller'd give n million dollars for my appetite. Fry mine hard, Scrnggsy. I want sometln' solid." "Get off my ship, you murderln' pi rates," Scraggs screamed. "Not till we've et," the practlcal- m I tided engineer retorted. "Even then wo won't get off. Me an' Gib nln't got uny feet left, Scrnggs. If we nnd to walk another step we'd bo crippled for life. Fry my eggs hnrd, 1 tell you." "This Is piracy, men. It's robbery on tho high bcus, an' I can put you over tho rond for It," Scraggs warned them. "Whnfa more, Til do It" "Tho eggs, Scraggsy," bootucd Mr. Glbney, "the eggs." Half an hour later, as the pirates, replcto with provender, sat dangling their damaged underpinning over the stern railing where the gentle wave lets lnved and cooled them, Captain Scraggs, nccompanled by the new nuvl gatlng ofllcer, the new engineer, nnd Tho Squarehead, enmo aft. The crip ples looked up, surveyed their succes sors in ofllec, and found the sight far from reassuring. "I've alreudy ordered you two tramps off'n my ship," Scraggs begau formally, "nn' I hereby, In tho pres ence o' reliable witnesses, repeuts the Invitation. You nln't wanted; your room's preferred to your comp'ny, uu' by stuyln' a minute longer, in defiance o' my orders, you're Inyln' yourselves liable to a charge o piracy." Mr. Glbney carefully laid his pipe usidc and stood up. He was quite an imposing spectacle In his bare feet, with his trousers rolled up to his great knees, thereby revealing his scarlet llaimel undcrdrnwers. With u stilled groan, McGuffey rose und stood beside his partner, nnd Mr. Glbney spoke: "Scrnggs, be reasonable. We alu't Inokln' for trouble; not because we don't relish It, for we do where n couple o' scabs Is concerned, but for the simple reason that we ain't In the best o condition to receive It. al though If you force It on us we'll do our best. If you chuck us off the Mag gie an force us to walk back to Snn Francisco, we're goln' to be reported ns mlssln'. Honest, now, Scraggsy, old side-winder, you ain't goln' to mnroon us here, nlono with the vege tables, arc you?" "You done me dirt. You quit me cold. Git out. '''' can play at u dirty game an' .. dog must hnve his day. This Is my day, Gib. Sent!" "Pers'nnlly," McGuffey announced quietly, "I prefer to die aboard the Mnggle, If I hn to. This ain't raov In' day with B. McGufTey, Esquire." "Them's my sentiments, too, Scrnggsy." "Then defend yourselves. Come on, lads. Bear a baud nn' we'll bounce these muckers ovcrbonrd." The Squarehead hung buck, having no in tention of waging war upon his late comrades, but the engineer and the new navigating ofllcer stepped briskly forward, for they were about to 'fight for their Jobs. Mr. Glbney halted the advance by lifting both great hands In n deprecntory manner. "For heaven's sake, Scraggsy, have n heart. Don't force us to murder you. If we're peaceable, what's to prevent you from glvln' us n passage bnck to San Francisco, where we're known nn' where we'll huve at least n flghtln' chance to git somethln' to cat occasionally?" "You know mighty well what's to prevent me, Gib. I ain't got no pas senger license, an' I'll be keel-hauled an' skull-dragged If I fall for your cute little game, my son. I nln't lnylu' myself liable to a line from the Inspec tors nn' mnybe have my ticket book took away to boot." "Enough of this gab," Mr. Glbney roared. "My patience Is exhausted. I'm dog-tired an' I'm goln' to have peace If I have to fight for It. Me an' Bart stays aboard the steamer Maggie until she geLs back to Frisco town of until we're hove overboard lu the In terim by the weight of numbers. An' If nuy man, or bet o' male bipeds that calls thclrselves men, Is so foolish as to try to evict us from this packet, then nil I got to say Is that they're trlllln' with death. I got my arms left, even if my feet Is on the fritz, Scrnggs," he continued, "an' If you stnrt nnythlng I'll hug you an' your crew to death. I'm a rlp-ronrln' griz zly bear oncu I'm started un' there's such a thing as drlvln' a man to des peration." The bluff worked! Cnptnln Scraggs turned to his retainers and with a condescending nnd paternal smile, Mild: "Boys, let's give the dumb fools their own way. If they insist upon tukln' forcible possession o' my ship on the high seus, there's only one name for the crime nn' that's piracy, punishable by hnngln' from the yard- arm, we u just iei em suiy uuimru an' turn 'em over to the police when we git back to the city." lie started for hs cabin and the new, vastly relieved, followed him. The pirates w.ce more sat down nnd permitted their hot feet to loll over board. About ten o'clock next morning the little vessel completed taking on her cargo, the lines were cast off, and tho homeward MiyfiRO was begun. Messrs. Glbney nnd McGuffey were seated on the stern bltts ns tho Maggie came abrenst the Point Montnrn fog signnl station, when Mr. Glbney observed a long telescope poking out tho side win dow of the pilot house, and following the direction In which the telescope was pointing he mnde out n largo bark standing In dnngerously close to tho bench. In fact, tho breakers were turn bl)ng In n long white streak over tho reefs less than a quarter of a mile from tier. In an Instnnt all wns excitement nboard the Maggie. "That looks llko mi elegant little pick-up. She's plumb gating ofllcer. "I don't see any distress signals flylu' an' yet she's got nn anchor out while her canvas Is hangln' so-so." "If she hnd nny hands nbonrd, you'd think they'd liuvq sense enough to clew up her courses," the mate an swered. At this Juncture, Mr. Glbncy nnd Mcauffcy, unable to restrain their cu riosity, und forgetful of the fact that they were pirates with very sore fet. came running over the dcckload nnd Invaded the pilot house. "Gimme that gluss, you sock-eyed salmon, you," Glb ney ordered Scrnggs, and tore the tcle srope from tho owner's hands. "Hum-in in ! Amcrlcau bark Chesa peake. Starboard anchor out; yards braced n-box; royal nn' to'-gallnn'-s'ls clewed up; courses hnngln' In the huntllncs nn' clow gnrnets, Stnrs-an'-Strlpes upside down." He lowered the glnss and roared nt Nells Hnlvoisen, who wns nt the wheel, "Sturbnard your helm, Square- "I'll Hug You and Your Death." Crew to head. Don't be afraid of her. We're goln' over there an' hook on to her. I should say she Is a pick-up !" Mr. Glbuey had abdicated us n pi rate and assumed command of the S. S. Maggie. With tho memory of n scant breakfast upon him, however, Captain Scraggs was still harsh and bitter. "Git out o' my pilot house an aft where the police can find you when they como looklu' for you," he screeched. "Don't you give no orders to my deckhand." "Stow it, you uss. Yondcr's a prize, but It'll require Imagination to win It; consequently you need Adelbert P. Glbney In your business, If you're con tcmplatln' hookln' on to that bark, snakln' her Into San Francisco bny, an' llbelln' her for ten thousand dollnrs' salvage. You nn' Mac an' The Square head hero 'have sailed this strip o' coast too long together to qunrrcl over the first good piece o' salvage we ever run Into. Come, Scraggsy. Be decent, forget the past, an' let'B dig In to getlier." The new nnvlgatlng ofllcer drew .Captain Scrnggs aside nnd whispered In his enr: "Make It up with these Smart Alecks, Scraggs. They got it on us, but If we can send you an Hnl vorsen, McGuffey nnd Glbney over to the bark, you can get some sail on her an' what with the wind helpln' us along, the Maggie can tow her all right." Mr. Glbncy saw by the hopeful, even cunning, look that leaped to Scraggs' eyes that the problem was about to bo solved without recourse to the Glbney Imagination, so he resolved to be alert and not permit himself to be caught out on the end of n limb. "Well Scraggsy?" he demanded. "I guess I need you In my business, Gib. You're right nn I'm. nlways wrong. It's n fnct. I ain't got nc more Imagination than a chicken." 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A girl loves to bu loved by a man whom some other girl loves. Alwatis Plenty of Stretch v no rubber to rot jgy J&XCELLU (TO BE CONTINUED.) Virginia's Claim to Fame. Virginia was termed tho mother of states from the great number of states which wero enrved out of tho territory originally Included under tho name of Virginia, nnd nlso as be ing the first settled and oldest of the orlglual thirteen states of the Unlou. Tho states created out of what was once Vlrglnlnn territory aro Ken tucky, Ohio, ludlnnu and Illinois. Dur ing the Civil wnr the northwestern purt of tho seceded state, which re mained loyal to tho Union, was sepa rated from Virginia, nnd admitted Into I SuspbndbrS Guaranlced0neYear-Prce75 ASkyour artist Tor Nu-Wavor'Excell buaramew MSKraeraLurerc aw nweauoMrarc Accept no substitutes Look for name on buckles! Nu-Way Strech Suspender Ca,HfreJunaar1ieh, rm WflB flaS TvIMfeirr Mi3nmmL4 KODAKS Developing, Printing and Enlarging Lincoln Photo Supply Co. (Knstman Uoduk Co,) Dcpt. K, 1217 O St. Lincoln, Net) But Takes Her Unsolved. Iiert "Woman Is nn enigma. Man can't solvo her." Yvonne "And yet he won't give her up." It Is tho besetting sin of every op timist not to think logically all the time. Stiff hats cover a multitude of soft brains. the Union as a separate state, under deserted," Scrnggs shouted to hU navl-1 the nrae of Wost Virginia. WgMZ Nltiht nnd Morning, Have Strong, Healthy ye.IftueyTire,Itch, ViVrTCMCC Itated. Inflamed or YUUR C.YL3 Granulatcd.useMurine often. Sonthest Refreshes. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Doolc. Mwlse Ert Btmedr Co., CUctft ' fc, ,' t